
Intrepid Metals Drills 20.20% Cu, 8.51 Gpt Au and 250.00 Gpt Ag (23.85% CuEq) at Its Corral Copper Property in Arizona

Intrepid Metals Drills 20.20% Cu, 8.51 Gpt Au and 250.00 Gpt Ag (23.85% CuEq) at Its Corral Copper Property in Arizona

newsfile ·  07/09 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 9, 2024) - Intrepid Metals Corp. (TSXV: INTR) (OTCQB: IMTCF) ("Intrepid" or the "Company") is pleased to announce final results from its initial drill program on the Company's Corral Copper Property ("Corral" or the "Property") in Cochise County, Arizona. The final three holes contain the highest-grade intercept from the initial drill program and are all located within the Ringo Zone (Figure 1 & Photo 1), which is located along the southern margin of the 3.5-kilometer-long trend of near surface copper-gold-silver-zinc mineralization.

2024年7月9日,卑詩省溫哥華(新聞稿 - Newsfile Corp.) - 勇往直前金屬(TSXV:INTR)(OTCQB:IMTCF)(“勇往直前”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈其戈切斯縣(亞利桑那州) Corral銅礦產權(“Corral”或“產權”)上進行的首個鑽探計劃的最終結果。最終的三個鑽孔含有初步鑽探計劃中最高品位的攔截結果,所有這些結果均位於Ringo區(圖1和照片1)內,該區域位於近地表銅 - 金 - 銀 - 鋅成礦趨勢的3.5公里長的南側邊緣。

Highlights from the final drill holes include:


  • 112.95 meters ("m") of 1.50% Copper ("Cu"), 0.53 grams per ton ("gpt") Gold ("Au") and 8.22 gpt Silver ("Ag") (1.66% Copper Equivalent ("CuEq")1) in Hole CC24_023; including,
    • 63.40m of 2.57% Cu, 0.91 gpt Au and 14.14 gpt Ag (2.83% CuEq1)
    • 13.40m of 6.72% Cu, 1.49 gpt Au and 46.93 gpt Ag (6.90% CuEq1) and
    • 1.40m of 20.20% Cu, 8.51 gpt Au and 250.00 gpt Ag (23.85% CuEq1).
  • 64.95m of 0.84% Cu, 0.35 gpt Au and 2.83 gpt Ag (0.96% CuEq1) in Hole CC24_025 including,
    • 15.65m of 1.55% Cu, 0.55 gpt Au and 2.52 gpt Ag (1.71% CuEq1) and
    • 3.80m of 2.75% Cu, 1.07 gpt Au and 8.25 gpt Ag (3.13% CuEq1).
  • CC24_023號孔,112.95米銅(Cu)1.50%,金(Au)0.53克/噸和銀(Ag)8.22克/噸(相當於1.66%的銅當量(CuEq));其中,
    • 6340萬的銅2.57%,金0.91克/噸和銀14.14克/噸(2.83%的銅當量1),
    • 1340萬的銅6.72%,金1.49克/噸和銀46.93克/噸(6.90%的銅當量1),以及
    • 140萬的銅20.20%,金8.51克/噸和銀250.00克/噸(23.85%的銅當量1)。
  • CC24_025號孔,6495米的銅(Cu),0.35克/噸的金(Au)和2.83克/噸的銀(Ag)(相當於0.96%的銅當量1); 其中,
    • 1565萬的銅1.55%,金0.55克/噸和銀2.52克/噸(相當於1.71%的銅當量1);以及
    • 380萬的銅2.75%,金1.07克/噸和銀8.25克/噸(3.13%的銅當量1)

"We've ended our initial drill program at Corral with our best results," stated Ken Brophy, Chief Executive Officer of the Company. "We are just beginning to scratch the surface of the potential with shallow and high-grade copper and gold mineralization within private lands at Corral Copper. We've completed additional mapping and are compiling all the data we have collected to date. This will guide our planning for our next drill program, which we anticipate taking place later this year."

該公司的首席執行官Ken Brophy表示:“我們在Corral的首個鑽探計劃取得了最佳成果。在Corral Copper的私有土地內,我們只是開始挖掘淺層和高品位的銅和金礦化的潛力。我們已經完成了額外的勘測,並正在編制我們迄今爲止收集的所有數據。這將指導我們計劃進行的下一次鑽探計劃,我們預計將在今年晚些時候進行。

Mark Morabito, the founder and Chairman of Intrepid, expresses, "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to extend congratulations to our CEO Ken Brophy and the entire team in Vancouver and southern Arizona. They have successfully completed an inaugural drill program with outstanding results, showcasing the significant potential of the Corral Copper Project. This marks just the beginning at Corral, and we are incredibly pleased with our initial progress."

