
Ramp Metals Announces Final Assays and Additional Gold Target

Ramp Metals Announces Final Assays and Additional Gold Target

Ramp Metals宣佈最終分析和額外的黃金目標
newsfile ·  07/08 20:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 8, 2024) - Ramp Metals Inc. (TSXV: RAMP) ("Ramp Metals" or the "Company") is pleased to provide final drill results and a technical update for its new high-grade gold discovery in Saskatchewan. The Company has now received final assays from its winter 2024 drill program at the Rottenstone SW property. In addition to the discovery hole (Ranger-01), the Company also intersected gold mineralization in all drillholes at its Rogue target 3km away.

加拿大卑詩省溫哥華市--(新聞稿 - 2024年7月8日) - Ramp Metals公司 (tsxv: RAMP) ("Ramp Metals"或"公司") 很高興爲其在薩斯喀徹溫省的新高品位金礦發現提供最終鑽探結果和技術更新。公司現在已收到了來自其 Rottenstone SW 產權的 2024 年冬季鑽探項目的最終分析結果。除了發現孔位(Ranger-01)外,公司還在其Rogue目標附近3公里的所有鑽孔中發現了黃金礦化。



  • Ranger-01 discovery hole with multiple gold zones, including 73.55 g/t Au and 19.50 g/t Ag from 227-234.5m (Table 1).
  • Discovery hole is still open at depth and in all directions with casing left in place.
  • Gold mineralization intersected at Rogue target located 3km west, across regional strike from Ranger.
  • Rottenstone SW land package recently increased to a total of 32,715 Ha. (Figure 1)
  • Ranger-01發現孔中發現多個金帶,包括來自22700-23450萬的73.55克/噸Au和19.50克/噸Ag (表1)。
  • 發現孔的深度和所有方向仍未封閉,並留有套管。
  • Rogue目標發現的黃金礦化位於Ranger對向區域投擲的3公里之外。
  • Rottenstone SW土地包收購 recently 增加至總數32,715公頃。(圖1)

"We are thrilled to make a significant gold discovery and be the first mover in a potential new gold district. Our discovery hole is open in all directions with the last reportable intercept being very close to the bottom of the hole. In addition to the Ranger target, our Rogue target also encountered gold which points to the potential for a robust gold system on our property," states Jordan Black, the Company's Chief Executive Officer.

"我們對於在潛在新的黃金區塊中發現了重大金資源感到非常高興。我們的發現孔在所有方向上均未關閉,可報告的最後一條截獲結果非常接近孔底。除了Ranger目標,我們的Rogue目標也發現了黃金,這說明本公司產權內存在着強有力的黃金體系,"公司首席執行官Jordan Black表示。

Figure 1: Rottenstone SW - Updated Claims Map

圖1: Rottenstone SW—更新的權利圖

HOLE ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Target
Ranger-01 227 234.5 7.5 73.55 19.50 Ranger
Including 227 228.5 1.5 164.00 33.50
Including 230 231.5 1.5 182.00 60.80
Including 231.5 233 1.5 19.90 2.70
Ranger-01 293 298 5 4.17 1.01 Ranger
Including 293 294.5 1.5 6.18 1.40
Including 296 297.5 1.5 7.28 1.90
Ranger-01 307 310 3 1.81 0.37 Ranger
Including 307 308 1 2.54 0.60
Including 309 310 1 2.85 0.50
Rogue-01 14 18.5 4.5 0.66 0.27 Rogue
Including 14 15.5 1.5 1.15 0.50
Including 17 18.5 1.5 0.81 0.30
Rogue-02 216.5 218 1.5 0.60 - Rogue
Rogue-03 243 244 1 1.22 0.90 Rogue
* Values denoted with "-" have not yet been assayed for Ag
孔號 從(m) 到(m) 間隔(米)。 Au(g/t) Ag(g/t) 塔吉特
Ranger-01 227 所有未完成的計劃款項將列入“應付賬款”中的簡明合併財務狀況表中。公司將所有計劃中支付的款項歸爲簡明合併的現金流量表中“應付賬款”的減少。 7.5 73.55 19.50 Ranger
包括 227 228.5 1.5 164.00 33.50
包括 230 231.5 1.5 182.00 60.80
包括 231.5 233 1.5 19.90 2.70
Ranger-01 293 298 5 4.17 1.01 Ranger
包括 293 294.5 1.5 6.18 1.40
包括 296 297.5 1.5 基金管理(海南)有限公司以年利率爲 1.90
Ranger-01 307 310 3 1.81 0.37 Ranger
包括 307 308 1 2.54 0.60
包括 309 310 1 2.85 0.50
Rogue-01 14 18.5 4.5 0.66 0.27 Rogue
包括 14 15.5 1.5 1.15 0.50
包括 17 18.5 1.5 0.81 0.30
Rogue-02 216.5 218 1.5 0.60 - Rogue
Rogue-03 243 244 1 1.22 0.90 Rogue
* 未經鈀金檢測的數據值用“-”表示。

Table 1: Highlighting significant results received from Ranger-01, Rogue-01, Rogue-02, & Rogue-03. True widths are unknown at this time.

