
Sparta Announces Appointment of Joseph Cimorelli to Board of Directors

Sparta Announces Appointment of Joseph Cimorelli to Board of Directors

Sparta宣佈任命Joseph Cimorelli擔任董事會成員。
Accesswire ·  07/16 21:00

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TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / July 16, 2024 / Sparta Group (TSXV:SAY) (the "Corporation", the "Company", "Sparta Group", "Sparta Capital", "SAY.V" or "Sparta") has announced the appointment of Joseph Cimorelli to its board of directors, effective immediately.

多倫多,安大略省/ACCESSWIRE/2024年7月16日/Sparta Group (tsxv:SAY)(以下簡稱“公司”,“Sparta Group”,“Sparta Capital”,“SAY.V”或“Sparta”)宣佈任命Joseph Cimorelli爲董事會成員,立即生效。

Joseph Cimorelli is currently the Director of Global Business Development for ERS International, a key enterprise that falls under Sparta's Environment Division. He is responsible for establishing, coordinating and enforcing strategic plans to increase business and gain new opportunities for ERS. His strong sales, marketing and business operations skills have served the Company well, especially during the establishment of the ERS Carbon Credit Program. Today, he is considered a major force behind the growing success of the program.

Joseph Cimorelli目前是ERS International全球業務拓展總監,這是Sparta環境部門的一家關鍵企業。他負責制定、協調和執行戰略計劃,以增加業務並獲得ERS的新機會。他強大的銷售、市場和業務運營技能爲公司的成功服務了不少,特別是在ERS碳信用計劃建立期間。如今,他被視爲該計劃不斷增長成功的重要力量。

"We're pleased to welcome Joseph Cimorelli to Sparta's Board of Directors as we strive to meet the demands of new clients and forge ahead with the development of new technologies. Joseph brings a fresh solution-oriented perspective to the table, so we look forward to working with him," said Sparta President, Tony Peticca.

“我們很高興歡迎Joseph Cimorelli加入Sparta董事會,因爲我們努力滿足新客戶的需求並繼續開發新技術。Joseph帶來了一種新鮮的解決方案導向的視角,因此我們期待與他合作,”Sparta總裁Tony Peticca表示。

Cimorelli came to ERS with a solid sales and marketing background, as well as a reputation for a strong work ethic. Management report that when he joined ERS 6 years ago, he "jumped right in" and quickly developed a passion for his work. Today, he is known for going the extra mile to help ERS reach its goals.


"I look forward to sharing my insights and supporting the Company as we execute on our mission to provide the most cost-effective, environment friendly, and efficient solutions to our customers. I have always embraced technological innovations and I am eager to help Sparta bring new, disruptive technologies to market," said Joseph Cimorelli.

“我期待分享我的見解,並支持公司執行我們提供最具成本效益、環保和高效解決方案的使命。我一直擁抱技術創新,我渴望幫助Sparta將新的顛覆性技術帶到市場上,”Joseph Cimorelli表示。

Cimorelli joins an esteemed Board of Directors that includes, Chairman Peter Quattrociocchi, finance and sales expert, Martin Marshall; Sparta President, Tony Peticca, as well as Shawn Leon, a business development and health services professional.

Cimorelli加入了一個傑出的董事會,包括主席Peter Quattrociocchi、財務和銷售專家Martin Marshall、Sparta總裁Tony Peticca以及業務拓展和健康服務專業人士Shawn Leon。

About Sparta
Sparta Group (a.k.a. Sparta Capital Ltd.) is a technology-based company focused on integrating emerging technologies. It operates with a decentralized business model, with each active business functioning as a separate subsidiary. This structure provides brand recognition, insight, high-level strategic guidance, and financial monitoring. Sparta Capital Ltd. is strategically positioned across three dynamic business verticals, each engineered to integrate cutting-edge technologies and drive sustainable growth. Environment: ERS International, is a waste management operation with its state-of-the-art, proprietary e-waste processing technologies. Health: Sparta Health Corporation is a vertical harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Augmented Reality (AR), to develop technologies that enhance personalized patient care and improve treatment outcomes. Transportation: TruckSuite, guided by top industry experts, is a comprehensive suite of products and services designed to keep trucks operational and drivers competitive. TruckSuite management believes their offerings can play a pivotal role in enhancing the logistics and transportation industry.

Sparta Group(亦稱Sparta Capital Ltd.)是一家專注於整合新興技術的科技公司。它採用分散式商業模式,每個活躍的業務機構都作爲一個單獨的子公司運作。這種結構提供品牌認知度、深入的洞察、高層次的戰略指導和財務監測。Sparta Capital Ltd.在三個充滿活力的業務豎直領域具有戰略地位,每個豎直領域都是爲了整合前沿技術並推動可持續增長而設計的。環保方面:ERS International是一家擁有先進專有的電子廢棄物處理技術的廢物管理公司。健康方面:Sparta Health Corporation是一家垂直整合人工智能(AI)、機器學習(ML)和增強現實(AR)的公司,開發旨在增強個性化患者護理並改善治療結果的技術。運輸方面:由頂尖行業專家指導的TruckSuite是一套全面的產品和服務,旨在使卡車保持運營並使司機具備競爭力。TruckSuite的管理團隊認爲他們的產品和服務可以在增強物流和運輸行業方面發揮關鍵作用。

Sparta is a publicly traded company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. under the symbol "SAY" (TSX.V:SAY). Additional information is available at or on SEDAR at .

Sparta是一家公開交易的公司,其股票在tsx創業板上市,代碼爲“SAY”(TSX.V: SAY)。更多信息可在或SEDA上獲得R。

For more information contact:


Tony Peticca, President
Email :
Telephone: 416-648-6506

Tony Peticca,總裁
電子郵件 :

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SOURCE: Sparta Capital Ltd.

消息來源:Sparta Capital Ltd.

