
Goldshore Engages Key Consultants to Advance the Moss Gold Project

Goldshore Engages Key Consultants to Advance the Moss Gold Project

newsfile ·  07/10 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 10, 2024) - Goldshore Resources Inc. (TSXV: GSHR) (OTCQB: GSHRF) (FSE: 8X00) ("Goldshore" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has engaged G-Mining Services Inc. ("G Mining") to deliver a Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for the Moss Gold Project ("Moss Gold Project" or the "Project"). The goal is to develop an optimized and staged mine plan, and infrastructure layout, and to advance the Project toward a Project Description that will provide clarity on the scope of permitting work required. Separately, the Company has retained the services of One-eighty Consulting Group Ltd ("one-eighty") to develop a comprehensive regulatory strategy aimed at facilitating a streamlined path to construction and commercial production.

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞--(新聞稿公司-2024年7月10日)-Goldshore Resources Inc.(TSXV:GSHR)(OTCQB:GSHRF)(FSE:8X00)(“Goldshore”或“公司”)很高興宣佈,已聘請G-Mining Services Inc.(“G Mining”)爲“Moss Gold Project”(“Moss Gold Project”或“項目”)提供初步經濟評估(“PEA”)。目標是制定優化和分階段的礦業計劃、基礎設施佈局,並推進項目,以提供明確的項目描述,明確需要的審批工作範圍。另外,公司已聘請了One-eighty Consulting Group Ltd(“one-eighty”)的服務,以開發全面的監管策略,旨在促進開發建設和商業生產的簡化路徑。

Michael Henrichsen, CEO of Goldshore commented, "We are pleased to continue to execute on our strategic plan through the appointment of both G Mining and one-eighty to meaningfully advance the Moss Gold Project. We believe the PEA will demonstrate the deep value proposition of the Project and, with the development of a strategic permitting plan, the Company will have a clear path forward as we advance the Project through prefeasibility and feasibility studies."

Goldshore首席執行官Michael Henrichsen評論道:“通過任命G Mining和one-eighty進一步推進Moss Gold Project,我們很高興能夠繼續執行我們的戰略計劃。我們相信PEA將展示該項目的深入價值,通過制定戰略許可計劃,公司將有一個清晰的前進道路,我們將通過可行性研究推進項目的前期研究和可行性研究。”

Engagement of G-Mining Services to Conduct PEA:

聘請G-Mining Services進行PEA:

The appointment of G Mining Services to deliver a PEA is an important milestone for the Project as it will provide the first assessment of the project economics, including cash flows, NPV, IRR, and payback period. G Mining, founded in 2006 by Louis Gignac, the 2016 Mining Hall of Fame inductee, under the management of Mathieu Gignac since 2016, is recognized as an industry leader providing mining consultancy services around the world with a reputation of delivering accurate, high-quality assessments. G Mining completed the 2021 feasibility study on Equinox's Greenstone Gold mine located 275 km northeast of Thunder Bay. This puts the firm in an excellent position to evaluate the Moss Gold Project, which the Company considers to have many similarities to the Greenstone Gold Mine.

聘請G Mining Services提供PEA是項目的重要里程碑,因爲它將提供項目經濟的第一個評估,包括現金流、淨現值、內部收益率和回收期。G Mining成立於2006年,由2016年礦業名人堂入選者路易斯·吉納克(Louis Gignac)創立,自2016年以來由Mathieu Gignac管理,被認爲是提供全球採礦諮詢服務的行業領導者,並以提供準確、高質量的評估而聞名。G Mining於2021年完成了位於雷灣東北275公里處的Equinox Greenstone Gold mine的可行性研究。這使該公司能夠評估Moss Gold Project,該公司認爲該項目與Greenstone Gold Mine有很多相似之處。

The goals of the PEA are to outline a phased production approach prioritizing IRR and minimizing initial Capex with the study expected to be completed by the end of Q1 2025. The Company plans to take a rigorous approach to the PEA utilizing well-defined cost estimates to ensure the projected Capex aligns closely to prefeasibility study standards to enhance the study's accuracy. In addition, the PEA will define a work program that will allow the Company to advance towards a subsequent prefeasibility study as soon as possible.


Engagement of one-eighty to provide strategic regulatory and engagement advice:


The appointment of one-eighty demonstrates the Company's commitment to navigating complex regulatory landscapes while integrating socio-political, technical, and environmental considerations. Over the next three months, one-eighty will diagnose the critical factors that will enable an efficient and predictable permitting process, and will use this information to develop a strategic plan. The strategic plan includes a roadmap to minimize regulatory risks and build community support to ultimately position the project to efficiently navigate the environmental assessment process. In developing the strategic plan, one-eighty will work closely with CSL Environmental & Geotechnical Ltd ("CSL") and the Company's established community relations team, and by doing so will leverage the strong foundation the Company has cultivated over the last three years. The Company is pleased to be working with one-eighty as we strengthen our external team.

