
Sanu Gold Announces New Drilling Results From Its Bantabaye Permit

Sanu Gold Announces New Drilling Results From Its Bantabaye Permit

newsfile ·  07/10 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 10, 2024) - Sanu Gold Corporation (CSE: SANU) (OTCQB: SNGCF) ("Sanu Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce new drilling results from its Bantabaye project ("Bantabaye" or the "Permit") in Guinea, West Africa. The Permit, which lies on the western margin of Guinea's prolific Siguiri Basin, is located approximately 50 km1 south of the multi-million once Lefa Gold Mine and 80 km north of the multi-million-ounce Bankan Gold Project2.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月10日)--Sanu Gold Corporation(CSE:SANU)(OTCQB:SNGCF)(“Sanu Gold”或“公司”)很高興宣佈其位於西非幾內亞Bantabaye項目(“Bantabaye”或“許可證”)的新鑽探結果。該許可證位於幾內亞多產的錫吉里盆地西緣,距離數百萬的Lefa Gold Mine約50公里1,距離數百萬金銀礦項目2約80公里北。。。



  • Significant Gold intercepts obtained including:
    • 14 m of 1.94 g/t Au including 1m of 29.89 g/t Au in BANT-RC--048

    • 14 m of 1.50 g/t Au in BANT--RC--031

    • 3m of 9.86 g/t Au including 1m of 26.35 g/t Au in BANT--RC--036

    • 12 m of 1.00 g/t Au in BANT--RC--033

    • 11 m of 1.20 g/t Au in BANT--RC--035

  • 獲得了重要的金截面,包括:
    • BANt-RC--048中的1400萬1.94 g / t Au,其中包括100萬29.89 g / t Au

    • BANt--RC--031中的1,400萬1.50 g / t Au

    • BANt--RC--036中的300萬9.86 g / t Au,其中包括100萬26.35 g / t Au

    • BANt--RC--033中的1,200萬1.00 g / t Au

    • BANt--RC--035中的1,100萬1.20 g / t Au

  • A total of 6,060m in 47 RC drill holes completed across four targets.
  • 在4個目標上完成了47個RC鑽探孔,總共606000萬。
  • At Target 2, the felsic rock hosting the gold mineralization has been intercepted over 500 m strike length and to a vertical depth of up to 120m.
  • 在目標2上,包含金礦化的斑岩岩石被攔截在超過50000萬的走向長度上,並向豎直深度達到12000萬。
  • Target 2 gold mineralization is open both downdip and laterally to the east and west of the drilled area.
  • 目標2金礦化區域在探針區域東部和西部都存在下伏和岔向的條件。
  • New high-priority targets are being developed at Daina and Diguifara to be drill tested in H2 of 2024.
  • 在2024年下半年,Daina和Diguifara正在開發新的高優先級目標進行鑽探測試。

Martin Pawlitschek, President and CEO commented: "Drilling at Bantabaye confirmed that the mineralization at Target 2 is consistent along at least 500m of strike, where it remains open laterally and down dip. With the wet season now underway the Company will focus on testing highly prospective new targets at its Daina and Diguifara projects, which are more accessible during this time. The results and data obtained from the drilling at Bantabaye will be evaluated and interpreted for further follow-up work."

馬丁·帕利奇切克(Martin Pawlitschek),總裁兼首席執行官評論道:“Bantabaye的鑽探證實,目標2的礦化沉積物在至少50000萬的走向範圍內是一致的,它在側向和向下的方向上依然開放。隨着雨季的到來,公司將專注於測試其Daina和Diguifara項目中高度有前途的新目標,這些目標在這段時間內更易於進入。從Bantabaye獲得的結果和數據將進行評估和解釋,以進行進一步的後續工作。”

Program details


Target 2


A total of 3,330m was drilled in 29 RC holes on eight 50m spaced lines at Target 2 (Figures 1 to 3, Table 1), with the objective of testing the downdip and lateral extension of high-grade gold mineralization intercepted in previous drill holes including 15m of 11.4 g/t Au in BANT-RC-002 (See Sanu Gold news release dated May 17, 2023).

在8個5000萬的間隔線上對目標2(圖1至3,表1)進行了29個RC鑽孔,其目的是測試先前鑽探孔中包含的高品位金礦化的巖芯的下伏和側向延伸,包括1500萬11.4 g / t Au在BANt-RC-002中(請參見Sanu Gold新聞稿,日期爲2023年5月17日)。

Drilling has delineated an east-west trending moderately south dipping gold mineralized structure at Target 2. Highlights from the new drilling results include:


