
'Steward Health Care Under Federal Investigation for Fraud and Corruption' - CBS News; Medical Properties Trust Shares Spike Lower

'Steward Health Care Under Federal Investigation for Fraud and Corruption' - CBS News; Medical Properties Trust Shares Spike Lower

'Steward 醫療保健因欺詐和腐敗問題接受聯邦調查' - CBS 資訊; Medical Properties Trust 股價飆升
Benzinga ·  07/12 00:19
CBS News has learned federal authorities in Boston have opened a criminal investigation into Steward Health Care, a company that owns dozens of hospitals nationwide, including nine in Massachusetts, according to two people familiar with the matter. Steward, which is based in Dallas, recently filed for bankruptcy.
據CBS News報道,聯邦當局在波士頓對Steward Health Care展開了刑事調查,這家公司擁有全國數十家醫院,包括馬薩諸塞州的九家。總部位於達拉斯的Steward最近申請破產。
Federal prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney's office in Boston are investigating Steward Health Care based on various allegations including fraud and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, two people familiar with the matter said. The law prohibits U.S. citizens and entities from engaging in corrupt activities when operating overseas...
根據兩位知情人士的說法,位於波士頓的美國檢察官辦公室的聯邦檢察官正在調查Steward Health Ca...

