
Vodafone and Ericsson Introduce Compact Antennas to Boost 5G Coverage in Germany

Vodafone and Ericsson Introduce Compact Antennas to Boost 5G Coverage in Germany

愛立信 ·  07/10 12:00

One of the biggest challenges in network expansion in Germany is the search for new locations for additional 5G antennas due to a scarcity of space left on rooftops. Available rooftop locations often do not meet the static requirements of network planners, and current sites with LTE masts often lack space for additional 5G antennas.


To address this challenge, Vodafone has now put Ericsson's Interleaved AIR 3218 antenna into operation, increasing the performance, capacity and coverage of the 5G network at rooftop locations without increasing the footprint of the antenna. The first compact 5G antenna has been deployed at a multi-story car park in Düsseldorf, with up to 500 more to follow across the network by the end of 2026. This will facilitate Vodafone's network expansion, especially on Germany's rooftops - and thus increase 5G coverage.

爲應對這一挑戰,沃達豐現在投入使用了艾利森的Interleaved AIR 3218 天線,提高了5g網絡在屋頂位置的性能、容量和覆蓋範圍,同時不增加天線佔地面積。第一臺緊湊型5g天線已在Düsseldorf的一個多層停車場部署,將在2026年底之前在整個網絡中增加500個以上。這將促進沃達豐的網絡擴張,特別是在德國的屋頂上——從而增加5g覆蓋範圍。

Tanja Richter, Head of Technology at Vodafone, says: "Strong winds exert pressure on the antenna surfaces that are mounted on the roofs. The more mobile phone antennas there are up there, the higher the wind load. This also increases the demands on wind resistance and statics, meaning that not every existing rooftop location has been able to be upgraded with active 5G antennas to date."

沃達豐的技術負責人Tanja Richter說:“強風對安裝在屋頂上的天線表面施加壓力。屋頂上安裝的手機天線越多,風荷載也越高。這也增加了對抗風阻力和靜態穩定性的要求,這意味着不是每個現有的屋頂位置都能夠升級到活躍的5g天線。”

In the new generation of antennas developed by Ericsson, the active antenna is installed behind the passive antenna. "This means we need less space on the mast for more 5G in city centers," adds Tanja Richter. "Innovations like this can further accelerate the expansion of 5G in Germany and help us to cope with the annual increase in data traffic of more than 30 percent."

艾利森開發的新一代天線中,活躍天線安裝在被動天線後面。Tanja Richter補充說:“這意味着我們需要更少的支撐位就能在城市中安裝更多的5g。像這樣的創新能夠進一步加速德國5g的擴張,並幫助我們應對超過30%的年度數據流量增長。”

The compact antennas support frequencies through the low and mid-band ranges, ensuring high coverage and capacity required for city centers. Additionally, the antennas can provide data rates of more than one gigabit per second in a comparatively small area and cover a radius of up to one kilometer with 5G.


Daniel Leimbach, Ericsson ́s Head of Customer Unit Western Unit, says: "The use of a compact active-passive antenna can improve the mobile broadband experience in cities in the future. Ericsson's Interleaved AIR 3218 will massively simplify site upgrades and accelerate 5G deployment in areas previously restricted by building regulations, planning law or for structural reasons."

艾利森西部證券客戶部的負責人Daniel Leimbach說:“在未來使用緊湊型活躍-被動混合天線能夠改善城市中的移動寬帶體驗。艾利森的Interleaved AIR 3218將大大簡化現場升級,加快5g 在建築法規、規劃法或出於結構原因等原因先前受限的區域部署。”

Technical Information

Ericsson's Interleaved AIR 3218 combines an antenna-integrated radio and multiband passive antenna technology in one single solution, meaning additional high-performing 5G capacity can be added with no additional site footprint. The Interleaved AIR 3218 supports frequencies from 700MHz to 3.5GHz, enabling Vodafone to use FDD uplink and the TDD downlink to extend coverage and capacity.

艾利森的Interleaved AIR 3218將一個天線集成的電臺和多頻被動天線技術融合爲單一解決方案,這意味着可以在不增加佔地面積的情況下添加高性能的5g容量,該天線支持從700 MHz 到3.5GHz 的頻率,使沃達豐可以利用FDD上行和TDD下行來擴展覆蓋範圍和容量。