  • BANT-RC-048: 14 m of 1.94 g/t Au from 18 m including 1 m of 29.89 g/t Au from 29 m
  • BANT-RC-031: 14 m of 1.5 g/t Au from 74 m including 1 m of 8.12 g/t Au from 74 m
  • BANT-RC-033: 12 m of 1.00 g/t Au from 20 m
  • BANT-RC-035: 11 m of 1.20 g/t Au from 52 m
  • BANT-RC-036: 3m of 9,86 g/t Au from 105m
  • BANT-RC-037: 9 m of 1.02 g/t Au from 99 m
  • BANT-RC-039: 31 m of 0.61 g/t Au from 82 m
  • BANT-RC-050: 8 m of 1.35 g/t Au from 56 m including 1 m of 9.05 g/t Au from 63 m
  • BANT-RC-036: 3 m of 9.86 g/t Au from 105 m including 1 m of 26.35 g/t Au from 105 m
  • BANT-RC-034: 2 m of 7.11 g/t Au from 29 m Including 1 m of 13.12 g/t Au from 30 m
  • BANT-RC-052: 1 m of 25.19 g/t Au from 103 m
  • BANt-RC-048:來自1800萬的1400萬1.94 g / t Au,其中包括來自2900萬的100萬29.89 g / t Au
  • BANt-RC-031:來自7400萬的1.5 g / t Au的1400萬,其中包括來自7400萬的8.12 g / t Au的100萬
  • BANt-RC-033:來自20m的1200萬1.00 g / t Au
  • BANt-RC-035:來自5200萬的1100萬1.20 g / t Au。
  • BANt-RC-036鑽孔:105m處發現9.86克/噸的300萬黃金。
  • BANt-RC-037鑽孔:9900萬處發現1.02克/噸的900萬黃金。
  • BANt-RC-039鑽孔:8200萬處發現0.61克/噸的3100萬黃金。
  • BANt-RC-050鑽孔:5600萬處發現1.35克/噸的800萬黃金,其中包括6300萬處發現9.05克/噸的100萬黃金。
  • BANt-RC-036鑽孔:10500萬處發現9.86克/噸的300萬黃金,其中包括10500萬處發現26.35克/噸的100萬黃金。
  • BANt-RC-034鑽孔:2900萬處發現7.11克/噸的200萬黃金,其中包括30m處發現13.12克/噸的100萬黃金。
  • BANt-RC-052鑽孔:103m處發現25.19克/噸的100萬黃金。

The gold mineralization at Target 2 is controlled by the east-west striking and moderately south dipping Bantabaye Thrust Fault (Figures 1, and 3) and entirely hosted withing a felsic unit. This fault can be traced over 6 km of strike length. The hanging wall of the fault is occupied by a volcaniclastic sequence and the footwall sedimentary unit. A deformed and altered felsic and mafic unit with a well-developed shear fabric occupy the fault zone between the volcaniclastic sequence and the sedimentary unit.

在Target 2區域,黃金礦化由東西向的Bantabaye逆斷層控制(見圖1和3),完全位於一種火山性岩石單位之內。該斷層的展布長度爲6公里。斷層的上盤由火山碎屑岩系組成,足部爲沉積岩單位。在火山碎屑岩系和沉積岩單位之間的斷層帶內,存在着一種變形和蝕變的火山性岩石單位和基性岩石單位,具有良好的剪切組構,是礦區金礦的主要賦存對象(見圖2和3)。與礦化相關聯的關鍵蝕變包括硅化和相關的黃鐵礦和砷黃鐵礦。鑽探顯示,氧化程度可垂直延伸至約2500萬的深度。

Interpretation of the geological and structural data, with the gold mineralization intercepted in the RC drilling, suggest that the gold mineralization at Target 2 is associated with the strongly silicified and hydrothermally altered felsic intrusive at the sheared contact with a foliated mafic unit. The altered felsic intrusive is deformed by the Bantabaye Thrust Fault and contains quartz vein stockworks and breccias, along with pervasive disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite. The felsic intrusive rock is the main host of the gold mineralization (Figures 2 and 3). Key alteration associated with the mineralization consists of silicification and associated pyrite and arsenopyrite. Drilling shows that oxidation extends to a vertical depth of approximately 25m.

地質和構造數據的解釋以及在旋迴鑽探中遇到的黃金礦化證明,Target 2區域的黃金礦化與強硅化和熱液蝕變的火山性侵入體相關聯,散佈於變形的具有片麻狀基性岩石單位交界處。變形的火山性侵入體被Bantabaye逆斷層所控制,其中含有石英脈串、角礫岩,以及廣泛分佈的黃鐵礦和砷黃鐵礦。火山性侵入體礦巖是黃金礦化的主要宿主岩石(見圖2和3)。與礦化相關聯的關鍵蝕變包括硅化和相關的黃鐵礦和砷黃鐵礦。鑽探顯示,氧化程度可垂直延伸至約2500萬的深度。

Both the felsic intrusive and mafic unit, as well as the higher-grade mineralization below the sheared felsic intrusive contact, have been extensively mined by artisanal workers, with free gold recovered from both oxidized and unoxidized rocks. The IP survey completed prior to drilling traces this structure from Target 1 in the west to Target 2, 3,7 and Target 8 in the east, a distance of over 4km.

