
Jared Grusd Joins Nielsen as Chief Executive Officer of Gracenote

Jared Grusd Joins Nielsen as Chief Executive Officer of Gracenote

Jared Grusd加入尼爾森作爲Gracenote的首席執行官
PR Newswire ·  07/09 01:00

NEW YORK , July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nielsen, the global leader in audience measurement, data and analytics, announced today that Jared Grusd has been named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Gracenote, effective July 8, 2024.

2024年7月8日紐約 /美通社/--Nielsen是全球領先的受衆測量、數據和分析公司,今天宣佈Jared Grusd已被任命爲Gracenote首席執行官(CEO),任期自2024年7月8日起生效。

Jared will lead Gracenote in continuing its accelerated growth and driving product development as Nielsen continues to advance its Convergent TV strategy. As part of this transition, Sujit Dasmunshi will assume the role of Chief Operating Officer for Gracenote and will continue to play a critical role in growing the business.

Jared將領導Gracenote繼續加速增長,並推動產品開發,因爲Nielsen繼續推進其融合電視戰略。作爲這一轉變的一部分,Sujit DasMunshi將擔任Gracenote首席運營官,並繼續在業務增長中發揮關鍵作用。

"I'm honored to join Nielsen and build on the tremendous innovation and growth that Gracenote has achieved under Sujit's strong vision and strategy," said Jared Grusd, CEO of Gracenote. "This is an exciting time as our industry embraces advanced technologies and we look for new ways of working with clients and increasing the value we bring to market. I'm excited to help define the next chapter of Gracenote."

“我很榮幸能加入Nielsen,並在Sujit的強大願景和戰略下建立Gracenote已取得的巨大創新和增長。我們的行業在 embracing先進技術,我們尋求與客戶合作的新途徑並增加我們帶給市場的價值。我很高興能幫助定義Gracenote的下一個篇章。” Gracenote的CEO Jared Grusd表示。

Jared is a highly accomplished transformative business leader. Most recently, he served as the co-founder of Ethiqly AI, a venture-backed educational technology company that leverages AI to elevate human expression and empowerment. He previously served as Chief Strategy Officer at Snapchat, Chime, and AOL, as well as Chief Legal Officer at Spotify and Chief Executive Officer at HuffPost. In addition, Jared also held senior executive roles at Google, among others.

Jared是一位高水平的變革型商業領袖。最近,他擔任Ethiqly AI的聯合創始人,這是一家獲得風險投資的教育技術公司,利用人工智能提升人類表達和賦權。此前,他曾在Snapchat、Chime和AOL擔任首席戰略官,以及在Spotify擔任首席法律官和在HuffPost擔任首席執行官。此外,Jared還在谷歌等公司擔任高級執行官職務。

"Gracenote is a critical part of Nielsen and our strategy as we look to grow in streaming and lead the advancement of Convergent TV in the media measurement industry," said Karthik Rao, CEO of Nielsen. "Jared's background and passion for transforming businesses to improve society is aligned with our future and I'm grateful for his partnership as we transform our industry together."

“Gracenote是Nielsen和我們在流媒體增長方面以及在媒體測量行業引領融合電視進步方面的戰略關鍵。” Nielsen的CEO Karthik Rao表示。“Jared改造企業以改善社會的背景和熱情,與我們的未來是一致的。我爲他的合作感到感恩,我們一起改造我們的行業。”

About Nielsen


Nielsen is a global leader in audience measurement, data and analytics. Through our understanding of people and their behaviors across all channels and platforms, we empower our clients with independent and actionable intelligence so they can connect and engage with their global audiences—now and into the future. Learn more at and connect with us on social media (X, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram).


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