
Property Sector Expects Further Lifts From JS-SEZ Announcements

Property Sector Expects Further Lifts From JS-SEZ Announcements

Business Today ·  07/05 10:21

The property sector is levelling up, driven by investments in data centres (DC) and semiconductors, as stated by RHB Investment Bank (RHB) in its Malaysia Property Sector Update on July 5, 2024, Friday.


RHB maintained its OVERWEIGHT rating on the property sector, favouring developers with exposure to the industrial segment, sizeable landbanks, and strong balance sheets, with top picks including UEM Sunrise (UEMS), Sime Darby Property (SDPR), and Mah Sing. The bank noted that investments by data centres and electronics players could significantly boost demand for industrial development, particularly with upcoming announcements on the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) and the potential revival of the KL-Singapore High-Speed Rail.

RhB維持了對房地產行業的增持評級,有利於擁有工業板塊敞口、擁有大量土地儲備和強勁資產負債表的開發商,首選包括uEm Sunrise(UEMS)、森達比地產(SDPR)和麻興。該銀行指出,數據中心和電子企業的投資可能會顯著提振對工業發展的需求,尤其是即將發佈的柔佛-新加坡經濟特區(JS-SEZ)公告以及吉隆坡-新加坡高鐵可能復甦。

Malaysia has approved RM114.7bn worth of investments in data centres and cloud services between 2021-2023, with a target to attract RM500bn in the semiconductor segment, according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. RHB believes the data centre investment cycle is at an initial stage and expects more land transactions, highlighting developers like SDPR and Mah Sing as potential beneficiaries.

首相拿督斯里·安瓦爾·易卜拉欣表示,馬來西亞已批准在2021-2023年間對數據中心和雲服務進行價值1147億令吉的投資,目標是在半導體領域吸引5000億令吉。RhB認爲數據中心投資週期處於起步階段,預計會有更多的土地交易,這表明SDPR和Mah Sing等開發商是潛在的受益者。

Property sales are expected to be stronger in the second half of 2024, with developers ramping up their launches. RHB observed encouraging demand for landed homes at township developments and high-rise units in strategic locations, noting a strong take-up for high-end landed units and luxury condominiums with large floor space. Projects like Senna and Fera by Eastern & Oriental, The Ophera by SDPR, and Aetas Seputeh by Avaland have all seen significant sales.

隨着開發商加大推出力度,預計2024年下半年房地產銷售將更強勁。RhB觀察到城鎮開發項目對有地住宅和戰略位置的高層公寓的需求令人鼓舞,並注意到高端有地單元和佔地面積大的豪華公寓的需求強勁。東方與東方的塞納和費拉、SDPR的The Ophera以及Avaland的Aetas Seputeh等項目均實現了可觀的銷售額。

Footfall to sales galleries in Iskandar Malaysia has doubled from the previous year, with an increase in purchases from foreign buyers, particularly Singaporeans. RHB mentioned that Sunway Iskandar's sales gallery has seen a significant rise in visitors, and UEMS has received many bookings for upcoming projects. The bank expects greater urbanisation and industrialisation in Iskandar Malaysia due to the JS-SEZ to drive property demand in Johor.

馬來西亞依斯干達銷售畫廊的客流量比上年翻了一番,外國買家,尤其是新加坡買家的購買量有所增加。RhB提到,Sunway Iskandar的銷售畫廊的參觀人數大幅增加,UEMS已收到許多即將到來的項目的預訂。該銀行預計,由於JS-SEZ,馬來西亞依斯干達的城市化和工業化程度將進一步提高,這將推動柔佛州的房地產需求。

The analyst anticipates positive news flow in the second half of 2024, which will buoy investor sentiment in the property sector, including potential incentives for the JS-SEZ, infrastructure developments, and foreign and domestic direct investments. The detailed announcement on the JS-SEZ is expected in September or October, which could spur further re-rating of property stocks.


The house remains positive on the new Malaysia My 2nd Home (MM2H) regulations, aimed at attracting high-net-worth individuals. The programme requires participants to own property, benefiting developers with exposure in key areas like KL city centre, Mont' Kiara, Penang, and Iskandar Malaysia.

該機構對旨在吸引高淨值個人的新馬來西亞 “我的第二家”(MM2H)法規仍然持樂觀態度。該計劃要求參與者擁有房產,從而使開發商受益於吉隆坡市中心、Mont'Kiara、檳城和馬來西亞依斯干達等關鍵地區的曝光度。

RHB maintained an OVERWEIGHT call for the property sector, noting it trades at a 45% discount to RNAV. The current market upcycle is seen as healthier compared to the 2010-2014 period, driven by normalised interest rates and a focus on technology and semiconductor industries, which should boost Malaysia's GDP growth.


UEM Sunrise is highlighted as a key proxy for Iskandar Malaysia's growth, with plans for renewable energy industrial parks and data centre campuses. Sime Darby Property is expected to benefit from investments like Google's data centre in Elmina Business Park. Mah Sing is noted for its successful 500MW power allocation for its Southville DC Hub, enhancing its value for data centre development.

ueM Sunrise被視爲馬來西亞依斯干達增長的關鍵指標,計劃建造可再生能源工業園和數據中心園區。預計森達比地產將受益於谷歌在埃爾米納商業園的數據中心等投資。Mah Sing以其成功爲其索斯維爾華盛頓中心樞紐分配500兆瓦的電力而聞名,這提高了其在數據中心開發中的價值。

