
BM Greentech Joins Forces With Plus Xnergy's Via RM110 Million Acquisition

BM Greentech Joins Forces With Plus Xnergy's Via RM110 Million Acquisition

Bm Greentech通過斥資1,100萬令吉收購Plus Xnergy的股權
Business Today ·  07/11 19:28

BM Greentech Berhad (BM Greentech) and Plus Xnergy Holdings Sdn Bhd (Plus Xnergy) today formalised the conditional share acquisition agreement (SAA) to fulfil the Term Sheet requirements in BM Greentech's RM110 million acquisition of Plus Xnergy.

Bm Greentech Berhad(Bm Greentech)和Plus Xnergy Holdings Sdn Bhd(Plus Xnergy)今天正式簽署了條件性股份收購協議(SAA),以滿足Bm Greentech 1.1億馬來西亞令吉收購Plus Xnergy的條款要求。

At the same time Plus Xnergy co-founders Ko Chuan Zhen and Oh Zhi Kang are named onto the executive leadership of BM Greentech, securing their positions within the Main Market-listed entity. Ko will continue to helm Plus Xnergy as Group CEO, and has also been nominated as an Executive Director of BM Greentech, subject to shareholders' approval, with Oh as his alternate.

同時,Plus Xnergy的聯合創始人許傳成和歐智康被任命爲Bm Greentech的執行領導,穩固了他們在該上市公司裏的地位。許傳成將繼續擔任Plus Xnergy的集團CEO,並已被提名爲Bm Greentech的執行董事,待股東批准,歐智康則作爲他的替補。

Both companies are combining their track record, expertise and resources. Plus Xnergy will benefit from BM Greentech's bioenergy and water treatment solutions portfolio to provide more holistic solutions for customers and businesses. Additionally, BM Greentech has committed RM50 million capital injection to power Plus Xnergy's business growth and expansion.

兩家公司將整合彼此的成果、專業知識和資源。Plus Xnergy將受益於Bm Greentech的生物能源和水處理解決方案組合,爲客戶和企業提供更全面的解決方案。此外,Bm Greentech已承諾向Plus Xnergy注入5000萬令吉的資本,以推動其業務增長和擴張。

The integration of Plus Xnergy's innovative solutions, and existing wide customer base also strengthens BM Greentech's position as a comprehensive climate change solutions leader.

Plus Xnergy的創新解決方案和現有廣泛客戶群的結合也加強了Bm Greentech作爲綜合氣候變化解決方案領導者的地位。

BM Greentech Group Managing Director Chia Lik Khai said, "Plus Xnergy's clean energy ecosystem comprising generation, storage, energy efficiency, electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions and smart energy systems adds breadth and depth that strengthens our value chain. Our combined capability positions us well to capitalise on large-scale solar (LSS) projects and the growing demand for clean energy solutions to support the ESG journey of businesses and a just transition. This acquisition propels us towards our vision of being the preferred climate change solutions partner. Having Ko and Oh onboard adds invaluable industry experience that benefits our strategic decision making."

Bm Greentech集團董事總經理謝立凱說:“Plus Xnergy的清潔能源生態系統包括髮電、儲能、能效、電動汽車(EV)充電解決方案和智能能源系統,增加了我們價值鏈的廣度和深度。我們的綜合能力使我們能夠充分利用大規模太陽能(LSS)項目和越來越多的清潔能源解決方案需求,以支持企業的環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)之路和公平轉型。此次收購推動我們朝着成爲首選氣候變化解決方案合作伙伴的願景邁進。許傳成和歐智康的加盟爲我們決策制定帶來了無價的行業經驗。”

Founded in 2013, Plus Xnergy provides clean energy solutions for commercial, industrial, residential and LSS projects including solar farms in Kedah, Perlis, Perak, and Selangor. It has built a strong presence in Malaysia with nationwide footprint of over 400 MWp of installed solar PV capacity, which generated 2,000 GWh in clean energy as of March 2024.

Plus Xnergy成立於2013年,爲商業、工業、住宅以及檳城、玻璃市、霹靂和雪蘭莪太陽能農場等LSS項目提供清潔能源解決方案。它在馬來西亞建立了堅實的存在感,全國範圍內已安裝了超過400兆瓦的太陽能光伏裝機容量,截至2024年3月產生了2000吉瓦時的清潔能源。

Meanwhile, Plus Xnergy Group CEO Ko Chuan Zhen said, "Having started in the Renewable Energy industry when it was at the infancy phase 12 years ago, we have witnessed its increasing market demand, which has propelled our capability expansion and leadership position. We are excited with the opportunity to further accelerate our growth as it aligns with our mission to spur the clean energy transition and to lead the clean energy infrastructure landscape. The financial strength and extended regional reach of BM Greentech provide us a launchpad to capitalise on the numerous clean energy initiatives. Our collective resources will enable us to better contribute to the creation of shared value through innovative and cost-effective energy solutions, and in the larger picture, the overall sustainability aspirations of Malaysia."

