
Commerce Resources Commences Summer Diamond Drill Program Targeting Niobium Prospects at the Eldor Property, Nunavik, Quebec

Commerce Resources Commences Summer Diamond Drill Program Targeting Niobium Prospects at the Eldor Property, Nunavik, Quebec

Commerce Resources公司在魁北克努納維克區Eldor房地產展開夏季鑽探項目,重點瞄準鈮前景。
Accesswire ·  07/05 15:05

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 5, 2024 / Commerce Resources Corp. (TSXV:CCE)(FSE:D7H0)(OTCQX:CMRZF) (the "Company" or "Commerce") is pleased to announce that a summer drill program has commenced, targeting further delineation of niobium and tantalum mineralization at the Mallard and Miranna Prospects on their Eldor Property, Quebec. Additionally, multiple geophysical anomalies commonly associated with this type of mineralization will be drill tested. The program is being managed by Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. of Edmonton, AB with drilling operations being carried out by Avataa-Rouillier Drilling of Nunavik, Quebec.

Commerce Resources Corp.(tsxv:CCE)(FSE:D7H0)(OTCQX:CMRZF)(“公司”或“Commerce”)很高興宣佈,夏季鑽探計劃已經開始,旨在進一步勘探其魁北克Eldor物業上的Mallard和Miranna前景的鈮鉭礦化區。此外,將進行多個與此類型礦化常見相關的地球物理異常鑽探測試。該程序由埃德蒙頓Dahrouge地質諮詢有限公司管理,其鑽探作業由魁北克努納維克的Avataa-Rouillier鑽探公司執行。

A total of twenty (20) to thirty (30) NQ-size drill holes, for a minimum of 7,500 m, are planned for the program as announced in the news release dated May 29th, 2024. One of the main objectives for the 2024 drilling campaign will focus on completing several follow-up drill holes at the Mallard Prospect. The first drill hole of the 2021 drill program at Mallard - EC21-175 - returned the best niobium intercept to-date from the Property at 1.00% Nb2O5 over 17.1 m (and 136 ppm Ta2O5), within a larger interval of 0.82% Nb2O5 over 42.3 m (and 153 ppm Ta2O5; see news release dated November 1st, 2021).

該方案計劃進行20至30個NQ規格鑽孔,最少爲750000萬,如2024年5月29日發表的新聞稿所述。 2024年鑽探活動的主要目標之一將集中在Mallard前景處完成多個跟進鑽孔。 2021年在Mallard的第一口鑽孔-EC21-175-迄今爲止從物業返回了最佳的鈮攔截率1.00%Nb2O5超過1710萬(和136 ppm Ta),更大的區間內爲0.82%Nb超過4230萬(和153 ppm Ta;請參閱2021年11月1日發行的新聞稿)2O5超過4230萬(Ta 153ppm和8.7%P)的0.82%Nb2O5超過4230萬(以及153ppm長益)2O5, 2021)21世紀醫療改革法案公司還打算跟進2021年在Miranna Prospect完成的最初鑽探測試,在此測試中設計了4個鑽探孔以測試定義Miranna的向西北傾斜的地球物理異常的鈮礦化潛力。 Miranna Prospect以鈮鉭磷酸鹽爲主要礦物化合物,具有高度礦化(鈮,鉭,磷酸鹽),冰川分佈的礫石列車和與明顯磁性高異常相一致的頂點(圖1‐1)。鑽孔EC21-180成功實現了公司的確認目標,確認了橫向具有高品位礦化整體的前景,其中包括0.72%Nb爲2040萬的1.20%Nb

The Company also intends to follow-up on the initial drill testing completed at the Miranna Prospect in 2021, where four (4) drill holes were designed to test the potential for niobium mineralization of the northwest-trending geophysical anomaly that defines Miranna. The Miranna Prospect is characterized by a strongly mineralized (niobium-tantalum-phosphate), glacially dispersed boulder train with an apex that correlates with a distinct magnetic high anomaly. (Figure 1‐1). Drillhole EC21-180 successfully achieved the Company's objective of identifying an area prospective for follow-up, confirming the presence of high-grade mineralization downhole, including 1.20% Nb2O5 over 3.1 m, within a larger interval of 0.72% Nb2O5 over 20.4 m (see news release dated December 8th, 2021).

