

Biden is getting deeper and deeper into the "dropout" vortex, and the next week will be decisive!

Golden10 Data ·  13:08

Source: Jin10 Data
Author: Wu Yu.

Biden's close ally urged him to make a lot of public appearances in the next week to convince voters that he can beat Trump, otherwise he may have to make a decision.

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy stated last Sunday that President Biden is facing a decisive week where he must assure voters he can defeat Trump in the November election. As a close ally of Biden, Murphy said on CNN's "State of the Union" show: "Time is running out." "This will be a very important and critical week for the nation and the President."

"As an intimate ally of Biden, Murphy said on CNN's" State of the Union "program:" "Time is running out." "This will be a very important and critical week for the nation and the President."

Since Biden performed poorly in the June 27th debate, the voices of Democratic lawmakers, strategists, and donors calling for him to withdraw from the presidential race have grown louder. While some voter opinion polls show mixed results, several show Trump further ahead of Biden. The coming week is crucial, with both the House and Senate returning from the holiday recess, giving Democrats the opportunity to discuss the issues they care about in person.

The coming week is crucial, with both the House and Senate returning from the holiday recess, giving Democrats the opportunity to discuss the issues they care about in person.

So far, five Democratic members of the House have publicly called on Biden to drop out of the race, but more lawmakers have expressed their concerns in closed-door meetings.

As pressure to withdraw increases, Biden remains in damage control mode and steadfastly committed to continuing the campaign.

Last Wednesday, the fifth day after the debate disaster, Biden held various phone conferences and meetings with congressional allies, Democratic governors, and campaign workers, assuring them of his commitment to the campaign and his ability to win.

Last Friday, Biden gave an unedited 22-minute interview to ABC News, his first television interview since the debate, aimed at reversing some of the damage he suffered there. However, Murphy said the interview did little to allay voter concerns.

He added:" Friday night's interview didn't answer all the questions my constituents have......they need more information from the candidate, and I hope we'll see that this week."

Biden's decision to give the interview was also seen by the media as an attempt to prove his mental health. But embarrassingly, he misspoke once again.

When asked by a reporter about recent polls showing him trailing Trump, Biden retorted that other polls show him with an advantage. He added that he is the best candidate to challenge Trump - only "Almighty God" could stop him from running.

"They want to kick me out of the campaign. Well, let me be as clear as I can: I am going to keep running! I am going to beat Donald Trump. I will beat him again in 2020," he got the year wrong. After realizing his mistake, he tried to make up for it by saying: "By the way, we're going to do it again in 2024."

Last Friday, Biden also campaigned in the key battleground state of Wisconsin. On Sunday, he held several other campaign rallies in Pennsylvania, hoping to calm Democratic panic.

In the coming week, Biden will host a number of foreign leaders at the NATO summit. On Thursday, he will hold a press conference, another chance for him to redeem himself in an unscripted event.

Several congressional meetings are also scheduled for this week, with discussions expected to focus on concerns about Biden's candidacy and the potential impact of low voter turnout.

House Minority Leader, New York Democratic Hakim Jeffries, said Sunday he planned to convene a meeting of Democratic Chairmen. Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner is trying to convene a similar meeting of Senate Democrats in the coming days.

Murphy said the coming week will not be "business as usual" for Biden.

The senator suggested Biden needs to make numerous public appearances, such as at town halls and press conferences, to prove to voters that he is capable of dealing with the remaining campaign and a second term.

Murphy added:" The President needs to engage with the American people, demonstrate to those skeptical voters that he is the best person for the job. If he can't do that, then he will have to make a decision."


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