
Netflix 'Continues To Enhance Monetization': Analysts Highlight Ad-Supported Growth, Future Revenue Opportunity

Netflix 'Continues To Enhance Monetization': Analysts Highlight Ad-Supported Growth, Future Revenue Opportunity

Benzinga ·  04:06
A second-quarter earnings update from Netflix Inc (NASDAQ:NFLX) could be all about ad-supported plan growth and future monetization, analysts say ahead of the company's July 17 report.
分析師稱,Netflix Inc(NASDAQ:NFLX)的第二季度收益更新可能全部涉及廣告支持計劃的增長和未來的變現,該公司將於7月17日發佈報告。
The Netflix Analysts: Benchmark analyst Matthew Harrigan maintained a Sell rating on Netflix and raised the price target from $450 to $545.
Netflix的分析師:Benchmark的分析師Matthew Harrigan維持了對Netflix的賣出評級,並將目標價從450美元上調至545美元。
Macquarie analyst Tim Nollen reiterated an Outperform rating on Netflix and a price target of $685.
Macquarie的分析師Tim Nollen重申Netflix的跑贏大盤評級,並將其目標價定爲685美元。
Benchmark on Netflix: The streaming leader gets high praise from Harrigan in a new investor note with a Sell rating attributed to the stock appearing overvalued.
"Netflix management undeniably continues to execute well on paid...

