
Astra Exploration Signs Agreement For The Manchuria Epithermal Gold-Silver Project, Santa Cruz, Argentina

Astra Exploration Signs Agreement For The Manchuria Epithermal Gold-Silver Project, Santa Cruz, Argentina

Astra Exploration公司與阿根廷聖克魯斯省Manchuria熱液型黃金-銀項目簽訂協議
newsfile ·  07/09 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 9, 2024) - Astra Exploration Inc. (TSXV: ASTR) (OTCQB: ATEPF) (FSE: S3I) ("Astra" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding letter agreement dated July 8, 2024 (the "Agreement") granting Astra the option to acquire up to a 90% interest in the Manchuria epithermal gold-silver Project (the "Project") from Patagonia Gold Corp ("Patagonia") located in the prolific Deseado Massif of Santa Cruz, Argentina (Figure 1).

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞州——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月9日)——Astra Exploration Inc.(TSXV: ASTR)(OTCQB: ATEPF)(FSE: S3I)("Astra" 或 "公司")非常高興地宣佈,公司已於2024年7月8日簽訂了一份具有約束力的信函協議("協議"),授予 Astra 有權獲得位於阿根廷聖克魯斯省多產的德塞阿多山脈(圖1)中來自Patagonia Gold Corp("Patagonia")的Manchuria蝕變型金銀項目("項目")高達90%的權益。

The Deseado Massif has extraordinary geological fertility and hosts multiple low-sulphidation epithermal (LSE) precious metals deposits, including AngloGold Ashanti's Cerro Vanguardia (approximately 10 million gold-equivalent ounces) and Newmont Corp's Cerro Negro (approximately 7.5 million gold-equivalent ounces) world-class deposits.

德塞阿多山脈具有特殊的地質肥力,擁有多個低硫化蝕變型(LSE)貴金屬礦牀,包括AngloGold Ashanti的Cerro Vanguardia(約1000萬金當量盎司)和Newmont Corp的Cerro Negro(約750萬金當量盎司)世界級礦牀。

Highlights of the Manchuria Project:


  • Near existing mining infrastructure (Figure 1)
  • Large land package of approximately 5,600 hectares (Figure 2)
  • Localized bonanza-grade drill intersections (Table 1)
  • Historical drilling is mostly shallow, averaging 100 to 150 metres below surface
  • Existing 43-101 resource (Table 2) of 53,900 indicated and 92,400 inferred gold equivalent ounces for an optimized open-pit shell using USD $1,300/oz and 95% recovery for gold and USD $18/oz and 60% recovery for silver in 20191
  • Opportunity to discover high-grade feeder zones (Figure 3)
  • 靠近現有的採礦基礎設施(圖1)
  • 大約5600公頃的大型土地包裹(圖2)
  • 局部富含蝕變型金銀鑽孔截面(表1)
  • 歷史鑽探大多淺層,平均深度爲地表以下100到150米
  • 現有43-101資源(表2),2019年採用優化的露天開採殼體,使用USD $1,300/盎司和95%的金回收率以及USD $18/盎司和60%的銀回收率,指示金當量53,900盎司和92,400推斷金當量盎司
  • 發現高品位供給區的機會(圖3)

Astra's CEO, Brian Miller commented:

Astra的首席執行官Brian Miller評論說:

After reviewing many projects over the past several months, Manchuria stands out as an opportunity to make a significant high-grade discovery in a proven, yet underexplored land package. The grades are exceptional, preliminary metallurgy is favorable, and previous drilling was shallow and mostly focused on the current published resource. There is opportunity to expand the existing resource laterally near surface and along strike, but perhaps more important is the opportunity to discover high-grade feeder zones which remain unexplored. Manchuria has multiple characteristics which support multi-million ounce potential. With Pampa Paciencia, and now the addition of Manchuria, Astra continues to position itself as a premier explorer with a growing portfolio of high quality precious metals projects in some of the most important mining jurisdictions in Latin America.

在過去幾個月審查了許多項目之後,Manchuria作爲在經過證明但未經充分開發的包裹中進行重大高品位發現機會的機會顯得突出。品位出衆,初步冶金可行性良好,先前的鑽探大多集中在當前公佈的資源上。存在擴大現有資源的機會。Manchuria具有多個特點,支持其擁有多百萬盎司的潛力。通過Pampa Paciencia,現在增加了Manchuria,Astra繼續將自己定位爲一家高品質貴金屬項目增長組合的首要資源勘探公司,在拉丁美洲最重要的採礦地區擁有多個高質量貴金屬項目。

The Manchuria Project is a shallow, high-grade gold-silver LSE system close to provincial roads at 650 to 700 metres altitude (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Manchuria Project location, Deseado Massif region in Santa Cruz Province, Southern Argentina.

