
CHAR Technologies Joins the Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA)

CHAR Technologies Joins the Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA)

GlobeNewswire ·  2024/07/15 20:00

TORONTO, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CHAR Technologies ("CHAR Tech" or the "Company") (TSXV:YES), a leader in sustainable energy solutions, is proud to announce its membership in the Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA). Founded in 1943, the OFIA is a provincial trade association whose members sustainably manage over 30 million hectares of public and private forests in Ontario.

2024年7月15日,多倫多(Globe Newswire)——廢物管理領域領袖CHAR Technologies("CHAR Tech"或"公司")(TSXV:YES)很榮幸宣佈加入安大略省林業協會(OFIA)。 OFIA成立於1943年,是一個省級貿易協會,其會員在安大略省公共和私人森林中可持續管理超過3000萬公頃。

The OFIA is a stronghold of diverse members, including lumber, engineered wood products, pulp and paper, bioproducts, and forest managers. This membership provides CHAR Tech with an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders and address the renewable energy needs of Ontario's forest sector. Using its high-temperature pyrolysis (HTP) technology, CHAR Tech can convert forestry wood waste into valuable bioenergy products such as biocarbon and renewable natural gas (RNG). Repurposing wood waste residuals into bioenergy can also lesson the impact of wildfires, protecting our forests and communities.

OFIA是一個由衆多成員組成的強大組織,包括木材、工程木材產品、紙漿和造紙業、生物產品和森林管理者。這個成員資格爲CHAR Tech與行業領袖合作,解決安大略林業板塊的可再生能源需求提供了無與倫比的機會。利用其高溫熱解(HTP)技術,CHAR Tech可以將林業廢棄物轉化爲有價值的生物能源產品,例如生物炭和可再生天然氣(RNG)。將木材廢棄物再利用成爲生物能源也可以減輕野火的影響,保護我們的森林和社區。

"We are very excited to join the Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA)," said Andrew White, CEO of CHAR Tech. "The organization's focus on climate change mitigation and a net-zero economy aligns with our vision of driving waste-to-energy solutions. Being part of this vast network allows us to work closely with forestry organizations, identify their renewable energy needs, and provide innovative solutions for forest waste management."

"我們非常高興加入安大略省林業協會(OFIA),"CHAR Tech的首席執行官安德魯·懷特(Andrew White)表示。"組織關注氣候變化緩解和淨零經濟,與我們推動廢物-能源解決方案的願景相一致。作爲這個廣泛網絡的一部分,我們可以與林業組織密切合作,確定他們的可再生能源需求,併爲森林廢物管理提供創新解決方案。"

OFIA's President & CEO, Ian Dunn, adds, "We are thrilled to welcome CHAR Technologies to the OFIA. Their advanced technology and expertise in developing bioenergy will significantly contribute to the OFIA's mission. By including innovative companies like CHAR Tech, we are creating opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing, ultimately improving the resilience of our forests and the competitiveness of our sector."

OFIA總裁兼首席執行官伊恩·鄧恩(Ian Dunn)表示:"我們非常高興歡迎CHAR Technologies加入OFIA。他們在開發生物能源方面的先進技術和專業知識將對OFIA的使命產生重大貢獻。通過包括CHAR Tech這樣的創新公司,我們正在爲合作和知識共享創造機會,最終提高我們的森林的韌性和我們行業的競爭力。"

For further information, please contact:


Galen Cranston
Director of Stakeholder Relations
CHAR Technologies Ltd.

Galen Cranston
CHAR Technologies Ltd.



Forward-Looking Statements


Statements contained in this press release contain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements") about CHAR and its business and operations. The words "may", "would", "will", "intend", "anticipate", "expect" and similar expressions as they relate to CHAR, are intended to identify forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the Offering, the anticipated benefits of, and rationale for, the Offering, statements regarding the intended use of proceeds of the Offering, expectations regarding the offtake agreement, future plans, operations and activities, expectations regarding the scale up of production, the anticipated development of additional project sites on an expedited basis, and other statements that are not historical facts. Such statements reflect CHAR's current views and ‎intentions with respect to future events, and current information available to CHAR, and are subject to ‎certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, among others, the timing and ability of CHAR to obtain final approval of the Offering from the TSX Venture Exchange and those risk factors discussed or referred to in CHAR's disclosure documents filed with the securities regulatory authorities in certain provinces of Canada, including the Management Discussion & Analysis dated February 27th, 2024 for the quarter ended December 31, 2023, and available under CHAR's profile on . Any such forward-looking information is expressly qualified in its ‎entirety by this cautionary statement. Moreover, CHAR does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or ‎completeness of such forward-looking information. The forward-looking information included in this press release ‎is made as of the date of this press release and CHAR undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise ‎any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿中包含的聲明涉及到CHAR和其業務和運營的“前瞻性信息(forward-looking information)”,即加拿大證券法中的“前瞻性陳述(forward-looking statements)”。 這些詞語“可能”,“可能會”,“將要”,“有意”,“預計”,“期望”及類似表達意思的詞,都是爲了識別這些前瞻性信息。前瞻性陳述包括但不限於關於認購,認購的預期收益和相關原因的陳述,關於認購所籌集款項的用途,對購買協議的期望,未來的計劃,運營活動,預計生產規模的陳述以及關於加快其他項目站點開發的預期等,這些都不是歷史事實。這些陳述反映了CHAR對未來事件的當前看法和意圖,以及CHAR現有的信息,並且受到某些風險,不確定性和假設的影響,包括但不限於CHAR獲得 TSX Venture Exchange 最終批准認購的時間和能力以及相應的風險因素等,這些風險因素在CHAR提交給加拿大某些省份證券監管機構的披露文檔中已經被討論或引用,包括了歷史時間截至2023年12月31日的管理討論和分析報告以及CHAR的加拿大證券交易所檔案。此類前瞻性信息受本警示聲明的限制。此外,CHAR不對前瞻性信息的準確性或完整性承擔責任。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息截至本新聞稿日期。CHAR不承擔對任何前瞻性信息進行公開更新或更正的義務,除非適用法律另有規定。

