
Greenhouse Named Best ATS for Mid-Market, Enterprise & EMEA in G2 Summer 2024 Reports

Greenhouse Named Best ATS for Mid-Market, Enterprise & EMEA in G2 Summer 2024 Reports

Greenhouse在G2 2024年夏季報告中被評爲最佳中市場、企業和歐洲、中東、非洲ATS。
PR Newswire ·  07/02 20:00

Greenhouse retains #1 ranking in the G2 Grid Report for Applicant Tracking Systems Summer 2024

溫室保持 #1 排名 在 2024 年夏季申請人跟蹤系統的 G2 網格報告中

Motivated by newly launched features to help hiring teams work together to put the right person in the right role, Greenhouse continues to deliver inclusive, people-centric solutions that earn high customer satisfaction

Greenhouse在新推出的功能的推動下,繼續提供包容性、以人爲本的解決方案,這些功能旨在幫助招聘團隊共同努力,讓合適的人擔任正確的職位 從而獲得很高的客戶滿意度

Greenhouse named Leader in 66 G2 reports

Greenhouse 在 66 份 G2 報告中被評爲領導

NEW YORK, July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Greenhouse, the leading hiring platform, announced it has been recognized as a leader in 66 of the 2024 Summer Reports and has ranked #1 in 29 of them, including Best Applicant Tracking System, Best Enterprise Applicant Tracking Systems, Best Mid-Market Applicant Tracking System and Europe Regional Grid Report for Applicant Tracking Systems.

紐約,2024年7月2日 /PRNewswire/ — 領先的招聘平台Greenhouse宣佈其在66份2024年夏季報告中被評爲領導者,並在其中29份報告中排名第 #1 位,包括最佳申請人跟蹤系統、最佳企業申請人跟蹤系統、最佳中端市場申請人跟蹤系統和歐洲申請人跟蹤系統區域網格報告。

Greenhouse provides industry-leading structured hiring software to over 7,500 companies, guiding them to build equitable, data-driven talent pipelines tailored to their growth needs. Customers include HubSpot, HelloFresh, and Duolingo, which rely on Greenhouse insights to turn talent into a competitive advantage and continuously improve hiring. Greenhouse streamlines hiring processes, reducing time to hire and improving the quality of candidates to ensure that every hire is the right hire.

Greenhouse爲7,500多家公司提供行業領先的結構化招聘軟件,指導他們根據其增長需求建立公平的、數據驅動的人才渠道。客戶包括HubSpot、HelloFresh和Duolingo,它們依靠Greenhouse的見解將人才轉化爲競爭優勢,並不斷改善招聘情況。Greenhouse 簡化了招聘流程,縮短了招聘時間,提高了候選人的質量,以確保每位員工都是合適的員工。

Greenhouse received top satisfaction scores among Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in the G2 report, with 93% of users rating it 4 or 5 stars and 98% user satisfaction rate. Greenhouse also earned high marks for customer loyalty, with 87% of users saying they would likely recommend the product and 86% of users saying they believe it is headed in the right direction. Greenhouse has cemented its strong position as the top ATS for enterprise, mid-market, and Europe with its nearly universal high ratings and trust in the product.


Greenhouse expanded its products by releasing new features that help organizations become more efficient in decreasing the time-to-hire and optimize every step of their hiring process. These features include Texting, powered by Grayscale, which gives recruiters a streamlined communication channel to reduce time-to-hire and ghosting by allowing recruiters to message and meet candidates seamlessly. Greenhouse also launched Sourcing Automation AI content generation to help recruiters tailor messages to candidates. With embedded e-signature, users can accelerate hiring by having all document workflows within Greenhouse Recruiting. Greenhouse continues to develop ethical AI tools so recruiters can simplify their workflow while fostering an equitable hiring process. We're paving the way for WorkTech tools to leverage AI in content generation, automation, categorization, and streamline and simplify workflow, creating an equitable experience for candidates and an efficient process for hiring managers and talent acquisition teams.