勇往直前的創始人兼主席Mark Morabito表示:“我代表董事會向我們的首席執行官Ken Brophy和整個位於溫哥華和美國南部亞利桑那州的團隊表示祝賀。他們已經成功完成了首個鑽探計劃,並逐步展示了Corral Copper項目的重要潛力。這只是Corral的開始,我們對我們的初步進展非常滿意。

Daniel MacNeil, MSc PGeo, Technical Advisor to Intrepid stated, "The highly successful 2024 drill program intercepted extensive and locally high-grade copper-gold-silver-zinc mineralization across a 3.5-kilometer metal endowed trend that contains the Holliday, Earp and Ringo zones at Corral Copper. The exciting new geological data will be leveraged to target porphyry copper-gold root sources to the mineralization, as well as to build out and extend the high-grade replacement style polymetallic domains. The drill results indicate that the mineralized footprint is more extensive than historically appreciated because robust copper-gold-silver-zinc mineralization has now been detected beyond the favourable Abrigo Formation host rocks in structural corridors and traps, porphyry intrusions, reactive diabase dikes and newly recognized hydrothermal breccias. The widespread mineralization is a reflection of the intensity of the hydrothermal system and the economic potential of the project."

勇往直前的技術顧問Daniel MacNeil,MSc,PGeo表示:“2024年高度成功的鑽探計劃攔截了Corral Copper的3.5公里金屬稟賦趨勢,涵蓋了Holliday,Earp和Ringo區域,採掘了廣泛和當地高品位的銅 - 金 - 銀 - 鋅礦化。激動人心的新地質數據將被用於挖掘礦物化產生的斑岩銅 - 金根源,並建立和擴展高品位可替代多金屬域。鑽探結果表明,礦化足跡比歷史上所認識的更加廣泛,因爲強健的銅 - 金 - 銀 - 鋅礦化現在已在結構走廊和陷阱,斑岩侵入體,反應性輝綠岩岩脈和新認可的熱液角礫岩之外被檢測到。廣泛的礦化反映了熱液系統的強度和該項目的經濟潛力。"

