
Duolingo Doubles Down on Design and Animation With Acquisition of Hobbes

Duolingo Doubles Down on Design and Animation With Acquisition of Hobbes

多鄰國 ·  07/09 12:00

Detroit-based studio gives Duolingo world-class motion design capabilities


PITTSBURGH, July 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Duolingo, Inc. (Nasdaq: DUOL), the world's leading mobile learning platform, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Hobbes, an animation and motion design studio based in Detroit. This is Duolingo's second acquisition, following the successful 2022 acquisition of Gunner, another Detroit-based design and animation studio that is affiliated with Hobbes. Duolingo uses animation and motion design to amplify game mechanics and make its products more fun and engaging. This acquisition marks the inception of a dedicated motion design team within Duolingo's Design department.


"Design is a critical part of Duolingo's success, particularly our use of character illustration and animation, which really accelerated since adding Gunner to our team. Now we'll be able to accelerate our use of motion-design by adding Hobbes' unique talents to our Design team," said Ryan Sims, Chief Design Officer, Duolingo. "We're investing in the belief that a more animated product experience is more fun and delightful, and leads to better learning outcomes."

“設計是Duolingo成功的關鍵部分,特別是我們使用的角色插圖和動畫,自從將Gunner加入我們的團隊後,這方面進展迅速。現在,通過將Hobbes獨特的才能加入我們的設計團隊,我們將能夠加速使用運動設計,“Duolingo首席設計官Ryan Sims說。“我們相信更多的動畫產品體驗更加有趣和愉悅,有助於更好的學習結果。”

The acquisition of Hobbes will add twelve new world-class motion designers, animators, creative strategists, creative directors, and producers to Duolingo's existing design teams and nearly double the size of Duolingo's Detroit office. Hobbes is already a motion design partner for Duolingo, supporting the development of key features for Duolingo Music, product architecture, animation design systems, and more.

Hobbes的收購將爲Duolingo現有的設計團隊增加12名世界一流的運動設計師、動畫師、創意戰略師、創意總監和製片人,並將近將Duolingo底特律辦公室的規模擴大一倍。Hobbes已經是Duolingo的運動設計合作伙伴,支持Duolingo Music、產品架構、動畫設計系統等關鍵功能的開發。

"We strive to put animators in the driver's seat for product design, and Duolingo's expertise and dedication to art, design, and continuous improvement align perfectly with our mission," said Eddy Nieto, Partner and Creative Director, Hobbes. "This is a huge win for everyone on our team and we're excited to grow our community of top talent here in Detroit," added Nevin McRay, Managing Partner, Hobbes.

“我們努力讓動畫師成爲產品設計的主導,並且Duolingo對藝術、設計和持續改進的專業性和承諾完全符合我們的使命,”Hobbes的合夥人和創意總監Eddy Nieto說。“這對我們團隊的每個人都是巨大的勝利,我們很高興在底特律擴大我們的頂級人才社區,”Hobbes的管理合夥人Nevin McRay補充道。

About Duolingo
Duolingo is the leading mobile learning platform globally. Its flagship app has organically become the world's most popular way to learn languages and the top-grossing app in the Education category on both Google Play and the Apple App Store. With technology at the core of everything it does, Duolingo has consistently invested to provide learners with a fun, engaging, and effective learning experience while remaining committed to its mission to develop the best education in the world and make it universally available.

Duolingo是全球領先的移動學習平台。其旗艦應用程序已自然地成爲全球最受歡迎的語言學習方式,是Google Play和Apple App Store上教育類應用程序中排名最高的應用程序。憑藉技術作爲一切的核心,Duolingo一直致力於爲學習者提供有趣、引人入勝、有效的學習體驗,同時致力於開發世界上最好的教育,並使之普遍可用。

About Hobbes
Hobbes is a motion design studio focused on creative solutions in product design and emerging technology. Their team specializes in elevating user experiences forward with function and delight. Clients include future-thinking product teams at Google, YouTube, Ford, Zapier, and Duolingo.


Contact Information


Deborah Belevan, IRC, CPA

Deborah Belevan,鐵貨,中華人民共和國會計師

Sam Dalsimer

Sam Dalsimer

