
Vext Secures Dual-Use Provisional Licenses, Nears Launch of Adult-Use Cannabis Sales in Ohio

Vext Secures Dual-Use Provisional Licenses, Nears Launch of Adult-Use Cannabis Sales in Ohio

newsfile ·  07/17 05:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 16, 2024) - Vext Science, Inc. (CSE: VEXT) (OTCQX: VEXTF) ("Vext" or the "Company"), a U.S.-based cannabis operator with vertical operations in Arizona and Ohio, today announced that it has received dual-use Provisional Licenses from the Ohio Division of Cannabis Control (DCC), for its fully built-out cultivation and manufacturing facility as well as its operated dispensaries in Jackson and Columbus. The Provisional Licenses were the pre-requisites towards obtaining the Certificate of Operations from the DCC, which will enable Vext to enter the adult-use market.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞州--(新聞稿社 - 2024年7月16日)- Vext Science,Inc.(CSE:VEXT)(OTCQX:VEXTF)(" Vext "或 "公司"),一個總部位於美國的大麻運營商,其在亞利桑那州和俄亥俄州擁有垂直運營,今天宣佈已獲得俄亥俄州大麻監管局(DCC)頒發的雙重用途臨時許可證,用於其完全建成的種植和製造設施以及其在傑克遜和哥倫布運營的藥房。 臨時許可證是獲得DCC的運營證書的前提條件,這將使Vext進入成人市場。

Vext currently operates a Tier I cultivation facility, an operating manufacturing facility, and two dispensaries in Ohio. On closing of the previously announced Ohio Expansion Transaction1, the Company will add two additional dispensaries to its footprint.


Commenting on this development, Eric Offenberger, CEO of Vext noted, "Receiving the provisional licenses is a significant milestone toward gaining approval to sell adult-use cannabis in Ohio, and we are encouraged by this progress. Vext was early to identify the opportunity that the Ohio market presents, and we have been preparing operationally to leverage our position in the state to drive returns for shareholders. While a definitive timeline for the adult-use transition has not been outlined by the state, we are actively collaborating with the DCC to secure Certificates of Operations which will allow us to enter the adult-use market and expect the market to open in the near-term."

就此事發表評論時,Vext首席執行官Eric Offenberger指出:“獲得臨時許可證是獲得在俄亥俄州出售成人用大麻的批准的重要里程碑,我們對此取得的進展感到鼓舞。 Vext早早地認識到俄亥俄州市場的機遇,並一直在進行運營準備,以利用我們在該州的地位爲股東帶來回報。雖然州政府還沒有明確成人使用轉型的時間表,但我們正在積極與DCC合作,以獲得運營證書,這將使我們進入成人市場,並預計市場將在近期開放。

Vext's Current Footprint in Ohio:


Tier 1 Cultivation Facility - 25,000 square feet
(Jackson, Ohio)
Operating - ability to expand to 50,000 square feet.
Provisional Dual-Use License received,
awaiting Certificate of Operations for adult-
Manufacturing Facility (Jackson, Ohio) Operating
Provisional Dual-Use License received,
awaiting Certificate of Operations for adult-
Herbal Wellness Center (Jackson, Ohio) Operating as medical dispensary; Provisional
Dual-Use License received, awaiting
Certificate of Operations for adult-use.
Herbal Wellness Center (Columbus, Ohio) Operating as medical dispensary; Provisional
Dual-Use License received, awaiting
Certificate of Operations for adult-use.
Dispensary 3 (Athens, Ohio) Under Agreement as per Ohio Expansion
Transaction1 - expected to close in 2024.
Recently acquired the real property
associated with this dispensary.
Dispensary 4 (Jeffersonville, Ohio) Under Agreement as per Ohio Expansion
Transaction1 - expected to close in 2024.
Dispensaries 5, 6 and 7 The November 2023 adult-use ballot
initiative authorized by Ohio voters,
positions Vext to add three additional
provisionally approved dispensary licenses to
its footprint.
一級種植設施- 25,000平方英尺
運營 - 有能力擴展至50,000平方英尺。

製造設施(俄亥俄州傑克遜市) 操作

Herbal Wellness Center(俄亥俄州傑克遜市) 作爲醫療藥房運營; 已獲得臨時雙重用途許可證,等待成人用途運營證書。
Herbal Wellness Center(俄亥俄州哥倫布市) 作爲醫療藥房運營; 已獲得臨時雙重用途許可證,等待成人用途運營證書。
Dispensary 3(俄亥俄州雅典市) 根據俄亥俄州擴張的協議
Dispensary 4(俄亥俄州傑斐遜維爾市) 根據俄亥俄州擴張的協議
Dispensaries 5、6和7 俄亥俄州11月2023年成年人使用投票倡議,使Vext能夠將三個額外的頒發許可證添加到其業務範圍內。

Amendment to Ohio Expansion Transaction Agreement


Pursuant to an amendment executed by the parties on June 14, 2024, the consideration for the Ohio Expansion Transaction was reduced from $9.4 million to $7.7 million.


For more details, contact the IR team at


About Vext Science, Inc.

關於Vext Science,Inc。

Vext Science, Inc. is a U.S.-based cannabis operator with vertical operations in Arizona and Ohio. Vext's expertise spans from cultivation through to retail operations in its key markets. Based out of Arizona, Vext owns and operates state-of-the-art cultivation facilities, fully built-out manufacturing facilities as well as dispensaries in both Arizona and Ohio. The Company manufactures Vapen, one of the leading THC concentrates, edibles, and distillate cartridge brands in Arizona. Its selection of award-winning products are created with Vext's in-house, high-quality flower and distributed across Arizona and Ohio, as well as through Vext's partnerships in other states. Vext's leadership team brings a proven track record of building and operating profitable multi-state operations, with the Company having operated profitably since 2016. The Company's primary focus is to continue growing in its core states of Arizona and Ohio, bringing together cutting-edge science, manufacturing, and marketing to provide a reliable and valuable customer experience while generating shareholder value.