Table 1: New Drill Intercepts for the Ringo Zone1


ID (m) (m) (m) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (%) (%) (g/t) (%) (g/t)
CC24-023 68.40 181.35 112.95 1.50 0.53 8.22 0.071 1.98 2.71 1.66 2.27
Incl. 117.95 181.35 63.40 2.57 0.91 14.14 0.093 3.38 4.64 2.83 3.89
Incl. 130.60 140.20 9.60 3.12 2.21 9.98 0.254 4.89 6.71 4.07 5.58
Incl. 144.15 174.00 29.85 4.09 0.77 24.91 0.025 4.87 6.67 4.10 5.62
And 144.15 167.90 23.75 4.47 0.85 29.36 0.029 5.35 7.34 4.50 6.17
And 160.60 174.00 13.40 6.72 1.49 46.93 0.043 8.21 11.26 6.90 9.47
And 163.75 170.50 6.75 10.95 2.64 88.53 0.080 13.65 18.72 11.47 15.73
And 165.15 166.55 1.40 20.20 8.51 250.00 0.110 28.55 39.15 23.85 32.71
CC24-024 34.00 86.00 52.00 0.29 0.10 0.89 0.003 0.38 0.52 0.32 0.44
Incl. 54.00 59.30 5.30 0.71 0.18 1.52 0.001 0.85 1.17 0.72 0.98
Incl. 78.00 86.00 8.00 0.39 0.23 0.91 0.002 0.57 0.78 0.47 0.65
CC24-024 119.00 202.20 83.20 0.33 0.20 4.00 0.425 0.64 0.88 0.53 0.72
Incl. 119.00 129.85 10.85 0.57 0.37 1.50 0.230 0.92 1.26 0.76 1.05
Incl. 158.20 159.35 1.15 5.90 0.51 15.70 0.026 6.41 8.79 5.42 7.44
Incl. 185.70 189.10 3.40 2.06 0.66 4.26 0.008 2.58 3.54 2.17 2.97
And 185.70 186.80 1.10 1.89 0.11 2.40 0.006 1.99 2.73 1.69 2.32
CC24-025 19.50 41.00 21.50 0.20 0.04 0.93 0.004 0.24 0.34 0.21 0.28
CC24-025 64.00 105.00 41.00 0.38 0.08 1.08 0.011 0.45 0.62 0.38 0.52
Incl. 79.55 82.00 2.45 2.81 0.11 4.01 0.033 2.93 4.02 2.49 3.41
And 79.55 80.35 0.80 7.07 0.08 6.50 0.047 7.20 9.87 6.11 8.38
CC24-025 117.00 181.95 64.95 0.84 0.35 2.83 0.134 1.15 1.58 0.96 1.32
Incl. 129.50 145.15 15.65 1.55 0.55 2.52 0.199 2.04 2.79 1.71 2.34
CC24-025 162.40 173.15 10.75 1.72 0.58 4.51 0.203 2.24 3.08 1.88 2.58
Incl. 162.40 166.80 4.40 1.66 0.33 2.31 0.009 1.93 2.64 1.62 2.23
Incl. 169.35 173.15 3.80 2.75 1.07 8.25 0.493 3.74 5.13 3.13 4.30
鑽探孔細節 分析品位 分析金屬當量 稀釋後的金屬當量
長度 黃金 銅等價量 金等價量 銅等價量 金等價量
ID (米) (米) (米) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (%) (%) (克/噸) (%) (克/噸)
CC24-023 68.40 181.35 112.95 1.50 0.53 8.22 0.071 1.98 2.71 1.66 2.27
包括。 117.95 181.35 63.40 2.57 0.91 14.14 0.093 3.38 4.64 2.83 3.89
包括。 130.60 140.20 9.6 3.12 2.21 9.98 0.254 是行業板塊平均水平的1.87倍市銷率,表明相對同行而言,該公司的市銷表現可能過高。 商業票據加權平均利率5.45%,2024年5月4日爲5.43%,2023年8月26日爲5.43% 4.07 5.58
包括。 144.15 174.00 29.85 ,有效利率爲4.09% 0.77 24.91 0.025 4.87 6.67 4.10 5.62
以及 144.15 167.90 23.75 4.47 0.85 29.36 0.029 5.35%(2022年12月31日爲4.41%) 7.34 4.50 6.17
以及 160.60 174.00 13.40 6.72 1.49 市銷率46.93 0.043 8.21 11.26 6.90 9.47
以及 163.75 170.50 2021年債務支付 10.95 2.64 88.53 0.080 13.65 18.72 11.47元 15.73
以及 165.15 166.55 1.40 20.20 8.51 250.00 0.110 28.55 39.15 23.85 32.71美元
CC24-024 34.00 86.00 52.00 0.29 0.10 0.89 0.003 0.38 0.52 0.32 0.44
包括。 54.00 59.30 5.30 0.71 0.18 1.52美元 0.001 0.85 1.17 0.72 0.98
包括。 78.00 86.00 8.00 0.39 0.23 0.91 0.002 0.57 0.78 0.47 12,666
CC24-024 119.00 202.20 83.20 0.33 0.20 4.00 0.425 0.64 0.88 0.53 0.72
包括。 119.00 129.85 10.85 0.57 0.37 1.50 0.230 0.92 1.26 0.76 1.05
包括。 158.20 159.35 1.15 5.90 0.51 通道樣品的記錄和採樣使用石灰岩空白材料和標準參考材料加入樣品序列和/或在銀或鈷礦化的視覺識別之後進行。 樣品由通道鋸切成垂直於脈石的切口,並被固定在帶標籤的乙烯基樣品袋中。 樣品被運往安大略省蒂明斯(Timmins)的AGAT實驗室,在那裏稱重,粉碎和研磨。 0.026 6.41 8.79 5.42 7.44
包括。 185.70 189.10 3.40 2.06 0.66 4.26 0.008 2.58 3.54 2.17 2.97
以及 185.70 186.80 1.10 1.89 0.11 2.40 0.006 1.99 2.73 1.69 2.32
CC24-025 19.50 41.00 21.50 0.20 0.04。 0.93 0.004 0.24 0.34 0.21 0.28
CC24-025 64.00 105.00 41.00 0.38 0.08 1.08 0.011 0.45 0.62 0.38 0.52
包括。 79.55 82.00 2.45 2.81 0.11 4.01 0.033 2.93 4.02 2.49 3.41
以及 79.55 80.35 0.80 7.07 0.08 6.50 0.047 7.20 9.87 6.11 8.38
CC24-025 117.00 181.95 64.95 0.84 0.35 2.83 0.134 1.15 1.58 0.96 1.32
包括。 129.50 145.15 15.65 1.55 0.55 2.52美元 0.199 2.04 2.79 1.71 2.34
CC24-025 162.40 173.15 10.75 1.72 0.58 4.51 0.203 2.24 3.08 1.88 2.58
包括。 162.40 166.80 4.40 1.66 0.33 2.31 0.009 1.93 2.64 1.62 2.23
包括。 169.35 173.15 3.80 2.75 1.07 8.25 0.493 3.74 5.13 3.13 4.30

