
RE/MAX Leads the Way With 2024 Broker Owner Conference

RE/MAX Leads the Way With 2024 Broker Owner Conference

PR Newswire ·  04:13

Industry visionaries will connect in three days of inspiration, innovation, and
unparalleled networking dedicated to business growth


DENVER, July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- RE/MAX, the No. 1 name in real estate*, is thrilled to announce that registration is open for the highly anticipated 2024 RE/MAX Broker Owner Conference (BOC). Set to take place from August 19-21, 2024, at the Marriott Marquis in San Diego, this premier event will bring together RE/MAX Broker/Owners and Managers from around the world to explore the latest best practices, innovations, and trends in real estate.

丹佛,2024年7月3日 / 世界新聞網 - News Wire / - 房地產經紀公司RE/MAX是房地產行業*中的第一品牌,非常高興宣佈2024年RE/MAX創業板經紀人所有者會議(BOC)的註冊開放。此次首屈一指的活動將於2024年8月19日至21日在聖地亞哥萬豪酒店舉行,將彙集來自世界各地的RE/MAX經紀人/所有者和經理,探索房地產界最新的最佳做法、創新和趨勢。

Hundreds of RE/MAX affiliates and guests will enjoy a three-day event featuring panel discussions, top-notch networking, industry experts, and notable speakers such as:


  • Brian Buffini: Known for building America's largest business coaching company, Brian Buffini is a New York Times bestselling author and one of the world's most engaging public speakers.
  • Inky Johnson: Former college football player Inky Johnson draws from his inspiring journey to deliver powerful messages on leadership, teamwork, and mental agility.
  • Dave Liniger: As an entrepreneur, adventurer, and visionary, Dave Liniger's lifelong devotion to learning and achievement is embedded in the RE/MAX network he co-founded over 50 years ago.
  • Brian Buffini:作爲建立美國最大商業教練公司的人,布弗尼是紐約時報暢銷書作者和全球最有凝聚力的公衆演講者之一。
  • Inky Johnson:前大學橄欖球球員Inky Johnson從他鼓舞人心的旅程中吸取了啓迪人心的領導力、團隊合作和思維敏捷能力的強大信息。
  • Dave Liniger:作爲一名企業家、冒險家和有遠見的人,戴夫·林尼格(Dave Liniger)終身致力於學習和成就,這種精神深深植根於他在50多年前共同創建的RE/MAX網絡中。

"RE/MAX Broker/Owners and Managers are passionate about delivering real value to the agents and teams in their brokerages. The BOC is a prime opportunity for them to learn more about the most pressing issues in real estate," said Amy Lessinger, President of RE/MAX, LLC. "Over three days, attendees will discuss industry topics, explore business growth strategies, and gain valuable insights to share with their agents."

“RE/MAX經紀人/所有者和經理熱衷於爲經紀公司中的代理人和團隊提供真正的價值。BOC是他們了解房地產業最緊迫問題、探索業務增長策略、獲得寶貴見解並與代理人分享的絕佳機會,”RE/MAX,LLC的總裁Amy Lessinger說。“在三天內,與會者將討論行業話題、探討業務增長策略,並獲得寶貴的見解,與他們的代理分享。”

Session Sampling:


  • Leading with Purpose: How Your Leadership Approach Shapes Your Organization
  • Elevate Your Luxury Appeal: Keys to Recruiting and Retaining All-Stars
  • Broker Profitability Panel: Growth in Any Market
  • Growing Businesses with Exclusive RE/MAX Tools
  • Elevating Your Office Lead Conversion Strategy with MAX/Tech powered by kvCORE
  • 以目標爲先導:領導力方式如何塑造您的機構。
  • 提升您的豪華吸引力:招募和保留全明星的關鍵。
  • 經紀人利潤率專場:無論市場如何增長。
  • 藉助獨家的RE/MAX工具增加業務增長
  • 藉助由kvCORE驅動的MAX/Tech提高您的辦公室潛在客戶轉化策略

In addition to attendees learning new ways to grow their business and adopt the latest RE/MAX resources, including programs for conversions, mergers, acquisitions, team development and technology support, RE/MAX leaders will address the post-settlement environment and key strategies to face the fall market.


Registration for the BOC is now open to RE/MAX affiliates and their guests. RE/MAX affiliates can find more registration information here. Broker/Owners outside the RE/MAX network interested in attending can contact a local RE/MAX Broker/Owner.


* Source: MMR Strategy Group study of unaided awareness.

* 來源:MMR策略集團對無援助觀念的研究。

About the RE/MAX Network


As one of the leading global real estate franchisors, RE/MAX, LLC is a subsidiary of RE/MAX Holdings (NYSE: RMAX) with more than 140,000 agents in nearly 9,000 offices and a presence in more than 110 countries and territories. Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX, as measured by residential transaction sides. RE/MAX was founded in 1973 by Dave and Gail Liniger, with an innovative, entrepreneurial culture affording its agents and franchisees the flexibility to operate their businesses with great independence. RE/MAX agents have lived, worked and served in their local communities for decades, raising millions of dollars every year for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and other charities. To learn more about RE/MAX, to search home listings or find an agent in your community, please visit . For the latest news about RE/MAX, please visit

作爲全球領先的房地產特許經營連鎖公司之一,RE/MAX,LLC是RE/MAX Holdings(紐約證券交易所:RMAX)的子公司之一,其在近9000個辦事處中擁有超過14萬名代理商,並在110多個國家和地區開展業務。按住宅成交量計算,全球沒有什麼公司能比RE/MAX銷售更多的房地產。RE/MAX由Dave和Gail Liniger於1973年創建,其創新的企業文化爲其代理商和特許經營人員提供了實現業務的極大自由度。RE/MAX代理商多年來一直在其當地社區生活、工作和服務,爲兒童奇蹟網絡醫院和其他慈善機構籌集數百萬美元的捐款。要了解有關RE/MAX的更多信息,請訪問。要搜索房屋清單或在您的社區找到代理商,請訪問。有關RE/MAX的最新新聞,請訪問



