
Uranium Miners - The Big Picture Just Keeps Getting Better

Uranium Miners - The Big Picture Just Keeps Getting Better

newsfile ·  07/18 20:00

Vancouver, Kelowna, and Delta, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 18, 2024) -, a global investor news source covering mining and metals stocks releases a snapshot looking at the future of uranium mining and exploration, featuring Pegasus Resources Inc. (TSXV: PEGA) (OTC Pink: SLTFF) (FSE: 0QS0), a diversified Junior Canadian Mineral Exploration Company with a focus on uranium, gold, and base metal properties in North America.

貝加思科洛納和三角洲,不列顛哥倫比亞省——(新聞稿-2024年7月18日)——Investorideas.com是一家全球礦業與貴金屬股票投資者新聞來源,發佈了一份短片,展望了鈾礦採掘和勘查的未來,重點介紹了拍馬資源公司(TSXV: PEGA) (OTC Pink: SLTFF) (FSE: 0QS0)。這是一家多元化的加拿大初級礦物探勘公司,專注於北美的鈾、金和基本金屬物業。

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The World Nuclear Association recently reported on the sector noting, "Looking ten years ahead, the market is expected to grow. The Reference Scenario of the 2023 edition of the World Nuclear Association's Nuclear Fuel Report shows a 28% increase in uranium demand over 2023-30 (for an 18% increase in reactor capacity - many new cores will be required). Demand thereafter will depend on new plants being built and the rate at which older plants are retired - the Reference Scenario of the 2023 Nuclear Fuel Report has a 51% increase in uranium demand for the decade 2031-2040. Licensing of plant lifetime extensions and the economic attractiveness of continued operation of older reactors are critical factors in the medium-term uranium market. However, with electricity demand by 2040 potentially increasing by about 50% from that of 2022 (based on the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook 2023 report), there is plenty of scope for growth in nuclear capacity in a world concerned with limiting carbon emissions."


Pegasus Resources Inc. (TSXV: PEGA) (OTC Pink: SLTFF) (FSE: 0QS0) released an update to shareholders and investors on July 12th, saying they are, "excited to enter the third quarter of 2024 with significant developments in our exploration initiatives, particularly with the recent acquisition of the Jupiter Project and ongoing activities at our established Energy Sands project. As we advance these projects, we are positioned to significantly enhance shareholder value through strategic exploration and development."

拍馬資源公司(TSXV:PEGA)(OTC Pink: SLTFF) (FSE: 0QS0)於7月12日向股東和投資者發佈了一份更新,表示“我們很高興進入2024年第三季度,我們的勘探計劃取得了重大進展,特別是最近收購了木星項目和在我們既有的能源沙項目中進行的活動。隨着我們推進這些項目,我們的立場能夠通過戰略性的勘探和開發顯著提高股東價值。”

More from the news: "We are entering an exciting phase of exploration with the recent acquisition of the Jupiter Project and the work completed on the Energy Sands projects," stated Christian Timmins, CEO, "The strategic integration of these projects allows us to leverage extensive historical data and modern geological techniques to maximize our exploration potential. Our dedicated team is focused on advancing these projects rapidly, aiming to enhance our understanding of the mineral resources and expand our operational scope. With our upcoming drill program set to commence this summer, we are confident in our ability to deliver substantial value to our shareholders and reinforce Pegasus Resources' position as a leader in the uranium sector."

