
Cascada Reports Results From the Special Meeting of Shareholders and Provides Update on Exploration Activities

Cascada Reports Results From the Special Meeting of Shareholders and Provides Update on Exploration Activities

newsfile ·  07/16 21:22

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 16, 2024) - Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) ("Cascada") is pleased to announce the results of its Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") held on Monday, July 15, 2024. The only motion considered at the Meeting, as set out in Cascada's Notice of Special Meeting and Management Information Circular, dated June 7, 2024 (the "Circular"), was unanimously approved by Cascada shareholders at the Meeting as further described below:

多倫多,安大略省-(新聞稿公司-2024年7月16日)- Cascada Silver Corp。(CSE:CSS)(“Cascada”)很高興地宣佈其普通股股東特別會議(“會議”)於2024年7月15日星期一召開的結果。會議上唯一考慮的動議如下:

  • The motion considered was the approval, pursuant to the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange, of an ordinary resolution for the issuance of 57,125,676 Cascada common shares (the "Shares") on the exchange of 57,125,676 subscription receipts that were issued by the Company in a private placement offering that closed on June 5, 2024, as more particularly described in the Circular and a press release issued June 7, 2024.

  • A total of 22,376,014 votes were cast by shareholders representing 18.4% of the total outstanding shares, as calculated prior to the issuance of the Shares, with all votes in favour of the resolution.

  • 考慮了根據加拿大證券交易所政策,審議發行57125676股Cascada普通股(“股票”),以交換公司在2024年6月5日私募股權發行中發行的57125676份認購收據的普通決議,更多細節見Circular和2024年6月7日發行的新聞稿。

  • 股東代表佔公司總流通股的18.4%,共投了22376014張選票,所有選票贊成該決議。

Upon the issuance of the Shares and the issuance, pending regulatory approval, of the 6,000,000 shares payable to Research Capital Corporation, as described in Cascada's July 2, 2024 press release, Cascada will have 184,718,082 common shares outstanding and no warrants issued.

經發行這些股票和待交易所批准發行交由Research Capital Corporation持有的600萬股份後,Cascada將有184,718,082股流通股份且不發行任何認股權證。

Exploration Update


Cascada geologists are currently at its Mina Guanaca Copper Property, located 110 kilometres northeast of the City of Copiapó, Chile, conducting geological mapping and sampling in preparation for the upcoming 1,500 metre drill program planned to commence during the current quarter. The Phase 1 drilling program will target copper oxide mineralization associated with breccias as well as test a significant chargeability anomaly underlying the breccias. Further details are available in Cascada's June 8, 2023 press release.

Cascada的地質學家目前正在位於智利Copiapo市東北110公里的Mina Guanaca Copper Property進行地質測繪和採樣,爲即將在本季度開始的1500米鑽探計劃做準備。一期鑽探項目將以角礫岩灰巖爲主體,旨在針對氧化銅礦化進行鑽探,以及對下伏角礫岩帶的可充電性異常進行測試。有關詳細信息,可參見Cascada於2023年6月8日發佈的新聞稿。

Upon completion of the Phase 1 Mina Guanaca Copper Property drill program, Cascada will focus its attention on the Angie Copper-Molybdenum Property, located 75 kilometres east of the City of Copiapó, with the goal of drill testing a 1,000 by 1,500 molybdenum soil geochemical anomaly with molybdenum assays of up to 1,150 ppm. Further information on the Angie Copper-Molybdenum Property is available in Cascada's February 15, 2023 press release.

在完成Mina Guanaca Copper Property三期鑽探計劃後,Cascada將集中精力對位於智利Copiapo市東部75公里處的Angie Copper-Molybdenum Property進行鑽探測試,以測試懸浮在該處的1000×1500的鉬土化學異常區域,其鉬含量高達1,150ppm。有關Angie Copper-Molybdenum Property的更多信息,可參見Cascada於2023年2月15日發佈的新聞稿。

NOTE: The descriptions of the Mina Guanaca and Angie Properties reference historical results including historical assays. Cascada has not undertaken any independent investigation of any of the historical results from either project nor has it independently analyzed the historical results in order to verify those results. The reader is cautioned upon relying on the accuracy of the historical results presented; however, Cascada considers the historical results relevant as it will use the results as a guide to plan future exploration programs and considers the data to be reliable for these purposes.

注:有關Mina Guanaca和Angie屬性的描述包括歷史結果和歷史化驗結果。Cascada未進行任何獨立調查,也未獨立分析任何項目的歷史結果以驗證這些結果。讀者應謹慎依賴所呈現的歷史結果的準確性;但是,考慮到Cascada將使用該數據作爲計劃未來勘探計劃的指南,並將數據視爲此目的可靠,因此考慮歷史結果是相關的。

NI 43-101 Technical Disclosure

NI 43-101技術披露

The Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators, for Cascada's exploration activities in Chile is Sergio Diaz, a resident of Santiago, Chile. Mr. Diaz is a Public Registered Person for Reserves and Resources N° 51, in Chile and is also registered in the Colegio de Geólogos de Chile under N° 315.

按照加拿大證券管理機構的43-101號國家規定,Cascada在智利的勘探活動的合格人員是居住在智利聖地亞哥的Sergio Diaz先生。Diaz先生是智利公共儲備和資源第51號註冊個人,並在智利地質師學會註冊爲第315號。

About Cascada Silver Corp.

關於Cascada Silver Corp.

Cascada is a mineral exploration company focused on exploration opportunities in Chile. Cascada's team of successful exploration professionals are dedicated to the discovery of mineral deposits that can be progressed into economically viable development projects creating value for all stakeholders.


On behalf of Cascada Silver Corp.,

代表Cascada Silver Corp.,

Carl Hansen, CEO
Phone: 416-907-9969

Carl Hansen, CEO

For additional information, please contact us at:




This news release contains forward-looking statements, including predictions, projections and forecasts. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: plans for the evaluation of exploration properties; the success of evaluation plans; the success of exploration activities; mine development prospects; and, potential for future metals production. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "planning", "expects" or "does not expect", "continues", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "potential", "anticipates", "does not anticipate", or describes a "goal", or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved.


Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, future events, conditions, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, prediction, projection, forecast, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others: changes in economic parameters and assumptions; all aspects related to the timing of exploration activities and receipt of exploration results; the interpretation and actual results of current exploration activities; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; the results of regulatory and permitting processes; future metals price; possible variations in grade or recovery rates; failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; the results of economic and technical studies; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of exploration; as well as those factors disclosed in Cascada's publicly filed documents.


Although Cascada has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its regulation services provider has reviewed or accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.