表1: Ranger-01,Rogue-01,Rogue-02和Rogue-03接收到的重要結果。此時真實寬度不可知。

Figure 2: Rottenstone SW - Winter 2024 Drill Holes.

圖2: Rottenstone SW - 2024年冬季鑽孔。

Ranger Target


Ranger-01 drillhole was drilled to a depth of 314m and tested a conductive anomaly approximately 3km east-south-east of the Rogue target (Figure 2). Prospecting in October 2023 discovered angular, ultramafic boulders and outcrop at this location. Two samples from the October program, 170677 and 170681, returned significant gold values of 5.11 g/t and 1.09 g/t, respectively. After further inspection, it's been determined that Quartz diorite was intersected from 145.05m until the end of the hole at 314m. The main intrusive body was cross-cut with mafic dykes and thin bands of granitic material. The high-grade sections noted in Table 1 contained very fine-grained visible gold. Mineralization was located within higher strain zones with more pronounced foliation and can be seen in the figures below.

Ranger-01鑽孔深度爲31400萬,測試了距離Rogue目標(圖2)約3公里的傳導異常。在該位置的 2023 年 10 月勘探發現了角狀的鎂鐵質岩石舉重以及露出片岩。來自該孔的兩個樣品(170677和170681)分別提供了顯著的金含量,分別爲5.11 g/t和1.09 g/t。在進一步檢查後,確定從 14505 萬開始至孔底 31400 萬截取了石英閃長巖。主要的侵入體與基性巖接口和薄的花崗岩材料條交替。表1中注意到的高品位部分含有非常細的可見金。礦化位於含更明顯的片理的更高應變帶中,並可在下圖中看到。

Figure 3: Ranger-01, core boxes 51 & 52 showing mineralized interval 225.50-234.48m of granitoids crosscutting massive Quartz Diorite. Core in Figure 4 is circled in red.


Figure 4: showing 231.15 - 231.27m of Ranger-01 with location of visible gold circled. This section falls within the highlighted intercept of 73.55 g/t Au over 7.5m.


Figure 5: 20X magnification of visible gold from circled area in Figure 4 above


Figure 6: 30X magnification showing fine-grained gold and silver smear along cut face of 231.15-231.27 section (Figure 4).


Rogue Target


The Rogue target also shows significant potential for gold. Three drill holes totalling 866m were drilled at the Rogue target. All three holes intersected gold mineralization. The gold mineralization intersected to date at Rogue appears to be associated with late-stage granitic pegmatites. The Company speculates that the multiple low-grade intercepts (Table 3) and alteration styles encountered (Figure 7) at Rogue point to the potential of a significant gold system on the property. The Rogue and Ranger targets are located approximately 3km apart, across regional strike.


Despite no significant nickel or copper mineralization being intersected, the Company believes there may be a spatial relationship between the pyrrhotite rich sulphide zones encountered and the gold mineralization in the region.


HOLE ID Depth (m) Easting* Northing* Elevation (m) Dip Azimuth Target
Rogue-01 250.30 490106 6208238 470 -70 100 Rogue
Rogue-02 350.00 490103 6208240 470 -50 325 Rogue
Rogue-03 266.00 490006 6208293 471 -70 030 Rogue
Ranger-01 314.00 492758 6206675 437 -60 310 Ranger
*Coordinates in UTM NAD83 Zone 13
孔號 深度(米) 東經* 北緯* 高度(米) 傾角 方位角(度) 塔吉特
Rogue-01 250.30 490106 6208238 470 -70 100 Rogue
Rogue-02 350.00 490103 6208240 470 -50 325 Rogue
Rogue-03 266.00 490006 6208293 471 -70 030 Rogue
Ranger-01 314.00 492758 6206675 437 -60 310 Ranger
*座標處於UTm NAD83 Zone 13中。