更多新聞:首席執行官克里斯蒂安·蒂明斯(Cristian Timmins)表示:“我們正在進入一個充滿活力的勘探階段,最近收購了木星項目和在能源沙地區進行的工作。”“這些項目的戰略整合使我們能夠利用豐富的歷史數據和現代地質技術,最大限度地提高勘探潛力。我們的專業團隊一直專注於快速推進這些項目,旨在提高對礦產資源的理解和擴大我們的運營範圍。隨着我們即將於今年夏天開始的鑽探計劃,我們有信心能夠爲股東帶來實質性價值,並鞏固拍馬資源在鈾行業的領先地位。”

Continued: The year commenced with a successful ground sampling program at Energy Sands in Utah in January 2024. The significant results, announced on March 25, 2024, indicated a favourable environment for uranium mineralization. Following this, we added to our geological understanding by acquiring historical drilling data of the area, which further defined the area's potential. As detailed in our June 04, 2024 news release, analysis conducted by Dahrouge Geological Consulting USA Ltd. identified a trend indicative of paleochannel-hosted mineralization. This significant discovery, aligning with structural measurements and the identified mineralization trends, aids in targeting potential mineral-hosting paleochannels across the property. We have initiated the permitting process and have submitted all necessary documents to launch a summer drilling program.

繼2024年1月在猶他州進行的成功地面採樣項目之後,我們獲得了利於鈾礦化的結果。之後,我們獲得了該地區的歷史鑽井數據,進一步定義了該區域的潛力。正如我們在2024年6月4日的新聞發佈會上詳細介紹的那樣,由達魯吉地質諮詢公司(美國) Ltd. 進行的分析確定了古河道礦化趨勢。這一重大發現與結構測量和已確定的礦化趨勢一致,有助於在整個產權範圍內針對潛在的礦物宿主古河道進行定位。我們已經啓動了許可過程,並提交了所有必要文件,以啓動夏季鑽探計劃。

Continued: Adding to our portfolio, the recent acquisition of the Jupiter Project (July 10, 2024), located 3 km north of Energy Sands, marks a pivotal expansion. Jupiter, boasting over 100 historical drill holes, is an exciting project that uniquely positions Pegasus to expedite the development of a uranium resource estimate. This strategic proximity to Energy Sands and Jupiter provides a significant opportunity for us to use the available historical drill logs and future company drilling programs to better understand the uranium mineralization in the area while looking to find the next discovery. The strategic significance of this acquisition is immense, and we are poised to begin work at Jupiter once we have secured the required permits and funding, and completed the tendering process to acquire the necessary equipment and crews for a summer drilling program, with expectations set on rapidly advancing our exploration and resource development objectives at Jupiter.


As we progress through 2024, Pegasus Resources is actively advancing our exploration initiatives at both the Jupiter Project and Energy Sands, leveraging historical data and recent geological studies to guide resource development.

木星項目:我們在木星項目的勘探方法是全面的,包括同鏈歷史鑽孔、老鑽孔的詳細記錄以及新鑽孔目標的識別。這些努力不僅對擴展已知資源基礎至關重要,還可以爲發現新的礦化帶做出貢獻。我們正在爲木星項目開發一個強大的地質模型,將顯著增強我們的資源開發計劃。利用廣泛的歷史鑽探數據,我們的目標是完善我們的勘探策略並制定滿足當前Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves CIm Definition Standards的資源估計。可用的豐富歷史數據突出了鈾礦化的巨大潛力,爲我們持續的勘探工作打下了堅實的基礎。

Continued: Jupiter Project: Our exploration approach at the Jupiter Project is comprehensive, involving the twinning of historical drill holes, detailed logging of old drill holes, and the identification of new drill targets. These efforts are crucial not only for expanding the known resource base but also for discovering new mineralization zones. We are developing a robust geological model for the Jupiter Project that will substantially enhance our resource development plans. Utilizing extensive historical drilling data, our goal is to refine our exploration strategies and produce a resource estimate that meets the current CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. The wealth of historical data available underscores the considerable potential for uranium mineralization, laying a strong foundation for our ongoing exploration efforts.


Energy Sands: Following a successful ground program in January 2024, which involved a detailed review of historical drill logs, we have moved forward with securing the necessary drilling permits for the Energy Sands project. Once permits are in place, our next steps include initiating the tendering process to source the essential equipment and skilled crews required for a comprehensive summer drilling program. This upcoming program is designed to build upon the insights gained from recent mapping conducted by Dahrouge Geological Consulting USA Ltd. Our focus will be on targeting and further investigating potential mineral-hosting paleochannels that have been identified across the property, aiming to delineate and expand these mineralized zones.


