
First Helium Summarizes High Impact Exploration Targets and Corporate Actions for H2 2024

First Helium Summarizes High Impact Exploration Targets and Corporate Actions for H2 2024

First Helium總結了2024年下半年的高影響力勘探目標和公司行動。
GlobeNewswire ·  07/10 19:30

CALGARY, Alberta, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Helium Inc. ("First Helium" or the "Company") (TSXV: HELI) (OTCQB: FHELF) (FRA: 2MC) today announced plans to test key exploration targets at the Company's 100% owned Worsley property in Northern Alberta, along with key corporate activities, in the second half of 2024.

艾伯塔省卡爾加里,2024年7月10日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——第一氦氣公司(“第一氦氣” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:HELI)(OTCQB:FHELF)(FRA:2MC)今天宣佈計劃在2024年下半年測試該公司在艾伯塔省北部100%持有的沃斯利物業的關鍵勘探目標以及關鍵公司活動。

The Company plans to test multiple high impact exploration targets over the next 6 months, including:


  • A substantial structure in the Leduc Formation, identified on recently interpreted proprietary 3D seismic (Press Release dated July 3, 2024); and
  • Numerous planned horizontal, helium-enriched natural gas targets on a regional play on the western part of the Worsley property.
  • 在最近解釋的專有三維地震中發現的勒杜克組中的一座實質性結構(2024年7月3日新聞稿);以及
  • 計劃在沃斯利地產西部的一個區域項目上建造許多橫向富氦的天然氣目標。

All targets to be tested in the anticipated program:


  • Have the potential to encounter multiple productive horizons (pay zones) which can include natural gas with associated helium, and light oil;
  • Are located on trend and adjacent to past producing helium-enriched natural gas pools and light oil wells (See Figure 1);
  • Can garner premium pricing, with netbacks ranging from 3 - 4 times the netbacks of conventional natural gas, when enriched with helium; and
  • have an offtake agreement in place with one of the largest global helium gas distributors.
  • 有可能遇到多個生產視野(薪酬區),其中可能包括天然氣和相關氦氣和輕油;
  • 位於潮流位置,毗鄰過去生產的富氦天然氣池和輕油井(見圖 1);
  • 可以獲得溢價,富含氦氣時,淨回值爲傳統天然氣淨回值的3-4倍;以及
  • 與全球最大的氦氣分銷商之一簽訂了承購協議。

Figure 1:

圖 1:

Worsley Project


"Over the past several months, our team has been working to complete the evaluation of proprietary 3D seismic data over our 100% owned Worsley property. We recently reported that we have identified a large structure in the Leduc Formation that is on trend and substantially greater in areal extent than our 1-30 Leduc oil pool discovery, which together with our 4-29 Leduc well, have produced 113,000 barrels of light oil and generated $13 million in revenue to date," said Ed Bereznicki, President & CEO of First Helium. "In the coming months we plan to test that large Leduc structure as well as complete a horizontal well previously drilled in the Blueridge Formation on the western part of the property. Successful completion and testing of that horizontal well could help establish a regional, repeatable natural gas play with scalability and tremendous potential for growth as well as enriched netback economics resulting from the helium content of those wells," added Mr. Bereznicki.

“在過去的幾個月中,我們的團隊一直在努力完成對我們 100% 擁有的沃斯利物業的專有三維地震數據的評估。First Helium總裁兼首席執行官埃德·貝雷茲尼基說,我們最近報告說,我們在勒杜克組中發現了一座正在發展的大型結構,其面積遠大於我們發現的1-30勒杜克油庫,再加上我們的4-29號勒杜克油井,迄今已生產了11.3萬桶輕油,創造了1300萬美元的收入。“在接下來的幾個月中,我們計劃測試勒杜克的大型結構,並完成先前在該物業西部的Blueridge地層鑽探的一口水平井。該水平井的成功建成和測試可能有助於建立一個區域性、可重複的天然氣開採區,該油氣具有可擴展性和巨大的增長潛力,並通過這些油井的氦氣含量獲得豐富的淨回經濟效益。” Bereznicki先生補充說。

Corporate Update


The Company's Worsley Property encompasses more than 53,000 acres of 100% owned land along a trend of sizeable, past producing helium enriched natural gas pools (See Figure 1). This includes the 15-25 helium discovery well, with an independently evaluated resource of 323 million cubic feet of helium1,2, along with numerous multi-zone targets for helium, oil, and natural gas.


