
CEOs Demand Urgent Action to Drive European Economic Growth

CEOs Demand Urgent Action to Drive European Economic Growth

愛立信 ·  07/10 12:00

Under a rotating chairmanship, Ekholm hosted the latest meeting of the CEO Alliance for Europe – comprising the CEOs of Ericsson, E.ON, Iberdrola, Scania, Schneider Electric, Skanska, and Volkswagen – at Ericsson's Stockholm headquarters on July 9.

埃克霍姆在輪值主席的情況下,於7月9日在愛立信斯德哥爾摩總部主持了歐洲CEO聯盟的最新會議,該聯盟由愛立信、天然氣、西班牙電力公司、Scania、Schneider Electric、斯堪卡和大衆汽車的首席執行官組成。

Ekholm says the twin transition areas are prime examples of where Europe can focus on longer term growth by investing to lead the way in the journey from research to product to market, as well as leading the global green transformation.

埃克霍姆表示,雙轉型領域是歐洲可以通過投資來關注長期增長的主要示例,帶領從研究到產品再到市場的旅程,並引領全球綠色轉型。"只有歐洲繁榮的經濟才能維持這個大陸的現有生活和福利標準,但該地區在經濟增長水平方面已經落後於其他全球領域," 埃克霍姆說。"歐洲必須通過聰明的投資和長期的關注來更快地增長,所有這些都符合歐洲綠色協議的要求。"

"Only a prosperous Europe can maintain the current standards of living and welfare standards across the contintent, and yet the region has fallen behind other global areas in levels of economic growth," Ekholm says."Europe must start growing faster through smart investments and longer-term focus, all in line with the European Green Deal."


With several national and pan-continent elections in Europe recently, Ekholm said it was a prime opportunity for political decision makers to act and prioritize the urgent need to boost European economic growth and industrial competitiveness.

在旋轉主席的情況下,埃克霍姆主持了歐洲CEO聯盟的最新會議,該聯盟由愛立信、天然氣、西班牙電力公司、Scania、Schneider Electric、斯堪卡和大衆汽車的首席執行官組成。

Representatives of the Swedish Government and European Commission were among the participants at the latest CEO Alliance meeting.


The CEOs outlined core principles for European policy makers.


  1. Economic growth and prosperity must be at the forefront of the EU's priorities.
  2. Twin transition, economic growth and competitiveness go hand in hand. There should be no backtracking on the ambition levels.
  3. The conclusions from the Letta report and expected conclusions from the upcoming Draghi report must be implemented, and legislative and administrative hurdles increasing administrative burden and hindering innovation, financial health and growth, and competitiveness of European businesses must be addressed and removed.
  4. Europe needs an investment-friendly environment encouraging long-term investments. European companies invest less of sales in R&D compared to leading countries and regions. There is a high risk that new ecosystems, jobs, expertise, and value will by captured elsewhere. Digitalization is critical to solving Europe's structural problems and setting its industrial base and small and medium sized enterprises on a path towards green growth. Without digital transformation, the 2030 Green Deal targets are unlikely to be realized.
  5. Harmonization of sustainability related legislative requirements within EU is a must, and member states need to focus on the overall objective to create growth and wealth instead of implementing additional administrative burdens in their path towards net-zero.
  1. 經濟增長和繁榮必須成爲歐盟優先考慮的事項。
  2. 雙轉型、經濟增長和競爭力相輔相成。不能降低野心的水平。
  3. 必須實施Letta報告的結論和即將出爐的Draghi報告的結論,並解決和消除增加行政負擔、阻礙創新、新舊金融健康和增長、歐洲企業競爭力的立法和行政障礙。
  4. 歐洲需要一種鼓勵長期投資的投資友好環境。與領先的國家和地區相比,歐洲企業在銷售中投入更少的研發,存在高風險:新生態系統、就業、專業知識和價值可能被其他地方佔領。數字化對解決歐洲的結構性問題、構建其工業基礎和中小型企業走向綠色增長的道路至關重要。未經數字化轉型,2030年綠色協議的目標不太可能實現。
  5. 必須在歐盟內部進行可持續發展相關立法要求的協調,成員國需要專注於創造增長和財富的總體目標,而不是在走向淨零排放過程中增加額外的行政負擔。

The CEO Alliance is a first-of-its-kind Action Tank created to realize the groundwork needed for sustainable ecosystems to grow all over Europe.


The CEO Alliance for Europe's Recovery, Reform and Resilience was formed in 2020 against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and the historic European Green Deal.

CEO Alliance for Europe's Recovery、Reform and Resilience於2020年成立,背景是COVID-19疫情和歷史上有關歐洲綠色協議的事件。

The Alliance's shared goal is to make the EU the world's leading region for climate protection while unlocking investments, fueling innovation in new technologies and creating future-proof jobs.


Read the related CEO Alliance press release: CEOs underline the need for economic growth and the Green Deal in Europe

閱讀相關CEO Alliance新聞發佈:首席執行官強調歐洲經濟增長和綠色協議的必要性

