
Baselode Discovers New Zone of Radioactivity Six Kilometres Northeast of ACKIO

Baselode Discovers New Zone of Radioactivity Six Kilometres Northeast of ACKIO

newsfile ·  07/17 18:00
  • Intersected over 30 metres of continuous radioactivity within a massive hydrothermal alteration system
  • New zone discovered on the second drill hole of Hook's regional exploration program, 6 km from ACKIO discovery
  • Demonstrates the fertility of the uranium corridor along Baselode's Hook Project
  • 在一個巨大的熱液蝕變系統中連續30米的放射性交匯。
  • 在胡克區域勘探計劃的第二個鑽孔中發現了新的區域,距ACKIO勘探6公里。
  • 證明了Baselode Hook項目鈾走廊的豐富性。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 17, 2024) - Baselode Energy Corp. (TSXV: FIND) (OTCQB: BSENF) ("Baselode" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the discovery of a new uranium prospect on the Hook project ("Hook") in the Athabasca Basin area of northern Saskatchewan (Figure 1).

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月17日)- Baselode Energy Corp. (tsxv: FIND) (OTCQB: BSENF) (Baselode或公司)很高興宣佈,在北薩斯喀徹溫盆地(圖1)Hook項目(Hook)上發現新的鈾前景。

"We're very excited about this new discovery on Hook, on the second hole of our regional exploration program. HK24-010 intersected over 30 metres of continuous radioactivity at approximately 173 metres vertical depth. This new discovery is hosted within a massive alteration corridor similar in scale to what we have observed at our ACKIO zone 6 km to the southwest. We believe the alteration corridor has mobilized uranium from the host rocks and deposited it within a redox front, similar to what we interpret for HK24-010. We intend to follow-up drilling in this area in the coming weeks after completing exploration drilling in a logistically efficient order on other targets with stronger geophysical anomalisms. Hook's regional exploration aim was to discover new zones of uranium mineralization and we're well on our way with this new prospect," commented James Sykes, CEO, President, and Director of Baselode.

"我們對我們在區域勘探計劃的第二個孔位HK24-010的新發現感到非常興奮。在垂直深度約173米處,HK24-010交匯了連續30米的放射性交匯。這一新發現位於一個巨大的變質帶內,與我們在西南方向6公里處的ACKIO區域類似。我們相信這個變質帶已經將鈾從岩石中運移,並將其沉積在氧化還原帶內,就像我們爲HK24-010所解釋的那樣。在完成了針對其他具有更強地球物理異常性質的目標的勘探鑽探的物流高效排序之後,我們打算在未來幾周內對這個區域進行後續的鑽探。 Hook的區域勘探旨在發現新的鈾礦化帶,而這一新發現將幫助我們在這個目標上取得成功。" Baselode的首席執行官,總裁和董事詹姆斯·賽克斯(James Sykes)評論道。

Drill Hole Details
Drill holes HK24-009 and HK24-010 were collared 6 km northeast of ACKIO (see Figure 2). The drill holes targeted a coincident gravity low, magnetic low, and conductive response within the area of an interpreted north-south oriented Tabbernor fault. See Figure 3 for a cross-section interpretation, including a comparison to ACKIO.


HK24-009 intersected 130 m of structurally-controlled massive hydrothermal alteration including alternating hematite and white clay within orthogneiss starting immediately at the top of bedrock. Gamma probe radioactivity averaged 20 counts-per-second ("cps") within the altered rocks, 34 cps and 69 cps within two different fresh rock types, including a small zone of anomalous radioactivity measuring 177 cps over 4.3 m.

HK24-009交匯了13000萬結構控制的大規模熱液蝕變,包括起始於底巖處的片麻岩內的交替赤鐵礦和白色粘土。交變巖中的伽馬探測輻射平均值爲20計數/秒(cps),兩種不同的新鮮岩石類型分別爲34 cps和69 cps,包括一個測量177 cps超過430萬的異常放射性小區域。

HK24-010 intersected over 230 m of structurally-controlled massive hydrothermal alteration similar to HK24-009 (Figures 4 and 5). Gamma probe radioactivity averaged 23 cps within the altered rocks down to 200.8 m, followed by an average of 275 cps over 33.7 m, including 473 cps over 6.8 m, associated with structurally-controlled hydrothermal hematite and minor redox alteration hosted within the basal 2.5 m of metasedimentary rocks and pegmatite for the remainder (Figure 5). The fresh rocks at the end of the drill hole averaged 60 cps.

HK24-010交匯了超過23000萬的結構控制的大規模熱液蝕變,與HK24-009類似(圖4和5)。在交替岩石內,伽馬探針的輻射平均值下降到20080萬,接下來是平均值爲275 cps的下降到3370萬,其中包括與結構控制的熱液赤鐵礦和少量氧化還原礦石有關的473 cps,它們位於主要是變質沉積岩和偉晶岩的基岩中(Figure 5)。鑽孔末端的新鮮岩石平均值爲60 cps。

Drill hole samples have been sent to Saskatchewan Research Council for uranium and multi-element analysis. Results will be released after being received and reviewed by the Company.