無論是火山性侵入體還是基性岩石單位,都曾被手工採礦者廣泛開採,在氧化和非氧化的岩石中獲得自由金。鑽井之前完成的IP勘測顯示,這種構造從西部的Target 1一直到東部的Target 2、3、7和Target 8,延伸了超過4公里的距離。

The drilling program has traced the gold mineralization at Target 2 for at least 500m (Figures 1 and 2) where previous intercepts included 15m of 11.4 g/t Au in BANT-RC-002 (See Sanu Gold news release dated May 17, 2023). Results demonstrate that the gold mineralization is open to the east and the west and can be traced from the resistivity/ chargeability anomaly for over 1.2 km (Figures 3 and 4). This mineralization is also open downdip.

這次鑽探計劃至少延伸了5,0000萬的目標2區域黃金礦化(見圖1和2),此前的探礦結果包括BANt-RC-002鑽孔中灰巖之中發現11.4克/噸的1,500萬黃金(見2023年5月17日Sanu Gold新聞稿)。結果表明,黃金礦化向東和向西開放,並且可以從電阻率/電荷能力異常的區域追蹤至超過1.2公里(見圖3和4)。 如果下傾角度達到足夠的程度,則礦化還會向下延伸。

Target 7


A total of 2530m in sixteen RC holes have been drilled at Target 7. The program tested an 800m strike segment of the Bantabaye Thrust at Targets 3 and 7, as traced by the IP responses and surface geochemistry. Immediately to the north of the structure recent trenching returned results of 80m of 1.46 g/t Au, including 7m of 4.1 g/t Au and 3m of 8.43 g/t Au in Trench BANT-TR05 (see Sanu March 07, 2024 News Release) from a south dipping felsic unit, adjacent to a large artisanal mining area.


The RC drill holes intercepted the same structure and lithology as the drilling at Target 2, but the mafic unit was absent. The hanging wall is occupied by the volcaniclastic unit that overlies a felsic unit which in turn locally alternates with meter-thick layers of the sedimentary unit. The footwall rock is composed of the sedimentary unit. The felsic intrusive at this location shows weaker deformation and hydrothermal alteration compared to the felsic intrusive that hosts the gold mineralization at Target 2. Pyrite is locally present and arsenopyrite is typically absent. At Target 2 arsenopyrite shows a strong correlation with the gold mineralization.

RC鑽孔所穿過的構造和岩石是與Target 2中的鑽探相同的,最堅硬的區域消失了,上覆區域由火山碎屑組成,在火山碎屑區域下面是一種火山性侵入岩石,這種侵入岩石局部層狀間隔在沉澱岩石單位內。足部岩石是由沉積岩組成的。與Target 2區域相比,這個位置的火山性侵入岩石的變形和熱液蝕變較弱。黃鐵礦在局部地區出現,而砷黃鐵礦則通常不存在。在Target 2中,砷黃鐵礦與黃金礦化之間存在着強烈的相關性。

A review and re-interpretation of the available data and latest drilling is underway by the Company's geologists to evaluate the next steps at Targets 3 and 7.

公司地質學家正在進行對現有數據和最新鑽探的回顧和重新解釋,以評估Target 3和7的下一步措施。

Target 1


A total of 100m in one RC hole was drilled at Target 1 to test an east-west trending resistivity/ chargeability anomaly obtained from the IP geophysical survey. This anomaly is interpreted as the western extension of the gold structure intercepted at Target 2. The single hole completed at Target 1 returned no significant values. The felsic intrusive was not intercepted. This target is under review for future follow-up.


Target 8


A total of 100m in one RC hole was drilled at Target 8 to test an east-west trending resistivity/ chargeability anomaly obtained from the IP geophysical survey and large gold anomaly in an auger hole previously drilled by the Company. This anomaly is interpreted as the eastern extension of the gold structure intercepted at Target 7. The single hole completed at Target 8 returned no significant values. The felsic intrusive was not intercepted. This target is under review for future follow-up.


Discussion and Next Steps


Bantabaye - Evaluation of drill results


The 2024 drill program at Bantabaye Target 2 returned encouraging gold grades and widths along the tested strike length and depths. The gold mineralization is hosted within a sheared felsic unit that has been intercepted along a strike of over 500m and is open laterally and downdip. Additional step out drilling is required to fully evaluate the mineralized structure. The Company will interpret and assess the drill results over the wet season to determine a follow up program at Bantabaye for H1 2025 when the site will be easily accessible again for heavy machinery and drill rigs.


Daina and Diguifara - Extension of IP program and Air Core programs planned for H2 2024


The Company is planning additional IP geophysics at untested targets at Daina and Diguifara from late September onwards, when the wet season is coming to an end, prior to potential drill testing. Focus will be on initial testing at its untested targets on Daina and Diguifara as well as follow up drilling on potential extensions to previously discovered mineralization at Daina.


Table 1: Bantabaye 2024 RC drill hole drill intercepts (Targets 2).




