
Magna Mining Reports High Grade Copper Results From the Crean Hill Project and Commences Surface Advanced Exploration

Magna Mining Reports High Grade Copper Results From the Crean Hill Project and Commences Surface Advanced Exploration

曼尼暴銅礦業報告Crean Hill項目高品位銅的結果,並開始表面高級勘探。
newsfile ·  07/08 19:00

Results Include 5.0% Cu, 0.7% Ni, and 12.8 g/t Pt+Pd+Au Over 15.2 Metres


Sudbury, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 8, 2024) - Magna Mining Inc. (TSXV: NICU) (OTCQB: MGMNF) (FSE: 8YD) ("Magna" or the "Company") is pleased to announce additional diamond drilling results and provide an update on the surface advanced exploration bulk sampling in the 109 Footwall (FW) Zone.


Highlights from the new assay results include:


  • 109 FW Zone
    MCR-24-087: 5.0 % Cu, 0.7% Ni, 12.8 g/t Pt + Pd + Au over 15.2 metres
    Including, 11.7 % Cu ,1 .0% Ni, 5.8 g/t Pt + Pd + Au over 5.2 metres
    MCB-24-080: 0.6 % Cu, 0.2% Ni, 20.2 g/t Pt + Pd + Au
    over 15.1 metres
    MCB-24-082: 2.6 % Cu, 0.7% Ni, 13.2 g/t Pt + Pd + Au over 6.4 metres
  • 109 FW區
    MCR-24-087: 5.0%的銅,0.7%的鎳,12.8克/噸的鉑金族金屬,長度爲15.2米。
    MCb-24-080: 0.6%的銅,0.2%的鎳,20.2克/噸的鉑金族金屬,長度爲15.1米。
    MCb-24-082: 2.6%的銅,0.7%的鎳,13.2克/噸的鉑金族金屬,長度爲6.4米。

Jason Jessup, CEO of Magna Mining commented, "The exploration drilling results announced today continue to highlight the high-grade copper and precious metals found in the 109 Footwall Zone. These intersections are within 200 metres of surface and could be incorporated into early test mining. I am also excited to report that we have started the process of extracting the 20,000 tonne surface bulk sample from our 109 Footwall Zone. Our mining contractor, ADLP, (a partnership between Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, Wahnapitae First Nation and Technica Mining) has begun drilling the blast holes, and initial site work is underway to commence dewatering of the underground workings. The Magna operations team, led by our COO Jeff Huffman, has done a fantastic job working with ADLP to perform the risk assessments and planning to ensure seamless and safe execution. We are on track to accomplish our development milestones and growth objectives in the second half of 2024."

Magna Mining公司CEO Jason Jessup表示:"今天公佈的勘探鑽探結果繼續突顯出109腳牆區高品位銅礦和貴金屬的發現。這些交叉口距地表200米以內,可以併入早期測試開採。此外,我很高興地宣佈,我們已經開始了從109腳牆區的表面提取2萬噸的大型集中取樣的過程。我們的礦業承包商ADLP(由Atikameksheng Anishnawbek,Wahnapitae First Nation和Technica Mining組成的夥伴關係)已經開始鑽孔,初始現場工作正在進行以開始排水井工作。由我們的COO Jeff Huffman帶領的Magna操作團隊與ADLP合作,執行風險評估和規劃工作,以確保無縫和安全的執行。我們正在按時完成我們的發展里程碑和增長目標,預計將在2024年下半年實現。"

The bulk sample work is underway with most of the site preparation completed. (See Image 1 and 2). Blasting is scheduled to commence within the week and mineralized material from the 109 FW Zone will be stockpiled in preparation for trucking to the processing facility later this month. As part of the advanced exploration program, mapping of the fresh rock faces will be completed as mining progresses, providing valuable information on mineralization controls, and reconciliation to the geology model and mineral resource estimate.

