
Big Tech's Next Milestone Is The $4 Trillion Market Cap

Big Tech's Next Milestone Is The $4 Trillion Market Cap

Benzinga ·  02:50

Big Tech is racing towards a milestone that would have seems impossible only a few decades ago, a market capitalization of $4 trillion.


Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) are members of the $3 trillion market cap club, with Google-parent Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)(NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) having only surpassed the $2 trillion milestone.

Nvidia Corporation (納斯達克股票代碼: NVDA), 微軟公司 (納斯達克股票代碼: MSFT) 和 蘋果公司 (納斯達克股票代碼: AAPL) 都是市值3萬億美元俱樂部的成員,而谷歌母公司 alphabet inc (納斯達克股票代碼: GOOG)(納斯達克股票代碼: GOOGL) 和 Inc (納斯達克股票代碼: AMZN) 僅剛過了市值2萬億美元的里程碑。

Nvidia could win the $4 trillion race.

Nvidia 可能將贏取市值4萬億美元的競賽。

With even more powerful chips on the way, the AI boom could be that powerful to drive Nvidia to $4 trillion valuation. For a moment, Nvidia even became the world's most valuable company on June 18th. But, Nvidia got dethroned quickly due to concerns over the sustainability of its skyrocketing growth. On the other hand, Microsoft and Apple are ahead in terms of market size. Looking at past numbers, Apple was the first the reach the first three of the trillion valuation milestones. Both Apple and Microsoft are as strong as ever, but Nvidia has an incredible momentum on its side. But, just because it enjoys dominating the market does not mean it should not take seriously the threat of AMD or Intel catching up at some point, although Nvidia does have the resources to defend itself and continue to innovate. Perhaps Nvidia's biggest protection lies in its expansion of revenue sources as it aims to go beyond chips and build an entire AI ecosystem, ensuring it remains in the center of things as opposed to being only one link in the chain.

隨着更加強大的芯片的問世,人工智能的興起足以推動 Nvidia 達到4萬億美元的估值。一時之間,Nvidia 甚至在6月18日成爲了全球市值最高的公司。但是,Nvidia 因其飆升的增長被快速地擁躉而導致排名下降。與此同時,微軟和蘋果在市場規模上處於領先地位。回顧過去的數字,蘋果是第一家達到萬億估值里程碑的公司。蘋果和微軟兩家公司一樣強大,但是 Nvidia 有着無與倫比的勢頭。然而,僅僅因爲佔據市場主導地位並不意味着它不應該認真對待 AMD 或 英特爾在某個時刻追趕的威脅,儘管 Nvidia 有資源來保護自己並繼續創新。也許,Nvidia 最大的保護在於其擴大營收來源,旨在超越芯片並建立整個人工智能生態系統,以確保它始終處於核心地位,而不僅僅是鏈條中的一個環節。

Nvidia's Promise Of Blackwell

Nvidia 的承諾:布萊克韋爾

At the end of June, Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang spoke at the company's annual general meeting and pitched the upcoming Blackwell chips as not only the most successful product in Nvidia's history but also in the entire computer history. Huan proudly spoke of reinventing Nvidia, the computer industry, and consequently, the world. The good part is that at the absolute end, Nvidia still does not have a big rival. But only time will show if the AI hype is enough to propel Nvidia to new heights, refuting doubts of concerned investors.

在6月底,Nvidia CEO 阮恩聲在公司的年度股東大會上演講,稱即將推出的布萊克韋爾芯片不僅是 Nvidia 歷史上最成功的產品,而且是整個計算機歷史上最成功的產品。阮恩聲自豪地說重新發明了 Nvidia、計算機行業,從而重新發明了整個世界。好消息是,儘管芯片市場正在迎來一場大興奮,但在終極領域中,Nvidia 仍沒有強大的對手。但只有時間會證明人工智能熱是否足以推動 Nvidia 到達新的高度,否認關注投資者的疑慮。

Putting the the economic promise of AI and the fourth Industrial Revolution aside, there is a lot that is still unknown, the market dynamic is shaped with a lot of uncertainty that is out of even Big Tech's control, all of which would undoubtedly impact their path to a $4 trillion valuation. In addition, there's the long-term tech battle to think about in a new AI-shaped era that is in the making.


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