2024 Corral Copper Diamond Drill Program

2024年Corral銅金剛石鑽探計劃 Intrepid在Corral銅私有地區完成了25口金剛石鑽探孔(~4805.7米),其中295955萬在Ringo,73640萬在Earp和110975萬在Holliday。Intrepid正在鑽探一個3.5×1.5公里的銅-金-銀-鋅礦化足跡,以展示其容納經濟性CRD、混礦和相關斑岩銅礦化的潛力。有關鑽探結果的詳細信息,請參閱Intrepid於2024年5月1日、5月14日和6月19日發佈的新聞稿。有關金屬當量計算和真實寬度假設的信息,請參閱腳註。

Intrepid has completed 25 diamond drill holes (~4805.7m) within the private lands at Corral Copper including 2959.55m at Ringo, 736.40m at Earp and 1109.75m at Holliday. Intrepid is drill testing a 3.5 by 1.5 km copper-gold-silver-zinc mineralized footprint to demonstrate the potential to host economic CRD, skarn, and related porphyry copper mineralization. Please refer to Intrepid News Releases dated May 1, 2024, May 14, 2024 and June 19, 2024 for additional drill results. Please refer to footnotes for information regarding assumptions for metal equivalent calculations and true widths.

Corral銅的貴金屬和基礎金屬礦化集中在東北傾斜的硅質碎屑岩和碳酸鹽巖,包括(從舊到新)寒武系Bolsa石英岩、上寒****Abrigo灰巖、泥盆紀Martín灰巖和二疊紀Escabrosa灰巖。最強烈的礦化出現在Abrigo灰巖(主要寄主巖)和Bolsa石英岩中,在局部被一系列侵入的侵入體所包圍,其中包括Star Hill、Copper Bell和Sniveler斑岩、石英角閃巖巖牀和交錯的礦化角礫岩體。

Precious and base metal mineralization at Corral Copper is concentrated in structurally controlled northeast dipping siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary rocks including (oldest to youngest) Cambrian Bolsa Quartzite, upper-Cambrian Abrigo Limestone, Devonian Martín limestone and Mississippian Escabrosa limestone. The most intense mineralization occurs in the Abrigo Limestone (main host) and Bolsa Quartzite, which are intruded locally by a series of Jurassic (and possibly younger) mineralized intrusions including the Star Hill, Copper Bell and Sniveler porphyries, quartz latite sills, and cross-cutting mineralized breccia bodies.


The Corral Copper Property includes the Holliday, Earp and Ringo zones (northwest to southeast), which are related zones of discontinuously outcropping, locally high grade CRD and skarn related mineralization and associated supergene enrichment mineralization that are interpreted to have formed in the distal porphyry copper geological environment. Please refer to footnotes for details regarding assumptions for metal equivalent calculations and true widths.

Corral Copper Property包括從西北到東南的Holliday、Earp和Ringo區域,它們是不連續露頭的相關區域,局部高品位CRD和skarn相關的礦化和相關的超基因浸染礦化物。據推斷,這些相關的礦化物是在遠離斑岩銅地質環境中形成的。有關金屬當量計算和真實寬度的假設的詳細信息,請參閱腳註。

As part of the initial 2024 drill program, Intrepid has executed 2959.55m of diamond drilling at Ringo, where near-surface copper-gold-sliver-zinc skarn and replacement style mineralization is spatially associated with magnetite and hematite. The Ringo Zone is located at the southern end of a 3km long string of copper-gold-silver-zinc bearing carbonate replacement bodies (Figure 1). The Ringo Zone measures approximately 900m (northwest to southeast) by 800m (southwest to northeast) and contains favorable Abrigo Limestone (and Bolsa Formation), pre-mineral intrusions, alteration and copper-gold-silver-zinc replacement style mineralization and secondary enriched copper oxide zones that are locally high-grade.

