
CanAlaska Intersects 9.3 Metres of 11.62% EU3O8 On Strike at Pike Zone

CanAlaska Intersects 9.3 Metres of 11.62% EU3O8 On Strike at Pike Zone

newsfile ·  07/16 19:30

High-Grade Basement-Hosted Uranium Intersection Within Zone of 16.9 metres of 6.87% eU3O8

在16.9米的區域內,發現高品位地下鈾交叉口,含6.87% eU3O8

Results Indicate Extension Potential of High-Grade Uranium


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 16, 2024) - CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (TSXV: CVV) (OTCQX: CVVUF) (FSE: DH7) ("CanAlaska" or the "Company") is pleased to report that drillhole WMA082-8 has intersected 6.87% eU3O8 over 16.9 metres, including 11.62% eU3O8 over 9.3 metres at the Pike Zone on the West McArthur Joint Venture project (the "Project") in the eastern Athabasca Basin. WMA082-8 was the second drillhole completed at the Pike Zone during the summer program and represents the first step-out drilling to the east. The focus for the ongoing summer drilling program is continued delineation and expansion of the ultra high-grade Pike Zone uranium discovery at the unconformity and within the upper basement. The program is focused on following up recent high-grade intersections in WMA082-6 (14.9% U3O8 over 9.6 metres) and WMA082-4 (9.9% U3O8 over 14.5 metres). The West McArthur project, a Joint Venture with Cameco Corporation, is operated by CanAlaska that holds an 83.35% ownership in the Project (Figure 1). CanAlaska is sole-funding the 2024 West McArthur program, further increasing its majority ownership in the Project.

加拿大鈾有限公司(TSXV: CVV)(OTCQX: CVVUF)(FSE: DH7)(“公司”)很高興地宣佈,位於東部Athabasca盆地的西麥克阿瑟聯營項目(“項目”)的派克區鑽孔WMA082-8穿過了一個16.9米、6.87% eU3O8的區域,包括一個9.3米、11.62% eU3O8的交叉口。WMA082-8是在夏季項目期間完成的第二個派克區鑽孔,並代表向東的第一步外擴鑽探。持續進行的夏季鑽探項目將繼續定位和擴展處於鑽孔點非一致面和上部基岩中的超高品位派克區鈾礦。該項目的重點是跟進最近WMA082-6(9.6米、14.9% U3O8)和WMA082-4(14.5米、9.9% U3O8)的高品位交叉口。西麥克阿瑟項目是與Cameco公司聯營,在加拿大鈾公司的經營下,持有該項目83.35%的所有權(圖1)。加拿大鈾公司目前正在獨資資金支持2024年西麥克阿瑟項目,以進一步增加其在該項目中的主導地位。

Figure 1 – West McArthur Project Location

圖1 - 西麥克阿瑟項目位置

CanAlaska CEO, Cory Belyk, comments, "The intersection of ultra high-grade uranium mineralization on the very first step-out hole at Pike Zone is an incredible result for CanAlaska, our shareholders, and the Joint Venture. Upper basement uranium mineralization of this style, width and grade is usually only observed in major Athabasca Basin unconformity and unconformity-related mineralizing systems. For the team, this is a clear indication they are on the right path to successfully expanding the Pike Zone ultra high-grade uranium footprint during the summer program. On behalf of CanAlaska, I am very pleased to report these results to market and our current shareholders, and I look forward to results from the next set of drillholes that are currently underway."

加拿大鈾公司CEO Cory Belyk表示:“在派克區第一步外擴孔位上發現超高品位鈾成礦物化是加拿大鈾公司、我們的股東和聯營公司難以置信的結果。通常情況下,這種樣式、寬度和品位的上部基岩鈾礦化僅在Athabasca盆地主要的非一致面及非一致面相關成礦系統中觀測到。對於團隊來說,這清楚地表明他們正在成功地擴大夏季項目中派克區超高品位鈾礦的佔地面積。我非常高興地代表加拿大鈾公司向市場和我們現有的股東報告這些結果,期待正在進行中的下一組鑽孔結果。”

Figure 2 – WMA082-8 Drillhole Results. Note that faded geology on the cross section represents an interpretation from the adjacent drillhole fences.

