
Truckin Digital Announces Integration With Intuit QuickBooks to Streamline Financial Management for Trucking Companies

Truckin Digital Announces Integration With Intuit QuickBooks to Streamline Financial Management for Trucking Companies

Truckin Digital宣佈與Intuit QuickBooks集成,爲公路運輸公司簡化財務管理。
PR Newswire ·  07/15 20:45

DETROIT, July 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Truckin Digital, a leading provider of digital solutions for the trucking industry, is thrilled to announce its latest integration with Intuit QuickBooks Online, the world's leading online accounting software. This strategic integration aims to simplify financial management for trucking companies, enhancing their operational efficiency and overall profitability.

Truckin Digital是領先的爲卡車行業提供數字解決方案的供應商,很高興宣佈其最新與全球領先的在線會計軟件Intuit QuickBooks Online的整合。這次戰略整合旨在爲貨車公司簡化財務管理,提高其運營效率和總體盈利能力。

The integration of Truckin Digital with QuickBooks offers a seamless connection between dispatch operations and financial management. Trucking companies can now enjoy automated 2-way data synchronization, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This powerful combination ensures that businesses can maintain accurate financial records, streamline invoicing, and gain real-time insights into their financial health.

Truckin Digital與QuickBooks的整合爲調度運營和財務管理之間提供了無縫連接。現在,卡車公司可以享受自動化的雙向數據同步,消除手動輸入數據的需要,降低錯誤風險。這個強大的組合確保企業能夠保持準確的財務記錄,簡化發票管理,並獲得其財務狀況的實時洞察力。

The integration of Truckin Digital with QuickBooks offers a seamless connection between dispatch operations and financial management.

Truckin Digital與QuickBooks的整合爲調度運營和財務管理之間提供了無縫連接。

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Key Benefits of the Truckin Digital and QuickBooks Integration:

Truckin Digital和QuickBooks整合的關鍵好處:

Automated Data Sync: Automatically transfer data between Truckin Digital and QuickBooks, ensuring up-to-date and accurate financial records without the need for manual input.

自動化數據同步:自動在Truckin Digital和QuickBooks之間傳輸數據,無需手動輸入,確保最新和準確的財務記錄。

Enhanced Efficiency: Save time and reduce errors by eliminating duplicate data entry, allowing trucking companies to focus on core operations.


Real-Time Financial Insights: Gain instant access to financial reports and dashboards, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning.


Streamlined Receivables & Payables: Simplify process with automated invoicing, billing and payment tracking, improving cash flow management.


"We are excited to integrate with QuickBooks as it is a significant milestone for Truckin Digital and our clients," said Al Ceric, President at Truckin Digital. "This integration aligns with Truckin Digital's commitment to providing innovative solutions that simplify operations and drive business growth. With real-time synchronization between the Truckin Digital ERP and QuickBooks, customers can optimize their financial management processes and focus on delivering exceptional service."

Truckin Digital總裁Al Ceric表示:“我們很高興能夠與QuickBooks整合,這是Truckin Digital和我們客戶的重大里程碑。這種整合符合Truckin Digital提供簡化運營並推動業務增長創新解決方案的承諾。通過Truckin Digital ERP和QuickBooks之間的實時同步,客戶可以優化其財務管理流程,並專注於提供卓越的服務。”

About Truckin Digital:

關於Truckin Digital:

Truckin Digital is a Trucking Software ERP SaaS cloud solution for carriers and brokers alike. This innovative platform is designed to cater to the dynamic needs of the transportation sector from planning, dispatch, safety & compliance to accounting plus more.

Truckin Digital是面向海運和經紀人的卡車軟件ERP SaaS雲解決方案。這個創新平台旨在滿足交通運輸領域從規劃、調度、安全和合規到會計等方面的動態需求。

For more information about Truckin Digital, visit our website at or by phone at (866) 300-7701. You can also stay up to date on all things Truckin Digital by following us on Linked In, YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook.

有關Truckin Digital的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站或致電(866) 300-7701。您還可以通過關注我們的LinkedIn、YouTube、X(前Twitter)、Instagram和Facebook等社交平台上的信息,獲取所有有關Truckin Digital的最新動態。

Truckin Digital – The driving force behind your company.

Truckin Digital--推動您的公司發展的動力。

About QuickBooks


QuickBooks is a global leader in cloud accounting and financial management, with millions of subscribers worldwide. It is designed to fuel small business success.


The Intuit Developer platform enables developers to integrate with rich QuickBooks financial and transactional data and offers unparalleled reach to small businesses through Intuit's, where QuickBooks customers go to find, try, and buy integrated apps that meet their industry-specific needs.

Intuit Developer平台使開發人員能夠集成豐富的QuickBooks財務和交易數據,並通過Intuit的Apps.com向小企業提供無與倫比的服務,QuickBooks客戶可在其中尋找、嘗試和購買符合其行業特定需求的集成應用。

Press Contact:


Truckin Digital
(866) 300-7701
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Truckin Digital
(866) 300-7701
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SOURCE Truckin Digital

來源:Truckin Digital

