
Energy, Reservoir Link's Founder To Complete Listing On U.S.' NASDAQ By End 2024

Energy, Reservoir Link's Founder To Complete Listing On U.S.' NASDAQ By End 2024

能源,Reservoir Link的創始人將於2024年底在美國納斯達克上市。
Business Today ·  07/03 11:24

Reservoir Link Energy Bhd announced its plans to finalize the listing of its 2021 acquisition, Founder Energy Sdn Bhd, on the US NASDAQ exchange by the year's end.

Reservoir Link Energy Bhd宣佈計劃於年底前完成其2021年收購的Founder Energy Sdn Bhd在美國納斯達克交易所的上市。

In a statement today, the company revealed its accomplishment of over 1.5 GigaWatt (GW) of solar projects since venturing into the renewable energy sector in 2021.


"Our bold move into solar energy has proven highly rewarding, surpassing our initial expectations and emerging as a significant revenue contributor," remarked Reservoir Link's Executive Deputy Chairman, Thien Chiet Chai.

Reservoir Link執行副主席Thien Chiet Chai表示:“事實證明,我們在太陽能領域的大膽發展取得了豐厚的回報,超出了我們最初的預期,併成爲了重要的收入貢獻者。”

"This marks just the beginning of our journey, with the imminent listing of Founder Energy on NASDAQ scheduled for completion this year," added Thien Chiet Chai. "We are enthusiastic about our future prospects as we continue to lead in sustainable energy solutions, aligning with the global shift towards cleaner energy for a sustainable future."

Thien Chiet Chai補充說:“這僅僅標誌着我們旅程的開始,方正能源即將在納斯達克上市,計劃於今年完成。”“我們繼續引領可持續能源解決方案,與全球向清潔能源的轉變保持一致,以實現可持續的未來,我們對未來前景充滿熱情。”

Reservoir Link reported a net loss of RM333,000 for the nine-month period ending March 31, 2024, contrasting with a net profit of RM4.1 million in the same period of the previous financial year. This was amid a 20% rise in revenue to RM142.6 million for the financial year 2024.

Reservoir Link報告稱,截至2024年3月31日的九個月期間淨虧損33.3萬令吉,而上一財年同期的淨利潤爲410萬令吉。在此之際,2024財年的收入增長了20%,達到1.426億令吉。

The share price of Reservoir Link closed down 5.6% at 33.5 sen per share, resulting in a market capitalisation of RM106 million.

Reservoir Link的股價收盤下跌5.6%,至每股33.5仙,市值爲 RM106 百萬美元。