圖2 - WMA082-8鑽孔成果。請注意,順向剖面圖中的淡出地質來自相鄰的鑽孔柵欄解譯。

Summer Drill Program


The summer drill program on the West McArthur project is currently progressing with two diamond drills. The Company is planning approximately 9,000 metres of drilling during the summer to achieve an estimated 10 to 14 unconformity target intersections. The Company is continuing to use downhole mud-motor deviation technology for increased drilling efficiency and targeting ability.


WMA082-8 was the first drillhole completed on a new section (L85E) stepping out to the east at the Pike Zone. The drillhole extends the high-grade basement hosted uranium mineralization from the L70E fence (WMA082-4/-5/-6/-7) along strike to the east. Subsequent drill tests planned for the summer program at the Pike Zone will continue to evaluate the extents of the high-grade unconformity-associated uranium mineralization along the new L85E fence and elsewhere within the focus area (Figure 2). The ultra high-grade unconformity target at the Pike Zone remains open in all directions.


WMA082-8 Drillhole Details


Drillhole WMA082-8 intersected one main interval of 6.87% eU3O8 over 16.9 metres, including 11.62% eU3O8 over 9.3 metres in the basement approximately 25 metres below the unconformity with additional lower grade intervals throughout the hole (Figure 2; Table 1). The unconformity contact between the Athabasca sandstone and underlying basement rocks is interpreted to be at 799.0 metres down hole. The main mineralized zone, starting approximately 24 metres into the basement, is characterized by massive to semi-massive zones of uranium mineralization with foliation- and fracture-controlled uranium mineralization located between the massive zones. The graphitic pelite that hosts the uranium mineralization has been strongly altered by chlorite and clay, and also contains abundant high-angle carbonate veins (Figure 3).

WMA082-8鑽孔穿過地下約25米處的一條主要區間,包含一個16.9米的6.87% eU3O8區域,其中包括一個9.3米的11.62% eU3O8區間,以及整個鑽孔中的低品位區間(圖2和表1)。Athabasca砂岩和下伏基底巖之間的非一致面接觸層位在下孔處的799.0米處。開始約24米進入基岩的主要礦化帶,由鈾礦化的塊狀和半塊狀區域組成,薄片構造和斷裂控制的鈾礦化位於塊狀區域之間。鈾礦化的含石墨泥頁岩已被綠泥石和黏土強烈改造,並含有大量高角度碳酸鹽脈(圖3)。

Table 1 - WMA082-8 Radiometric Equivalent Uranium Grades

表1 - WMA082-8放射性當量鈾品位

DDH From
Average Grade
(% eU3O8)5
WMA082-81,2 808.1 808.9 0.8 0.12
WMA082-81,2 822.0 822.5 0.5 0.53
WMA082-81,2 823.4 840.3 16.9 6.87
including3 823.9 833.2 9.3 11.62
including3 838.1 839.2 1.1 2.92
WMA082-81,2 856.3 857.3 1.0 0.33
  1. WMA082-8 was drilled at an azimuth of 295 ̊ with an inclination of -79.3 ̊, collared at 477,345 mE / 6,396,525 mN, 605 m A.S.L. (UTM NAD83 Z13N) as daughter hole from WMA082.
  2. Intersection interval is composited above a cut-off grade of 0.1% eU3O8 with a maximum of 1.0 m of internal dilution.
  3. Intersection interval is composited above a cut-off grade of 2.0% eU3O8 with a maximum of 1.0 m of internal dilution.
  4. All reported depths and intervals are drill hole depths and intervals, unless otherwise noted, and do not represent true thicknesses, which have yet to be determined.
  5. Radiometric equivalent ("eU3O8") derived from a calibrated gamma downhole probe.
DDH 版權所有©2022 Business Wire。保留所有權利。

