
Summer of Savings: Duke Energy Offers Ways to Lower Your Energy Use

Summer of Savings: Duke Energy Offers Ways to Lower Your Energy Use

PR Newswire ·  07/02 21:55
  • Company shares programs, tips, tools and available assistance to help save money and manage your bill
  • 公司股份計劃、技巧、工具和可用幫助等,可幫助節省資金並管理賬單。

GREENVILLE, S.C., July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Warmer-than-average temperatures could hit South Carolina this summer, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration seasonal temperature outlook. But before summer temperatures soar, Duke Energy is offering ways customers can take control of their energy use.


"Once thing is certain as we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July in the Palmetto State – it's hot. And that means increased energy use as customers rely on air conditioning to stay cool," said Mike Callahan, Duke Energy's South Carolina president. "As summer arrives, we are proactively sharing programs, tips, tools and assistance to help our customers manage their energy use."


Take advantage of Usage Alerts to help save
Better predict what you'll spend on electricity by reviewing the Usage Alerts that arrive midway through a billing cycle. By having a smart meter and an email address on file, you'll automatically be enrolled to receive a Usage Alert notification that shows how much electricity you're using and how much it may cost in time to adjust.


Use our website or the Duke Energy app to track your energy usage down to the hour, day or week. The goal is to see when energy use is spiking and adjust habits that may be driving it up. Simply sign in to your online account or create one here.


Savings programs and incentives
Duke Energy offers a variety of programs and incentives to help customers navigate seasonal energy use. Learn more about available options below, and b-roll is available here:

杜克能源提供各種節約計劃和激勵措施,幫助客戶應對季節性能源使用。在下面了解有關可用選項的更多信息,並可在此獲取 b-roll:

  • Power Manager: Get rewarded by helping shift energy use away from peak periods. By enrolling one or more of your home's appliances in Power Manager, you'll be supporting clean energy goals. Plus, receive bill credits for making a difference in your community. Find out if you qualify. (Please note: The name of this program may differ depending on where you live. EnergyWise Home and Bring Your Own Thermostat are the same thing as Power Manager.)
  • Flex Savings Option: Customers who enroll in the Flex Savings Option can pay lower rates (as compared to the standard residential rate) by shifting their energy use to times of lower demand. Alternatively, rates will increase when customer demand is high and more people are using electricity.
  • Smart $aver: Some customers can take advantage of about $1,500 in home rebates through the Smart $aver home improvement rebate program.
  • Home Energy House Call: Consider a free home energy assessment, which can help lower your energy use. Valued at $180, this service helps you learn how your home uses energy and how you can save. An energy specialist will check your home for air leaks, examine your insulation levels, check your appliances and more. Sign up online or call 844.346.4366.
  • Weatherization Program: Some customers can take advantage of our income-qualified Weatherization Program for single-family and multifamily units to help save money and reduce expenses through the installation of energy conservation measures in their home. The program is open to owners and renters with owner approval, and eligibility is determined by the weatherization office and an in-home assessment.
  • 電力管理器:通過爲家中的一個或多個家用電器註冊電力管理器,您可以收到賬單信用,幫助推動社區清潔能源目標並從高峰期轉移能源使用。了解是否符合條件。(請注意:該計劃名稱可能因所在地而異。EnergyWise Home 和 Bring Your Own Thermostat 與 Power Manager 是相同的計劃。)
  • 靈活的節能選擇。採用彈性節省選項的客戶可以通過將能源使用轉移至低需求時段來支付較低價格(與標準住宅價格相比)。相反,在客戶需求高且更多人使用電力時,價格將上漲。
  • Smart $aver:一些客戶可以通過Smart $aver家庭改進返利計劃獲得約1,500美元的家庭返利。
  • 家庭能源服務電話考慮免費的家庭能源評估,有助於降低您的能源使用。該服務價值180美元,可以幫助您了解家庭能源的使用情況以及如何節省。能源專家將檢查您家中的氣漏,檢查絕緣層的水平,檢查您的家電等等。您可以在線註冊或致電844.346.4366。
  • 保溫計劃一些客戶可以通過符合收入資格的一戶或多戶氣象調節計劃來節省資金和降低支出,通過在住房中安裝節能措施進行節能。該計劃適用於本人和房主同意的業主和租戶。資格由氣象調節辦公室和入戶評估確定。

Programs and incentives vary depending on which Duke Energy-served community you live in. See what savings programs you may be eligible for.