作爲 2024 初期鑽探計劃的一部分,無畏公司已在 Ringo 進行了 295955 萬克拉的金剛石鑽探,其中地表附近的銅-金-銀-鋅矽卡巖和置換型礦化物與磁鐵礦和赤鐵礦有空間關聯。Ringo 區位於一個長達 3 公里的銅-金-銀-鋅軸承碳酸鹽置換體帶的南端(圖 1)。Ringo 區的面積約爲 9,000 萬平方米(從西北到東南),8000 萬平方米(從西南到東北),包含了有利的 Abrigo 石灰岩(和 Bolsa 形成),礦前侵入體,蝕變和銅-金-銀-鋅置換型礦化和局部高品位的富集銅氧化物帶。

Technical Information


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared by, or approved by Daniel MacNeil, P.Geo. Mr. MacNeil is a Technical Advisor to the Company and is a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿中所有科學技術信息均由公司技術顧問 Daniel MacNeil,P.Geo. 準備或審核。MacNeil 先生是該公司的技術顧問,也是符合《加拿大證券管理局 43-101 號規定 - 礦產項目披露標準》的資格人員。

Mr. MacNeil has verified the drilling data disclosed in this news release, including the assay and test data underlying the information or opinions contained in this news release. Mr. MacNeil verified the data disclosed (or underlying the information disclosed) in this news release by reviewing imported and sorted assay data; checking the performance of blank samples and certified reference materials; reviewing the variance in field duplicate results; and reviewing grade calculation formulas. Mr. MacNeil detected no significant QA/QC issues during review of the data and is not aware of any sampling, recovery or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the drilling data referred to in this news release.

MacNeil 先生覈實了本新聞稿中披露的鑽井數據,包括信息或觀點所依據的化驗和測試數據。MacNeil 先生通過檢查化驗數據的導入和分類、檢查空白樣品和認證參考材料的性能、檢查現場副本結果的差異以及審核品位計算公式等方式驗證了本新聞稿中披露的數據(或信息的基礎數據)。MacNeil 先生在審核數據期間未發現任何顯著的 QA/QC 問題,並且不知道任何可能會對本新聞稿中提到的鑽井數據的準確性或可靠性產生實質影響的取樣、回收或其他因素。

Table 2: Drill Hole Location Information for Holes CC24-023 to CC24-0251

表 2:鑽探孔位信息(CC24-023 至 CC24-0251)

ID (m) (m) (m) (°) (°) (m) NAME
CC24-023 613238 3513909 1425 50 -65 200.25 RINGO
CC24-024 613306 3513968 1422 320 -75 203.6 RINGO
CC24-025 613306 3513968 1422 140 -80 200.25 RINGO
東距 北緯 升高 方位角 傾角 深度 ZONE
ID (米) (米) (米) (度) (度) (米) 名稱
CC24-023 613238 3513909 1425 50 -65 200.25 Ringo
CC24-024 613306 3513968 1422 320 -75 203.6 Ringo
CC24-025 613306 3513968 1422 140 -80 200.25 Ringo

Quality Assurance and Quality Control


Drill core was first reviewed by a geologist, who identified and marked intervals for sampling. The marked sample intervals were then cut in half with a diamond saw; half of the core was left in the core box and the other half was removed, placed in plastic bags, sealed and labeled. Intervals and unique sample numbers are recorded on the drill logs and the samples are sequenced with standards and blanks inserted according to a predefined QA/QC procedure. The samples are maintained under security on site until they are shipped to the analytical lab.

首先由地質學家對鑽孔心進行了審查,確定了取樣區間。然後用金剛石切割機將取樣區間一分爲二;一半留在岩心箱中,另一半移出放入塑料袋中,密封並貼上標籤。樣品區間和唯一樣品編號記錄在鑽探日誌上,並按照預定的 QA/QC 程序安排了標準和空白樣品。直到運往分析實驗室之前,樣品都在現場保密。

