
Fortnite Maker Epic Games Accuses Apple Of Blocking Its Game Store Launch

Fortnite Maker Epic Games Accuses Apple Of Blocking Its Game Store Launch

Fortnite製作商Epic Games指控蘋果阻止其遊戲商店的推出
Benzinga ·  21:40

Epic Games, the creator of "Fortnite," has accused tech giant Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) of obstructing its efforts to establish a games store on iPhones and iPads in Europe.

“堡壘之夜”創造者Epic Games指控科技巨頭蘋果公司(NASDAQ:AAPL)阻礙其在歐洲的iPhone和iPad上建立遊戲商店。

This marks the latest development in the ongoing dispute over Apple's control of the iOS app ecosystem.


Epic Games reported that Apple has twice denied its submission to launch the Epic Games Store, citing similarities in the design of certain buttons and labels to those used by the App Store, Reuters reports.

據路透社報道,Epic Games表示,蘋果兩次拒絕了其提交的推出Epic Games Store的申請。原因是在某些按鈕和標籤的設計上與App Store使用的相似。

According to Epic, their use of "Install" and "In-app purchases" follows standard conventions seen across popular app stores on various platforms.


They argue that Apple's rejection is arbitrary and violates the Digital Markets Act (DMA).


In March, under pressure from European regulators, Apple had agreed to allow Epic to set up its own game store on iOS devices in Europe. However, the current impasse suggests ongoing friction between the two companies.


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Epic has communicated its concerns about Apple's actions to the European Commission, seeking intervention.


Previously, Epic was barred from selling its products and services on the App Store and briefly lost its developer license for violating Apple's rules.

此前,Epic被禁止在App Store上銷售其產品和服務,並因違反蘋果規定而短暫失去其開發者許可證。

However, after the EU implemented its Digital Markets Act rules, the company regained its developer status.


Apple reversed its decision to ban Epic Games from launching its own app store on iOS in Europe, following pressure from European Union officials.

在歐洲聯盟官員的壓力下,蘋果公司撤銷了禁止Epic Games在iOS上推出自己應用商店的決定。

Apple stock has gained more than 15% in the last 12 months. Investors can gain exposure to the stock via Vanguard Information Technology ETF (NYSE:VGT) and IShares U.S. Technology ETF (NYSE:IYW).

蘋果股價在過去12個月中上漲超過15%。投資者可以通過資訊科技etf-Vanguard(NYSE:VGT)和Ishares US Technology ETF(NYSE:IYW)獲得該股票的曝光。

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