Hole ID X-UTM Y-UTM Length Azimuth Dip Intercept Interval From Area
(m) (o) (o) (g/t Au) (m) (m)
BANT-RC-029 357 999 1 253 075 100 030 -60 0.3 5 24 Target 2
0.5 14 39
including 1 3 48
BANT-RC-030 358 026 1 253 062 100 030 -60 0.38 1 38 Target 2
0.33 22 46
BANT-RC-031 358 049 1 253 041 102 030 -60 1.56 3 66 Target 2
1.5 14 74
including 8.12 1 74
and 2.5 2 85
BANT-RC-032 357 985 1 253 111 60 360 -60 0.37 1 3 Target 2
0.95 5 17
including 2.86 1 17
BANT-RC-033 358 059 1 253 100 60 030 -60 1 12 20 Target 2
including 3.98 1 23
0.63 5 38
including 1.13 2 38
BANT-RC-034 358 117 1 253 109 70 360 -60 0.34 24 0 Target 2
including 1.2 2 22
7.11 2 29
including 13.12 1 30
BANT-RC-035 358 124 1 253 060 108 360 -60 0.37 1 32 Target 2
0.6 3 38
including 1.06 1 38
1.2 11 52
including 2.89 4 53
1.22 2 78
BANT-RC-036 358 120 1 253 010 150 360 -60 0.44 1 79 Target 2
0.23 4 85
0.82 3 98
including 1 1 98
9.86 3 105
including 26.35 1 105
BANT-RC-037 358 060 1 252 990 150 360 -60 1.02 9 99 Target 2
including 2.89 1 106
0.33 1 114
0.31 7 119
BANT-RC-038 358 010 1 252 976 194 030 -60 0.71 1 114 Target 2
0.57 5 119
including 1.33 1 122
0.36 1 136
0.78 6 119
including 2.15 1 122
BANT-RC-039 357 995 1 253 014 150 030 -60 0.37 6 72 Target 2
0.61 31 82
1.51 4 85
BANT-RC-040 357 988 1 253 011 150 360 -60 1.15 1 79 Target 2
including 1.17 4 95
3.55 1 97
1 5 103
BANT-RC-041 357 966 1 253 007 150 30 -60 0.51 6 78 Target 2
including 1.01 1 78
0.33 2 90
0.92 4 99
including 2.32 1 100
0.54 10 107
including 1.15 1 109
BANT-RC-042 357 989 1 253 066 108 360 -60 0.57 8 26 Target 2
including 1.1 2 30
0.82 3 49
including 1.18 1 50
0.67 4 57
including 1.13 1 57
BANT-RC-043 357 935 1 253 122 060 360 -60 0.92 1 10 Target 2
BANT-RC-044 357 943 1 253 069 090 360 -60 0.69 3 44 Target 2
0.67 3 51
BANT-RC-045 357 938 1 253 022 138 360 -60 0.33 1 81 Target 2
0.57 1 85
0.74 1 89
0.44 3 94
BANT-RC-046 357 895 1 253 023 132 360 -60 0.42 1 83 Target 2
0.73 6 89
2.63 1 94
BANT-RC-047 357 887 1 253 076 090 360 -60 0.75 2 52 Target 2
1.12 1 53
BANT-RC-048 357 887 1 253 126 076 360 -60 1.94 14 18 Target 2
including 29.89 1 29
BANT-RC-049 357 840 1 253 127 084 360 -60 0.25 8 3 Target 2
0.53 1 20
1.1 6 27
BANT-RC-050 357 840 1 253 074 114 360 -60 0.48 1 41 Target 2
1.35 8 56
including 9.05 1 63
BANT-RC-051 357 835 1 253 021 186 360 -60 0.41 1 41 Target 2
1.14 6 95
including 5.2 1 99
BANT-RC-052 358 170 1 253 018 170 360 -60 0.41 1 64 Target 2
0.33 1 76
25.19 1 103
BANT-RC-053 358 170 1 253 067 114 360 -60 0.59 1 24 Target 2
0.62 3 59
BANT-RC-054 358 170 1 253 116 070 360 -60 0.37 1 20 Target 2
BANT-RC-055 358 220 1 253 077 114 360 -60 1.52 5 57 Target 2
including 6.12 1 61
BANT-RC-056 358 220 1 253 127 070 360 -60 0.33 1 13 Target 2
BANT-RC-057 358 220 1 253 028 170 360 -60 NS Target 2
BANT-RC-058 359 191 1 252 745 162 360 -60 0.85 2 0 Target 3-7
0.41 1 108
0.40 1 125
0.32 1 142
BANT-RC-059 359 191 1 252 795 150 360 -60 0.53 3 22 Target 3-7
0.31 1 55
BANT-RC-060 359 191 1 252 845 105 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-061 359 281 1 252 770 200 360 -60 6.02 1 195 Target 3-7
BANT-RC-062 359 282 1 252 724 209 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-063 359 346 1 252 720 240 360 -60 0.73 2 46 Target 3-7
BANT-RC-064 359 359 1 252 759 195 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-065 359 338 1 252 813 126 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-066 359 040 1 252 910 108 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-067 359 040 1 252 869 140 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-068 359 443 1 252 799 96 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-069 359 439 1 252 761 140 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-070 359 442 1 252 695 246 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-071 358 847 1 253 014 125 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-072 358 848 1 252 958 200 360 -60 NS Target 3-7
BANT-RC-073 357 388 1 252 969 100 360 -60 NS Target 1