The Company has established several key priorities over the next three to six months to advance the Worsley project area, including:


  • Drilling the newly identified large Leduc feature - A successful oil well would be tied into existing infrastructure and brought into production in approximately 3 - 4 months. The Company would plan to bring a successful natural gas with associated helium well into production in conjunction with First Helium's 15 – 25 helium discovery;
  • Completing and testing the drilled, 100% owned 5-27 horizontal helium well at West Worsley - A successful test will establish a large, repeatable natural gas play with associated helium content that will generate significantly increased cash netbacks when compared to a typical natural gas play. The project's potential scale and enhanced profitability will serve to attract partnership opportunities; and
  • Re-entering and completing an existing vertical well bore to potentially expand our regional play, enabling further project growth and scalability.
  • 鑽探新發現的大型 Leduc 特徵——一口成功的油井將與現有基礎設施相連接,並在大約 3-4 個月內投入生產。該公司計劃在First Helium發現15-25氦氣的同時,成功地將一口天然氣及其相關氦氣井投入生產;
  • 完成並測試已鑽探的、100% 擁有西沃斯利的5-27口水平氦氣井——成功的測試將建立一個具有相關氦氣含量的大型、可重複的天然氣開採區,與典型的天然氣開採相比,這將產生顯著增加的現金淨回報。該項目的潛在規模和更高的盈利能力將有助於吸引合作機會;以及
  • 重新進入並完成現有的垂直井眼,有可能擴大我們的區域競爭力,從而實現進一步的項目增長和可擴展性。

The timing and execution of the above operations will be dependent on capital availability.


Leduc Formation Targets


First Helium has identified twelve vertical drilling targets in the Leduc Formation based on our new 3D seismic interpretation. In addition to 5 potential drill locations on the large, recently identified anomaly, these targets also include one drilling location (7-30) which was assigned "proved plus probable undeveloped" oil reserves of 196,700 barrels3 by Sproule, its independent evaluator (See Figure 2).

根據我們新的三維地震解讀,First Helium已經在勒杜克地層中確定了十二個垂直鑽探目標。除了最近發現的大型異常地上的5個潛在鑽探地點外,這些目標還包括一個鑽探地點(7-30),其獨立評估機構Sproule分配的 “已探明和可能未開發” 的石油儲量爲196,700桶3(見圖2)。

Figure 2:

圖 2:

First Helium Worsley Proprietary 3D Seismic Leduc Interpretation

首款 Helium Worsley 專有的 3D 地震 Leduc 解讀

Blue Ridge Horizontal Targets


Successful completion and testing of the 5-27 horizontal well in the Blue Ridge Formation at West Worsley will begin to establish a regional, repeatable natural gas play with associated helium content of 0.8% to 1.0%, which will serve to enrich netback economics. Production-ready helium will enable the Company to increase the size of its helium gas processing requirements and secure helium facility financing on potentially more favorable terms. At West Worsley, initial mapping has identified an additional 14 primary horizontal drill locations and numerous follow up locations, all on 100% owned land. Additionally, the Company plans to re-enter, complete and test a second, existing 100% owned vertical well bore along the trend which would significantly expand this regional play.

