
Golden Horse Secures Key Options

Golden Horse Secures Key Options

newsfile ·  07/10 01:46

Perth, Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 9, 2024) - Golden Horse Minerals Limited (TSXV: GHML) ("Golden Horse" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into agreements to vary the terms of two existing key agreements at the Bullfinch North lithium and gold project and the Hakes Find gold project.

澳大利亞珀斯--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年7月9日)——金馬礦業有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GHML)(“金馬” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,該公司已簽訂協議,修改Bullfinch North鋰金項目和Hakes Find黃金項目的兩項現有關鍵協議的條款。

Enterprise Option Agreement


The Company announced on January 8, 2024, that it had entered into a binding agreement to wholly acquire Enterprise Metals Limited's Bullfinch North Tenement Option and Sale Agreement ("Option Agreement") for the Bullfinch North lithium and gold project, located in the northern part of the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt ("Bullfinch North"). The Company has also acquired substantially the same terms and conditions with Nickgraph Pty Ltd ("Nickgraph") directly (for a nominal option fee of A$1) as outlined in the Option Agreement ("Direct Option Agreement").

該公司於2024年1月8日宣佈,已簽訂一項具有約束力的協議,以全額收購企業金屬有限公司的Bullfinch North物業期權和銷售協議(“期權協議”),該項目位於南十字綠石帶(“Bullfinch North”)北部的Bullfinch North鋰金項目。如期權協議(“直接期權協議”)所述,公司還直接向Nickgraph Pty Ltd(“Nickgraph”)收購了與Nickgraph Pty Ltd(“Nickgraph”)基本相同的條款和條件(名義期權費爲1澳元)。

The Company assumed Enterprise's obligations relating to the Option Agreement that provide that the Company had the right to exercise the option to purchase Bullfinch North by May 24, 2024, with:

公司承擔了企業與期權協議相關的義務,期權協議規定公司有權在2024年5月24日之前行使收購Bullfinch North的期權,其中:

  • a payment to Nickgraph of A$0.4 million cash;

  • the issue of common shares to Nickgraph to the value of A$0.4 million; and

  • all production subject to a 1.5% gross royalty capped at A$1 million.

  • 向Nickgraph支付40萬澳元的現金;

  • 向Nickgraph發行價值40萬澳元的普通股;以及

  • 所有作品均需繳納1.5%的總特許權使用費,上限爲100萬澳元。

With the lapsing of the option period on May 24, 2024, the Direct Option Agreement between the Company and Nickgraph was enlivened. The Company had until June 25, 2024, to exercise the option with Nickgraph, and was able to extend that period to January 10, 2025 by payment of A$100,000 to Nickgraph ("Enterprise Option Extension").


The Company is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Nickgraph to vary the terms of the Option Agreement in relation to the Enterprise Option Extension. The Enterprise Option Extension has been varied, such that the payment of A$100,000 will now accrue monthly, at a rate of A$16,667 per month for a six-month period ending January 10, 2025 (A$100,000 in total), with payment for the Enterprise Option Extension due to be paid by the Company upon the Company's listing on the ASX ("ASX Listing Date").


Notwithstanding the Enterprise Option Extension, the Company still retains the right to further extend the exercise period under the Direct Option Agreement to June 25, 2025 with an additional payment of A$50,000 (the "Second Extension Fee"). If the Company extends the exercise period to June 25, 2025 on payment of the Second Extension Fee, the number of common shares issuable to Nickgraph would increase to A$0.6 million.


Hakes Find

Hakes Find

The Company announced on June 12, 2023, that it had entered into an exclusive six-month option agreement to acquire the Hakes Find project ("Hakes Find Agreement"), 10km from Southern Cross township in the central portion of the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt. The option exercise price is A$100,000 cash and A$175,000 in common shares (up to 2,467,500 common shares based the volume weighted average price for common shares in the period 30 days prior to issue and adjusted using the C$/A$ exchange rate posted by the Bank of Canada), plus a 1.5% royalty on the first 23,000 ounces of gold produced from the tenement.

