
NIMP 2030 Among Catalysts For Industrial REIT

NIMP 2030 Among Catalysts For Industrial REIT

興業證券REIT的催化劑之一,爲NIMP 2030
Business Today ·  07/14 13:04

The industrial REIT sub-sector should continues to perform well with minimal occupancy rate risks and stable rental reversions. This is supported by the influx of investments and favourable government policies such as the National Industrial Master Plan 2030.


RHB Investment said while it has been cautious on the pace of inorganic growth due to compressed yields, Axis REIT announced that it has entered into new acquisitions totalling MYR526m YTD. Notably, these buildings are older, such as the properties to be acquired in Bukit Raja aged 33 to 40 years old. However, it is an area which the REIT has already established itself in and has successfully completed major asset enhancement initiatives to revamp the older buildings.

RhB Investment表示,儘管由於收益率壓縮,它對無機增長的步伐持謹慎態度,但安訊士房地產投資信託基金宣佈已進行新的收購,年初至今總額爲52600萬令吉。值得注意的是,這些建築物較舊,例如將在武吉拉賈收購的房產,其歷史爲33至40年。但是,房地產投資信託基金已經在這一領域站穩了腳跟,併成功完成了重大的資產增強計劃,以改造舊建築。

The house notes that earnings will likely pick up in FY25 when these acquisitions are completed. In contrast, AME REIT has yet to announce any new acquisitions since its listing in Sep 2022, but in the long term, it would benefit from a supply of new assets from its sponsor.

衆議院指出,當這些收購完成後,收益可能會在25財年回升。相比之下,自2022年9月上市以來,AME REIT尚未宣佈任何新的收購,但從長遠來看,它將受益於其贊助商提供的新資產。