圖1:Manchuria項目位置,聖克魯斯省Deseado Massif地區。

Previous exploration consists of surface and trench samples, geophysics (ground mag, IP and CSAMT) and 22,200 metres of drilling (91% DDH) in 133 holes. Exploration activity concentrated at an elevated and altered 600 by 700 metre area exposing a dense group of NW to NNW trending parallel banded quartz-adularia veins with bonanza grades (Table 1) that can be divided into the Main and the Eastern Zones (Figure 2). This area is interpreted by Astra geologists as a hydrovolcanic centre with evidence of phreatic to phreatomagmatic breccias, and is currently the only area drilled.


Drilling was concentrated at the Main Zone, where in 2019 Patagonia published a 43-101 resource1 (Table 2) which remains open in all directions. The Eastern Zone (900 by 250 metres) consists of a similar group of NW-trending parallel banded quartz-adularia veins with bonanza grades that were not explored in detail (only 8 of the 133 holes drilled at Manchuria) and could likely expand the near-surface resources. Additionally, to the east there are more NW-oriented trends with shallow LSE style mineralization, and to the south more evidence of phreatic breccias and strong silicification is present (Figure 2).

鑽探工作集中在主區,2019年Patagonia發佈了43-101資源1(表2),在所有方向上仍然開放。東區(900m x 250m)由一組類似的NW趨勢平行條帶狀石英-腺石脈組成,具有富含成分,但未經詳細勘探(只有133口井中的8口井鑽探了Manchuria),並且可能會擴展近地表資源。此外,向東有更多的NW定向趨勢,具有淺層的LSE樣式礦化,向南則存在更多的爆裂火山口巖和強烈硅化(圖2)。

Figure 2: Manchuria Project summarized lithologies and surface Au geochemical anomalies. Project outline in blue, and the modern cover has no color.


Table 1: Select (uncut) drill intersections from the Manchuria Project expressed in AuEq (gold-equivalent) g/t *metres using a gold/silver ratio of 80.

表1:Manchuria項目的選擇(未裁剪)鑽探截面,用AuEq(金當量)g/t *米表示,使用金/銀比80。

Table 2: Existing resource1 information from 43-101 report dated September 27, 2019.


After relogging drill holes along select sections, Company geologists interpret that the Main Zone is an extensional basin filled with rhyolitic flow tuffs that develop into a dacitic to andesitic sequence of tuffs and lava flows. The contact between the two units is represented by a layer with important amounts of carbonized wood representing the base of the rhyolitic flow tuffs (Figure 3).


Figure 3: Cross-section showing parallel veins (red) crosscut by drilling (black traces) with coincident high grades at or near faults (blue) and carbon-rich layer (gray).


As seen in Figure 3, LSE mineralization was mainly tested in the rhyolitic tuffs unit with several Au-Ag rich drill intersections that created the bulk disseminated resource published in the 43-101. However, there is strong evidence that there are high-grade precious metal intersections when faults and fluids cross-cut the carbon-rich level (grades listed in blue), and there is also evidence of thicker and more continuous veins in the dacitic-andesitic basal unit.


Agreement Terms


Astra has the option to acquire an initial 80% interest in the Manchuria Project by fulfilling the following project expenditures, subject to Astra's right to extend the earn-in timeframe:


  • USD $150K in non-discretionary expenditures in the first year;
  • USD $350K expenditures in the second year;
  • USD $1.5M expenditures in the third year;
  • USD $1M expenditures in the fourth year;
  • 第一年非自主支出15萬美元;
  • 第二年支出35萬美元;
  • 第三年支出150萬美元;
  • 第四年支出100萬美元;

Upon earning 80%, Astra may then elect to purchase an additional 10% (for 90% total ownership) by making a cash payment of USD $5M to Patagonia by the end of the sixth year, subject to Astra's right to extend this period.


Patagonia's interest (10% or 20% as the case may be) will be carried until the publication of a 43-101 compliant resource totaling at least 1 million ounces of gold-equivalent in the indicated + inferred categories. Upon publication of the resource, each party will contribute their pro-rata amounts of expenditures from that point forward.


