
CIMB Islamic Honoured as Global Islamic Bank of the Year by The Banker and Best Islamic Bank in Malaysia in the IFN Best Bank Polls 2023

CIMB Islamic Honoured as Global Islamic Bank of the Year by The Banker and Best Islamic Bank in Malaysia in the IFN Best Bank Polls 2023

CIMB Islamic榮膺銀行家雜誌全球最佳伊斯蘭銀行以及IFN最佳銀行選舉馬來西亞最佳伊斯蘭銀行。
聯昌集團控股 ·  07/04 12:00

4 July 2024


The Bank solidifies its position as a leading Islamic financial institution


Kuala Lumpur: CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad ("CIMB Islamic" or "the Bank") strengthens its position as a leading Islamic financial institution in the Malaysia through the prestigious recognitions as Global Islamic Bank of the Year and Most Innovative Islamic Savings Product Award at The Banker's Islamic Banking Awards 2024. Meanwhile, the Bank also clinched Best Islamic Bank in Malaysia for the eighth consecutive year at the IFN Best Bank Polls 2023.


These significant recognitions solidify CIMB Islamic's leading position in the market, acknowledging the Bank's strong track record in pioneering innovative Shariah-compliant propositions across both retail and investment banking, as well as its notable contributions to the growth of the Islamic capital markets.


Ahmad Shahriman Mohd Shariff, Chief Executive Officer of CIMB Islamic said, "We are honoured to be recognised with these awards which reaffirm our expertise and strengths in delivering innovative Shariah-compliant to our clients and customers. We will continue to be guided by the principles of value-based intermediation ("VBI") and committed to creating value for our clients and customers, in addition to generating positive impacts to the economy, the communities we operate in and the environment. Our sincere appreciation and thanks to all our clients for their support and trust over the years which have made these recognitions possible."

CIMB伊斯蘭首席執行官Ahmad Shahriman Mohd Shariff表示:“我們很榮幸獲得這些獎項的認可,這再次證實了我們提供創新的符合伊斯蘭教法的專業知識和優勢。我們將繼續以價值爲基礎的中介原則爲指導,並致力於爲我們的客戶創造價值,爲經濟、我們經營的社區和環境產生積極影響。我們真誠地感謝所有客戶多年來對我們的支持和信任,正是這些支持和信任使這些認可成爲可能。”

CIMB Islamic's commitment towards sustainability gained significant recognition through the Bank's broader efforts to embed sustainability-focused initiatives into its various propositions. Standout products and services recognised included CIMB Islamic's Daily Unrestricted Investment Account-i ("DURIAN-i") which won The Banker's award for Most Innovative Islamic Savings Product. DURIAN-i is the Bank's first sustainability linked Investment Account ("IA") where the funds will be invested in the Bank's retail assets.


Advancing its ambition towards sustainable mobility, the Bank unveiled its comprehensive suite of electric vehicle ("EV") financial solutions last year, offering preferential fixed rates with a dedicated Green Lane Finance Approval process that expedites approvals within eight hours upon submission of the completed application, along with rebates for secure motor insurance and additional complimentary EV coverage. The Bank had also launched its CIMB Petronas Visa Platinum-i and Infinite-i credit cards ("the Cards"), which offer attractive cash rebates on EV charging spends at PETRONAS stations and cashless parking nationwide. By the end of 2023, the Cards registered 33,000 openings with a combined balance of RM80 million.

爲了推進可持續移動,該銀行去年推出了全面的電動汽車(“EV”)金融解決方案,提供具有吸引力的固定利率和專門的綠道金融批准程序,可在提交完整申請後8小時內獲得批准,同時提供獲得安全機動車保險和額外EV保障的回扣。該銀行還推出了其CIMB Petronas Visa Platinum-i和Infinite-i信用卡(“Cards”),該卡在PETRONAS站的EV充電支出上提供有吸引力的現金回扣,並在全國無現金停車上提供額外的免費停車服務。到2023年底,該卡的註冊人數爲33,000,餘額總額爲8000萬令吉。

Among other achievements highlighted was CIMB Islamic's takaful offering, Sun Legacy Shield, a regular contribution investment-linked takaful plan that helps customers expand their wealth and legacy during their lifetimes and safeguard the well-being of their loved ones.

除了其他突出的實現之外,CIMB伊斯蘭的takaful產品Sun Legacy Shield還可以在壽終正寢前幫助客戶擴大他們的財富和遺產,並保障其所愛的人的福祉。

The Bank's commitment towards championing sustainable finance was exhibited by its successful execution of numerous high profile and landmark transactions both locally and internationally, most notably the milestone US$2 billion Global Sukuk Offering (Global Trust Certificate) issued by the Republic of Indonesia last year, which included a US$1 billion green tranche. This was the largest dollar sukuk issuance by an Asian sovereign in 2023 and accomplished the tightest five-year and 10-year spreads for an Asian sovereign in the past two years, which CIMB Islamic acted as sole principal adviser, arranger, dealer, lead manager and book runner.