(% eU3O8)5
WMA082-81,2 808.1 808.9 0.8 0.12
WMA082-81,2 822.0 822.5 0.5 0.53
WMA082-81,2 823.4 840.3 16.9 6.87
包括3個 823.9 833.2 9.3 11.62
包括3個 838.1 839.2 1.1 2.92
WMA082-81,2 856.3 857.3 1.0 0.33
  1. WMA082-8鑽探方位角爲295°,傾角爲-79.3°,鑽孔起點位於UTm NAD83 Z13N 6,396,525 mN / 477,345 mE,海拔60500萬。該鑽孔作爲WMA082的子孔。
  2. 以上交點區間是在0.1% eU3O8的底線指標上合併的,最多包括100萬次的內部稀釋。
  3. 以上交點區間是在2.0% eU3O8的底線指標上合併的,最多包括100萬次的內部稀釋。
  4. 所有報告的深度和間隔均爲鑽孔深度和間隔,除非另有說明,不代表真實厚度,其尚未確定。
  5. 放射性當量(“eU3O8”)通過經過校準的地下伽馬探頭得出。

The lower sandstone column of WMA082-8 is strongly bleached, with limonite alteration extending over 40 metres above the unconformity. Within the lower sandstone, a broad fault zone characterized by broken and blocky core, zones of quartz dissolution, clay gouge, and grey sooty pyrite alteration was intersected. The basement of WMA082-8 is strongly clay and chlorite altered as a broad halo around the basement-hosted uranium mineralization with multiple re-activated fault zones throughout the interval.


Figure 3 – WMA082-8 Core Photograph


It is anticipated that future drilling news releases will include results from multiple drillholes. The Company expects to complete the summer portion of the 2024 exploration program in September.


Geochemical Sampling Procedures and Use of Radiometric Equivalent Grades


All drill core samples from the 2024 program will be shipped to the Saskatchewan Research Council Geoanalytical Laboratories (SRC) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in secure containment for preparation, processing, and multi-element analysis by ICP-MS and ICP-OES using total (HF:NHO3:HClO4) and partial digestion (HNO3:HCl), boron by fusion, and U3O8 wt% assay by ICP-OES using higher grade standards. Assay samples are chosen based on downhole probing radiometric equivalent uranium grades and scintillometer (SPP2 or CT007-M) peaks. Assay sample intervals comprise 0.3 - 0.8 metre continuous half-core split samples over the mineralized interval. Select density samples, comprising 0.1 metre continuous whole core samples that are subsequently split and assayed, may be taken within the mineralized interval. With all assay samples, one half of the split sample is retained and the other sent to the SRC for analysis. The SRC is an ISO/IEC 17025/2005 and Standards Council of Canada certified analytical laboratory. Blanks, standard reference materials, and repeats are inserted into the sample stream at regular intervals by CanAlaska and the SRC in accordance with CanAlaska's quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures. Geochemical assay data are subject to verification procedures by qualified persons employed by CanAlaska prior to disclosure.

2024年項目的所有鑽孔樣品將以安全裝置的方式運往薩斯喀徹溫省薩斯卡通的薩斯喀徹溫研究委員會地質分析實驗室(SRC),用全(HF:NHO3:HClO4)和部分(HNO3:HCl)、熔融硼和ICP-MS和ICP-OES進行多元素分析。使用放射性探針獲得的地下獲得的鈾當量含量和閃爍計數器(SPP2或CT007-M)峯值來選擇分析樣品。品位樣品間隔爲0.3-0.8米連續的半巖芯分裂樣品。密度選擇樣品包括0.1米連續的整巖芯樣品,在經礦化區間內被切開並進行分析。對於所有的分析樣品,一半的芯樣將被保留,另一半將發往SRC用於分析。SRC是經ISO/IEC 17025/2005和加拿大標準委員會認證的分析實驗室。CanAlaska和SRC按照CanAlaska的質量保證/質量控制(QA/QC)程序定期向樣品流中加入空白、標準參考物質和重複樣品。地球化學分析數據在揭露之前必須經過由CanAlaska僱傭的合格人員的驗證程序。