該公司還計劃跟進2021年在米拉納前景區進行的初步鑽探測試,該測試設計了四個(4)鑽孔,以測試定義米拉納的西北向地球物理異常的鈮礦化潛力。米拉納前景區的特點是一個強礦化(鈮 - 長益 - 磷酸鹽)的冰磧噴射物堆積體,在其頂部存在着一個明顯的高磁異常。 (圖1-1)。鑽孔EC21-180成功實現了公司確定的尋找後續開發區域的目標,證實了孔內高品位礦化物的存在,包括1.20% Nb。2O5超過310萬,在更大間隔的0.72% Nb內 長益2O5, 2021)th公司還打算跟進2021年在Miranna Prospect完成的最初鑽探測試,在此測試中設計了4個鑽探孔以測試定義Miranna的向西北傾斜的地球物理異常的鈮礦化潛力。 Miranna Prospect以鈮鉭磷酸鹽爲主要礦物化合物,具有高度礦化(鈮,鉭,磷酸鹽),冰川分佈的礫石列車和與明顯磁性高異常相一致的頂點(圖1‐1)。鑽孔EC21-180成功實現了公司的確認目標,確認了橫向具有高品位礦化整體的前景,其中包括0.72%Nb爲2040萬的1.20%Nb

The third objective is to follow up on several magnetic high anomalies that are characteristic of the niobium and tantalum mineralized carbonatites at the Eldor property (Figure 1‐1). Priority is given to those that are located between the Mallard and Miranna Prospects, and those that have a distinct mineralized and glacially dispersed boulder train.


Figure 1‐1: Priority target areas - 2024 drill program

NI 43-101 Disclosure

NI 43-101披露

Patrik T. Schmidt, M.Sc., P.Geo., Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd., a Permit holder with the Ordre des Géologues du Québec and Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this news release.

負責準備本新聞稿技術信息的是Dahrouge地質諮詢有限公司的Patrik T. Schmidt博士,P.Geo.(Ordre des Géologues du Quebec的許可持有人)。他是《國家工具43-101》定義的合格人員。

About Commerce Resources Corp.

關於Commerce Resources Corp.。

Commerce Resources Corp. is a junior mineral resource company focused on the development of the Ashram Rare Earth and Fluorspar Deposit located within their Eldor Property, in northern Quebec, Canada. The Ashram Deposit is characterized by simple rare earth (monazite, bastnaesite, xenotime) and gangue (carbonates) mineralogy, a large tonnage resource at favourable grade, and has demonstrated the production of high-grade (more than 30 - 45% TREO) mineral concentrates at high recovery (more than 60 - 75%) in line with active global producers. The Ashram Deposit also has a fluorspar component which makes it one of the largest potential sources of fluorspar in the world and could be a long-term supplier to the met-spar and acid-spar markets. The Company is positioning to be one of the lowest cost rare earth producers globally, with a specific focus on being a long-term supplier of mixed rare earth carbonate and/or NdPr oxide to the global market. Additionally, Commerce is committed to exploring the potential of other high-value commodities on the Property such as niobium and phosphate minerals, which may help advance Ashram by reducing costs through shared development.

Commerce Resources Corp.是一家側重於開發其魁北克省北部Eldor物業中的Ashram稀土和氟石礦牀的初級礦產資源公司。 Ashram礦牀的特點是簡單的稀土(獨居石,氧化鈰釔石,鈰釔石),簡單的脈石(碳酸鹽)礦物學,有利的品位大儲量資源,並已證明可以生產具有活躍全球生產商相似的高收益廢鎢(超過30- 45%TREO)礦物濃縮。 Ashram礦牀還具有氟石成分,使其成爲世界上最大的氟石潛在來源之一,可以成爲met-spar和acid-spar市場的長期供應商。公司致力於成爲全球最低成本的稀土生產商之一,並專注於成爲混合稀土碳酸鹽和/或NdPr氧化物的長期全球供應商。此外,Commerce致力於探索物業上其他高價值商品的潛力,例如鈮和磷酸鹽礦物,這可以通過共同開發來幫助推進Ashram並降低成本。