集中取樣工作正在進行中,大部分現場準備工作已經完成。(見第1和2張圖片)。爆破計劃在一週內開始,來自109 FW區的含礦物質將被儲存在料堆中,以便於本月晚些時候運往處理設施進行處理。作爲高級勘探項目的一部分,將在開採過程中完成對新鮮岩石表面的繪圖工作,爲提供有關成礦控制和地質模型和礦產資源估計的和解提供有價值的信息。

The new assays reported today from the Crean Hill diamond drill program include results from eight drillholes targeting the 109 FW Zone. Current drilling is designed to better define the higher-grade core of the 109 FW zone at depth that is within the area that will be developed as part of the underground advanced exploration program. Significant intersections include MCR-24-087 grading 5.0% Cu, 0.7% Ni, 12.8 g/t Pt+Pd+Au over 15.2 metres, including 11.7% Cu, 1.0 % Ni, 5.8 g/t Pt+Pd+Au over 5.2 metres. See Table 1 for full results and Figure 1 for the location of the drilling reported today.

Crean Hill鑽探計劃今天報告的新的化驗結果包括針對109 FW區的8個鑽孔的結果。目前的鑽探旨在更好地定義地下高品位109 FW區的核心部分。MCR-24-087顯著的交叉口爲,長度爲15.2米,配備5.0%的銅,0.7%的鎳,12.8克/噸的鉑+鈀+金,幷包括配備11.7%的銅,1.0%的鎳,5.8克/噸的鉑+鈀+金,長度爲5.2米。有關完整的結果請參見表1,有關今天報告的鑽探位置請參見圖1。

Table 1: Summary of Crean Hill Assay Results

表1:Crean Hill化驗結果彙總

Drillhole Zone From
Length (m) Cu % Ni % Co % Pt g/t Pd g/t Au g/t TPM g/t NiEq
MCR-24-079 109 FW 172.54 173.38 0.84 0.95 0.15 0.03 1.69 7.45 0.67 9.81 2.67
and 187.50 189.70 2.20 0.75 0.23 0.01 0.24 13.54 0.19 13.97 3.79
MCR-24-080 109 FW 181.00 196.14 15.14 0.57 0.20 0.01 11.73 5.46 3.01 20.20 3.73
MCR-24-081 109 FW 135.77 136.37 0.60 0.05 0.22 0.03 8.99 1.72 1.45 12.16 2.06
and 181.30 181.75 0.45 0.11 0.22 0.01 14.91 5.35 3.20 23.46 3.95
MCR-24-082 109 FW 162.09 168.48 6.39 2.57 0.67 0.02 2.50 6.66 4.05 13.21 4.46
MCR-24-083 109 FW 145.67 146.30 0.63 6.09 0.27 0.01 0.00 1.59 0.33 1.92 3.29
MCR-24-084A 109 FW 274.06 274.85 0.79 0.34 0.16 0.01 0.57 12.93 5.26 18.76 4.47
and 303.64 303.95 0.31 1.18 0.17 0.03 0.01 7.03 2.52 9.56 2.86
MCR-24-085 109 FW No Significant Values
MCR-24-086 109 FW Assays Pending
MCR-24-087 109 FW 255.17 270.40 15.23 5.00 0.69 0.03 4.65 5.70 2.47 12.82 5.22
Including 263.60 268.80 5.20 11.74 1.00 0.04 0.59 3.90 1.33 5.81 7.25
and 255.80 261.50 5.70 1.25 0.75 0.03 7.92 9.27 4.89 22.09 5.41
鑽孔 區域 版權所有©2022 Business Wire。保留所有權利。

