
Jackie VanderBrug Receives 2024 Joan Bavaria Award

Jackie VanderBrug Receives 2024 Joan Bavaria Award

Jackie VanderBrug獲得2024年Joan Bavaria獎
Accesswire ·  07/16 21:45

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 16, 2024 / Franklin Templeton

美國麻薩諸塞州北安普頓/ACCESSWIRE/2024年7月16日/Franklin Templeton

Putnam Investments' Jackie VanderBrug has been announced as one of three winners of the 2024 Joan Bavaria Award, which is awarded for catalysing positive change in the capital markets. This year's award specifically recognizes the influential and collaborative work in developing the field of gender lens investing*. The award continues the legacy of the late Joan Bavaria, whose pioneering work is viewed as helping to catalyze positive change in capital markets.

Putnam Investments的Jackie VanderBrug被宣佈爲2024年Joan Bavaria獎的三位獲獎者之一,該獎項頒發給在資本市場引領積極變革的人士。今年的獎項特別表彰在發展性別鏡頭投資領域方面產生重要影響和協作工作的人士。該獎項延續了已故Joan Bavaria的遺產,她的開創性工作被視爲有助於促成資本市場中的積極變革。

The award presentation was held in Chicago in June, during US SIF's (Sustainable Investment Forum) Forum 2024. The award committee included Mindy Lubber, CEO and President of Ceres, Maria Lettini, CEO of US SIF, and Matthew Patsky, CEO of Trillium Asset Management. Each of these judges lead organizations that were founded or co-founded by Ms. Bavaria, who died in 2008 following a long battle with ovarian cancer.

該獎項頒獎典禮於6月在芝加哥舉行,由Ceres的首席執行官兼總裁Mindy Lubber、美國SIF的首席執行官Maria Lettini和Trillium Asset Management的首席執行官Matthew Patsky組成的評委會。這些評委都是由Joan Bavaria女士創立或聯合創立的機構的領導人,她於2008年在與卵巢癌長期抗爭後去世。

The other recipients of the 2024 award are Joy Anderson (Founder and President of Criterion Institute), and Suzanne Biegel (posthumously) of Women Effect, and later GenderSmart.

2024年獎項的其他獲獎者是Criterion Institute的創始人兼主席Joy Anderson和Women Effect(後爲GenderSmart)的Suzanne Biegel(追授)。

"It is exciting to see recognition across the investment landscape that a gender lens is a powerful tool in identifying opportunities and risks in an increasingly dynamic global environment. The diversity of gender lens investment approaches demonstrates both the insights available and the client interest," said VanderBrug.


Jackie VanderBrug is Head of Sustainability Strategy at Putnam Investments, a Franklin Templeton company. She is responsible for leading Putnam's ESG-focused business functions, including stewardship, engagement, partnerships, and ESG strategy and integration. She is co-author of the 2015 book Gender Lens Investing: Uncovering Opportunities for Growth, Returns, and Impact and a co-trustee of Heading for Change.

Jackie VanderBrug是富蘭克林·坦普爾頓公司的可持續性戰略主管。她負責領導富蘭克林·坦普爾頓專注於環境、社會和治理的業務職能,包括公司治理、互動、合作伙伴關係和ESG(環境、社會和治理)戰略和整合。她是《性別鏡頭投資:揭示增長、回報和影響的機會》一書的合著者,也是Heading for Change的聯合受託人。

Judging criteria included a subjective assessment of the nominee's initiatives or accomplishments that have been the most impactful. This involved consideration of how these achievements reflect a sustained and comprehensive commitment toward maintaining long-term impact in the capital markets. Nominees provided specific examples to convey how their individual accomplishments are especially visionary, groundbreaking, or otherwise unique. Judges also assessed three sources (e.g. press release/coverage, endorsement, or publications) relevant to the nominee's work.


Important Information


Franklin Templeton did not provide any compensation for Jackie to be considered for this award.


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Franklin Resources, Inc. [NYSE:BEN] is a global investment management organization with subsidiaries operating as Franklin Templeton and serving clients in over 150 countries. Franklin Templeton's mission is to help clients achieve better outcomes through investment management expertise, wealth management and technology solutions. Through its specialist investment managers, the company offers specialization on a global scale, bringing extensive capabilities in fixed income, equity, alternatives and multi-asset solutions. With more than 1,500 investment professionals, and offices in major financial markets around the world, the California-based company has over 75 years of investment experience and over $1.6 trillion in assets under management as of June 30, 2024. For more information, please visit and follow us on LinkedIn, X and Facebook.

Franklin Resources, Inc.[紐交所:BEN]是一家全球投資管理組織,旗下子公司名爲Franklin Templeton,服務於150多個國家的客戶。富蘭克林·坦普爾頓的使命是通過投資管理專業知識、财富管理和技術解決方案幫助客戶實現更好的結果。通過其專業的投資管理團隊,公司在全球範圍內提供專業化服務,在固定收益、股票、交易以及混合資產解決方案方面擁有廣泛的能力。該公司擁有超過1500名投資專業人員,在全球主要金融市場設有辦事處,擁有75多年的投資經驗,在2024年6月30日止,總管理資產超過1.6萬億美元。欲了解更多信息,請訪問franklintempleton.com並關注我們的領英、X和Facebook。

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