Vext Science, Inc.是一家總部位於美國的大麻股運營商,在亞利桑那州和俄亥俄州擁有垂直運營。Vext的專業知識覆蓋從種植到在關鍵市場的零售。總部位於亞利桑那州的Vext擁有和經營先進的種植設施、完全建成的製造設施以及亞利桑那州和俄亥俄州的藥房。公司製造Vapen,是亞利桑那州領先的THC濃縮、食品和精餾煙彈品牌之一。該公司的獲獎產品系列是由Vext的內部高質量花材創建並在亞利桑那州和俄亥俄州以及Vext在其他州的合作伙伴展開銷售。Vext的領導團隊具有建立和運營盈利多州業務的實證業績,該公司自2016年以來一直經營盈利。該公司的主要重點是繼續在亞利桑那州和俄亥俄州的核心州增長,彙集尖端科學、製造和營銷,爲客戶提供可靠和有價值的客戶體驗,同時創造股東價值。

Vext Science, Inc. is listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol VEXT and trades on the OTCQX market under the symbol VEXTF. Learn more at and connect with Vext on Twitter/X and LinkedIn.

Vext Science,Inc。的股票在加拿大證券交易所上市,代碼爲VEXT,在OTCQX市場上交易,代碼爲VEXTF。了解更多信息並與Vext在 Twitter/X 和 LinkedIn 上取得聯繫。

For more details on the Vapen brand:
Vapen website:
Instagram: @vapen
Facebook: @vapenbrands

Instagram: @vapen
Facebook: @vapenbrands

Forward-Looking Statements


Statements in this news release that are forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed here and elsewhere in Vext's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators. When used in this news release, words such as "will, could, plan, estimate, expect, intend, may, potential, believe, should," and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements.


Forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements related to the anticipated receipt for Certificates of Operation for its operations in Ohio, statements related to the Ohio Expansion Transaction, including the anticipated closing date and receipt of regulatory approvals related thereto, and other statements regarding future developments and the business and operations of the Vext, market projections of the cannabis industry in Ohio, and the Company's business plans in Ohio, all of which are subject to the risk factors contained in Vext's continuous disclosure filed on SEDAR+ at .

前瞻性陳述可能包括但不限於有關預期收到俄亥俄州業務操作證書、有關俄亥俄州擴張交易的陳述,包括預期的成交日期和與此有關的監管批准的收到以及有關未來發展及Vext的業務經營的其他陳述、俄亥俄州大麻行業市場預測以及公司在俄亥俄州的業務計劃。所有這些都受到Vext連續披露文件中所含風險因素的影響,該文件在 SEDAR+ 上提交。

Although Vext has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, there can be other factors that cause results, performance or achievements not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended, including, but not limited to: dependence on obtaining regulatory approvals; being engaged in activities currently considered illegal under U.S. Federal laws; change in laws; reliance on management; requirements for additional financing; competition; hindered market growth and state adoption due to inconsistent public opinion and perception of the medical-use and adult-use marijuana industry and; regulatory or political change.

雖然Vext已經試圖確定可能導致實際結果、表現或成果與前瞻性聲明中所包含的不同的重要因素,但還有其他因素可能會導致結果、表現或成果不如預期、估計或意圖,包括但不限於: 依賴獲得監管批准;從事目前在美國聯邦法律下被認爲是非法的活動;法律的變化;依靠管理;需要額外的融資;競爭;受阻的市場增長和州對醫療和成人用途大麻行業的不一致公衆意見和看法;監管或政治變化。

There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate or that management's expectations or estimates of future developments, circumstances or results will materialize. Because of these risks and uncertainties, the results or events predicted in these forward-looking statements may differ materially from actual results or events.


Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this news release are made as of the date of this release. Vext disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise such information, except as required by applicable law, and Vext does not assume any liability for disclosure relating to any other company mentioned herein.


The Canadian Securities Exchange has not reviewed, approved or disapproved the content of this news release.


Eric Offenberger
Chief Executive Officer

Eric Offenberger

For further information:
Jonathan Ross, Vext Investor Relations

Jonathan Ross,Vext投資者關係

SOURCE: Vext Science, Inc

SOURCE: Vext Science, Inc

1Vext has executed an asset purchase agreement (as amended from time to time, the "Asset Purchase Agreement"), together with other definitive agreements (together with the Asset Purchase Agreement, the "Definitive Agreements"), with the members of Big Perm's Dispensary Ohio, LLC ("Big Perm") to acquire from Big Perm two cannabis dispensaries located in Ohio, as well as all licenses and assets related to the business of such dispensaries, other than excluded assets, for cash consideration of $7.7 million, subject to adjustments in certain circumstances (the "Ohio Expansion Transaction"). Subject to receipt of required regulatory approvals and other customary conditions precedent, the Company expects that closing of the Ohio Expansion Transaction will occur in 2024.

1Vext已經執行了資產購買協議(從時間到時間修訂,被稱爲“資產購買協議”),連同其他明確協議(與資產購買協議一起稱爲“明確協議”),與Big Perm's Dispensary Ohio,LLC(“Big Perm”)的成員一起,收購Big Perm在俄亥俄州設立的兩家大麻零售店及其業務所涉及的全部許可證和資產,除了排除的資產,以770萬美元的現金考慮爲代價,在某些情況下調整(“俄亥俄州擴張交易”)。預計在獲得必要的監管批准和其他習慣前提條件後,公司將於2024年完成俄亥俄州業務擴張交易的交割。