All core samples were sent to ALS Geochemistry (ALS), a division of ALS Global, in Tucson, Arizona, for sample preparation, with pulps sent to the ALS Geochemistry laboratory in Reno, Nevada for analysis. ALS meets all requirements of International Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 for analytical procedures and is independent of the Company. HQ size core was split and sampled over approximately two metre intervals. Samples were analyzed using: ALS's Fire Assay Fusion method (Au-AA23) with an AA finish for gold and by gravimetric finish (Au-GRA21) for samples assaying greater than 10 ppm (gpt) gold; by a 36-element four acid digest ICP-AES analysis (ME-ICP61) with additional analysis for Ore Grade Cu (Cu-OG62), Ore Grade Zn (Zn-OG62) and Ore Grade Pb (Pb-OG62); and for silver assays above 100 ppm (g/t) by Fire Assay Fusion method with gravimetric finish (Ag-GRA21). ME-ICP61 results were reported in parts per million (ppm), Ore Grade (OG62) results were reported in percent (%). In addition to ALS quality assurance- quality control (QA/QC) protocols, Intrepid implements an internal QA/QC program that includes the insertion of sample blanks, duplicates, and standards, with QA QC control samples comprising approximately 10% of the sample stream

所有岩心樣品都被送到 ALS 地球化學公司(ALS 全球的一個分公司)位於亞利桑那州圖森市的樣品準備部門處理,製成的樣品顆粒被送到 ALS 地球化學公司位於內華達州雷諾市的實驗室進行分析。ALS 符合國際標準 ISO/IEC 17025:2017 和 ISO 9001:2015 的分析程序要求,並且與該公司無關。大型蚌狀物樣品是在約兩米間隔內拆分和取樣的。使用以下方法進行測試:ALS 的火焰吸收熔合法(Au-AA23)化驗黃金,並使用重量法(Au-GRA21)化驗含有大於 10 ppm 的樣品;使用 36 個元素的四酸消化 ICP-AES 分析(ME-ICP61)進行分析,對礦石等級 Cu(Cu-OG62)、礦石等級 Zn(Zn-OG62)和礦石等級 Pb(Pb-OG62)進行額外分析;對 100 ppm 以上的銀含量使用火焰吸收熔合法和重量法(Ag-GRA21)進行分析。ME-ICP61 的結果以百萬分之一(ppm)表示,礦石等級(OG62)的結果以百分比(%)表示。除了 ALS 的質量保證-質量控制(QA/QC)協議外,無畏公司還實施了內部 QA/QC 計劃,其中包括插入樣品空白、重複測定和標準,QA QC 控制樣品佔樣品流的約 10%

About Corral Copper


The Corral Copper Property is a district scale advanced exploration and development opportunity in Cochise County, Arizona. Corral Copper is located 15 miles east of the famous mining town of Tombstone and 22 miles north of the historical Bisbee mining camp which has produced more than 8 billion pounds of copper3. Production from the Bisbee mining camp, or within the district as disclosed in the next paragraph, is not necessarily indicative of the mineral potential at Corral.

Corral Copper Property是亞利桑那州科奇斯縣一個區域規模的先進勘探和開發機會。Corral Copper位於著名礦鎮Tombstone以東15英里和歷史悠久的Bisbee Mining Camp以北22英里,Bisbee Mining Camp或該地區在下一段披露的開採並不一定表明Corral的礦產潛力。

The district has a mining history dating back to the late 1800s, with several small mines extracting copper from the area in the early 1900s, producing several thousand tons. Between 1950 and 2008, various companies explored parts of the district, but the effort was uncoordinated, non-synergistic and focused on discrete land positions and commodities due to the fragmented ownership. Intrepid has been able to secure data from various sources which provides a solid foundation in creating geological interpretations and identifying new target areas.


The Corral Copper Property is comprised of the Excelsior Property, the CCCI Properties, the Sara Claim Group and the MAN Property. The Company has completed the acquisition of the Excelsior Property and Sara Claim Group through purchase and sale agreements. The Company has the right to acquire the corporate group that holds the CCCI Properties through an option agreement. The Company has the right to acquire the MAN Property through an option agreement. See the "Commitments" section of the Company's most recently filed Management Discussion and Analysis for further details.

Corral Copper Property由Excelsior Property、CCCI Properties、Sara Claim Group和MAN Property組成。公司已通過購買和銷售協議完成了對Excelsior Property和Sara Claim Group的收購。公司有權通過期權協議收購持有CCCI Properties的企業集團。公司有權通過期權協議收購MAN Property。有關更多詳細信息,請參見公司最近提交的管理討論和分析的“承諾”部分。

Intrepid is confident that by combining modern exploration techniques with historical data and with a clear focus on responsible development, the Corral Copper Property can quickly become an advanced exploration stage project and move towards development studies.

Intrepid相信,通過結合現代勘探技術與歷史數據並專注於負責任的開發,Corral Copper Property很快就能成爲一個先進的勘探階段項目,並逐步進行開發研究。

About Intrepid Metals Corp.

