
INA and Ericsson Sign an Agreement to Promote Digital Skills in Costa Rica

INA and Ericsson Sign an Agreement to Promote Digital Skills in Costa Rica

愛立信 ·  07/08 12:00

Ericsson, and the National Institute of Learning of Costa Rica (INA) have signed a General Collaboration Agreement in order to promote digital skills in the country. The objectives of this alliance include promoting collaboration between experts, teachers, students, and the industry to harness the full potential of 5G technology, contribute to the development of talent with digital skills, facilitate the exploration of various use cases, and provide tools for digital transformation to entrepreneurs and the general population.


As part of this collaboration agreement, Ericsson will implement various programs from the Connect to Learn portfolio, the company's flagship educational program, in partnership with INA. The main objective of this program is to support different actors in society in reducing the digital divide and developing digital skills to improve the quality of life and create new opportunities for the population and businesses through widely available connectivity and access to inclusive and quality educational content.

作爲該合作協議的一部分,愛立信將與INA合作,從Connect to Learn系列計劃中實施各種計劃,這是該公司旗艦教育計劃。該計劃的主要目標是支持社會不同角色減少數字鴻溝,發展數字技能,通過廣泛的連通性和獲取具有包容性和高質量教育內容來改善生活質量併爲人口和企業創造新機遇。

One of these programs is the Ericsson 5G University, which aims to provide educators with a deep understanding of 5G technology, improving their high-level digital skills. The ultimate purpose of this training is for teachers to include the concepts and fundamentals of wireless communication technology, with a focus on 5G, in relevant programs and classes, to enhance the knowledge and digital skills of students, thereby better preparing them for future employment in the telecommunications and information technology sectors.

這些計劃之一是Ericsson 5G大學,旨在向教育工作者提供對5g技術的深入了解,提高他們的高級數字技能。該培訓的最終目的是使教師在相關課程和課程中包括無線通信技術的概念和基礎,重點放在5g上,以提高學生的知識和數字技能,從而更好地爲未來的電信和信息技術行業就業做好準備。

Additionally, the 21st Century Technologies program will provide students and teachers with access to online self-learning materials and training in key technologies. This initiative offers a wide variety of content including telecommunications, artificial intelligence, automation, IoT, and 5G. In addition to online content, as part of this program, a series of lectures and masterclasses will be conducted by Ericsson experts in collaboration with academic institutions.


These lectures will focus on topics relevant to INA students and their extended community, and will seek to facilitate exchange between students, teachers, and industry experts on how new technologies can be applied to specific issues and opportunities for Costa Rica, based on regional and global experiences and trends. In this context, the first lecture will be open to the public and the media and will focus on the fundamental concepts of 5G technology and its transformative potential. The session will take place on August at the INA facilities.


This agreement supports INA's commitment to promote and develop training and professional development for men and women in all sectors of production to promote economic development and contribute to the improvement of living and working conditions for the people of Costa Rica, through training, certification, and accreditation for productive, sustainable, equitable, high-quality, and competitive work.


Juan Alfaro López, Executive President of INA highlighted the promotion of technologies in national education. "INA is an institution that must understand training at the same speed at which the world moves, and thus, agreements of this type allow us to stay at the forefront and even lead in the region," celebrated Alfaro.

Juan Alfaro López,INA執行總裁,強調了國家教育中技術的推廣。"INA是一個必須以世界發展的速度理解培訓的機構,因此,這類協議使我們保持處於前沿,甚至在整個地區領導"。

According to the National Survey of Jobs in Commerce and Other Sectors in 2021, 78% of the surveyed organizations had at least one vacancy for information and communications technology installers and repairers that was considered difficult to fill. This was due to most applicants lacking the required digital skills for the position.


"We are very proud to contribute to the digital transformation process of Costa Rica, through the development of the necessary skills for current and future talent. We see INA as an excellent ally who shares our commitment to providing the necessary tools to accelerate the adoption of 5G in Costa Rica and enable the greatest benefit of connectivity for the development of communities, industries, and the country," said Fabian Monge, Acting President of Ericsson for LATAM North and the Caribbean.

"我們非常自豪能夠通過開發當前和未來人才所需的必要技能來促進哥斯達黎加的數字轉型過程。我們認爲INA是一個出色的盟友,與我們一同致力於爲哥斯達黎加提供必要的工具,以加速5g的採用,併爲社區、產業和國家的發展提供最大的連接效益",Fabian Monge表示。北拉丁美洲和加勒比地區負責愛立信的代理總裁。

The collaboration enabled by this agreement aims to promote the digital skills demanded by the Costa Rican labor market, as well as to strengthen the digital ecosystem in Costa Rica, which includes participants such as Ericsson and INA, committed to the digital transformation of the country and its communities.






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Ericsson enables communications service providers and enterprises to capture the full value of connectivity. The company's portfolio spans the following business areas: Networks, Cloud Software and Services, Enterprise Wireless Solutions, Global Communications Platform, and Technologies and New Businesses. It is designed to help our customers go digital, increase efficiency and find new revenue streams. Ericsson's innovation investments have delivered the benefits of mobility and mobile broadband to billions of people globally. Ericsson stock is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and on Nasdaq New York.




The National Learning Institute (INA) is a Costa Rican public institution dedicated to professional technical training and training, with the aim of promoting the economic and social development of the country. Founded in 1965, the INA offers high-quality educational programs in various technical and professional areas, aimed at young people, adults and companies, promoting employability and entrepreneurship. With a focus on innovation and adaptability to the needs of the labor market, INA has established itself as a benchmark in technical education in Costa Rica, contributing to the sustainable growth and competitiveness of the country.


