In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top change rate of trading volume [current as of July 12, 14:32]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<4582> Shinbio 16433700 154980.36 329.9% 0.2393%
<2557> SMDAM Topi 281570 29915.431 327.92% -0.0104%
<3252> Chishu 1363900 150485.24 324.75% -0.1527%
<5026> Triple Ice 1402900 125186.24 315.49% 0.1732%
<1419> Tama Home 2488300 618312.5 298.13% 0.1539%
<9216> Bee With 584000 98573.8 266.86% 0.0978%
<8706> Kyokuto Securities 863300 139240.58 259.03% 0.1102%
<7888> Sankoh Synthesis 1608400 132606.16 239.69% 0.1233%
<4413> Board Lua 336600 162671.8 235.8% 0.1828%
<2633> NFS&P500 2285640 105899.29 233.74% -0.0239%
<2630> MXS US stocks He 38610 65781.399 221.9% -0.0085%
<1345> Listed J REIT 199200 61340.23 217.64% 0.012%
<4051> GMO-FG 195900 203013.8 216.52% 0.1125%
<8783> GFA 452300 26275.68 209.82% 0.0322%
<7608> SK 221500 34990.62 199.22% -0.0181%
<7527> System Soft 6639900 88452.86 193.21% 0.0704%
<135A> VRAIN 821100 444126.4 191.03% -0.0982%
<1557> SPDR500 18004 299638.66 189.72% -0.0237%
<3038> Kobe Bussan 3385300 2392346.68 182.62% 0.0562%
<5577> Idemy's sales volume was 18,000 kiloliters, +28.10% year-on-year, indicating significant growth. In terms of product structure, the operating income of 10-30 billion yuan products are respectively 401/1288/60 million yuan.
<5254> Arent's sales volume was 76000, +170.16% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.0498%.
<6532> BayCurrent's operating income was 5159200 and increased by +169.09% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.1932%.
<1369> One 225's operating income was 18633 and increased by 167.35% year-on-year. The percentage change was -0.0245%.
<1488> iFJ Real Estate's operating income was 90801 and increased by 166.96% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.0106%.
<9067> MaruUn's operating income was 2617400 and increased by 165.47% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.036%.
<2337> Ichigo's operating income was 2908700 and increased by 164.63% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.0893%.
<4576> DWTI's operating income was 584600 and increased by 163.34% year-on-year. The percentage change was -0.0444%.
<8905> AEON mall's operating income was 3711800 and increased by 162.63% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.0988%.
<7047> Port's operating income was 247100 and increased by 161.04% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.0287%.
<5253> Cover's operating income was 16192200 and increased by 160.38% year-on-year. The percentage change was 0.1275%.
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.