長度(米) Cu % 鎳 % 鈷 % 鉑剋剋/噸 鈀剋剋/噸 Au克/噸 總鉑金克/噸 鎳當量
MCR-24-079 109 FW 172.54 173.38 0.84 0.95 0.15 0.03 1.69 7.45 0.67 9.81 2.67
187.50 189.70 2.20 固定費用覆蓋率 0.23 0.01 0.24 13.54 0.19 13.97 3.79
MCR-24-080 109 FW 181.00 196.14 15.14 0.57 0.20 0.01 11.73 5.46 3.01 20.20 3.73
MCR-24-081 109 FW 135.77 136.37 0.60 0.05 0.22 0.03 8.99 1.72 1.45 12.16 2.06
181.30 181.75 0.45 0.11 0.22 0.01 14.91 5.35%(2022年12月31日爲4.41%) 3.20 23.46 3.95
MCR-24-082 109 FW 162.09 168.48 6.39 2.57 0.67 0.02 2.50 6.66 4.05 13.21 4.46
MCR-24-083 109 FW 145.67 146.30 0.63 6.09 0.27 0.01 0.00 1.59 0.33 1.92 3.29
MCR-24-084A 109 FW 274.06 274.85 0.79 0.34 0.16 0.01 0.57 12.93 5.26 18.76 4.47
303.64 303.95 0.31 1.18 0.17 0.03 0.01 第七條 其他協議 2.52美元 9.56 2.86
MCR-24-085 109 FW 沒有顯著價值
MCR-24-086 109 FW 待檢驗化驗
MCR-24-087 109 FW 255.17 270.40 15.23 5.00 0.69 0.03 4.65 5.70 2.47 12.82 5.22
包括 263.60 268.80 5.20 11.74 1.00 0.04。 0.59 3.90 1.33 5.81 7.25
255.80 261.50 5.70 根據公司的固定費用覆蓋率,利率爲1.25% 至 1.75%每年,或者(b)有一個“備選主板利率”,並可減少至0.75%每年,取決於公司的固定費用覆蓋率。截至2021年7月3日,公司的基於LIBOR的利率爲% (對於$),公司的主板基準利率爲% (對於$)。根據未取出的貸款利率,每月應支付承諾費,利率爲%每年。根據與摩根大通銀行(“貸款協議”)的信貸協議的條款,現金收據將被存入鎖匣中,並由公司自行決定,除非處於“現金控制期”,在此期間,現金收據將用於減少貸款協議下的應付金額。現金控制期在事件違約或可用餘額連續三個工作日低於$時觸發,並將繼續到先前的連續天數中存在任何違約事件且多餘的可用餘額始終大於$(這樣的觸發器根據公司的循環承諾進行調整)。此外,如果依據信貸協議所定義的“額外可用餘額”小於$,則公司應維持最低固定費用覆蓋率爲1.0至1.0 (觸發器根據公司的循環承諾進行調整)。截至2021年7月3日,公司的可用餘額爲$25,764。信貸協議要求我們在判斷任何應支付股息或進行任何普通股分配時獲得摩根大通銀行的事先書面同意。信貸設施於2022年12月16日到期。 固定費用覆蓋率 0.03 7.92%,截至2024年3月31日三個月期內。 9.27 是行業板塊平均水平的1.87倍市銷率,表明相對同行而言,該公司的市銷表現可能過高。 22.09 5.41

All lengths are downhole length. True widths are estimated at 85-95% of downhole length.


Ni Eq % = (Ni% x 2204 x Ni Price $/lb) + (Cu% x 96% Recovery x 2204 x Cu Price $/lb) + (Co% x 56% Recovery x 2204 x Co Price $/lb) + (Pt gpt x 69% Recovery / 31.1035 x Pt $/oz) +(Pd gpt x 68% Recovery / 31.1035 x Pd $/oz) + (Au gpt x 68% Recovery / 31.1035 x Au $/oz))/2204 x Ni $/lb.

Ni Eq% =(Ni%x 2204 x Ni Price $ / lb)+(Cu%x 96% Recovery x 2204 x Cu Price $ / lb)+(Co%x 56% Recovery x 2204 x Co Price $ / lb)+(Pt gpt x 69% Recovery / 31.1035 x Pt $ / oz)+(Pd gpt x 68% Recovery / 31.1035 x Pd $ / oz)+(Au gpt x 68% Recovery / 31.1035 x Au $ / oz))/ 2204 x Ni $ / lb。

Metal prices in US$: $8.50/lb Ni, $3.75/lb Cu, $22.00/lb Co, $1000/oz Pt, $2000/oz Pd and $1,750/oz Au.


Table 2: Drillhole Collar Coordinates


BHID Easting Northing Elevation Azimuth Dip Depth
MCR-24-079 473198 5141745 310 294 -59 209
MCR-24-080 473198 5141745 310 300 -62 236
MCR-24-081 473198 5141745 310 287 -65 200
MCR-24-082 473198 5141745 310 313 -53 170
MCR-24-083 473198 5141745 310 298 -46 152
MCR-24-084A 473294 5141773 291 276 -58 317
MCR-24-085 473294 5141773 291 273 -51 275
MCR-24-086 473294 5141773 291 274 -54 281
MCR-24-087 473294 5141773 291 280 -54 272
BHID 東經(m) 北緯(m) 海拔高度(masl) 方位角(度) 傾角 深度
MCR-24-079 473198 5141745 310 294 -59 209
MCR-24-080 473198 5141745 310 300 -62 236
MCR-24-081 473198 5141745 310 287 -65 200
MCR-24-082 473198 5141745 310 313 -53 170
MCR-24-083 473198 5141745 310 298 -46 152
MCR-24-084A 473294 5141773 291 276 -58 317
MCR-24-085 473294 5141773 291 273 -51 275
MCR-24-086 473294 5141773 291 274 -54 281
MCR-24-087 473294 5141773 291 280 -54 272

