
Minetech Awarded M Nova Upgrading Job Worth RM16.1 Million

Minetech Awarded M Nova Upgrading Job Worth RM16.1 Million

Business Today ·  07/03 22:30

Minetech announced that it has received a Letter of Award from MyVilla Development Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Mah Sing Group Berhad, to upgrade and construct external roads and drainage for the M Nova project in Kuala Lumpur with a contract ivalued of RM16.1 million.

Minetech宣佈,它已收到馬新集團旗下子公司MyVilla Development Sdn Bhd的獎勵信,以一份價值1,610萬令吉的合同爲吉隆坡的M Nova項目升級和建造外部道路和排水系統。

The M Nova project involves the development of 2,080 apartment units across three blocks at Jalan Lingkaran Tengah II, Mukim Batu, Kuala Lumpur. The project will be executed in two phases, where Phase 1 consists of Tower A & B with 624 apartment units each, while Phase 2 shall consist of Tower C, with 832 apartment units in total.

M Nova項目涉及在吉隆坡木金巴圖的Jalan Lingkaran Tengah II的三個街區開發2,080套公寓單元。該項目將分兩個階段執行,第一階段由A座和B座組成,各有624個公寓單元,而第二階段將包括C座,共有832個公寓單元。

Encik Abang Abdillah Izzarim, the Executive Chairman of Minetech, expressed his enthusiasm about the new project: "We are honoured to have been awarded this contract from MyVilla Development. This project not only strengthens our partnership with Mah Sing Group but also underscores our capability in delivering high-quality construction services. We are committed to executing this project efficiently and to the highest standards, contributing positively to our financial performance and reinforcing our position in the industry."

Minetech執行董事長恩西克·阿邦·阿卜杜拉·伊扎裏姆表達了他對新項目的熱情:“我們很榮幸獲得MyVilla Development的這份合同。該項目不僅加強了我們與馬新集團的合作伙伴關係,還凸顯了我們提供高質量建築服務的能力。我們致力於以最高標準高效地執行該項目,爲我們的財務業績做出積極貢獻,鞏固我們在行業中的地位。”