BANT-RC-074 360 595 1 252 351 100 360 -60 NS Target 8
BANT-RC-075 359 319 1 253 091 88 180 -50 5.58 1 8 Target 3-7
孔ID X-UTM Y-UTM 長度 方位角(度) 傾角 攔截 區間 起點 區域
(米) “l” “l” (每噸含金克數) (米) (米)
班BANt-RC-029 357 999 1 253 075 100 030 -60 0.3 5 24 塔吉特2
0.5 14 39
包括 1 3 48
班BANt-RC-030 358 026 1 253 062 100 030 -60 0.38 1 38 塔吉特2
0.33 22 46
班BANt-RC-031 358 049 1 253 041 102 030 -60 1.56 3 66 塔吉特2
1.5 14 74
包括 8.12 1 74
2.5 2 85
BANt-RC-032 357 985 1 253 111 60 360 -60 0.37 1 3 塔吉特2
0.95 5 17
包括 2.86 1 17
BANt-RC-033 358 059 1 253 100 60 030 -60 1 12 20 塔吉特2
包括 3.98 1 23
0.63 5 38
包括 1.13 2 38
BANt-RC-034 358 117 1 253 109 70 360 -60 0.34 24 0 塔吉特2
包括 1.2 2 22
7.11 2 29
包括 13.12 1 30
BANt-RC-035 358 124 1 253 060 108 360 -60 0.37 1 32 塔吉特2
0.6 3 38
包括 1.06 1 38
1.2 11 52
包括 2.89 4 53
1.22 2 78
BANt-RC-036 358 120 1 253 010 150 360 -60 0.44 1 79 塔吉特2
0.23 4 85
0.82 3 98
包括 1 1 98
9.86 3 105
包括 26.35 1 105
BANt-RC-037 358 060 1 252 990 150 360 -60 1.02 9 99 塔吉特2
包括 2.89 1 106
0.33 1 114
0.31 7 119
BANt-RC-038 358 010 1 252 976 194 030 -60 0.71 1 114 塔吉特2
0.57 5 119
包括 1.33 1 122
0.36 1 136
0.78 6 119
包括 2.15 1 122
BANt-RC-039 357 995 1 253 014 150 030 -60 0.37 6 72 塔吉特2
0.61 31 82
1.51 4 85
BANt-RC-040 357 988 1 253 011 150 360 -60 1.15 1 79 塔吉特2
包括 1.17 4 95
3.55 1 97
1 5 103
BANt-RC-041 357 966 1 253 007 150 30 -60 0.51 6 78 塔吉特2
包括 1.01 1 78
0.33 2 90
0.92 4 99
包括 2.32 1 100
0.54 10 107
包括 1.15 1 109
BANt-RC-042 357 989 1 253 066 108 360 -60 0.57 8 26 塔吉特2
包括 1.1 2 30
0.82 3 49
包括 1.18 1 50
0.67 4 57
包括 1.13 1 57
BANt-RC-043 357 935 1 253 122 060 360 -60 0.92 1 10 塔吉特2
BANt-RC-044 357 943 1 253 069 090 360 -60 0.69 3 44 塔吉特2
0.67 3 51
BANt-RC-045 357 938 1 253 022 138 360 -60 0.33 1 81 塔吉特2
0.57 1 85
0.74 1 89
0.44 3 94
BANt-RC-046 357 895 1 253 023 132 360 -60 0.42 1 83 塔吉特2
0.73 6 89
2.63 1 94
BANt-RC-047 357 887 1 253 076 090 360 -60 固定費用覆蓋率 2 52 塔吉特2
1.12 1 53
BANt-RC-048 357 887 1 253 126 076 360 -60 1.94 14 18 塔吉特2
包括 29.89 1 29
BANt-RC-049 357 840 1 253 127 084 360 -60 0.25 8 3 塔吉特2
0.53 1 20
1.1 6 27
BANt-RC-050 357 840 1 253 074 114 360 -60 0.48 1 41 塔吉特2
每股稀釋1.35美元 8 56
包括 9.05 1 63
BANt-RC-051 357 835 1 253 021 186 360 -60 0.41 1 41 塔吉特2
1.14 6 95
包括 5.2 1 99
BANt-RC-052 358 170 1 253 018 170 360 -60 0.41 1 64 塔吉特2
0.33 1 76
25.19 1 103
BANt-RC-053 358 170 1 253 067 114 360 -60 0.59 1 24 塔吉特2
0.62 3 59
BANt-RC-054 358 170 1 253 116 070 360 -60 0.37 1 20 塔吉特2
BANt-RC-055 358 220 1 253 077 114 360 -60 1.52美元 5 57 塔吉特2
包括 6.12 1 61
BANt-RC-056 358 220 1 253 127 070 360 -60 0.33 1 13 塔吉特2
BANt-RC-057 358 220 1 253 028 170 360 -60 NS 塔吉特2
BANt-RC-058 359 191 1 252 745 162 360 -60 0.85 2 0 塔吉特3-7
0.41 1 108
0.40 1 125
0.32 1 142
BANt-RC-059 359 191 1 252 795 150 360 -60 0.53 3 22 塔吉特3-7
0.31 1 55
BANt-RC-060 359 191 1 252 845 105 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-061 359 281 1 252 770 200 360 -60 BLAC在交易完成前的經營 1 195 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-062 359 282 1 252 724 209 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-063 359 346 1 252 720 240 360 -60 0.73 2 46 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-064 359 359 1 252 759 195 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-065 359 338 1 252 813 126 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-066 359 040 1 252 910 108 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-067 359 040 1 252 869 140 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-068 359 443 1 252 799 96 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-069 359 439 1 252 761 140 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-070 359 442 1 252 695 246 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-071 358 847 1 253 014 125 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-072 358 848 1 252 958 200 360 -60 NS 塔吉特3-7
BANt-RC-073 357 388 1 252 969 100 360 -60 NS 塔吉特1
BANt-RC-074 360 595 1 252 351 100 360 -60 NS 塔吉特8
BANt-RC-075 359 319 1 253 091 88 180 -50 5.58 1 8 塔吉特3-7