聘請one-eighty展示了公司在整合社會政治、技術和環境考慮因素的複雜監管環境中的承諾。在接下來的三個月中,one-eighty將診斷關鍵因素,以實現高效和可預測的許可過程,並利用這些信息制定一個戰略計劃。該戰略計劃包括一項路線圖,旨在將監管風險降至最低,並建立社區支持,最終將項目定位爲有效應對環境評估過程。在制定戰略計劃時,one-eighty將與CSL Environmental Geotechnical Ltd(“CSL”)和公司已建立的社區關係團隊緊密合作,並通過這樣做,利用公司過去三年建立的堅實基礎。公司很高興與one-eighty合作,鞏固我們的外部團隊。

Communications Program Update


The Company has engaged Native Ads, Inc. ("Native Ads") to perform strategic digital media services, marketing and data analytics services including content development, web development, media buying and distribution and campaign reporting and optimization, for a total retainer of US$150,000 which is payable upfront from the general working capital of the Company. Native Ads has been engaged for a twenty-four (24) month term, or until the retainer is depleted.

公司已聘請Native Ads,Inc.(“Native Ads”)提供戰略數字媒體服務、營銷和數據分析服務,包括內容開發、網站開發、媒體購買和發佈和活動報告和優化,總保薦費爲150000美元,可由公司的一般工作資金預付。Native Ads已獲得24個月的聘用期,或直到保薦人用盡爲止。

The Company and Native Ads act at arm's length and Native Ads has no present interest, directly or indirectly, in the Company or its securities. The Company does not propose to issue any securities to Native Ads in consideration for the services to be provided to the Company. The appointment of Native Ads is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange.

公司和Native Ads居於對立的地位,Native Ads對公司或其證券沒有任何現在的利益,直接或間接。公司不擬考慮向Native Ads發行任何證券作爲對其爲公司提供的服務的考慮。Native Ads的任命需獲得TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

About Native Ads Inc.

關於Native Ads Inc.

Native Ads is a full-service ad agency in business since 2014 that owns and operates a proprietary ad exchange with over 80 integrated SSPs (supply-side platforms) resulting in daily access to three to seven billion North American ad impressions. It is the only digital agency serving public companies that owns both its own ad network, as well as a financial publisher network. Native Ads has offices in Vancouver and New York and is led by its CEO Jon Malach who is its authorized representative for its investor relations services and will oversee services provided to the Company. For more than eight years, Jon has been facilitating the strategic pairing by Native Ads of premium publishers with premium advertisers, by providing elegant native ad units.

Native Ads是一家自2014年以來經營的全服務廣告公司,擁有並運營一個專有的廣告交易所,與80多個整合的SSP(供應方平台)合作,每天可獲得3-7億個北美廣告展示次數。它是唯一的數字機構爲公共公司提供服務,擁有自己的廣告網絡和金融出版網絡的公司。Native Ads在溫哥華和紐約設有辦事處,由其首席執行官Jon Malach領導,他是其投資者關係服務的授權代表,並將監督向公司提供的服務。八年來,Jon一直通過提供優美的本地廣告單位,通過Native Ads將優質的廣告發布商與優質的廣告客戶進行戰略匹配。

Qualified Person


Peter Flindell, PGeo, MAusIMM, MAIG, Vice-President, Exploration, of the Company, and a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

該新聞稿所含的科學技術信息已獲得公司副總裁,符合National Instrument 43-101標準的合格人士Peter Flindell,PGeo,MAusIMm,MAIG的批准。

About Goldshore

關於Goldshore:Goldshore是一個以增長爲導向的黃金公司,重點關注通過收購和推進 Tier-One 轄區的主要金礦物資產,爲股東和利益相關者提供長期價值。公司由世界最大黃金公司的前全球結構地質負責人領導,並由加拿大一流的私人權益公司支持。公司目前的重點是高級階段100%擁有的Moss黃金項目,該項目具有大型、高品位和優良的冶煉特性。它在加拿大安大略省獨具特色,從Trans-Canada公路可以直接到達,擁有水電供電、支持性強的當地社區和熟練的勞動力。公司已經投資了超過6000萬美元的新資本,並在Moss黃金項目上完成了大約80,000米的鑽探,其中總共已經進行了超過235,000米的鑽探。2024年更新的NI 43-101涉礦概念資源評估(“MRE”)已經擴展到了1.54百萬盎司的表示黃金資源,平****位爲1.23 g/t Au和520萬盎司的推測黃金資源,平****位爲1.11 g/t Au。MRE僅涵蓋了35+公里礦化趨勢的3.6公里,仍然可以深入及繼續延伸,是少數仍處於發展快車道上的主要加拿大黃金礦牀之一。想了解更多信息,請訪問SEDAR+()和公司網站()。