Integrated Exploration Strategy: By synchronizing our exploration strategies at both Jupiter and Energy Sands, Pegasus Resources is effectively harnessing synergies between the two projects. This integrated approach not only streamlines our operational efforts but also enhances our ability to quickly adapt and respond to geological findings as they emerge. The proximity of Jupiter to Energy Sands offers unique opportunities for operational efficiencies and resource sharing, ensuring that our exploration programs are both cost-effective and strategically aligned.


These combined efforts at Jupiter and Energy Sands underscore our commitment to advancing these projects toward their full potential, with the aim of significantly enhancing shareholder value through the discovery and development of valuable uranium resources. As we continue to progress with our drilling and exploration programs, Pegasus Resources remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards of resource estimation and sustainable mining practices.

Pine Channel:位於Athabasca盆地的北側, Pine Channel將於今年夏天進行重力勘測,這個調查將增進我們對該地區的認識,併爲將來的鑽探操作進一步細化目標。這次重力勘測對我們的戰略勘探工作將起到至關重要的作用。

Pine Channel: Located on the north side of the Athabasca Basin, Pine Channel is slated for a gravity survey this summer. This survey will enhance our understanding of the property and refine targets for future drilling operations. The gravity survey will play a crucial role in our strategic exploration efforts.


Continued: As we continue to advance our strategic projects, Pegasus Resources is uniquely positioned in the uranium sector to capitalize on both established and emerging opportunities. Our recent agreements and exploration advancements underscore our commitment to leading the industry in discovery and resource development.


Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. just updated shareholders in May , reporting, "Western continues to ramp up operations to achieve its annualized production target of 1 million pounds of uranium and 6 million pounds of vanadium. Participation in the aforementioned buying program should not hinder the development of an adequate uranium feedstock supply for the Maverick Minerals Processing Plant. Precision Systems Engineering (PSE) is targeting to release the preliminary engineering design and cost estimate in June."

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp.於五月份向股東更新,報道稱:“Western繼續加強業務,以達到年產100萬磅鈾和600萬磅釩的目標。參與前述購買計劃對Maverick礦物加工廠的鈾原料供應的發展不應構成妨礙。工程精密系統(“PSE”)計劃在6月份發佈初步工程設計和成本估算。”

More from the news: At the beginning of 2024 Western expanded the Sunday Mine Complex mining operations by deploying two alternating mining crews and two alternating drilling teams who operate seven days a week. Following the expansion of infrastructure deeper into the West Sunday Mine, the mining teams commenced driving a drift approximately 2,700 feet to the Leonard & Clark deposit. So far, the teams have drifted approximately 317 feet and are now deploying a jumbo drill to increase progress. The drilling teams continue to define additional mining areas utilizing underground horizontal drilling. Between January 25th and March 31st, the team has drilled a total of 8,170 linear feet with 43 long hole drill targets at three separate areas of the GMG deposit.

從新聞中得知:2024年年初,西部擴大了星期天礦業複雜的採礦業務,部署了兩支交替使用的採礦隊和兩支交替使用的鑽探隊,每週七天運行。在基礎設施向西方深入發展之後,採礦團隊開始向倫納德和克拉克(Clive Leonard & Ryan Clark)礦牀駕駛約2700英尺的漂浮。到目前爲止,這些團隊已經漂移了大約317英尺,現在正在部署珍寶鑽機,以加快進展。鑽探隊繼續利用地下水平鑽探技術定義其他開採區域。團隊在1月25日至3月31日之間,在GMG礦牀的三個不同區域共鑽探了8170英尺,有43個長孔鑽探目標。

Anfield Energy Inc., a uranium and vanadium development and near-term production company, recently announced that it has received final approvals for its drill permit application to commence a 20-hole, 20,000-foot rotary drill program at its Slick Rock uranium and vanadium project, located in San Miguel County, Colorado. Permits approvals included the Bureau of Land Management, the Colorado Division of Resources Mining and Safety, and a Special Use Permit from San Miguel County, Colorado to allow access via county roads for the drilling project. The permits allow drilling between the months of June and September. Anfield will use local contractors to complete the drilling.