Target 2
Hole ID X-UTM Y-UTM News Release
Length Azimuth Dip Intercept Interval From
(m) (o) (o) (g/t Au) (m) (m)
BANT-RC-001 358,08 1,253,118 56 30 -60 0.8 4 12 May 17, 2023
including 1.4 1 13
& 1.3 1 15
BANT-RC-002 358,068 1,253,066 90 30 -60 11.4 15 35 May 17, 2023
including 41.2 4 36
including 114 1 38
& 0.5 12 56
including 1.6 1 56
BANT-RC-003 358,039 1,253,018 150 30 -60 2.0 12 83 May 17, 2023
including 6.8 1 83
& 5.0 1 94
& 0.7 1 104
BANT-RC-004 358 039 1 253 018 150 030 -60 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-005 358 018 1 253 099 100 030 -60 0.7 3 11 June 5, 2023
including 1.26 1 11
BANT-RC-006 357 988 1 253 048 150 030 -60 0.56 2 56 June 5, 2023
0.90 17 63
including 2.57 2 64
& 2.78 1 72
Target 3
BANT-RC-007 358 972 1 253 256 105 010 -60 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-008 358 970 1 253 211 106 010 -60 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-009 358 970 1 253 211 106 010 -60 1.44 13 23 June 5, 2023
including 5.10 1 28
& 4.90 1 32
BANT-RC-010 359 024 1 253 244 106 010 -60 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-011 359 015 1 253 192 116 010 -60 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-012 359 013 1 253 141 165 010 -60 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-028 358 961 1 253 107 120 010 -55 NSV July 27, 2023
Target 4
BANT-RC-020 359 874 1 253 165 100 300 -55 0.30 1 1 June 5, 2023
Target 7
BANT-RC-013 359 270 1 253 165 110 300 -55 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-014 359 316 1 253 132 131 300 -55 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-015 359 196 1 253 092 105 300 -55 0.55 13 2 June 5, 2023
including 1.2 1 12
BANT-RC-016 359 236 1 253 067 100 300 -55 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-017 359 284 1 253 044 101 300 -55 0.73 4 1 June 5, 2023
1.3 6 6
BANT-RC-018 359 300 1 252 979 106 300 -55 0.52 13 1 June 5, 2023
0.42 4 22
BANT-RC-019 359 348 1 252 957 105 300 -55 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-021 359 355 1 253 093 171 300 -55 NSV June 5, 2023
BANT-RC-022 359 376 1 252 899 71 300 -55 0.87 13 1 June 5, 2023
including 1.65 3 6
3.47 1 56
BANT-RC-023 359 183 1 252 986 90 030 -55 0.91 9 3 July 27, 2023
including 1.55 1 4
2.11 2 7
BANT-RC-024 359 285 1 252 905 125 030 -55 NSV July 27, 2023
BANT-RC-025 359 336 1 252 898 125 030 -55 0.44 9 15 July 27, 2023
BANT-RC-026 359 264 1 252 968 138 030 -55 0.63 4 21 July 27, 2023
including 1.1 1 22
BANT-RC-027 359 330 1 252 971 125 030 -55 0.44 8 15 July 27, 2023
BANT-RC-028 358 961 1 253 107 120 010 -55 NSV
BANT-TR-005 359 318 1 252 956 124 010 0 1.46 80
including 4.1 7 March 7, 2024
and 8.43 3
長度 方位角(度) 傾角 攔截 區間 起點
(米) “l” “l” (每噸含金克數) (米) (米)
BANt-RC-001 358.08 1,253,118 56 30 -60 0.8 4 12 2023年5月17日
包括 1.4 1 13
& 1.3 1 15
BANt-RC-002 358,068 1,253,066 90 30 -60 11.4 15 35 2023年5月17日
包括 41.2 4 36
包括 114 1 38
& 0.5 12 56
包括 1.6 1 56
BANt-RC-003 358,039 1,253,018 150 30 -60 2.0 12 83 2023年5月17日
包括 6.8 1 83
& 5.0 1 94
& 0.7 1 104
BANt-RC-004 358 039 1 253 018 150 030 -60 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-005 358 018 1 253 099 100 030 -60 0.7 3 11 2023年6月5日
包括 1.26 1 11
BANt-RC-006 357 988 1 253 048 150 030 -60 0.56 2 56 2023年6月5日
0.90 17 63
包括 2.57 2 64
& 2.78 1 72
BANt-RC-007 358 972 1 253 256 105 010 -60 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-008 358 970 1 253 211 106 010 -60 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-009 358 970 1 253 211 106 010 -60 1.44 13 23 2023年6月5日
包括 5.10 1 28
& 4.90 1 32
BANt-RC-010 359 024 1 253 244 106 010 -60 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-011 359 015 1 253 192 116 010 -60 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-012 359 013 1 253 141 165 010 -60 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-028 358 961 1 253 107 120 010 -55 NSV 2023年7月27日
BANt-RC-020 359 874 1 253 165 100 300 -55 0.30 1 1 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-013 359 270 1 253 165 110 300 -55 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-014 359 316 1 253 132 131 300 -55 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-015 359 196 1 253 092 105 300 -55 0.55 13 2 2023年6月5日
包括 1.2 1 12
BANt-RC-016 359 236 1 253 067 100 300 -55 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-017 359 284 1 253 044 101 300 -55 0.73 4 1 2023年6月5日
1.3 6 6
BANt-RC-018 359 300 1 252 979 106 300 -55 0.52 13 1 2023年6月5日
0.42 4 22
BANt-RC-019 359 348 1 252 957 105 300 -55 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-021 359 355 1 253 093 171 300 -55 NSV 2023年6月5日
BANt-RC-022 359 376 1 252 899 71 300 -55 0.87 13 1 2023年6月5日
包括 1.65 3 6
3.47 1 56
BANt-RC-023 359 183 1 252 986 90 030 -55 0.91 9 3 2023年7月27日
包括 1.55 1 4
2.11 2 7
BANt-RC-024 359 285 1 252 905 125 030 -55 NSV 2023年7月27日
BANt-RC-025 359 336 1 252 898 125 030 -55 0.44 9 15 2023年7月27日
BANt-RC-026 359 264 1 252 968 138 030 -55 0.63 4 21 2023年7月27日
包括 1.1 1 22
BANt-RC-027 359 330 1 252 971 125 030 -55 0.44 8 15 2023年7月27日
BANt-RC-028 358 961 1 253 107 120 010 -55 NSV
BANt-TR-005 359 318 1 252 956 124 010 0 1.46 80
包括 4.1 7 2024年3月7日
8.43 3

