
Premier American Uranium Commences Inaugural Exploration Drill Program at Its Cyclone ISR Project, Wyoming

Premier American Uranium Commences Inaugural Exploration Drill Program at Its Cyclone ISR Project, Wyoming

Premier American Uranium在其位於懷俄明州的Cyclone ISR項目啓動了首個勘探鑽探計劃
GlobeNewswire ·  07/11 19:00

TORONTO, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Premier American Uranium Inc. ("PUR", the "Company" or "Premier American Uranium") (TSXV: PUR) (OTCQB: PAUIF) is pleased to announce that it has commenced its inaugural exploration drill program at the wholly-owned Cyclone ISR Uranium Project ("Cyclone" or the "Project") in the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, in the vicinity of Ur-Energy Inc.'s Lost Creek ISR uranium mine and other former uranium mining facilities (Figure 1). The exploration drill program at Cyclone is designed to systematically investigate the resource potential identified in the National instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) ("Technical Report"), with an effective date of June 30, 2023, which outlined a resource exploration target of 7.9 million pounds to 12.6 million pounds of eU3O8 at a grade of approximately 0.06% U3O8. This target is underpinned by data from 88 holes drilled in 2007-2008 by previous operators, which demonstrated the presence of sandstone-hosted uranium mineralization within a geologic setting conducive to In Situ Recovery ("ISR") extraction.1

Premier American Uranium股份有限公司(“PUR”,以下簡稱“公司”)(TSXV:PUR)(OTCQB:PAUIF)很高興宣佈,其已在懷俄明州大分水嶺的自有Cyclone ISR鈾礦項目(“Cyclone”或“項目”)上啓動了首個勘探鑽探計劃,該項目位於Ur-Energy公司的Lost Creek ISR鈾礦和其他已關閉的鈾礦採礦設施附近(圖1)。Cyclone的勘探鑽探計劃旨在系統地調查國家43-101礦產項目披露標準(NI 43-101)(“技術報告”)中確定的資源潛力,該報告於2023年6月30日生效,其中概述了eU3O8約爲0.06%的等級下7,900,000磅至12,600,000磅的資源勘探目標。該目標得益於以前經營者在2007-2008年鑽探的88個孔的數據,這些數據證明了沙岩寄主的鈾礦化物存儲在一種有利於原地回收(“ISR”)提取的地質條件下。



  • 71 reverse circulation drill holes totalling approximately 49,700 ft. are planned for 2024 and 2025 drill seasons.
  • Two priority targets are expected to be tested, including Cyclone Rim Target (North Block) and Osborne Draw Target (East Block), see Figure 2 below.
  • At the Cyclone Rim Target, drilling has commenced with one rig scheduled to drill 35 holes to an average depth of approximately 500 ft.
  • At the Osborne Draw Target, drilling is anticipated for the 2025 season (~July to October) and contemplates approximately 36 drill holes with an average depth of ~800 ft.
  • The budget for the program is approximately US$2.3 million.
  • The reverse circulation drilling services contract has been awarded to Boart Longyear.
  • 計劃在2024年和2025年鑽探季節共套用71個反循環鑽孔,總長約49,700英尺。
  • 預計將測試兩個優先目標,包括Cyclone Rim目標(北區塊)和Osborne Draw目標(東區塊),請參見下圖2。
  • 在Cyclone Rim目標處,鑽探已經開始,其中一個鑽機預計將鑽探35個孔,平均深度約爲500英尺。
  • 在Osborne Draw目標處,預計將在2025年鑽探季節(約7月至10月)進行鑽探,並考慮採用約36個孔,平均深度約爲800英尺。
  • 該計劃的預算約爲230萬美元。
  • 反循環鑽探服務合同已授予Boart Longyear。

Colin Healey, CEO of PUR commented, "We are extremely excited to have mobilized for the inaugural exploration program at Cyclone. With the systematic approach we have put in place, we believe we are in the best position possible to locate and delineate uranium resources at the targets. We are proud of our technical and regulatory teams' success in designing and permitting the exploration program in Wyoming and look forward to announcing results of drilling in due course throughout the summer. Additionally, we wish to acknowledge the support of the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department throughout the permitting process and look forward to strengthening these working relationships as we advance the Project. Exploration is a key pillar of PUR's strategy to unlock value for shareholders from our portfolio of US assets in premium jurisdictions and today's announcement is a major milestone in PUR's short history as we commence exploration drilling at Cyclone."