Table 2: Winter 2024 Rottenstone SW Drill Hole Summary

表2:Rottenstone SW 2024年冬季鑽孔概況

Expanded Results


HOLE ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Target
Ranger-01 58.5 60 1.5 0.25 0.30 Ranger
219 220 1 0.52 -
220 221 1 0.52 -
227 228.5 1.5 164.00 33.50
228.5 230 1.5 0.87 0.40
230 231.5 1.5 182.00 60.80
231.5 233 1.5 19.90 2.70
233 234.5 1.5 0.99 0.40
234.5 235 0.5 0.34 <0.2
235 236 1 0.23 <0.2
238.5 239 0.5 0.27 -
281 282.5 1.5 0.26 <0.2
282.5 284 1.5 0.25 <0.2
293 294.5 1.5 6.18 1.40
296 297.5 1.5 7.28 1.90
297.5 298 0.5 0.91 0.20
307 308 1 2.54 0.60
309 310 1 2.85 0.50
310 311 1 0.27 <0.2
Rogue-01 14 15.5 1.5 1.15 0.50 Rogue
17 18.5 1.5 0.81 0.30
31.63 33.13 1.5 0.84 <0.2
34.63 35.65 1.02 0.46 <0.2
46.15 47.65 1.5 0.29 0.30
49.15 50.65 1.5 0.24 <0.2
61.89 63.39 1.5 0.21 <0.2
76.37 77.87 1.5 0.25 0.20
Rogue-02 216.5 218 1.5 0.60 - Rogue
Rogue-03 243 244 1 1.22 0.90 Rogue
* Values denoted with "-" have not yet been assayed for Ag
** a cutoff grade of 0.2g/t Au has been used for values in this table
孔號 從(m) 到(m) 間隔(米)。 Au(g/t) Ag(g/t) 塔吉特
Ranger-01 58.5 60 1.5 0.25 0.30 Ranger
219 220 1 0.52 -
220 221 1 0.52 -
227 228.5 1.5 164.00 33.50
228.5 230 1.5 0.87 0.40
230 231.5 1.5 182.00 60.80
231.5 233 1.5 19.90 2.70
233 所有未完成的計劃款項將列入“應付賬款”中的簡明合併財務狀況表中。公司將所有計劃中支付的款項歸爲簡明合併的現金流量表中“應付賬款”的減少。 1.5 0.99 0.40
所有未完成的計劃款項將列入“應付賬款”中的簡明合併財務狀況表中。公司將所有計劃中支付的款項歸爲簡明合併的現金流量表中“應付賬款”的減少。 235 0.5 0.34
235 236 1 0.23
238.5 239 0.5 0.27 -
281 282.5 1.5 0.26
282.5 284 1.5 0.25
293 294.5 1.5 6.18 1.40
296 297.5 1.5 基金管理(海南)有限公司以年利率爲 1.90
297.5 298 0.5 0.91 0.20
307 308 1 2.54 0.60
309 310 1 2.85 0.50
310 311 1 0.27
Rogue-01 14 15.5 1.5 1.15 0.50 Rogue
17 18.5 1.5 0.81 0.30
31.63 33.13 1.5 0.84
34.63 35.65 1.02 0.46
46.15 47.65 1.5 0.29 0.30
49.15 50.65 1.5 0.24
61.89 63.39 1.5 0.21
76.37 77.87 1.5 0.25 0.20
Rogue-02 216.5 218 1.5 0.60 - Rogue
Rogue-03 243 244 1 1.22 0.90 Rogue
* 未經鈀金檢測的數據值用“-”表示。
** 此表中的數據採用了0.2克/噸黃金的截斷值。

Table 3: Results received over 0.2 g/t Au from Ranger-01, Rogue-01, Rogue-02, & Rogue-03. True widths are unknown at this time


"We could not be happier with the results from the first ever drill program at Rottenstone SW," commented Garrett Smith, VP Exploration for Ramp Metals. "While gold wasn't what we were looking for out there, this just goes to show what can happen when you actually go out and test new targets. It also highlights the importance of assaying every meter of core that is drilled, as this discovery could have easily been missed otherwise. We look forward to following up on these results and showing the true potential of this new gold discovery in Saskatchewan."

“我們對Rottenstone SW的首個鑽探計劃的結果感到非常滿意,”Ramp Metals勘探副總裁Garrett Smith評論道:“儘管我們當時並沒有在那裏尋找黃金,但這正好說明如果您能夠真正走出去測試新的目標,會發生什麼。這也凸顯了對鑽探的每一米岩心進行檢測的重要性,否則這個發現很容易就會被忽略。我們期待着對這些結果進行後續研究,展示這個新的薩斯喀徹溫省的黃金髮現的真正潛力。”

Next Steps


The Company is currently in the permitting and consultation process for an extensive geophysical, mapping, and sampling program. A follow up fall/winter drill program is also being planned.


Further assays will be submitted in select sections to fill in Multi-Element gaps in results as well as whole rock analysis to aid in further investigation and analysis.


As a result of the discovery, the Company is planning to shift its focus from battery metals to gold exploration and will be updating its website and corporate presentation in the near future.


Geochemical Sampling Procedures


All drill core samples were sent to Saskatchewan Research Council Geoanalytical Laboratories ("SRC") in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (an accredited laboratory) by secure transport for base and precious metal assay. Base metals were assayed by their ICP3 base metal package, which includes a total of 35 analytes by ICP-OES. All samples that were assayed by the ICP3 base metal package have been analyzed for gold, platinum and palladium using the AU5 Fire Assay Technique. Any remaining samples not sent for ICP3/AU5 were assayed using the AU2 Fire Assay Technique.