該公司於2023年6月12日宣佈,已簽訂一項爲期六個月的獨家期權協議,以收購位於南十字綠石帶中部的距離南十字鎮10公里的Hakes Find項目(“Hakes Find協議”)。期權行使價爲100,000澳元現金和17.5萬澳元的普通股(根據發行前30天普通股的交易量加權平均價格,並根據加拿大銀行公佈的加元/澳元匯率進行調整,最高可達2467,500股普通股),外加該物業單位生產的前23,000盎司黃金的1.5%特許權使用費。

Under the Hakes Find Agreement, the Company previously extended the term of the Hakes Find Agreement by six months to 25 May 2024 and can at its election extended the term by a further six months to 25 November 2024 by way of cash payment of A$25,000 ("Hakes Option Extension").


The Company is pleased to announce that it has extended the term of the Hakes Find Agreement to 25 November 2024 and has also entered into an agreement to vary the terms of the Hakes Find Agreement in relation to the Hakes Option Extension. The Hakes Option Extension payment of AU$25,000 has been varied such that the payment is due to be paid by the Company on or prior to the ASX Listing Date.


Graeme Sloan, Golden Horse's Chairman said: "This is a great outcome for the Company and Shareholders as both Enterprise and Hakes Find options are exciting prospects and will play an important role in the future growth of the Company. The gold potential of Hakes Find looks very promising, whereas the former Enterprise tenements offer both gold and lithium opportunities."

金馬董事長格雷姆·斯隆表示:“這對公司和股東來說都是一個不錯的結果,因爲企業和Hakes Find的期權都是令人興奮的前景,將在公司的未來增長中發揮重要作用。Hakes Find的黃金潛力看起來非常有希望,而以前的企業礦權則提供了黃金和鋰的機會。”

For and on behalf of the Board


Graeme Sloan


For more information contact:


Nicholas Anderson
Managing Director & CEO


Josh Conner
Chief Operating Officer


Adam Davey
Canaccord Genuity Financial Limited
+61 8 9225 2811

Canaccord Genuity 金融有限公司
+61 8 9225 2811

Mason Brown
Canaccord Genuity Financial Limited
+61 8 9225 2862

Canaccord Genuity 金融有限公司
+61 8 9225 2862

David Tasker
Chapter One Advisors
+61 433 112 936

+61 433 112 936



This release may include forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements may include, among other things, statements regarding targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of metal production and prices, operating costs and results, capital expenditures, mineral reserves and mineral resources and anticipated grades and recovery rates, and are or may be based on assumptions and estimates related to future technical, economic, market, political, social and other conditions. These forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward-looking statements inherently involve subjective judgement and analysis and are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Golden Horse. Such forward‐looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Golden Horse's present and future business strategies and the political and economic environment in which the Golden Horse will operate in the future, which are not guarantees or predictions of future performance. Actual results and developments may vary materially from those that may be contemplated or implied by forward-looking statements in this release.


Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. All information in respect of Exploration Results and other technical information should be read in conjunction with Competent Person Statements in this release (where applicable). To the maximum extent permitted by law, Golden Horse and any of its related bodies corporate and affiliates and their officers, employees, agents, associates and advisers:

鑑於這些不確定性,提醒讀者不要過分依賴此類前瞻性陳述。與勘探結果和其他技術信息有關的所有信息應與本新聞稿中的主管人員聲明一起閱讀(如果適用)。在法律允許的最大範圍內,Golden Horse及其任何關聯機構、公司和關聯公司及其高級職員、員工、代理人、合夥人和顧問:

  • disclaim any obligations or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to the information in this release to reflect any events, circumstances or change in expectations or assumptions after the date of this release;

  • do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this release, or likelihood of fulfilment of any forward-looking statement or any event or results expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement; and

  • disclaim all responsibility and liability for these forward-looking statements (including, without limitation, liability for negligence).

  • 聲明不承擔任何義務或承諾發佈本新聞稿中信息的任何更新或修訂以反映本新聞稿發佈之日後發生的任何事件、情況或預期或假設的變化;

  • 不要對本新聞稿中信息的準確性、可靠性或完整性,或任何前瞻性陳述或任何前瞻性陳述或任何前瞻性陳述中明示或暗示的任何事件或結果的實現可能性作出任何明示或暗示的陳述或保證;以及

  • 免除對這些前瞻性陳述的所有責任和責任(包括但不限於疏忽責任)。