For more information, please visit the corporate website at or email


On Behalf of the Board of Directors
"Chris Grove"
Chris Grove
CEO and President
Tel: 604.484.2700


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣)均不對本發佈的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

Forward Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements, which includes any information about activities, events or developments that the Company believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Forward looking statements in this news release include statements relating to the Company's plans for its intended diamond drill program at the Eldor property including, but not limited to, the intended plans for follow-up drill holes at the Mallard Prospect and Miranna Prospects; that Ashram has the potential to become one of the largest fluorspar sources in the world and a long-term supplier to the met-spar and acid-spar markets; that the Company is positioning to be one of the lowest cost rare earth element producers globally, with a focus on being a long-term global supplier of mixed rare earth carbonate and/or NdPr oxide; and that the Company may explore the potential of other high-value commodities on the Eldor property. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Risks that could change or prevent these events, activities or developments from coming to fruition include: that the Company may not be able to fully finance any additional exploration on the Ashram Project; that even if the Company is able raise capital, costs for exploration activities may increase such that the Company may not have sufficient funds to pay for such exploration or processing activities; the timing and content of the proposed drill program and any future work programs may not be completed as proposed or at all; geological interpretations based on drilling that may change with more detailed information; potential process methods and mineral recoveries assumptions based on limited test work and by comparison to what are considered analogous deposits that, with further test work, may not be comparable; testing of our process may not prove successful or samples derived from the Ashram Project may not yield positive results, and even if such tests are successful or initial sample results are positive, the economic and other outcomes may not be as expected; the anticipated market demand for rare earth elements and other minerals may not be as expected; the availability of labour and equipment to undertake future exploration work and testing activities; geopolitical risks which may result in market and economic instability; and despite the current expected viability of the Ashram Project, conditions changing such that even if metals or minerals are discovered on the Ashram Project, the project may not be commercially viable. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and the Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性聲明,其中包括公司認爲,預計或預期將或可能在未來發生的任何活動,事件或發展的任何信息。本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明包括與公司計劃在Eldor物業進行的預計鑽探計劃有關的信息,包括但不限於計劃在Mallard Prospect和Miranna Prospect進行跟進鑽探孔的計劃; Ashram有望成爲世界上最大的氟石來源之一,並且可長期成爲met-spar和acid-spar市場的供應商;該公司的定位爲全球最低成本的稀土元素生產商,專注於成爲混合稀土碳酸鹽和/或NdPr氧化物的長期全球供應商以及該公司可能探索Eldor物業上其他高價值商品的潛力。這些前瞻性聲明受到各種風險和不確定性以及可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性信息所述的不同的其他因素的影響。可能會改變或阻止這些事件,活動或發展的風險,包括:公司可能無法完全爲Ashram項目的任何額外勘探提供資金;即使公司能夠籌集資金,勘探活動的成本可能會增加,以至於公司可能沒有足夠的資金支付這些勘探或加工活動;擬議的鑽探計劃和任何未來的工作計劃的時間和內容可能無法按照計劃完成,或根本無法完成;從鑽探中得出的地質解釋可能會隨着更詳細的信息而發生變化;基於有限的測試工作和與被認爲是類似礦牀的沉積物比較而得出的潛在工藝方法和礦物回收率假設,這些總體可能會隨着更多的測試工作而不可比;我們的過程測試可能不會成功,或者從Ashram項目得出的樣品可能不會產生積極結果,即使這些測試是成功的,或初始樣品結果是積極的,經濟和其他結果可能不如預期;預期的稀土元素和其他礦物市場需求可能不如預期;未來勘探工作和測試活動可能沒有足夠的勞動力和設備進行;地緣政治風險可能會導致市場和經濟不穩定;儘管目前Ashram項目的可行性,但情況會發生變化,即使在Ashram項目上發現礦層或礦物,該項目也可能無法商業化。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性語句是截至此發佈日期所做的,公司假定不負責更新或修訂此類信息以反映新事件或情況,除非法律要求。

SOURCE: Commerce Resources Corp.