During active exploration programs drillholes are radiometrically logged using calibrated downhole GeoVista NGRS and TGGS (Triple GM) gamma probes which collect continuous readings along the length of the drillhole. Preliminary radiometric equivalent uranium grades ("eU3O8") are then calculated from the downhole radiometric results. The probe is calibrated using an algorithm calculated from the calibration of the probe at the Saskatchewan Research Council facility in Saskatoon and from the comparison of probe results against geochemical analyses. At extremely high radiometric equivalent uranium grades, downhole gamma probes may become saturated, resulting in the probe being overwhelmed, which in turn can create difficulties in accurately determining extremely high-grade radiometric equivalent uranium grades, and a cap may be applied to the grade. The equivalent uranium grades are preliminary and are subsequently reported as definitive assay grades following sampling and chemical analysis of the mineralized drill core. In the case where core recovery within a mineralized intersection is poor or non-existent, radiometric grades are considered to be more representative of the mineralized intersection and may be reported in the place of assay grades. Radiometric equivalent probe results are subject to verification procedures by qualified persons employed by CanAlaska prior to disclosure.

在活躍的勘探項目中,鑽孔將通過校準的地下GeoVista NGRS和TGGS(三重GM)伽馬探頭進行放射性測量,這些探頭沿着鑽孔的長度持續收集讀數。然後從地下放射性數據計算出初步的放射性當量鈾品位(“eU3O8”)。探頭使用算法進行校準,該算法是從薩斯喀徹溫省薩斯卡通的研究委員會設備的校準和與地球化學分析結果的比較中計算出來的。在極高的放射性當量鈾品位下,地下伽馬探針可能會飽和,導致探針不穩定,從而難以準確確定極高品位的放射性當量鈾品位,並且可能會對品位進行限制。當量鈾品位是初步計算的,隨後將在對礦化岩心進行採樣和化學分析後作爲明確的分析品位報告。在礦化交叉口內內部穩定性差或不存在的情況下,放射性品位被認爲更能代表礦化的交叉口,可以在同等條件下報告放射性當量探針品位。放射性當量探針結果在揭露之前必須經過CanAlaska僱傭的合格人員的驗證程序。

All reported depths and intervals are drill hole depths and intervals, unless otherwise noted, and do not represent true thicknesses, which have yet to be determined.


About CanAlaska Uranium

關於CanAlaska Uranium

CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (TSXV: CVV) (OTCQX: CVVUF) (FSE: DH7) holds interests in approximately 500,000 hectares (1,235,000 acres) in Canada's Athabasca Basin. CanAlaska's strategic holdings have attracted major international mining companies. CanAlaska is currently working with Cameco on the West McArthur JV project and Denison on the Moon Lake South JV project in the Eastern Athabasca Basin. CanAlaska is a project generator positioned for discovery success in the world's richest uranium district. The Company also holds properties prospective for nickel, copper, gold and diamonds. For further information visit .

CanAlaska Uranium Ltd.(TSXV:CVV)(OTCQX:CVVUF)(FSE:DH7)在加拿大的Athabasca盆地擁有大約500,000公頃(1,235,000英畝)的探礦權。 CanAlaska的戰略所持據吸引了國際大型採礦公司的關注。 CanAlaska目前正在與Cameco合作進行West McArthur JV項目和與Denison合作進行Moon Lake South JV項目。 CanAlaska是一個位於世界上最豐富的鈾礦區的礦區發現成功的項目生成器。該公司還擁有具有前景的鎳,銅,金和鑽石物業。有關詳細信息,請訪問。

The Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for this news release is Nathan Bridge, MSc., P. Geo., Vice-President Exploration for CanAlaska Uranium Ltd., who has reviewed and approved its contents.

本新聞稿適用於Mineral Project的國家43-101披露標準的Qualified Person是CanAlaska Uranium Ltd.的副總裁勘探Nathan Bridge(MSc.,P.Geo.),他已經審查並批准了其內容。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Cory Belyk"
Cory Belyk, P.Geo., FGC
CEO, President and Director
CanAlaska Uranium Ltd.

“Cory Belyk”
Cory Belyk,P.Geo。,FGC
CanAlaska Uranium Ltd.



Cory Belyk, CEO and President
Tel: +1.306.668.6900

Cory Belyk,首席執行官和總裁

General Enquiry
Tel: +1.306.668.6915


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義)均不對此通告的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

Forward-looking information


All statements included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. In addition, these statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will prove inaccurate, certain of which are beyond the Company's control. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, the Company does not intend to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date hereof or revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events.