西沃斯利藍嶺組5-27水平井的成功完工和測試將開始建立一個區域性、可重複的天然氣開採區,相關氦氣含量爲0.8%至1.0%,這將豐富淨回經濟學。可生產的氦氣將使公司能夠擴大氦氣處理要求的規模,並以可能更優惠的條件獲得氦氣設施融資。在西沃斯利,初步測繪已經確定了另外14個主要水平鑽探地點和許多後續地點,全部位於 100% 自有土地上。此外,該公司計劃沿着這一趨勢重新進入、完成和測試第二口現有的 100% 自有垂直井眼,這將極大地擴大這一區域佈局。

Together, the Blue Ridge horizontal play, along with the vertical Leduc play combine to provide tremendous opportunity for scalability and future growth, all on existing (100%) Company held lands. Given the large potential opportunity of the Worsley Project, the Company continues to explore potential partnership avenues to accelerate the development of its rich asset base.

Blue Ridge的橫向業務與垂直的Leduc業務相結合,爲可擴展性和未來增長提供了巨大的機會,所有這些都是在公司現有的(100%)持有的土地上進行的。鑑於Worsley項目的巨大潛在機會,該公司繼續探索潛在的合作途徑,以加快其豐富的資產基礎的發展。

In addition, the Company will be completing pipeline maintenance and integrity work to fulfil regulatory obligations and prepare our pipeline network for future activation in conjunction with natural gas and helium production from the 15-25 helium discovery well, West Worsley and future discoveries along the play.


Management Changes


"We are excited to announce the addition of Marc Junghans, P. Geol. to the First Helium team. An advisor to the Company since mid-2023, Marc will assume the role of overseeing First Helium's exploration activities and asset development," said Ed Bereznicki, President & CEO of First Helium. Mr. Junghans has over 40 years of exploration, development, and asset evaluation experience in both the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and the U.S., at the senior and executive level roles, for both public and private oil & gas companies such as Compton Petroleum Corporation, Anderson Exploration Ltd., Husky Energy Inc., and Amicus Petroleum. He has also been the founding member of numerous private oil & gas entities, and during his career has overseen the drilling of over 170 horizontal and numerous vertical wells across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The Company also advises that David Safton, Vice President Exploration, and a founding member of First Helium, has announced his retirement from his role and daily activities at the Company. He will continue to be involved with First Helium on an advisory basis. The Board of Directors and his fellow team members wish to thank David for his contributions in establishing First Helium's premium asset base and wish him much enjoyment in his new pursuits.

“我們很高興地宣佈,P. Geol. Marc. Junghans加入第一氦團隊。自2023年年中起擔任該公司的顧問,Marc將負責監督First Helium的勘探活動和資產開發。” First Helium總裁兼首席執行官埃德·貝雷茲尼基說。Junghans先生在加拿大西部沉積盆地和美國擁有40多年的勘探、開發和資產評估經驗,曾在康普頓石油公司、安德森勘探有限公司、赫斯基能源公司和Amicus石油公司擔任高級和行政職務。他還是衆多私營石油和天然氣實體的創始成員,在他的職業生涯中,他監督了艾伯塔省、薩斯喀徹溫省和曼尼托巴省170多口水平和許多垂直油井的鑽探。該公司還表示,勘探副總裁、First Helium創始成員戴維·薩夫頓已宣佈退出公司的職位和日常活動。他將繼續在諮詢基礎上參與First Helium的工作。董事會及其團隊成員感謝戴維在建立First Helium的優質資產基礎方面所做的貢獻,並祝願他在新的事業中過得愉快。



(1) Sproule Associates Limited ("Sproule") Contingent Resource Unrisked "Best Estimate".
(2) "Contingent Resources" are not, and should not be confused with, oil and gas, or helium reserves. Further information regarding Contingent Resources can be found in First Helium's Final Prospectus, dated June 28, 2021, filed on First Helium's SEDAR+ profile at
(3) Gross Proved plus Probable Undeveloped reserves, per Sproule, Evaluation of the P&NG Reserves of First Helium Inc. in the Beaton Area of Alberta (as of March 31, 2023).