關於Intrepid Metals Corp。

Intrepid Metals Corp. is a Canadian company focused on exploring for high-grade essential metals such as copper, silver, and zinc mineral projects in proximity to established mining jurisdictions in southeastern Arizona, USA. The Company has acquired or has agreements to acquire several drill ready projects, including the Corral Copper Project (a district scale advanced exploration and development opportunity with significant shallow historical drill results), the Tombstone South Project (within the historical Tombstone mining district with geological similarities to the Taylor Deposit, which was purchased for $1.3B in 20184, though mineralization at the Taylor Deposit is not necessarily indicative of the mineral potential at the Tombstone South Project) both of which are located in Cochise County, Arizona and the Mesa Well Project (located in the Laramide Copper Porphyry Belt in Arizona). Intrepid has assembled an exceptional team with considerable experience with exploration, developing, and permitting new projects within North America. Intrepid is traded on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) under the symbol "INTR" and on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol "IMTCF". For more information, visit .

Intrepid Metals Corp.是一家加拿大公司,致力於在美國亞利桑那州已建立的採礦區附近探索高品質的基本金屬,如銅、銀和鋅礦項目。公司已收購或擁有協議收購幾個鑽探就緒的項目,包括Corral Copper Project(區域規模的先進勘探和開發機會,具有重要的淺層歷史鑽探結果)、Tombstone South Project(位於歷史悠久的Tombstone採礦區內,具有與Taylor Deposit相似的地質特徵,該銅礦坑在2018年以13億美元的價格被收購4,但Taylor Deposit的礦化不一定表明Tombstone South Project的礦產潛力),兩者均位於亞利桑那州科奇斯縣,以及Mesa Well Project(位於亞利桑那州Laramide Copper Porphyry Belt地區)。Intrepid已經組建了一個經驗豐富的團隊,他們在北美新項目的勘探、開發和許可方面具有相當的經驗。Intrepid在TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV)上交易,股票代碼爲「INTR」,在OTCQb Venture Market上交易,股票代碼爲「IMTCF」。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

On behalf of the Company
"Ken Brophy"


For further information regarding this news release, please contact:


Ken Brophy, CEO

Ken Brophy,CEO



1 Composite intervals are calculated using length weighted averages based on a combination of lithological breaks and copper, gold, silver and zinc assay values. All intervals reported are core lengths, and true thicknesses are yet to be determined. Mineral resource modeling is required before true thicknesses can be estimated. Analyzed Grade corresponds composite weighted ("composites") averages of laboratory assay results. Metal Equivalent corresponds to undiluted metal equivalent of reported composites and Diluted Metal Equivalent takes into account dilution factors of 85% for copper, and 80% for gold, silver and zinc for reported composites. Metal prices used for the CuEq and AuEQ calculations are in USD based on Ag $22.00/oz, Au $1900/oz, Cu $3.80/lb, Zn $1.15/lb The following equation was used to calculate copper equivalence: CuEq = Copper (%) (85% rec.) + (Gold (g/t) x 0.71)(80% rec.) + (Silver (g/t) x 0.0077)(80% rec.) + (Zinc (%) x 0.28)(80% rec.). The following equation was used to calculate gold equivalence: AuEq = Gold (gpt)(80% rec.) + (Copper (%) x 1.4085)(85% rec.) + (Silver (gpt) x 0.0108)(80% rec.) + (Zinc (%) x 0.4188)(80% rec.). Analyzed metal equivalent calculations are reported for illustrative purposes only. The metal chosen for reporting on an equivalent basis is the one that contributes the most dollar value after accounting for assumed recoveries.
2 Data disclosed in this news release includes historical drilling results and information derived from historic drill results, Intrepid Metals has not undertaken any independent investigation of the sampling, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. Intrepid considers these historical data relevant as the Company is using this data as a guide to plan exploration programs. The Company's current and future exploration work includes verification of the historical data through drilling.
3 Information disclosed in this news release regarding the historic Bisbee Camp can be found on the Copper Queen Mine website and
on the City of Bisbee website (
4 Details regarding the sale of the Taylor Deposit can be found in South32 News Release dated October 8, 2018 (South32 completes acquisition of Arizona Mining).

