
16 S&P 500 Stocks With The Worst Analyst Ratings

16 S&P 500 Stocks With The Worst Analyst Ratings

16 隻標普 500 分析師評級最差的股票
Benzinga Staff Writer ·  2019/12/01 09:50

Analyst rating and price target changes are one of the most common catalysts in the stock market. Wall Street analysts typically have years of experience in the market and access to industry insiders, cutting edge technology and a tremendous amount of resources that are helpful in forecasting the market.

分析師評級和價格 目標 變化是股市中最常見的催化劑之一。華爾街分析師通常擁有多年的市場經驗,並可以接觸到行業內人士,尖端技術和大量資源,這些資源有助於預測市場。

These analysts are far from perfect in picking stock winners and losers, and they take a lots of heat in the media for their mistakes. But in general, analyst commentary is a useful resource for investors. Power Of Diversification

這些分析師在挑選股票贏家和輸家方面還遠遠不夠完美,他們因為他們的錯誤而在媒體上採取了大量的熱量。但總的來說,分析師評論對投資者來說是一個有用的資源。 多元化的力量

Financial advisors encourage investors to diversify their portfolios to help mitigate the risk that of any individual investment. Traders should think the same way about analyst opinions as well. Relying too heavily on one analyst can be dangerous, but the consensus analyst opinion on a stock can give a much more accurate snapshot of the outlook for a stock.


Analyst Sell ratings can be particularly useful to traders given they are extremely rare. In general, more than 90% of all analyst ratings are Buys or Holds, while under 10% are Sells. Worst-Rated Stocks

由於分析師的賣出評級極為罕見,因此對交易者特別有用。一般而言,90% 以上的分析師評級為「買入」或「持有」,而 10% 以下是「賣出」。 最差的股票

Here’s a look at the 16 S&P 500 stocks with the most bearish consensus analyst ratings according to Finviz. The overall rating score is based on an average analyst rating on a scale of 1.0 (Strong Buy) to 5.0 (Strong Sell). Franklin Resources, Inc. (NYSE: BEN), 3.6 rating. Fossil Group Inc (NASDAQ: FOSL), 3.5 rating. J M Smucker Co (NYSE: SJM), 3.5 rating. Macy's Inc (NYSE: M), 3.4 rating. Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT), 3.4 rating. Campbell Soup Company (NYSE: CPB), 3.4 rating. Kraft Heinz Co (NASDAQ: KHC), 3.3 rating. The Western Union Company (NYSE: WU), 3.3 rating. Mettler-Toledo International Inc. (NYSE: MTD), 3.3 rating. Southern Co (NYSE: SO), 3.3 rating. Southwestern Energy Company (NYSE: SWN), 3.2 rating. MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: MKTX), 3.2 rating. Hormel Foods Corp (NYSE: HRL), 3.2 rating. Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN), 3.2 rating. Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE: ED), 3.2 rating. Expeditors International of Washington (NASDAQ: EXPD), 3.2 rating. Benzinga’s Take

這裡就一起來看看 16 標普 500 根據 Finviz,最看跌共識分析師評級的股票。整體評分是根據 1.0(強買入)到 5.0(強賣)的平均分析師評級而定。 富蘭克林資源公司 (紐約證交所:本) 的評分。 化石集團 (納斯達克:FOSL), 評分. J M 斯穆克有限公司 (紐約證券交易所:SJM), 評分. 梅西百貨公司 (紐約證交所:M),評級為 3.5 分。 沃特斯公司 (紐約:笏),評級為 3.5 分。 金宝汤 (紐約證券交易所:CPB),評級為 3.5 分。 卡夫亨氏股份有限公司 (納斯達克:KHC),評級為 3 分。 西聯匯款公司 (紐約證交所:吴),評級為 3 分。 梅特勒-托利多國際股份有限公司 (紐約證券交易所:MTD),評級為 3 分。 南方公司 (紐約證交所:所以),評級為 3 分。 西南能源 (紐約證券交易所:SWN) 的評分。 市場控股有限公司 (納斯達克:MKTX) 的評分。 荷美爾食品公司 (紐約證交所:HRL) 的評分。 嘉明有限公司 (納斯達克:億) 的評分。 合併愛迪生股份有限公司 (紐約證券交易所:編) 的評分。 華盛頓國際公司 (納斯達克:外籍) 的評分。 賓辛加的採取

Investors who want some insight into an analyst’s track record can check his or her profile on TipRanks. However, an analyst’s track record may be a bit deceiving if he or she covers a market sector that has performed particularly well or poorly in recent years.

希望了解分析師往績記錄的投資者可以在 TIPRanks 上查看他或她的個人資料。但是,如果分析師涵蓋了近年來表現特別好或不佳的市場部門,則分析師的往績記錄可能會有點欺騙。

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