
Wessex Water's 5-Year Business Proposal To Boost YTL Power's Position Further

Wessex Water's 5-Year Business Proposal To Boost YTL Power's Position Further

威塞克斯水公司的五年業務提案將進一步提升YTL Power的地位
Business Today ·  07/10 11:19

YTL Power retained its BUY rating from RHB Investment Bank (RHB), with a target price of RM6.68, indicating a potential 29% upside. RHB made a recent visit to Wessex Water in the UK where it reinforced positive sentiment, highlighting the company's strong operational performance and strategic responses to regulatory requirements, particularly in enhancing environmental sustainability and meeting long-term water demand.

YTL Power維持了印度盧比投資銀行(RHB)的買入評級,目標價爲6.68令吉,表明潛在的上漲空間爲29%。RhB最近訪問了英國威塞克斯水務公司,這增強了積極情緒,突顯了該公司強勁的運營業績和對監管要求的戰略回應,特別是在增強環境可持續性和滿足長期用水需求方面。

Following the site visit to Wessex Water, which included meetings with management and a tour of key facilities, YTL Power is optimistic about the company's outlook. Wessex Water, known for its top-ranking performance in the water and sewerage sector, serves over 1.4 million people and thousands of businesses, demonstrating robust operational capabilities in water supply and wastewater treatment.

YTL Power對威塞克斯水務進行了實地考察,包括與管理層會晤和參觀關鍵設施,此後,YTL Power對公司的前景持樂觀態度。Wessex Water以其在供水和污水處理領域的頂級表現而聞名,爲超過140萬人和數千家企業提供服務,表現出在供水和污水處理方面的強大運營能力。

Wessex Water has submitted a substantial 5-year business proposal (2025-2030) to Ofwat, the water services regulation authority in the UK, seeking GBP3.5 billion in capital expenditure compared to the previous GBP1.4 billion. This increase is primarily aimed at meeting stringent legal and regulatory requirements focused on improving river health and sustainability, which could potentially raise average bills by approximately 30%. The decision on this proposal is expected by year-end, influencing future operational strategies.


With the UK experiencing more frequent extreme weather events, including water shortages, Wessex Water and government bodies are intensifying efforts to bolster water conservation and drought management strategies. Plans include converting Mendip quarries into potential reservoirs, a GBP1.1 billion project currently in development stages and awaiting final investment approval, to secure long-term water supply and environmental sustainability.


Maintaining a BUY recommendation, RHB's target price for YTL Power remains at MYR6.68, incorporating a 2% ESG discount based on its ESG score of 2.9 out of 4. The company's strategic initiatives in AI-data centre development further bolster long-term earnings potential, with immediate focus on finalising offtaker agreements for its initial 20MW AI-DC facility.

RHB維持買入建議,YTL Power的目標價格仍爲6.68令吉,根據其ESG評分2.9分(滿分4分),包括2%的ESG折扣。該公司在人工智能數據中心開發方面的戰略舉措進一步增強了長期盈利潛力,當務之急是敲定其最初的20兆瓦AI-DC設施的承購協議。