鈾和釩開發及近期生產公司Anfield Energy Inc. 最近宣佈,它已獲得其鑽探許可申請的最終批准,開始在其位於科羅拉多州聖米格爾縣的Slick Rock鈾和釩項目進行20眼孔、2萬英尺的迴轉鑽探方案。許可證批准包括土地管理局、科羅拉多州資源礦業和安全局,以及聖米格爾縣,允許通過縣道訪問鑽探項目。許可證允許在6月至9月之間鑽探。Anfield將使用本地承包商完成鑽探。

From the news: Anfield expects to commence the drill program in the third quarter of 2024. This is a crucial step in Anfield's plan to secure a large mine permit for Slick Rock as the Company looks towards future uranium and vanadium production.

從新聞中得知:安菲爾德預計在2024年第三季度開始鑽探計劃。這是安菲爾德計劃爲Slick Rock獲得大型採礦許可證的重要一步,該公司將縱向進行未來的評估與鈾和釩生產的規劃。

Continued: Corey Dias, Anfield's CEO commented: "We are very pleased to commence development at Slick Rock as this project is integral to our hub-and-spoke uranium and vanadium production strategy. The 20-hole drill program, which will start during the third quarter of 2024, will allow us to both verify and upgrade our known resource at site and meet the criteria to secure a large mine permit from the appropriate agency. Our aim is to have both the Slick Rock and Velvet-Wood mines ready for production ahead of the restart of the Shootaring Canyon mill, with initial feed ready for transport once the mill is ready to receive it."

續:Anfield的CEO Corey Dias表示:“我們很高興開始在Slick Rock開發項目,因爲該項目是我們輪轂和輻射鈾和釩生產策略的重要組成部分。將於2024年第三季度開始的20個鑽探方案將使我們能夠驗證和升級我們在現場已知的資源,並滿足獲得大型礦山許可證的標準。我們的目標是在Shootaring Canyon廠重新啓動之前,同時準備好Slick Rock和Velvet-Wood礦山,一旦磨坊準備好接收它,初始飼料就已準備就緒。”

Ur-Energy Inc., a well-known, more senior uranium mining company operating the Lost Creek in-situ recovery uranium facility in south-central Wyoming, reported its financial results in May saying, "Ramp-up continues at Lost Creek, with two additional header houses (HHs 2-6 and 2-7) coming online thus far in 2024. During Q1, we captured approximately 38,221 pounds, dried and packaged 39,229 pounds, and shipped 35,445 pounds U3O8. At quarter end, our in-process inventory was approximately 80,465 pounds, our drummed inventory was 26,062 pounds, and our finished inventory at the conversion facility was 79,235 pounds U3O8."

知名的年資更老的鈾礦業公司Ur-Energy Inc.在懷俄明州中南部運營Lost Creek原地回收鈾設施,5月份報告了其財務業績,稱:“在Lost Creek的擴張繼續進行之際,今天迄今爲止兩個附屬建築物(HHs 2-6和2-7)已上線。在第一季度期間,我們捕獲了約38,221磅,乾燥和包裝了39,229磅,並運輸了35,445磅U3O8。季末,我們的未完成庫存約爲80,465磅,我們的裝桶庫存爲26,062磅,我們在轉化設施的成品庫存爲79,235磅U3O8。”

From junior uranium exploration stocks to more established miners, the uranium sector is heating up for investors and one to watch for both short and long term. As Nuclear Engineering reported, "Global uranium prices, which almost doubled in 2023, have continued the trend with further price rises this year."


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