If either Party's ownership is reduced to less than 10%, such ownership will automatically convert to a 1% NSR.


Upon signing of the Agreement, Astra will have a period of 45 days to conduct due diligence, during which time Astra has the exclusive option to proceed with the transaction. Further, the due diligence period will only commence upon both of: (i) approval from the existing royalty holder; and (ii) approval from the Santa Cruz Provincial authorities of the work plan which has been agreed to by Astra and Patagonia.

簽署協議後,Astra將有45天時間進行盡職調查,在此期間Astra具有獨家選擇權以進行交易。此外,盡職調查期僅在以下兩種情況下才開始:(i)現有專利權所有者的批准;(ii)由Astra和Patagonia商定的工作計劃得到了Santa Cruz省當局的批准。

About the Company


Astra Exploration Inc. is a precious metals exploration company based out of Vancouver, BC that is actively building a portfolio of high quality projects in some of the most important mining jurisdictions in Latin America. Its 100% owned Pampa Paciencia low sulphidation epithermal (LSE) gold-silver project is located in the Paleocene mineral province of northern Chile in proximity to such major operating mines as Spence and Sierra Gorda, and shares several important geological similarities to other Paleocene LSE gold-silver deposits incuding Faride and El Peñón. The Manchuria LSE gold-silver project over which Astra has an option to acquire 90% interest, is located in the prolific Deseado Massif of Santa Cruz, Argentina which hosts multiple world-class LSE precious metals deposits including Cerro Vanguardia and Cerro Negro.

Astra Exploration Inc.是一家總部位於加拿大溫哥華的貴金屬勘探公司,正在積極建立在拉美最重要的礦業管轄區之一的高質量項目組合。其100%擁有的Pampa Paciencia低硫化熱液型(LSE)金-銀項目位於智利北部的古新世礦產區,毗鄰Spence和Sierra Gorda等重要營運礦山,並與其他古新世LSE金銀沉積物含量相似的地質結構具有相同的重要地質相似性,如Faride和El Penón。 Manchuria LSE金銀項目是位於阿根廷聖克魯斯的多產Deseado質量地區,其中包括Cerro Vanguardia和Cerro Negro等多個世界級的LSE貴金屬礦牀,Astra有權收購90%的權益。

Qualified Person


The technical data and information as disclosed in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Darcy Marud, who is an Independent Director of Astra. Mr. Marud is a Practicing Member of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario and is a qualified person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中公開的技術數據和信息由Astra的獨立董事Darcy Marud進行審查和批准。 Marud先生是安大略省專業地質科學家協會的執業成員,是根據《43-101標準》 - 披露礦產項目標準的定義的合格人員。

For further information please contact:


Brian Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Tel. 604.428.0939

Brian Miller
電話. 604.428.0939

1 Source: Stubens, T. and Gowans, R., September 27, 2019.
Updated Technical Report on the Mineral Resources of the La Manchuria Project Santa Cruz Province, Argentina

更新的有關阿根廷聖克魯斯省La Manchuria項目礦物資源的技術報告

Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby and/or geologically similar properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's properties.


This news release may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When or if used in this news release, the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "target, "plan", "forecast", "may", "schedule" and similar words or expressions identify forward- looking statements or information. These forward-looking statements or information may relate to the Company's business activities; exploration on the Company's properties; completion of the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement; receipt of all required regulatory approvals; and marketing initiatives. Such statements represent the Company's current views with respect to future events and are necessarily based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social risks, contingencies and uncertainties. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, without limitation: development of the industry in which the Company operates; risks associated with the conduct of the Company's business activities; risks relating to reliance on the Company's management team and outside contractors; currency fluctuations; risks regarding the failure to generate sufficient cash flow from operations; laws and regulations governing the industry in which the Company operates; the ability of the communities in which the Company operates to manage and cope with the implications of COVID-19; the economic and financial implications of COVID-19 to the Company; operating or technical difficulties; employee relations, labour unrest or unavailability; stock market volatility; conflicts of interest among certain directors and officers; lack of liquidity for shareholders of the Company; litigation risk; and other risk factors disclosed in the Company's public disclosure documents available on the Company's profile at . Readers are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be anticipated, estimated or intended. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements or information to reflect changes in assumptions or changes in circumstances or any other events affecting such statements and information other than as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations.