*Drillhole Coordinates are in Coordinate System NAD 83 Zone 17

*鑽孔座標採用NAD 83第17區座標系

Qualified Person


The technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by David King, M.Sc., P.Geo. Mr. King is the Senior Vice President, Technical Services for Magna Mining Inc. and is a qualified person under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞發佈中的技術信息已由David King萬.Sc.,P.Geo.審核並批准。金先生是Magna Mining Inc.技術服務高級副總裁,符合加拿大43-101號國家儀器的合格人員要求。



Sample QA/QC procedures for Magna have been designed to meet or exceed industry standards. Drill core is collected from the diamond drill and placed in sealed core trays for transport to Magna's core facilities. The core is then logged, and samples marked in intervals of up to 1.5m. Samples are then put into plastic bags with 10 bagged samples being placed into rice bags for transport to Swastika Laboratories in Kirkland Lake Ontario via Gardewine Transport for preparation and analysis. Samples are submitted in batches of 50 with 5 QA/QC samples including, 2 certified reference material standards, 2 samples of blank material and 1 lab duplicate.

Magna公司的樣品質量控制程序符合或超過行業標準。取樣品的鑽孔岩心將放入密封的岩心托盤中,運輸至Magna公司的岩心設施。對岩心進行登記,每隔1.5米標記一次樣品,隨後將樣品裝入塑料袋中,將10個樣品放入大米袋中運輸至Ontario Kirkland Lake市的Swastika實驗室進行製備和分析。每批提交50個樣品,包括5個質量控制樣品,其中包括2個認證參考材料標準、2個空白材料樣品和1個實驗室重複樣品。

About Magna Mining Inc.

關於Magna Mining Inc。

Magna Mining is an exploration and development company focused on nickel, copper and PGM projects in the Sudbury Region of Ontario, Canada. The Company's flagship assets are the past producing Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines. The Shakespeare Mine is a feasibility stage project which has major permits for the construction of a 4,500 tonne per day open pit mine, processing plant and tailings storage facility and is surrounded by a contiguous 180km2 prospective land package. Crean Hill is a past producing nickel, copper and PGM mine with a technical report dated July 2023. Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR () and on the Company's website ().

Magna Mining是一家專注於尼克爾、銅和PGM項目的勘探和開發公司,位於加拿大安大略省的Sudbury地域板塊。該公司的主打資產是曾經生產的莎士比亞和克里恩希爾礦山。莎士比亞礦山是一個可行性階段的項目,已獲得建造一個每天4,500噸開放式採礦、加工廠和尾礦庫的主要許可,並被一個連續的180平方公里可行的土地區域包圍。克里安希爾是一座曾經生產出鎳、銅和PGM的礦山,於2023年7月發佈了技術報告。關於該公司的更多信息可在SEDAR()和該公司的網站()上獲取。

For further information, please contact:

如需更多信息,請聯繫:丹·努恩(Dan Noone)

Jason Jessup
Chief Executive Officer

Jason Jessup



Paul Fowler, CFA
Senior Vice President

Paul Fowler,CFA

Cautionary Statement


This press release contains certain forward-looking information or forward-looking statements as defined in applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are subject to several risks and uncertainties beyond the Company's control, including statements regarding the production at the Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines, the economic and operational potential of the Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines, potential acquisitions, plans to complete exploration programs, potential mineralization, exploration results and statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions of the Company. Resource exploration and development is highly speculative, characterized by several significant risks, which even a combination of careful evaluation, experience and knowledge may not eliminate. All forward-looking statements herein are qualified by this cautionary statement. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

TSX Venture Exchange或其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中定義的那樣)不承擔此新聞發佈的充分性或準確性責任。

