
Sparking Growth and Inspiration: How Cisco Illuminates a New Path for Learning

Sparking Growth and Inspiration: How Cisco Illuminates a New Path for Learning

Accesswire ·  20:30

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 3, 2024 / Cisco Systems Inc.

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 7 月 3 日/思科系統公司

By Shaniqua Ingol

作者:Shaniqua Ingol

At Cisco, we believe the growth of our company is inextricably linked to the growth of our people. That's why we are proud to host Cisco Illuminate, our employee development series that shines a light on continuous learning and development. This company-wide event helps employees uplevel their skills throughout the year to compete in an ever-changing business landscape.

在思科,我們相信公司的成長與員工的成長密不可分。因此,我們很自豪能夠舉辦 Cisco Illuminate,這是我們的員工發展系列,旨在闡明持續學習和發展。這項全公司範圍的活動可幫助員工全年提升技能,在不斷變化的業務環境中競爭。

Exciting Speakers on a Range of Subjects


Cisco Illuminate lets participants tap into engaging sessions led by industry experts and cultural thought leaders from Cisco and beyond. Past events have included speakers like Oprah Winfrey, Andrew Ng, and Michelle Obama, covering topics that support attendees' personal and professional growth. With sessions on a variety of subjects such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, Well-being, and Leadership Development, this event is designed to create a growth mindset and prepare our employees for the future of work.

Cisco Illuminate 讓參與者可以參與由思科及其他領域的行業專家和文化思想領袖主持的引人入勝的會議。過去的活動包括奧普拉·溫弗瑞、安德魯·吳和米歇爾·奧巴馬等演講者,涵蓋了支持與會者個人和職業成長的話題。該活動以人工智能(AI)、網絡安全、福祉和領導力發展等各種主題爲主題,旨在培養成長心態,讓我們的員工爲未來的工作做好準備。

Interactive and Engaging Formats


Learning comes in many forms, and we know everyone learns differently, so Cisco Illuminate features a mix of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. Attendees can choose to livestream the event from home, gather at a watch party on campus, or peruse the recordings library. By embracing various learning modalities, we empower our employees to thrive. For us, it's not just a moral necessity but a strategic advantage, helping us shape an inclusive future for all. Employees can continue to expand their skills on their own schedule with access to on-demand platforms like Masterclass, LinkedIn Learning, and Coursera.

學習有多種形式,我們知道每個人的學習方式都不一樣,因此 Cisco Illuminate 包括主題演講、小組討論和互動研討會。與會者可以選擇在家中直播活動,聚集在校園的觀看派對上,或者仔細閱讀錄音庫。通過採用各種學習方式,我們使員工能夠茁壯成長。對我們來說,這不僅是道德上的必需品,而且是一種戰略優勢,可以幫助我們爲所有人塑造一個包容性的未來。員工可以訪問大師班、LinkedIn Learning和Coursera等按需平台,繼續按照自己的時間表擴展技能。

Next Illuminate is Approaching

下一篇 Illuminate 即將來臨

We are gearing up for our next Cisco Illuminate on June 25-26 that will enable Cisconians to enhance their skills in topics like AI, innovation, and well-being. In addition to Cisco and Splunk leaders and experts, employees will hear from James Clear, the New York Times bestselling author of Atomic Habits, on how to boost productivity and foster personal growth.

我們正在爲6月25日至26日的下一次思科Illuminate做準備,這將使思科人能夠提高他們在人工智能、創新和福祉等主題方面的技能。除了思科和Splunk的領導者和專家外,員工還將聽取《紐約時報》暢銷書作者詹姆斯·克利爾的講話 原子習慣, 關於如何提高生產力和促進個人成長。

By fostering an inclusive environment that empowers our team to learn and tackle the world's greatest challenges, we create a more inclusive future for all. Our employees are the heart and soul of Cisco Illuminate, and their experiences speak volumes. But don't just take our word for it-read their stories and see the impact firsthand!

通過營造一個包容性的環境,使我們的團隊能夠學習和應對世界上最大的挑戰,我們爲所有人創造一個更具包容性的未來。我們的員工是 Cisco Illuminate 的核心和靈魂,他們的經歷足以說明問題。但是,不要只聽我們的一面之詞,閱讀他們的故事,親眼目睹其影響!

"Grateful for Cisco Illuminate - our program dedicated to global employee development. Last quarter's self-paced learning option promoted inclusivity and flexibility, accommodating the diverse schedules of Cisconians worldwide. This approach supports our commitment to an inclusive workplace by respecting our team's varied work hours and their customer-centric problem-solving."

Aurelia Takacs - Program Manager, Strategy and Planning, Belgium


Aurelia Takacs-比利時戰略與規劃項目經理

"I loved participating in Cisco Illuminate Your Team! The transformative workshops provided invaluable opportunity to connect with our teams, fostering collaboration, connection, and trust - the very core elements that make teams thrive. We explored how open communication, mutual support, and shared goals drive exceptional business results"

Elena Lewis - Leader, Customer Delivery, North Carolina

“我喜歡參加 Cisco Illuminate Your Team!變革性研討會爲與我們的團隊建立聯繫、促進協作、聯繫和信任提供了寶貴的機會,而協作、聯繫和信任正是促使團隊蓬勃發展的核心要素。我們探討了開放式溝通、相互支持和共同目標如何推動卓越的業務成果。”


"It's not a surprise to many of my peers that I always look forward to Illuminate - in actuality, I'm sure I cause a couple of headaches talking about Lumi and the amazing team behind the event all year round. As an attendee of the Illuminate events in the past, I have always admired how every session showcases the power of creativity and collaboration."

Brinda Thangada - Communications Manager, Customer Experience, Chicago


Brinda Thangada-芝加哥客戶體驗傳播經理

Explore more ways that Cisco supports its employees' learning and development in our latest FY23 Purpose Report.

在我們最新的 23 財年目標報告中探索思科支持其員工學習和發展的更多方式。

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在 上查看思科系統公司的更多多媒體和更多 ESG 故事。

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SOURCE: Cisco Systems Inc.