1 綜合區間是根據混合岩石斷層和銅、金、銀和鋅化驗值計算的長度加權平均值。報告的所有區間都是巖芯長度,需要進行礦物資源成建模才能估算出真實厚度。分析等級對應於實驗室化驗結果的複合加權(“複合”)平均值。金屬當量對應於所報告複合物的未稀釋的金屬當量,稀釋的金屬當量考慮了銅的85% (銅)和金、銀和鋅的80%爲所報告的複合物。用於CuEq和AuEQ計算的金屬價格以美元計,基於Ag $ 22.00/oz,Au $ 1900/oz,Cu $ 3.80/lb,Zn $ 1.15/lb。使用以下方程式計算銅當量:CuEq = 銅(%)(回收率爲85%)+(金(g/t)x 0.71)(回收率爲80%)+(銀(g/t)x 0.0077)(回收率爲80%)+(鋅(%)x 0.28)(回收率爲80%)。使用以下方程式計算金當量:AuEq = 金(gpt)(回收率爲80%)+(銅(%)x 1.4085)(回收率爲85%)+(銀(gpt)x 0.0108)(回收率爲80%)+(鋅(%)x 0.4188)(回收率爲80%)。所分析的金屬當量計算僅供說明。選擇用等價基礎報告的金屬是爲了在考慮所假定的回收率後對貢獻最多的美元價值形成假設。
2 本新聞發佈披露的數據包括歷史鑽探結果和從歷史探礦結果獲得的信息,Intrepid Metals並未對取樣進行任何獨立調查,也沒有獨立分析歷史勘探工作的結果以驗證結果。Intrepid認爲這些歷史數據是相關的,因爲公司將這些數據用作計劃勘探計劃的指南。公司目前和未來的勘探工作包括通過鑽探檢驗歷史數據。
3 關於Bisbee Camp的信息可以在銅皇后礦網站和City of Bisbee網站上找到。
4 關於Taylor Deposit的銷售細節可以在South32於2018年10月8日發佈的新聞稿中找到(South32 completes acquisition of Arizona Mining)。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements contained in this release constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Such forward-looking statements relate to: the potential of the property; the interpretation of drills results; plans to integrate data; the details of a 3.5 by 1.5 km copper-gold-silver-zinc mineralized footprint that demonstrates the potential to host economic CRD, skarn, and related porphyry copper mineralization; details about potential mineralization; plans for a future drill program later this year; the targeting of porphyry copper-gold root sources; the economic potential of the project; the exploration potential of the Corral Copper Property and the Company's other mineral projects; and potential future production.

本公告中包含的某些聲明構成適用加拿大證券法的前瞻信息。此類前瞻性聲明涉及:該物業的潛力;對鑽探結果的解釋;整合數據的計劃;一個3.5×1.5公里的銅-金-銀-鋅礦化足跡的詳細信息,該足跡展示了舉辦經濟CRD(沉積岩類型)、矽卡巖和相關斑狀巖銅礦化的潛力;潛在礦化區的詳細信息;今年晚些時候計劃進行的未來鑽探計劃的計劃;針對斑狀巖銅金源的目標指向;該項目的經濟潛力;Corral Copper Property和公司的其他礦產項目的勘探潛力和潛在未來產量。

In certain cases, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "occur" or "be achieved" suggesting future outcomes, or other expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions, intentions or statements about future events or performance. Forward-looking information contained in this news release is based on certain factors and assumptions regarding, among other things, the Company can raise additional financing to continue operations; the results of exploration activities, commodity prices, the timing and amount of future exploration and development expenditures, the availability of labour and materials, receipt of and compliance with necessary regulatory approvals and permits, the estimation of insurance coverage, and assumptions with respect to currency fluctuations, environmental risks, title disputes or claims, and other similar matters. While the Company considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect.


Forward looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include risks inherent in the exploration and development of mineral deposits, including risks relating to the ability to access infrastructure, risks relating to the failure to access financing, risks relating to changes in commodity prices, risk related to unanticipated geological or structural formations and characteristics risks related to current global financial conditions, risks related to current global financial conditions and the impact of any resurgence of COVID-19 on the Company's business, reliance on key personnel, operational risks inherent in the conduct of exploration and development activities, including the risk of accidents, labour disputes and cave-ins, regulatory risks including the risk that permits may not be obtained in a timely fashion or at all, financing, capitalization and liquidity risks, risks related to disputes concerning property titles and interests, environmental risks and the additional risks identified in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's reports and filings with applicable Canadian securities regulators.


Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The forward-looking information is made as of the date of this news release. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking information.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) has reviewed or accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(根據TSX Venture交易所的政策定義)未審核或不承擔本發佈的充分性或準確性。

