
Lonza Welcomes New Group Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Wienand

Lonza Welcomes New Group Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Wienand

龍沙歡迎新的集團首席執行官Wolfgang Wienand

Basel, Switzerland, 1 July 2024 – Wolfgang Wienand joins Lonza Group today as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Wolfgang succeeds Albert M. Baehny, who took on the role of CEO ad interim in October 2023 and was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lonza from 2018 to May 2024. Albert will work with Wolfgang to ensure a smooth leadership handover before he retires from Lonza this summer.

2024年7月1日,瑞士巴塞爾 - Wolfgang Wienand 今日加入龍沙集團擔任首席執行官(CEO)。Wolfgang 接替了Albert M. Baehny,後者於2023年10月擔任CEO代理,並擔任龍沙董事會主席,職位一直持續到2024年5月。Albert 將與 Wolfgang 合作,確保領導層的順利交接,並在今年夏季退休前與Wolfgang進行過渡。

Jean-Marc Huët, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Lonza, commented: "On behalf of the Board, I extend a warm welcome to Wolfgang as he joins Lonza. Wolfgang brings with him a wealth of CDMO experience, combined with deep strategic and scientific expertise. As Wolfgang joins, we look forward to an era of stable and structured growth under his leadership."

龍沙董事會主席Jean-Marc Huet評論道:“我代表董事會歡迎Wolfgang加入龍沙。Wolfgang擁有豐富的CDMO經驗,結合深厚的戰略和科學專業知識。當Wolfgang加入時,我們期待在他的領導下實現穩定和有序的增長。”

Wolfgang Wienand, Chief Executive Officer, Lonza, commented: "Having worked in the CDMO industry for almost two decades, I always had great respect for Lonza's ability to transform and grow at pace. It is a privilege to join this remarkable company as CEO. As I commence my journey with Lonza, we are embarking on a quest to meet and exceed the needs of our customers and their patients. I am greatly looking forward to working with the team to build on our strong foundations and create a strategy for us to deliver continued growth and reach our full potential."

龍沙首席執行官Wolfgang Wienand評論道:“在CDMO行業工作了將近二十年,我一直非常尊重龍沙的能力,以快速的速度進行轉型和增長。作爲一家傑出的公司的CEO,加入龍沙是一種特權。當我開始我與龍沙的旅程,我們將着手滿足並超越客戶及其患者的需求。我非常期待與團隊一起建立我們的強大基礎,併爲我們制定策略,實現持續增長和充分發揮我們的潛力。”

Since 2019, Wolfgang has held the role of CEO at Swiss CDMO, Siegfried. Wolfgang previously served as Chief Scientific Officer and then as Chief Strategy Officer in Siegfried's executive leadership team. Prior to joining Siegfried in 2010, Wolfgang held a series of positions with increasing seniority at the German specialty chemicals company Evonik Industries.

自2019年以來,Wolfgang一直擔任瑞士CDMO Siegfried的首席執行官。在Siegfried的高管團隊中,Wolfgang曾擔任首席科學官,然後是首席戰略官。在加入Siegfried之前,Wolfgang在德國特種化學品公司Evonik Industries擔任了一系列隨着職位升級而增加的高級職位。