Payment assistance
Other customers may be eligible for further assistance. Installment Payment Plans can help people who need flexibility with paying their energy bills. Duke Energy also works with local and state agencies to connect qualified customers with access to resources, including Share the Light Fund and Low Income Home Energy Assistance programs.

由於夏天的天氣會使您的HVAC系統更加努力地保持您的舒適感,因此可能會增加能源使用。 室外與室內溫差越大,您的空調機組就必須越努力地工作。

Visit our Special Assistance page for more information.


Low- to no-cost energy-saving tips and projects
Summer weather can contribute to higher energy use as your HVAC system works harder to keep you comfortable. The greater the temperature difference between the outside and the inside, the harder your AC unit must work.

夏天的天氣可能會導致更高的能源使用,因爲您的HVAC系統必須更加努力地保持舒適。 室內與室外的溫差越大,空調機組就必須越努力地工作。

Below are tips to help manage your energy use when temperatures rise. B-roll of energy efficiency measures is available here.


  • Inspect and service your HVAC. Have your HVAC system checked by a qualified heating and air conditioning contractor to make sure it is operating efficiently. ENERGY STAR certified heating and cooling equipment, when properly installed, can yield annual energy bill savings of 10%-30%.
  • Make sure cool air isn't escaping by checking windows, doors and vents for air leaks. Caulk, seal and use weatherstripping to block leaks, which can help save 10% to 20% in cooling costs.
  • Change air filters regularly. A dirty air filter makes a cooling system work harder, which uses more energy. Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner's energy consumption by 5% to 15%.
  • Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable setting or install a smart thermostat. You can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by simply turning your thermostat back 7-10 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours a day from its normal setting. Keep in mind: Your system will run longer the hotter it is outside – even if your thermostat setting never changes. And, run heat-producing appliances during cooler morning hours for additional savings.
  • Operate ceiling fans in a counterclockwise direction in the summer, which pushes cooler air back down into the room. If you use air conditioning to cool your home, a ceiling fan will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4 degrees, typically with no reduction in comfort.
  • Close curtains and blinds during warm, sunny days to help prevent the sun from heating your home.
  • There are two ways to reduce the amount of energy used for washing clothes – use less water and use cooler water. Switching your temperature setting from hot to warm can cut a load's energy use in half.
  • 檢查和維護您的暖通空調系統。請由合格的暖通空調承包商檢查您的暖通空調系統,確保其運行效率。安裝ENERGY STAR認證的暖通和製冷設備,當正確安裝時,可以節省10%-30%的年度能源賬單。
  • 通過檢查窗戶、門和通風口是否有氣漏,使用填縫材料、密封材料和氣密性較好的材料來阻止氣漏,這樣可以節省10%到20%的製冷成本。
  • 定期更換空氣過濾器。髒的空氣過濾器會讓冷卻系統更加辛苦,使用更多的能源。用一個乾淨的過濾器替換一個髒的、堵塞的過濾器,可以將您的空調能源消耗降低5%至15%。
  • 將您的恒溫器設置爲舒適溫度的最高設置或安裝智能恒溫器。您只需將恒溫器從正常設置回退7-10華氏度的8個小時每天,就可以在供暖和製冷方面每年節省高達10%的能源。請記住:如果外面越熱,您的系統就運行得更長——即使您的恒溫器設置從未改變。此外,在較涼的早晨使用產生熱量的電器,可以節省更多費用。
  • 夏季倒轉天花板風扇,將更涼爽的空氣推回房間。如果你用空調來冷卻你的家,一個天花板風扇將允許你提高恒溫器設置約4度,通常不會降低舒適度。
  • 在溫暖而陽光充足的日子裏拉窗簾,幫助防止太陽加熱您的家。
  • 有兩種減少洗衣服所用能源的方法——用更少的水和用更冷的水。將溫度設置從熱到溫暖可以將負荷的能源使用減少一半。

For more information visit


Duke Energy
Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK), a Fortune 150 company headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., is one of America's largest energy holding companies. The company's electric utilities serve 8.4 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and collectively own 54,800 megawatts of energy capacity. Its natural gas utilities serve 1.7 million customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Kentucky.


Duke Energy is executing an ambitious clean energy transition, keeping reliability, affordability and accessibility at the forefront as the company works toward net-zero methane emissions from its natural gas business by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions from electricity generation by 2050. The company is investing in major electric grid upgrades and cleaner generation, including expanded energy storage, renewables, natural gas and nuclear.


More information is available at and the Duke Energy News Center. Follow Duke Energy on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, and visit illumination for stories about the people and innovations powering our energy transition.


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