與此同時,Plus Xnergy集團CEO許傳成表示:“12年前,我們在可再生能源行業的萌芽期開始了籌備,見證了市場需求的不斷增長,這推動了我們的能力拓展和領導地位。我們很高興能有機會進一步加快我們的增長,因爲它符合我們推動清潔能源轉型、領導清潔能源基礎設施景觀的使命。Bm Greentech的財務實力和擴展區域的能力爲我們提供了一個利用衆多清潔能源倡議的發射臺。我們的集體資源將使我們能夠通過創新和高效的能源解決方案更好地爲創造共享價值做出貢獻,並在更大的層面上實現馬來西亞的可持續發展願景。”

Plus Xnergy's selling shareholders comprising Ko, Oh, Leong Beng Yew, Oh Siang Hwa, Poh Tyng Huei, Smiling Planet Sdn Bhd and Tenaga Wan Foong Sdn Bhd have guaranteed at least RM44 million in accumulated profit over the next four years to BM Greentech.

Plus Xnergy的出售股東包括許傳成、歐、梁明耀、歐相華、卜庭源、Smiling Planet Sdn Bhd和Tenaga Wan Foong Sdn Bhd已經保證在未來四年內累計盈利至少4400萬令吉給予Bm Greentech。

BM Greentech will be issuing 81,481,482 new shares at RM1.35 per share to satisfy the proposed acquisition. To maintain the majority ownership at over 50% stake, BM Greentech will also undertake a special issuance of 90,518,518 new shares to QL Resources Berhad ("QL") at the same price, raising approximately RM122 million to fund future expansion of BM Greentech's and Plus Xnergy's businesses.

Bm Greentech將發行8148.1482萬股新股,每股1.35令吉,以滿足擬議的併購。爲保持大股東持股超過50%的股份,Bm Greentech還將以相同價格向QL Resources Berhad(“QL”)進行特別發行9051.8518萬股新股,籌集約1.22億令吉,用於支持Bm Greentech和Plus Xnergy的未來擴張。

Following the acquisition, BM Greentech plans to offer a bonus issue of 172,000,000 warrants on the basis of 1 warrant for every 4 existing BM Greentech shares with the entitlement date to be determined later.

收購完成後,Bm Greentech計劃根據每四股現有Bm Greentech股份發行17200萬個認股權證,基於所取得的股票發放1個認股權證,具體實施時間另行確定。

BM Greentech, a leader in climate change solutions, with bioenergy, water (waste and raw) treatment, and solar energy segments is QL's subsidiary. BM Greentech's focus on innovation and advocating the usage of green technologies to create value for customers and reduce the environmental impact of businesses has resulted in an estimated annual carbon dioxide equivalent reduction of 4.3 million metric tonnes and an annual Biological Oxygen Demand reduction of almost 29,000 MT in the financial year ended 31 March 2024.

Bm Greentech是氣候變化解決方案領導者,擁有生物能源、水(廢水和原水)處理和太陽能三個領域,是QL的子公司。Bm Greentech專注於創新和倡導使用綠色技術爲客戶創造價值,並減少企業對環境的影響,這在2024財年中實現了約430萬公噸的二氧化碳當量的減排和近29,000噸的生物需氧量的年減排。

BM Greentech's acquisition of Plus Xnergy aligns with QL's strategy of cultivating clean energy as a growth area to sustainably enhance performance.

Bm Greentech收購Plus Xnergy符合QL將清潔能源培植爲增長領域以保持可持續增長績效的戰略。

Malaysia has immense potential for renewable energy, with over 95% of the estimated 290 GW technical potential, including a massive 269 GW from solar power alone, waiting to be tapped. The National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) has spotlighted solar PV installations as one of the pathways in Malaysia's national energy mix.


Government's initiatives such as Net Energy Metering (NEM), LSS, Corporate Green Power Programme (CGPP) and Third-Party Access (TPA) provide the impetus in this shift, creating substantial growth opportunities for Plus Xnergy, BM Greentech and QL, BM Greentech said.

Bm Greentech表示,政府的倡議,如淨能量計量(NEM)、LSS、企業綠色電力計劃(CGPP)和第三方接入(TPA)推動了這一轉變,爲Plus Xnergy、Bm Greentech和QL創造了巨大的增長機會。

