
Magna Mining Announces Results of Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders

Magna Mining Announces Results of Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders

newsfile ·  07/03 04:20

Sudbury, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 2, 2024) - Magna Mining Inc. (TSXV: NICU) (OTCQB: MGMNF) (FSE: 8YD) ("Magna" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the results of its Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting") held on June 28th. Each of the matters is described in greater detail in the Notice of Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders and the accompanying Management Information Circular dated June 3rd, 2024 (the "Circular").

安大略省薩德伯裏-(新聞稿-2024年7月2日)-Magna Mining Inc. (TSXV: NICU) (OTCQB: MGMNF) (FSE: 8YD)(“Magna”或“公司”)很高興宣佈其於6月28日舉行的股東年度特別大會(“大會”)的結果。th每項議案均在《年度及特別股東大會通知》和附屬的《管理信息循環通知》(簡稱“循環”)中詳細描述。rd循環日期爲2024年6月3日。

At the Meeting, the shareholders approved the election of Jason Jessup, Carl DeLuca, John Seaman, Vernon Baker, Jonathan Goodman, and Shastri Ramnath, each as listed in the Circular, with Ms. Ramnath joining the Company as a sixth board member. Ms. Ramnath is the CEO of Exiro Minerals, a private mineral exploration company and the Chair of Orix Geoscience, a geological consulting firm that she co-founded and co-owns. Ms. Ramnath is a professional geoscientist and entrepreneur with 25 years of global experience and has worked in various technical and leadership roles. Ms. Ramnath spent much of her career in nickel exploration, holding positions at Falconbridge, where she started, and subsequently at FNX Mining, where she was a key member of the exploration and resource team. Ms. Ramnath was also the CEO of Bridgeport, a publicly-listed company and is currently a director at Jaguar Mining (TSX: JAG).

在會議上,股東們批准了文中所列的Jason Jessup,Carl DeLuca,John Seaman,Vernon Baker,Jonathan Goodman和Shastri Ramnath的選舉,並邀請Ramnath女士加入公司擔任第六名董事會成員。Ramnath女士是Exiro Minerals的CEO,一傢俬人礦產探勘公司的主席,也是她共同創立和擁有的地質諮詢公司Orix Geoscience的主席。Ramnath女士是一位擁有25年全球經驗的地球科學專業人員和企業家,並曾擔任多種技術和領導角色。Ramnath女士的職業生涯中花費大部分時間在鎳勘探方面工作,先後在Falconbridge和FNX Mining擔任職位,是勘探和資源團隊的關鍵成員。Ramnath女士還是Bridgeport上市公司的CEO,目前是Jaguar Mining(TSX: JAG)的董事。

All other resolutions at the Meeting were approved by shareholders including (i) the appointment of auditors; (ii) the reconfirmation and approval of the stock option plan of the Company; (iii) the reconfirmation and approval of the amended and restated restricted share unit plan of the Company (the "Amended RSU Plan"); and (iv) the confirmation and approval of the prior grant of restricted share units under the Amended RSU Plan, each as more particularly described in the Circular.


About Magna Mining Inc.

關於Magna Mining Inc。

Magna Mining is an exploration and development company focused on nickel, copper and Platinum Group Metals (PGM) projects in the Sudbury Region of Ontario, Canada. The Company's flagship assets are the past producing Shakespeare and Crean Hill Mines. The Shakespeare Mine is a feasibility stage project which has major permits for the construction of a 4,500 tonne per day open pit mine, processing plant and tailings storage facility and is surrounded by a contiguous 180km2 prospective land package. Crean Hill is a past producing nickel, copper and PGM mine with a technical report dated July 2023. Additional information about the Company is available on SEDAR+ () and on the Company's website ().

Magna Mining是一家專注於安大略省蘇德伯裏地區鎳,銅和鉑族金屬(PGM)項目的勘探和開發公司。該公司的旗艦資產是曾經生產的Shakespeare和Crean Hill礦山。 Shakespeare Mine是一個可行性階段的項目,其具有建造每天4,500噸開放式採石場、加工廠和尾礦儲存設施的主要許可證,並被一個連續的180公里的前景地皮圍繞着。Crean Hill是一個歷史上生產鎳,銅和PGM的礦山,其有一份截止2023年7月的技術報告。公司的額外信息可以在SEDAR上()和公司的網站()獲得。2Crean Hill是一個過去生產過鎳,銅和PGM礦的地方,截至2023年7月有一份技術報告。有關公司的其他信息可在SEDAR+()和公司網站()上獲取。

For further information, please contact:

如需更多信息,請聯繫:丹·努恩(Dan Noone)

Jason Jessup
Chief Executive Officer

Jason Jessup



Paul Fowler, CFA
Senior Vice President

Paul Fowler,CFA