(1) Sproule Associates Limited(“Sproule”)應急資源無風險的 “最佳估計”。
(2) “應急資源” 不是,也不應與石油和天然氣或氦氣儲量混淆。有關應急資源的更多信息可以在First Helium於2021年6月28日發佈的最終招股說明書中找到,該說明書是在First Helium的SEDAR+個人資料上提交的,網址爲
(3) 根據Sproule的《艾伯塔省比頓地區第一氦公司寶石與天然氣儲量評估》(截至2023年3月31日),探明總儲量加上可能的未開發儲量。



Led by a core Senior Executive Team with diverse and extensive backgrounds in Oil & Gas Exploration and Operations, Mining, Finance, and Capital Markets, First Helium seeks to be one of the leading independent providers of helium gas in North America.

First Helium由在石油和天然氣勘探與運營、採礦、金融和資本市場方面具有不同而廣泛背景的核心高級管理團隊領導,力求成爲北美領先的氦氣獨立供應商之一。

First Helium holds over 53,000 acres along the highly prospective Worsley Trend in Northern Alberta which has been the core of its exploration and development drilling activities to date.

First Helium在艾伯塔省北部極具前景的沃斯利趨勢沿線擁有超過53,000英畝的土地,該地區迄今爲止一直是其勘探和開發鑽探活動的核心。

Building on its successful 15-25 helium discovery well at the Worsley project, the Company has identified numerous follow-up drill locations and acquired an expansive infrastructure system to facilitate future exploration and development across its Worsley land base. Cash flow from its successful oil wells at Worsley has helped support First Helium's ongoing exploration and development growth strategy. Further potential oil drilling locations have also been identified on the Company's Worsley land base.

在Worsley項目成功發現15-25氦氣井的基礎上,該公司確定了許多後續鑽探地點,並收購了龐大的基礎設施系統,以促進其Worsley陸地基地的未來勘探和開發。其在沃斯利成功的油井產生的現金流爲First Helium正在進行的勘探和開發增長戰略提供了支持。在該公司的沃斯利陸地基地上還確定了更多潛在的石油鑽探地點。

For more information about the Company, please visit .




Edward J. Bereznicki
President, CEO and Director




First Helium Inc.
Investor Relations
Phone: 1-833-HELIUM1 (1-833-435-4861)

電話:1-833-HELIUM1 (1-833-435-4861)

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This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "expect", "estimate", "objective", "may", "will", "project", "should", "predict", "potential" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements. In particular, this press release contains forward looking statements concerning the completion of future planned activities. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward looking statements because the Company cannot give any assurance that they will prove correct. Since forward looking statements address future events and conditions, they involve inherent assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of assumptions, factors and risks. These assumptions and risks include, but are not limited to, assumptions and risks associated with the state of the equity financing markets and regulatory approval.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的前瞻性聲明。使用 “預測”、“計劃”、“繼續”、“期望”、“估計”、“目標”、“可能”、“將”、“項目”、“應該”、“預測”、“潛力” 等詞語中的任何詞語都是爲了識別前瞻性陳述。特別是,本新聞稿包含有關完成未來計劃活動的前瞻性聲明。儘管公司認爲前瞻性陳述所依據的預期和假設是合理的,但不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述,因爲公司無法保證這些陳述會被證明是正確的。由於前瞻性陳述涉及未來的事件和狀況,因此它們涉及固有的假設、風險和不確定性。由於許多假設、因素和風險,實際結果可能與目前的預期有重大差異。這些假設和風險包括但不限於與股權融資市場狀況和監管批准相關的假設和風險。

Management has provided the above summary of risks and assumptions related to forward looking statements in this press release in order to provide readers with a more comprehensive perspective on the Company's future operations. The Company's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits the Company will derive from them. These forward looking statements are made as of the date of this press release, and, other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.


SOURCE: First Helium Inc.

來源:First Helium Inc.

Images accompanying this announcement are available at