PUR首席執行官Colin Healey評論說:“我們非常高興在Cyclone啓動首個勘探計劃。我們已經採取了系統化的方法,相信我們有可能在目標位置找到並勾畫出鈾資源。我們對我們在設計和許可證探礦計劃方面技術和管理團隊的成功感到自豪,期待在整個夏季期間宣佈鑽探結果。此外,我們希望感謝美國土地管理局(BLM)、懷俄明州環境質量部門和懷俄明州野生動物和漁類部門在許可過程中的支持,並期待加強這些工作關係,使我們能夠推進該項目。勘探是PUR解鎖美國資產組合價值的關鍵支柱策略,今天的公告是PUR短期歷史上的重要里程碑,因爲我們開始在Cyclone鑽探勘探。”

Cyclone Project

Cyclone Project

The Cyclone Project is situated in the Wyoming Basin physiographic province in south-central Wyoming and within the Great Divide Basin (Figure 1). Uranium mineralization occurs in the Tertiary Battle Spring Formation as sandstone-hosted roll-fronts. PUR's mineral holdings include 1,150 unpatented mining claims and 7 State leases. In total, the Project comprises approximately 27,629 acres. The area was explored by various companies and the US government beginning in the 1950's.

Cyclone項目位於懷俄明州中南部的懷俄明盆地的地形省內,位於大分水嶺內(見圖1)。鈾礦化物出現在第三紀的Battle Spring地層中,作爲寄主沙岩前緣。 PUR的礦產控股包括1,150個未獲專利的採礦權和7個州租賃權,項目總計約27,629英畝。這片區域從20世紀50年代開始得到各種公司和美國政府的開採。

Wyoming has led the US in uranium mining since 1995, and since the first uranium mines started operating in 1951, the state has produced more than 238 million pounds of uranium concentrate. Wyoming hosts the largest known economic uranium ore reserves in the US, which are located in the Powder River Basin, Great Divide Basin, Shirley Basin, and Gas Hills (Wind River Basin).2

自1995年以來,懷俄明州一直在鈾礦開採方面處於領先地位,自1951年第一座鈾礦開始運營以來,該州已經生產了超過2.38億磅鈾濃縮物。懷俄明州擁有美國已知最大的經濟鈾礦礦石儲量,分佈在Powder River Basin、Great Divide Basin、Shirley Basin和Gas Hills(Wind River Basin)中。2

Figure 1: Location of the Cyclone Project, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming


Exploration Drilling at Cyclone Project


The Project consists of two target areas known as the Cyclone Rim Target (North Block) and the Osborne Draw Target (East Block). PUR expects to drill-test both targets in a fully permitted, staged, program totalling approximately US$2.3 million (~71 holes, ~49,700 ft.) that will span the 2024 and 2025 drilling seasons.

該項目由兩個目標區域組成,稱爲Cyclone Rim目標(北區塊)和Osborne Draw目標(東區塊)。 PUR預計在經過全面許可的分階段計劃中在兩個目標區域進行鑽探測試,計劃總計約230萬美元(約71個孔,48600英尺),將跨越2024年和2025年的鑽探季節。

Figure 2: Drill Targets with Radiometrics at the Cyclone Project, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming


The first stage of drilling envisions the completion of approximately 35 holes at the Cyclone Rim target this summer, and now underway, carrying an average depth of approximately 500 ft. (total of ~17,500 ft.). Mineralization at the Cyclone Rim target occurs at approximately 400 ft.

首輪鑽探計劃在這個夏天完成,預計約將完成Cyclone Rim目標的35個鑽孔,平均深度約爲500英尺(總計約17,500英尺)。Cyclone Rim目標處的礦化物出現在約400英尺的位置。

The majority of the drilling on the Osborne Draw target is expected to occur during the 2025 drilling season (~July to October), with the potential, weather and time permitting, to conduct some initial drilling this year. Mineralization at the Osborne Draw target occurs at approximately 700 ft. Approximately 36 holes drilled to an average depth of ~800 feet (total of ~28,800 ft.) are planned.

在Osborne Draw目標的大部分鑽探工作預計將在2025年鑽探季節(約7月至10月)進行,具體時間將視當時氣候和時間情況而定,今年可能會進行一些初步鑽探。Osborne Draw目標處的礦化物出現在約700英尺的位置。計劃總共鑽探約36個孔,平均深度約爲800英尺(總計約28,800英尺)。

Qualified Person Statement


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Dean T. Wilton, PG, CPG, MAIG, a consultant of PUR who is a "Qualified Person" (as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects).

本新聞稿中包含的科學技術信息由PUR的技術諮詢師Dean t. Wilton,PG,CPG,MAIG進行了審查和批准,他是根據43-101礦產項目披露標準的“合格人員”(如定義)。

For additional information regarding the Company's Cyclone Project, including data verification related to certain scientific and technical information described in this news release, please see the Technical Report titled "Technical Report on the Cyclone Rim Uranium Project, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, USA" dated June 30, 2023, which is available under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .

有關公司Cyclone項目的其他信息(包括與本新聞稿所描述的某些科學技術信息相關的數據驗證),請參見技術報告,標題爲“美國懷俄明州大分水嶺Cyclone Rim鈾項目技術報告,美國懷俄明州”,日期爲2023年6月30日,可在本公司的SEDAR +配置文件下找到。

About Premier American Uranium

Premier American Uranium Inc.專注於在美國開發鈾項目的整合,勘探和開發。 PUR在美國三個著名的鈾生產區域擁有廣闊的土地持有量:新墨西哥州的Grants Mineral Belt,Wyoming的Great Divide Basin和科羅拉多州的Uravan Mineral Belt。 PUR擁有豐厚的過去生產經驗和當前和歷史鈾礦產資源,正在開展推進其組合的工作計劃。

Premier American Uranium Inc. is focused on the consolidation, exploration, and development of uranium projects in the United States. One of PUR's key strengths is the extensive land holdings in three prominent uranium-producing regions in the United States: the Grants Mineral Belt of New Mexico, the Great Divide Basin of Wyoming and the Uravan Mineral Belt of Colorado. With a rich history of past production and both current and historic uranium mineral resources, PUR has work programs underway to advance its portfolio.

Premier American Uranium Inc.專注於在美國整合、勘探和開發鈾項目。 PUR的一個關鍵優勢是在美國三個主要鈾生產地區擁有廣泛的土地持有:新墨西哥州的Grants Mineral Belt、懷俄明州的Great Divide Basin和科羅拉多州的Uravan Mineral Belt。憑藉豐富的歷史生產和當前和歷史鈾礦資源,PUR正在進行工作計劃以推進其組合。

Backed by Sachem Cove Partners, IsoEnergy Ltd., Mega Uranium Ltd., and additional corporate and institutional investors, and an unparalleled team with U.S. uranium experience, PUR's positioning in the market represents a compelling opportunity, as uranium fundamentals are currently the strongest they have been in more than a decade.

在Sachem Cove Partners,IsoEnergy Ltd.,Mega Uranium Ltd.和其他公司和機構投資者的支持下,並擁有美國鈾體驗的無與倫比的團隊,PUR在市場上的定位代表了一個引人注目的機會,因爲鈾的基本面目前是十多年來最強的。

For More Information, Please Contact:

欲了解更多信息,請聯繫Mehdi Azodi,董事長兼首席執行官。

Premier American Uranium Inc.
Colin Healey, CEO
Toll-Free: 1-833-223-4673
Twitter: @PremierAUranium

Premier American Uranium Inc.
Colin Healey,首席執行官

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TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(該術語在TSX Venture Exchange的規定中有定義)不對該新聞稿的充分性或準確性負責。

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to, planned exploration activities; anticipated exploration results; whether additional exploration will result in the exploration target will be delineated as a mineral resource; the potential for mineral resource identification at the Cyclone Project; and other activities, events or developments that are expected, anticipated or may occur in the future. Generally, but not always, forward-looking information and statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connotation thereof.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券法律“前瞻信息”。前瞻性信息包括但不限於計劃的勘探活動;預期的勘探結果;是否將有更多的勘探將勘探目標作爲礦產資源得以勾畫出來;Cyclone項目捕獲礦產資源的潛力以及其他預期、預計或可能發生的活動、事件或進展。一般而言,前瞻性信息和語句可以通過使用“計劃”、“期望”、“預計”、“預算”、“預定”、“估計”、“預測”、“意圖”、“預見”或具有負面含義的否定詞語或這些詞語和短語的變體以及聲稱或者暗示某些行動、事件或結果“可能”、“ 將被採取”、“發生”或“實現”或這些詞語和短語的否定詞等識別。

Forward-looking information and statements are based on our current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates and forecasts about PUR's business and the industry and markets in which it operates. Such forward-information and statements are based on numerous assumptions, including among others, that the planned exploration activities will be completed as an anticipated and that the results of such exploration activities are as anticipated, that additional exploration will result in the exploration target being delineated as a mineral resource the price of uranium, the anticipated cost of planned exploration activities, that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner, that financing will be available if and when needed and on reasonable terms, that third party contractors, equipment and supplies and governmental and other approvals required to conduct the Company's planned exploration activities will be available on reasonable terms and in a timely manner. Although the assumptions made by PUR in providing forward-looking information or making forward-looking statements are considered reasonable by management at the time, there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be accurate.