  1. cps = "counts-per-second", as measured with a down hole 2GHF triple gamma probe. The reader is cautioned that Baselode uses gamma probe readings as a preliminary indication for the presence of radioactive materials (uranium, thorium and/or potassium), and that gamma probe results may not be used directly to quantify or qualify uranium concentrations of the rock samples measured.
  2. The Company considers all 2GHF triple gamma probe readings greater than 100 cps to be considered anomalous radioactivity, with background radioactivity measuring between 20 to 70 cps.
  3. "Continuous anomalous radioactivity" means drill core length with no greater than 2.0 m of consecutive drill hole length measuring less than 100 cps.
  4. All reported drill hole depths and lengths do not represent true thicknesses which have yet to be determined.
  1. cps = "counts-per-second",是用下孔2GHF三重伽馬探針測量的。讀者應該注意,Baselode使用伽馬探測讀數作爲放射性物質(鈾、釷和/或鉀)存在的初步指標,並且不能直接使用伽馬探針結果量化或確定岩石樣品的鈾濃度。
  2. 公司認爲所有超過100 cps的2GHF三重伽馬探針讀數都被認爲是異常放射性,背景讀數在20至70 cps之間。
  3. “連續異常放射性”表示鑽孔長度沒有大於200萬的連續鑽孔長度測量小於100 cps。
  4. 所有報告的鑽孔深度和長度都不代表真實厚度,這還需要確定。

About Baselode Energy Corp.
Baselode controls 100% of approximately 272,804 hectares for exploration in the Athabasca Basin area of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The land package is free of any option agreements or underlying royalties.

Baselode在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫北部的Athabasca Basin區域擁有約272,804公頃的勘探權。這塊土地包沒有任何期權協議或基礎版權。

The Company discovered the ACKIO near-surface, uranium prospect in September 2021. ACKIO measures greater than 375 m along strike, greater than 150 m wide, comprised of at least 9 separate uranium Pods, with mineralization starting as shallow as 28 m and 32 m beneath the surface in Pods 1 and 7, respectively, and down to approximately 300 m depth beneath the surface with the bulk of mineralization occurring in the upper 120 m. ACKIO remains open at depth, and to the north, south and east.


Baselode's Athabasca 2.0 exploration thesis focuses on discovering near-surface, basement-hosted, high-grade uranium orebodies outside the Athabasca Basin. The exploration thesis is further complemented by the Company's preferred use of innovative and well-understood geophysical methods to map deep structural controls to identify shallow targets for diamond drilling.

Baselode的Athabasca 2.0勘探理論集中在在Athabasca盆地以外發現近表層、地下、高品位鈾礦體。該勘探理論進一步得益於公司使用革新的、深入了解的地球物理方法來繪製深層構造控制因素,以識別鑽石鑽探的淺表目標。

QP Statement
The technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Cameron MacKay, P.Geo., Vice-President, Exploration & Development for Baselode Energy Corp., who is considered to be a Qualified Person as defined in "National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects."

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Baselode Energy Corp.的勘探與開發副總裁Cameron MacKay,P.Geo.審核並獲批准,他被認爲是“國家43-101《礦產項目披露標準》中定義的有資格人士。

For further information, please contact:


James Sykes, CEO, President and Director
Baselode Energy Corp.


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Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Baselode Energy Corp. assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Baselode Energy Corp. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available under Baselode Energy Corp. profile at .

本新聞稿中的某些信息可能包含前瞻性聲明。此信息基於目前的預期,但存在重大的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性很難預測。實際結果可能不同於任何前瞻性聲明所暗示的結果。Baselode Energy Corp.假定並未更新前瞻性聲明,也未更新爲什麼實際結果可能與前瞻性聲明反映的結果不同,除非適用於Baselode Energy Corp.的證券法律要求。識別風險和不確定性的其他信息包含在該公司的加拿大證券監管機構的文件中,這些文件在Baselode Energy Corp.的檔案資料下可供查閱。

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FIGURE 1 - Baselode projects location map. ACKIO uranium prospect identified with yellow circle.

圖1 - Baselode項目位置圖。用黃色圓圈標出的是ACKIO鈾礦化目標。

FIGURE 2 - HK24-009 and HK24-010 drill hole location

圖2 - HK24-009和HK24-010鑽孔位置

FIGURE 3 -HK24-009 and HK24-010 with ACKIO Ln 775N cross-sections for scale of altered structural zone

圖3 - HK24-009和HK24-010與ACKIO Ln 775N截面的改造結構帶比較

FIGURE 4 -HK24-010 Alteration and Structure 1

圖4 - HK24-010改造和結構1

FIGURE 5 -HK24-010 Elevated Radioactivity and Oxidation In Metasediments and Pegmatite

圖5 - HK24-010鈾礦化帶及其沉積物和偉晶岩中的氧化作用

