
Air T, Inc. Announces Resignation of Andrew Stumpf, Board Member

Air T, Inc. Announces Resignation of Andrew Stumpf, Board Member

Air T, Inc. 宣佈董事會成員安德魯·斯圖夫辭任
StreetInsider ·  2019/11/27 05:46

MINNEAPOLIS, MN / ACCESSWIRE / November 26, 2019/AIR T, INC. (NASDAQ: AIRT), a company organized as a portfolio of powerful businesses that operate independently yet interrelatedly, today announced the resignation of Andrew Stumpf, a member of its Board of Directors.

明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯/訪問線/2019 年十一月 26 日/空氣 T 公司(納斯達克:空氣),一家作為獨立運營但互相關聯的強大業務組合而組成的公司今天宣布辭職安德魯·斯圖夫(Andrew StumpmpF),其董事會成員。

On November 23, 2019, Andrew Stumpf, Air T Board Member, informed the Company that he is resigning effective immediately for personal reasons. Said Mr. Stumpf, "I have very much appreciated the opportunity to serve this great company as a member of its Board of Directors these past five years. I feel confident I am leaving it in great hands. I wish the entire Air T team tremendous success, and I look forward to furthering Air T's mission and objectives in other interrelated ways." Nick Swenson, Air T Chairman and CEO, said: "We are disappointed to see Andrew leave. He was an outstanding Director these past five years. We truly appreciate his service. The stock has appreciated at a rate far higher than the market generally during his tenure and he was a crucial contributor for many of our most critical issues. We look forward to continuing our work with Andrew in other capacities."

2019 年 11 月 23 日,航空 T 董事會成員安德魯·斯圖夫(Andrew SstumpF)通知本公司,由於個人理由,他將立即辭職。Sstumpf 先生說:「我非常感謝過去五年有機會為這家偉大的公司擔任董事會成員。我有信心我會把它留在很好的手中。我希望整個空氣 T 球隊 巨大的成功, 和 期待以其他相互關聯的方式來推動 Air T 的使命和目標。」Air T 董事長兼首席執行官尼克·斯文森(Nick Swenson)表示:「我們很失望看到安德魯離開。過去五年,他是一位傑出的董事。我們非常感謝他的服務。在他任職期間,股票的升值速度遠遠高於市場,他是我們許多最關鍵問題的關鍵貢獻者。我們期待繼續以其他身份與 Andrew 合作。」

With Mr. Stumpf's resignation, the Board has voted unanimously to reduce the number of Directors from eight individuals to seven.

隨著 Stumpf 先生的辭職,董事會已通過一致投票,將董事人數由八名人士減少至七名。


關於空氣 T 公司

Established in 1980, AIR T, INC. is a powerful portfolio of businesses and financial assets, each of which operate independently yet interrelatedly. The Company's three core segments are: overnight air cargo, aviation ground support equipment manufacturing, and commercial aircraft asset management and logistics. Our ownership interests are designed to expand, strengthen and diversify AIR T, INC.'s cash earnings power. Our goal is to build on AIR T, INC.'s core businesses, and when appropriate, to expand into adjacent and other industries that we believe fit into the AIR T, INC. portfolio. For more information, visit

AIR T, INC. 成立於 1980 年,是一個強大的企業和金融資產組合,每個企業和金融資產都是獨立運作而互相關聯的。公司的三大核心部分為:隔夜航空貨運、航空地面支援設備製造、商用飛機資產管理和物流。我們的所有權益旨在擴大、加強和多元化 AIR T, INC.s 現金盈利能力。我們的目標是建立在 AIR T, 股份有限公司的基礎上。」作為核心業務,並在適當的情況下擴展到我們認為適合 AIR T, INC. 產品組合的鄰近和其他產業。欲了解更多信息,請訪問航空公司。

Forward-Looking Statements


Statements in this press release, which contain more than historical information, may be considered forward-looking statements (as such term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995), which are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements because of important potential risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the risk that contracts with major customers will be terminated or not extended, future economic conditions and their impact on the Company's customers, the Company's ability to recover on its investments, the timing and amounts of future orders under the Company's Global Ground Support subsidiary's contract with the United States Air Force, and risks and uncertainties related to business acquisitions, including the ability to successfully achieve the anticipated benefits of the acquisitions, inflation rates, competition, changes in technology or government regulation, information technology disruptions, and the impact of future terrorist activities in the United States and abroad. A forward-looking statement is neither a prediction nor a guarantee of future events or circumstances, and those future events or circumstances may not occur. The Company is under no obligation, and it expressly disclaims any obligation, to update or alter any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿載有超過歷史資料的陳述可能被視為前瞻性陳述(如 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法》中的定義),這些詞彙會受到風險和不明朗因素影響。由於重要的潛在風險和不明朗因素,包括但不限於與主要客戶的合同終止或不延長的風險、未來經濟狀況及其對公司客戶的影響、公司投資收回的能力、根據公司的 Global Ground Support 和 Air Support 和美國空軍合約的未來訂單的時間和金額,以及美國空軍合約的風險與業務有關的不確定性收購,包括 能力 成功實現收購、通貨膨脹率、競爭、科技或政府法規變化、資訊科技中斷,以及未來在美國和海外恐怖活動所帶來的影響的預期效益。前瞻性陳述既不是對未來事件或情況的預測,也不是對未來事件或情況的保證,並且這些未來事件或情況可能不會發生。本公司沒有義務,並且明確表示不承擔任何義務,更新或更改任何前瞻性聲明,無論是由於新信息,未來事件或其他原因造成的。



AIR T, INC.Brian OchockiChief Financial Officerbochocki@airt.net612.263.9961

美國航空公司布萊恩·奧喬吉夫金融有限公司 612.263.9961


來源:空氣 T 公司

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