Goldshore is a growth-oriented gold company focused on delivering long-term shareholder and stakeholder value through the acquisition and advancement of primary gold assets in tier-one jurisdictions. It is led by the ex-global head of structural geology for the world's largest gold company and backed by one of Canada's pre-eminent private equity firms. The Company's current focus is the advanced stage 100% owned Moss Gold Project which is positioned in Ontario, Canada, with direct access from the Trans-Canada Highway, hydroelectric power near site, supportive local communities and skilled workforce. The Company has invested over $60 million of new capital and completed approximately 80,000 meters of drilling on the Moss Gold Project, which, in aggregate, has had over 235,000 meters of drilling. The 2024 updated NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate ("MRE") has expanded to 1.54 million ounces of Indicated gold resources at 1.23 g/t Au and 5.20 million ounces of Inferred gold resources at 1.11 g/t Au. The MRE only encompasses 3.6 kilometers of the 35+ kilometer mineralized trend, remains open at depth and along strike and is one of the few remaining major Canadian gold deposits positioned for fast track through this development cycle. For more information, please visit SEDAR+ () and the Company's website ().

Goldshore是一家成長型黃金公司,專注於通過在一流轄區收購和推動主要黃金資產,爲持有股東和利益相關者提供長期價值。其由全球最大黃金公司的前結構地質主管領導,並由加拿大著名的私人股本公司之一支持。該公司目前的重點是處於先進階段的100%擁有的Moss Gold Project,該項目位於加拿大安大略省,從加拿大公路大道直接到達,附近有水電站,當地社區支持和熟練的勞動力。公司已向Moss Gold Project投資了超過6000萬美元的新資本,並對該項目進行了約80,000米的鑽探,合計進行了超過235,000米的鑽探。2024年更新的NI 43-101礦物資源評估(“MRE”)已擴大到1,540,000盎司的指示黃金資源,金平均品位爲1.23 g/t Au,還有5.2 million盎司的暗示黃金資源,平均品位爲1.11 g/t Au。MRE僅涵蓋了超過35公里礦化趨勢中的3.6公里,仍然具有深度和沿露點的操作空間,並且是少數仍處於能夠快速發展的主要加拿大黃金儲層之一。有關更多信息,請訪問SEDAR+()和公司的網站()。

For More Information - Please Contact:
Michael Henrichsen
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Goldshore Resources Inc.

更多信息,請聯繫:Michael Henrichsen
Michael Henrichsen

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur.


Forward-looking statements in this news release include, among others, statements relating to expectations regarding the exploration and development of the Moss Gold Project, the release of an updated preliminary economic assessment, the timing and completion of a strategic permitting plan and other statements that are not historical facts. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors and risks include, among others: the Company may require additional financing from time to time in order to continue its operations which may not be available when needed or on acceptable terms and conditions acceptable; compliance with extensive government regulation; domestic and foreign laws and regulations could adversely affect the Company's business and results of operations; the stock markets have experienced volatility that often has been unrelated to the performance of companies and these fluctuations may adversely affect the price of the Company's securities, regardless of its operating performance; and the impact of COVID-19.

本新聞稿的前瞻性聲明包括,但不限於,關於對Moss Gold Project的勘探和開發的預期,關於公佈更新的初步經濟評估報告,戰略許可計劃的時機和完成,以及其他非歷史事實的聲明。由於其性質,前瞻性聲明涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致我們的實際結果、表現或成就或其他未來事件與任何未來結果、表現或成就其透露的預期有實質性不同表達或暗示。此類因素和風險包括,但不限於:公司可能需要不時獲得額外的融資,以繼續其運營,但這些資金在需要時可能無法獲得或不符合可接受的條款和條件;遵守廣泛的政府監管;國內外法律和法規可能對公司的業務和運營結果產生負面影響;國內外股市的波動經常與公司的業績無關,這些波動可能對該公司的證券價格產生負面影響,而不考慮其經營業績;以及COVID-19的影響。

The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.