Forward-looking information and statements also involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performances and achievements of Premier American Uranium to differ materially from any projections of results, performances and achievements of Premier American Uranium expressed or implied by such forward-looking information or statements, including, among others: limited operating history, negative operating cash flow and dependence on third party financing, uncertainty of additional financing, delays or failure to obtain required permits and regulatory approvals, changes in mineral resources, that additional exploration may not result in the exploration target being delineated as a mineral resource, no known mineral reserves, aboriginal title and consultation issues, reliance on key management and other personnel; potential downturns in economic conditions; availability of third party contractors; availability of equipment and supplies; failure of equipment to operate as anticipated; accidents, effects of weather and other natural phenomena and other risks associated with the mineral exploration industry; changes in laws and regulation, competition, and uninsurable risks and the risk factors with respect to Premier American Uranium set out in PUR's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the other documents of PUR filed with the Canadian securities regulators and available under PUR's profile on SEDAR+ at .

前瞻性信息和聲明還包括已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,可能導致Premier American Uranium的實際結果、表現和成就與Premier American Uranium的任何預期結果、表現和成就表達或暗示的任何投影有所不同,其中包括但不限於:有限的經營歷史、負面經營現金流和對第三方融資的依賴、額外融資的不確定性、延遲或未能獲得所需的許可證和監管批准、礦產資源變化,額外勘探可能不會導致勘探目標被確定爲礦產資源,沒有已知礦產儲量,原住民所有權和諮詢問題、依賴關鍵管理和其他人員、經濟狀況可能下滑、第三方承包商可用性、設備和用品可用性、設備未能如預期運作、事故、天氣和其他自然災害和與礦業勘探行業相關的其他風險;法律和法規變化、競爭和無法保險的風險以及有關Premier American Uranium的風險因素,請參見PUR於2023年12月31日結束年度的《年度信息表》和PUR向加拿大證券監管機構提交的其他文件,並在SEDAR+的PUR檔案下可獲得。

Although PUR has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. PUR undertakes no obligation to update or reissue forward-looking information as a result of new information or events except as required by applicable securities laws.


1 See Technical Report on the Cyclone Rim Uranium Project, Great Divide Basin Wyoming, USA, with an effective date of June 30, 2023, prepared by BRS Engineering Inc., Douglas L. Beahm. P.E. P.G.

1請參見BRS Engineering Inc.準備的於2023年6月30日生效的關於Wyoming大分水嶺的Cyclone Rim鈾項目的技術報告,Douglas L. Beahm. P.E. P.G。

This is not a current estimate of mineral resources or reserves. The potential quantities and grades of the exploration target are conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to date to define a current mineral resource. Furthermore, it is uncertain if additional exploration will result in the exploration target being delineated as a mineral resource.


As determined by BRS Engineering Inc., sufficient historical exploration data is available for the North and East claim blocks to define an exploration target, which shows a range of 6.5 million short tons averaging 0.06% U3O8 (7.9 million lbs. U3O8) to 10.5 million short tons averaging 0.06% U3O8 (12.6 million lbs. U3O8). The potential quantity and grade of this exploration target is conceptual in nature and based on the geologic interpretation that mineralization is Sandstone Type mineralization, aerial radiometric anomalies, and indications of the presence of oxidation reduction interfaces with mineralization from available drill data. There has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if a mineral resource will be delineated. For the definition of the exploration target, the following criteria based on direct knowledge and experience in the area and similar sandstone hosted uranium deposits in Wyoming was used: (i) a minimum cut-off grade of 0.02% U3O8 and a grade thickness product (GT) of 0.10, (ii) a radiometric disequilibrium factor of 1, and (iii) a bulk density of 16 cubic feet per ton.

根據BRS Engineering Inc.確定,對於北部和東部申索塊,足夠的歷史勘探數據可用於定義勘探目標,該目標顯示出一系列650萬短噸平均0.06% U3O8(790萬磅U3O8)到1050萬短噸平均0.06% U3O8(1260萬磅U3O8)的範圍。該勘探目標的潛在數量和品位是概念性的,並且基於對礦化爲砂岩類型、航空輻射異常和根據可獲得的鑽探數據指示存在氧化還原界面與礦化物的地質解釋。迄今爲止,勘探不足以定義礦產資源,並且尚不確定是否將定義礦產資源。爲了定義勘探目標,使用了以下標準,這些標準基於對該地區和Wyoming類似砂岩型鈾礦牀的直接知識和經驗:(i)最低切割品位爲0.02% U3O8和品位與厚度產品(GT)爲0.10、(ii)放射性不平衡因子爲1,以及(iii)每噸16立方英尺的堆積密度。

2 Uranium resources summary of 2023 (


Photos accompanying this announcement are available at


