
Galantas Gold Announces Planned Solar Power Generation Facility at Omagh Gold Project, Northern Ireland

Galantas Gold Announces Planned Solar Power Generation Facility at Omagh Gold Project, Northern Ireland

GlobeNewswire ·  07/10 14:00

TORONTO, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Galantas Gold Corporation (TSX-V & AIM: GAL; OTCQX: GALKF) ("Galantas" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has agreed in principle to a proposal from G&F Phelps Ltd. to develop a solar power facility at the Cavanacaw Gold Mine at the Omagh Project in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

加蘭塔斯黃金公司(TSX-V & AIM: GAL; OTCQX: GALKF)("加蘭塔斯"或"公司")非常高興地宣佈,已初步同意 G&F菲爾普斯有限公司的建議,在北愛爾蘭蒂龍縣(County Tyrone)的奧馬巴項目(Omagh Project)卡瓦納卡金礦(Cavanacaw Gold Mine)開展太陽能發電項目。

The two-megawatt facility, with battery storage, is expected to significantly boost power generation on site and provide lower cost power than existing diesel generation, at a significantly lower carbon footprint.


The proposal anticipates G&F Phelps renting rehabilitated land comprised of former tailings cells and a filled southern section of the former open pit. G&F Phelps is expected to provide the majority of capital required for the project, recouping the cost from the power generated. The proposal is subject to a detailed cost study, impact assessment and planning permission from regulatory authorities.


Surplus power from the solar facility is expected to be exported to the local grid.


G&F Phelps is a shareholder of Galantas, to which it has also provided loan finance. It is controlled by former Galantas CEO, Roland Phelps.

G&F菲爾普斯是加蘭塔斯的股東,也爲其提供了貸款。他受到Roland Phelps的控制。

Mario Stifano, CEO of Galantas, commented: "On-site solar power generation can reduce mine operating costs, lower our carbon footprint and reduce the requirement for fuel transportation onto the project site, resulting in fewer traffic movements locally. It is a "win-win" for the Company and the environment."


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About Galantas Gold Corporation

關於 Galantas Gold 公司

Galantas Gold Corporation is a Canadian public company that trades on the TSX Venture Exchange and the London Stock Exchange AIM market, both under the symbol GAL. It also trades on the OTCQX Exchange under the symbol GALKF. The Company's strategy is to create shareholder value by operating and expanding gold production and resources at the Omagh Project in Northern Ireland, and exploring the Gairloch Project hosting the Kerry Road gold-bearing VMS deposit in Scotland.

Galantas Gold Corporation 是一家加拿大公開公司,股票在 TSX Venture Exchange 和倫敦證券交易所 AIM 市場上交易,均以符號 GAL 作爲代號。它也在美國場外交易所 OTCQX 交易所上交易,代號爲 GALKF。該公司的戰略是通過在北愛爾蘭的Omagh項目開採和拓展黃金生產和資源,以及探索蘇格蘭海峽鎮託路谷含金VMS礦牀的 Gairloch 項目,創造股東價值。



Galantas Gold Corporation
Mario Stifano: Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: +44(0)28 8224 1100

Galantas Gold 公司
Mario Stifano:首席執行官
電話:+44(0)28 8224 1100

Grant Thornton UK LLP (AIM Nomad)
Philip Secrett, Harrison Clarke, Elliot Peters
Telephone: +44(0)20 7383 5100

Grant Thornton UK LLP (AIM提名人)
Philip Secrett,Harrison Clarke,Elliot Peters
電話:+44(0)20 7383 5100

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (AIM Broker)
David Hignell, Charlie Bouverat (Corporate Finance)
Grant Barker (Sales & Broking)
Telephone: +44(0)20 3470 0470

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (AIM經紀人)
David Hignell,Charlie Bouverat(公司金融),
Grant Barker(銷售和經紀)
電話:+44(0)20 3470 0470

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws, including results of exploration and mine development programs at the Omagh Project and Gairloch Project. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by Galantas in light of its experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that Galantas believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Many factors could cause Galantas' actual results, the performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward looking statements or strategy, including: gold price volatility; discrepancies between actual and estimated production, actual and estimated metallurgical recoveries and throughputs; mining operational risk, geological uncertainties; regulatory restrictions, including environmental regulatory restrictions and liability; risks of sovereign involvement; speculative nature of gold exploration; dilution; competition; loss of or availability of key employees; additional funding requirements; uncertainties regarding planning and other permitting issues; and defective title to mineral claims or property. These factors and others that could affect Galantas' forward-looking statements are discussed in greater detail in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Galantas' Management Discussion & Analysis of the financial statements of Galantas and elsewhere in documents filed from time to time with the Canadian provincial securities regulators and other regulatory authorities. These factors should be considered carefully, and persons reviewing this news release should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Galantas has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this news release, except as required by law.

本新聞發表包含了《1995年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案》和適用的加拿大證券法規所定義的前瞻性聲明,其中包括Omagh項目和Gairloch項目的勘探和礦區開發計劃的結果。前瞻性聲明是基於加蘭塔斯的經驗和歷史趨勢的了解、當前情況和預期未來發展, 以及加蘭塔斯認爲在該情況下適當的其他因素的估計和假設. 許多因素都可能導致加蘭塔斯的實際結果、表現或成就與前瞻性陳述或策略所表示或暗示的結果、表現或成就有所不同, 這些因素包括:黃金價格波動;實際生產、冶金回收率和通量的估計和實際差異;採礦業務風險;地質不確定性;監管限制,包括環境監管限制和責任;主權參與風險;黃金勘探的投機性質;稀釋作用;競爭;關鍵員工的離職或可用性;額外的資金需求;規劃和其他許可問題的不確定性;以及礦權或財產的不良所有權。這些因素以及其他可能影響加蘭塔斯前瞻性聲明的因素在加蘭塔斯的《管理討論與分析》、加蘭塔斯的基本報表以及從時間到時間在加拿大省證券監管機構和其他監管機構提出的文件中更詳細地討論。這些因素應該被仔細考慮,審查本新聞發佈的人不應該過度信任前瞻性聲明。除非法律要求,否則加蘭塔斯沒有意圖或承諾更新或修訂本新聞發佈中的任何前瞻性聲明。