All drill holes are systematically logged, photographed and sampled by a trained geologist at Ramp Metals' secure core processing facility. Drill core samples are marked in intervals of up to 1.5m and cut in half using a diamond saw with half sent for assay and the other half saved for reference. Samples are then bagged and zip-tied, with 10-13 bagged samples placed into sealed rice bags for transport to SRC by Company personnel directly. Sample QA/QC procedures were applied by inserting a regular and systematic schedule of standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Certified standard reference material, blanks and duplicates were inserted into the sample stream at a minimum target of 5% insertion rate in addition to the laboratory's internal quality assurance programs. Blanks were inserted at the start of each batch (35-36 samples) and additionally at the discretion of a trained geologist after samples of high sulphide content. Certified standard reference material and duplicates were inserted into the sample sequence at a rate of 1 in every 30 samples each, alternating between a standard and duplicate every 15 samples.

所有鑽孔均由受過訓練的地質學家在Ramp Metals安全的岩心加工設施中系統記錄、拍照和採樣。岩心樣品每150萬爲一段進行標記,並使用鑽石鋸切割成兩半,一半用於檢測,另一半用於參考。然後將樣品裝袋和用拉鍊綁好,每10-13個袋裝樣品放入密封的大米袋中由公司人員直接運送至SRC。將標準、空白和重複品定期、有系統地插入樣品流中,並採用驗證樣品的程序監測。除了實驗室的內部質量控制程序外,每個批次(35-36個樣品)開頭和高含硫化合物的樣品之後都插入了空白物質。每30個樣品中則將1個標準標本和重複品按照標準和重複品交替分別插入樣品序列之中。

The Rottenstone SW Property

Rottenstone SW物業

The Rottenstone SW property is located in the Rottenstone Domain, in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, approximately 115 kilometers North of La Ronge, Saskatchewan. The property consists of 19 mineral deposit claims covering approximately 32,715 hectares. The Rottenstone SW property is located along a regional NE-SW structure from the historic Rottenstone Mine, which produced 40,000 tons of high-grade nickel-copper-platinum group elements plus gold (Ni-Cu-PGE + Au) ore grading 3.28% Ni, 1.83% Cu and 9.63 g/t (Pt-Pd-Au).

Rottenstone SW物業位於加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省北部Rottenstone Domain,距離Saskatchewan的La Ronge市約115公里。該物業由19個礦產儲蓄權組成,總面積約爲32,715公頃。Rottenstone SW物業位於一個區域性的NE-SW構造帶上,這個構造帶從歷史悠久的Rottenstone礦產區延伸,該區域曾經採出了40,000噸高品位的鎳-銅-白金族元素加金(Ni-Cu-PGE + Au)礦石,平均品位爲3.28% Ni、1.83% Cu和9.63克/噸(Pt-Pd-Au)。

Qualified Person


Brett Williams, P.Geo., VP Operations and Senior Geologist for Ramp Metals, and a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the technical content in this news release.

Brett Williams,P.Geo.,是Ramp Metals的VP運營和高級地質學家,符合《43-101礦產項目信息披露標準》的“合格人員”要求,並已審查和批准了本新聞稿中的技術內容。

About Ramp Metals Inc.

關於Ramp Metals Inc.

Ramp Metals is a grassroots exploration company with a focus on a potential new Saskatchewan gold district. The company currently has new high-grade gold discovery of 73.55 g/t Au over 7.5m at its flagship Rottenstone SW property. The Rottenstone SW property comprises of 32,715 hectares and is situated in the Rottenstone Domain.

Ramp Metals是一家野外探礦公司,主要專注於薩斯喀徹溫省一個潛在的新黃金區。該公司目前在其旗艦物業Rottenstone SW發現了新的高品位黃金礦牀,該礦牀750萬處的平均品位爲73.55克/噸黃金。Rottenstone SW物業佔地32,715公頃,位於Rottenstone Domain。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements contained herein that are not clearly historical in nature may constitute forward-looking statements. Generally, such forward-looking information or forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or may contain statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "will continue", "will occur" or "will be achieved". The forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company's exploration activities.


These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: requirements for additional capital; future prices of minerals; changes in general economic conditions; changes in the financial markets and in the demand and market price for commodities; other risks of the mining industry; the inability to obtain any necessary governmental and regulatory approvals; changes in laws, regulations and policies affecting mining operations; hedging practices; and currency fluctuations.


Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements or information. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


For further information, please contact:

如需更多信息,請聯繫:丹·努恩(Dan Noone)

Ramp Metals Inc.

Ramp Metals Inc。

Jordan Black
Chief Executive Officer

Jordan Black

Prit Singh
905 510 7636

Prit Singh
905 510 7636