Notes: The Company does not have sufficient information to determine the true widths of the drill hole intersections reported in this release. Drillhole intercepts are calculated using a minimum downhole length of ≥1 m, a cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t gold, and may include up to 3 m of internal dilution within the intercept. Only intercepts ≥1 m are reported. Sample intervals are comprised of RC drill chips, which are sampled at regular 1 m intervals. Assays are reported uncut. Grid coordinates are UTM WGS84 Zone 29N. Results for holes BANT-RC-001 to BANT-RC-0028 previously released.

注:公司沒有足夠的信息來判斷公告中報告的鑽孔交叉處的真實寬度。 鑽孔截距使用≥100萬的最小終孔長度,0.3克/噸的截止品位計算,可能包括截距內的高達300萬的內部稀釋。 僅報告≥100萬的截距。 樣品間隔由RC鑽具芯片組成,每100萬定期取樣一次。 分析報告未經削減。 網格座標爲UTm WGS84區29N。 鑽孔BANt-RC-001至BANt-RC-0028的結果曾經公佈。

Quality Assurance / Quality Control ("QA/QC")


Sampling was completed following industry best practices, conducted under the supervision of the Company's project geologists and the chain of custody from the project to the sample preparation facility was continuously monitored. An appropriate number and type of certified reference materials (standards) and blanks totaling 5% of the total number of samples shipped to the laboratory was inserted approximately every 20th sample to ensure an effective QA/QC program was carried out. Data verification of the analytical results included a statistical analysis of the standards and blanks that must pass certain parameters for acceptance to ensure accurate and verifiable results. Samples from Target 2 were analyzed using ''Fire Assay FA450'' at the Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories in Bamako, Mali ("BVML"). BVML is an internationally recognized and commercially certified laboratory and is independent of Sanu Gold. Samples From Targets 3, 4 and 7 were analyzed using Fire Assay FAA505 at the SGS Laboratory in Bamako, Mali ("SGS"). SGS is an internationally recognized and commercially certified laboratory and is independent of Sanu Gold.

