
Nickel North Corporate Assesses New Project Opportunities Globally

Nickel North Corporate Assesses New Project Opportunities Globally

Nickel North企業評估全球新的項目機遇
newsfile ·  07/15 21:00

Nickel North Exploration Corp. Evaluates Expansion into Africa and Asia

Nickel North Exploration Corp. 正在評估擴張到非洲和亞洲

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 15, 2024) - Nickel North Exploration Corp. (TSXV: NNX) ("Nickel North" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that its management team is actively evaluating exploration and development assets in the continents of Africa and Asia.

加拿大溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月15日) - Nickel North Exploration Corp. (TSXV: NNX) ("Nickel North"或"公司") 非常高興地宣佈,我們的管理團隊正在積極評估位於非洲和亞洲的勘探和開發資產。

Since establishing the initial resource at the Hawk Ridge nickel-copper-cobalt-platinum project and the planned sale of the asset to a previous suitor, the Company, led by CEO Tony Guo, has been diligently working to expand NNX's asset base beyond its Canadian holdings. The Company continues to engage with potential partners to further develop the Hawk Ridge project through joint ventures or option agreements.

自在Hawk Ridge鎳銅鈷鉑項目建立初始資源並計劃將項目轉讓給前一位買家以來,公司在首席執行官Tony Guo的帶領下一直在勤奮地努力將NNX的資產基礎擴展到加拿大以外的地區。公司仍在與潛在合作伙伴接觸,尋求通過合資企業或認購協議進一步開發Hawk Ridge項目。下面是Nickel North團隊最近訪問並開始討論合資和收購的礦產項目摘要,旨在創造長期股東價值:

The evaluated exploration and development projects, which range from early exploration to near-term production, include assets in both precious and battery metals. NNX benefits from the significant expertise and network of its major shareholder, Sinotech, which holds over 50% ownership, in these regions. Below are summaries of mineral projects the Nickel North team has recently visited and initiated discussions for joint ventures and acquisitions, aiming to create long-term shareholder value:

勘探和開發項目的評估範圍從初期勘探到快速生產,涵蓋了珍貴和電池金屬資產。NNX受益於其主要股東Sinotech在這些地區擁有超過50%的所有權所具有的重要專業知識和網絡。以下是Nickel North團隊最近訪問並開始討論合資企業和收購的礦產項目摘要,旨在創造長期股東價值:

  • Kyrgyzstan Republic: Copper-gold exploration permit with past discovery of anomalous gold-copper within a 400 km2 area.
  • Kenya: Gold projects within a 200 km2 area.
  • Tanzania: Gold projects within a 10 km2 area.
  • Zambia: Copper and gold projects within a 100 km2 area.
  • Liberia: Gold exploration license within a 78 km2 area.
  • Other potential projects in African, Asia and East European.
  • 吉爾吉斯斯坦共和國:銅金勘探許可證,發現了400平方公里區域內的異常金銅。
  • 肯尼亞:200平方公里範圍內的金礦項目。
  • 坦桑尼亞:10平方公里範圍內的金礦項目。
  • 贊比亞:100平方公里區域內的銅和金礦項目。
  • 利比里亞:78平方公里區域內的金勘探許可證。
  • 非洲、亞洲和東歐的其他潛在項目

Tony Guo, CEO of Nickel North, states, "We appreciate the support of our loyal institutional and retail shareholders following the conclusion of the Hawk Ridge option with our previous partner. As we continue to work on generating value from that asset, we have remained active, focusing on countries and projects which can maximize shareholder value. Please feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries. Mining projects and developments take time, and with the current disconnect between metal prices and equity valuations, we believe now is a great time for acquisitions. On behalf of the Board and the Nickel North management team, we thank our stakeholders for their patience and long-term confidence in our vision."

Nickel North的CEO Tony Guo表示: "我們感謝我們忠誠的機構和散戶股東在與前一位合作伙伴的Hawk Ridge認購期的結束後對我們的支持。在我們繼續努力從項目中創造價值的同時,我們一直積極投身於尋找那些可以最大化股東價值的國家和項目。如有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫。採礦項目和開發需要時間,在金屬價格和股票估值之間的當前脫節下,我們相信現在是收購的好時機。我代表董事會和Nickel North管理團隊感謝我們的利益相關者對我們的願景的耐心和長期信任。"

About Nickel North Exploration

關於Nickel North Exploratio

Nickel North Exploration is a Canada-based exploration company focused on defining a Cu-Ni-Co-PGE mineral resource at its Hawk Ridge Project in Northern Quebec. The board of directors, advisor committee and management team are experienced, successful mine finders. The property consists of a 50 km long belt of strong magmatic Cu-Ni-Co-PGE occurrences covering 179.67 km2. Quebec is a mining-friendly jurisdiction. Nickel North Exploration is a conscientious corporate citizen maintains good relations with local Inuit communities and is committed to sustainable development. For more information on the company, please visit or follow Company on Twitter at .

Nickel North Exploration是一家總部位於加拿大的勘探公司,專注於定義北魁省Hawk Ridge項目的Cu-Ni-Co-PGE礦源。董事會、顧問委員會和管理團隊具有豐富的成功礦業發現經驗。該物業由覆蓋179.67平方公里的強烈岩漿Cu-Ni-Co-PGE出現帶組成。魁北克是一個礦業友好的司法管轄區。Nickel North Exploration是一個有良好公民意識的企業,與當地因紐特社區保持良好關係,並致力於可持續發展。有關公司的更多信息,請訪問網站或在Twitter上關注公司。

Nickel North Exploration Corp. has been identified as a key player in the Critical and Strategic Minerals value chain by Quebec's Ministry of Economics and Innovation (MEI) in 2021 (Quebec Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Minerals 2020-2025 (, which is part of Quebec's Plan for the Development of Critical and Strategic Metals (QPDCSM) and aims to stimulate the exploration and mining of SCMs, their transformation and recycling.

Nickel North Exploration Corp.已被魁北克省經濟和創新部(MEI)在2021年確定爲關鍵和戰略礦物價值鏈的關鍵參與者(魁北克關鍵和戰略礦物開發計劃2020-2025年(。該計劃是魁北克關鍵和戰略金屬開發計劃(QPDCSM)的一部分,旨在刺激SCMs的勘探和採礦、轉化和回收。

Per: "Tony Guo"
Tony Guo

按:"Tony Guo"
Tony Guo

Nickel North Exploration Inc.
Tony Guo. P. Geo, Chief Executive Officer (Tel: +1-778-877-5480)

North America IR / PR Jemini Capital
Jorge Galindo
Tel: +1 (647) 725-3888 x702

Nickel North Exploration Inc.
Tony Guo. P. Geo,首席執行官(電話: +1-778-877-5480)

北美IR / PRJemini Capital
Jorge Galindo
電話:+1 (647) 725-3888 x702

For further information please visit


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