
Gary Vee Calls Not Investing In Uber Angel Round One Of His 'Greatest Mistakes': 'People Value Time Over Everything'

Gary Vee Calls Not Investing In Uber Angel Round One Of His 'Greatest Mistakes': 'People Value Time Over Everything'

Gary Vee稱未投資Uber天使輪是他的“最大錯誤”:“人們珍惜時間勝過一切”
Benzinga ·  06:13
Serial entrepreneur and investor Gary Vaynerchuk (aka Gary Vee) was an early investor in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snap and Venmo. Vee was also an early investor in Uber, before the company completed a highly anticipated IPO in May 2019.
連續創業者和投資人Gary Vaynerchuk(又名Gary Vee)曾是Facebook、Twitter、Tumblr、Snap和Venmo等公司的早期投資者。Vee也是Uber的早期投資者,在該公司於2019年5月完成備受矚目的IPO之前投資了該公司。
What Happened: Ride-share company Uber Technologies Inc (NYSE:UBER) is a leader in the sector that didn't exist decades ago. The company's May 2019 IPO was one of the largest at the time.
發生了什麼事情:順風車公司Uber Technologies Inc(紐交所代碼:UBER)是幾十年前不存在的一個領域的領導者。該公司的2019年5月份的IPO是當時最大的之一。
Investors who bought into Uber before the company went public could be up on their investment
Vee invested in the company early, but not as...