採樣遵循行業最佳實踐,由公司項目地質學家監督,並對項目到樣品製備設施的全程監控。 樣品數量和類型適當,共有5%的校準參考物質(標準)和白樣,每20個樣品左右插入一次,以確保有效的QA/QC計劃得以實施。 分析結果的數據驗證包括校準物質和白樣的統計分析,必須通過某些參數來接受以確保準確和可驗證的結果。 來自Target 2的樣品通過在馬裏巴馬科的Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories進行“火樣分析FA450”進行分析(BVML)。 BVML是國際認可和商業認證的實驗室,與Sanu Gold無關。 來自Targets 3、4和7的樣品通過在巴馬科馬裏的SGS實驗室進行“火樣分析FAA505”的分析進行分析(SGS)。 SGS是國際認可和商業認證的實驗室,與Sanu Gold無關。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Serigne Dieng, Ph.D., M.Sc., a Member (MAIG) of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), Exploration Manager of the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中包含的科學技術信息已由Serigne Dieng博士萬.Sc.、公司的勘探經理和符合國家43-101號法規(礦產項目披露標準)規定的合格人員進行審查和批准。

About Sanu Gold

關於Sanu Gold

Located within Guinea's Siguiri Basin, a world class gold district that is host to several operating mines and major new discoveries, Sanu Gold is exploring three high quality gold exploration permits. The Company is targeting multi-million-ounce gold deposits and has discovered high grade gold mineralization in the inaugural drill programs at both Bantabaye and Daina. Sanu is operated by a highly experienced team, with successful records of discovery, resource development and mine permitting in West Africa.

位於幾內亞錫吉里盆地,是一個世界級的黃金區,擁有多個運營礦山和主要新發現,Sanu Gold正在勘探三個高質量的黃金勘探許可。 公司的目標是找到百萬盎司的黃金礦牀,並在Bantabaye和Daina的首次鑽探計劃中發現了高品位的黃金礦化。 Sanu由一支經驗豐富的團隊運營,擁有在西非發現、資源開發和礦業許可方面的成功記錄。

Martin Pawlitschek
President & CEO, Sanu Gold Corp.

Martin Pawlitschek
總裁兼首席執行官,Sanu Gold Corp。

For further information regarding Sanu Gold, please visit the Company's website at or contact:

有關Sanu Gold的更多信息,請訪問公司網站或聯繫:

Anthony Simone
Simone Capital

Anthony Simone
Simone Capital

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "indicates", "opportunity", "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Sanu Gold believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the Company's plans for exploration on its properties and ability to execute on plans, ability to raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward, ability to maintain its material property agreements, mineral tenures and concessions in good standing, to explore and develop its projects; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associated with mineral exploration and mining operations, future prices of gold and other metals, changes in general economic conditions and local risks in the jurisdiction (Guinea) in which it operates, accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates, the potential for new discoveries, the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if obtained, to obtain such permits and consents in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the projects; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry. Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新聞稿包含某些被視爲適用證券法規下公司的“前瞻性聲明”的內容。 前瞻性聲明是不是歷史事實並且通常(但不總是)由“預期”、“計劃”、“期望”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“項目”、“潛在”、“表明”、“機會”、“可能”和類似表達方式,或者事件或條件“將”、“會”、“可能”、“可能”或“應該”發生。 儘管Sanu Gold認爲此類前瞻性聲明表達了合理的假設,但此類聲明並不是未來績效的保證,可能面臨風險和不確定性,實際結果和實際情況可能與前瞻性聲明中的情況有所不同或不同。 此類重大風險和不確定性包括,但不限於,公司在其物業上進行勘探的計劃和能力以及能否執行計劃,籌集足夠的資金來資助其在未來履行其物業協議的義務,保持其重要物業協議,礦藏權和特許權的良好形式,並探索和開發其項目; 經濟條件或金融市場的變化;礦物勘探和採礦活動固有的危險性,黃金和其他金屬未來價格,經濟總體情況的變化以及在其運營的管轄區域(幾內亞)中的風險,在條例中準確無誤地表示了礦產項目披露標準,礦物資源和儲量估計的準確性,發現新的發現,公司獲得必要的探測,鑽探和開發項目所需的許可和同意,如果獲得該許可和同意,將根據公司的計劃和業務目標及時獲得該許可和同意,公司總體能力變現其礦產資源;以及可能影響公司在環境和其他法律法規方面的活動,符合環境法律和法規,依賴關鍵管理人員以及在礦業行業中的一般競爭。 前瞻性聲明基於公司管理層在發表聲明時的合理信念、估計和意見。 除法律規定外,公司沒有義務更新這些前瞻性聲明,以反映管理層的信念、估計或意見,或其他因素的變化。

1kilometres ("km"), metres ("m"), reverse circulation ("RC"), grams of gold per tonne ("g/t Au").
2Reference to nearby properties are for information purposes only and there are no assurances the Company's properties will achieve similar results.

1千米(“km”),米(“m”),倒置循環(“RC”),每噸黃金克數(“g/t Au”)。