Greenhouse 通過發佈新功能擴展了其產品,這些功能可幫助組織更有效地縮短招聘時間並優化招聘流程的每個步驟。這些功能包括由 Grayscale 提供支持的短信,這爲招聘人員提供了簡化的溝通渠道,允許招聘人員無縫發送消息和與候選人會面,從而減少招聘時間和重影現象。Greenhouse還推出了採購自動化人工智能內容生成功能,以幫助招聘人員爲候選人量身定製信息。藉助嵌入式電子簽名,用戶可以在Greenhouse Recruiting中使用所有文檔工作流程來加快招聘速度。Greenhouse繼續開發合乎道德的人工智能工具,以便招聘人員可以簡化工作流程,同時促進公平的招聘流程。我們正在爲WorkTech工具鋪平道路,以便在內容生成、自動化、分類和總結中利用人工智能。簡化和簡化工作流程,爲候選人創造公平的體驗,爲招聘經理和人才招聘團隊創造有效的流程。

As a result, G2 has recognized Greenhouse as the Global Applicant Tracking System and named a leader in 66 reports, including:


  • Grid Report for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) | Summer 2024
  • Enterprise Grid Report for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) | Summer 2024
  • Mid-Market Grid Report for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) | Summer 2024
  • Europe Regional Grid Report for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) | Summer 2024
  • 申請人跟蹤系統 (ATS) 網格報告 | 2024 年夏季
  • 申請人跟蹤系統 (ATS) 的企業網格報告 | 2024 年夏季
  • 申請人跟蹤系統 (ATS) 中端市場網格報告 | 2024 年夏季
  • 申請人跟蹤系統 (ATS) 歐洲區域電網報告 | 2024 年夏季

"I'm thrilled to see Greenhouse earn such strong recommendations from our customers, ranking us as a leader once again in the latest G2 reports. It shows us that both our customers and the market trust we are on the right track to deliver a product roadmap that helps organizations of all sizes hire better, in a centralized and structured way," says Samir Joglekar, Chief Revenue Officer of Greenhouse. "We are inspired by their trust in us, and are eager to continue innovating products that make hiring more equitable and efficient – from managed growth to high volume roles. Our recent product releases empower Greenhouse users to become more strategic in how they source, interview, hire, onboard, report on talent, and so much more. There is more to come this summer, and we can't wait to share our latest product innovations with everyone."

“我很高興看到Greenhouse獲得客戶如此強烈的推薦,在最新的G2報告中再次將我們列爲領導者。它向我們表明,我們的客戶和市場都信任我們在提供產品路線圖的正確軌道上,以集中和結構化的方式幫助各種規模的組織更好地招聘。” Greenhouse首席營收官薩米爾·喬格勒卡爾說。“他們對我們的信任激發了我們的靈感,並渴望繼續創新產品,使招聘更加公平和高效——從管理增長到大量職位。我們最近發佈的產品使Greenhouse用戶能夠在尋找、面試、招聘、入職、報告人才等方面變得更具戰略性。今年夏天還會有更多,我們迫不及待地想與大家分享我們的最新產品創新。”

Greenhouse customers had this to say about their user experience:

Greenhouse 客戶對他們的用戶體驗有這樣的看法:

"Greenhouse has been a game-changer for me, making candidate interviewing a breeze. [It] has streamlined my candidate interviewing process, providing a user-friendly platform to manage scheduling, conduct structured interviews, and evaluate applicants. Its intuitive interface and customizable features have enhanced efficiency and collaboration within my hiring team, ultimately leading to more informed hiring decisions"

“Greenhouse改變了我的遊戲規則,使候選人面試變得輕而易舉。[它] 簡化了我的候選人面試流程,爲管理日程安排、進行結構化面試和評估申請人提供了一個用戶友好的平台。其直觀的界面和可定製的功能增強了我的招聘團隊內部的效率和協作能力,最終促成了更明智的招聘決定。”

- Maciek K., European SMB Customer

- Maciek K.,歐洲中小企業客戶

"Greenhouse solves our previous problem of having too many external tools. For example, Greenhouse scorecards allow our interviewers to quickly and seamlessly submit their completed scorecards, allowing us to have feedback for auditing purposes and it allows our recruiters to continuously improve their candidate pipeline by receiving up to date feedback on candidates from the team. Additionally, we have leveraged Greenhouse scheduling and it has greatly impacted how long it takes our recruiters to schedule interviews."

“Greenhouse 解決了我們之前外部工具過多的問題。例如,Greenhouse 記分卡允許我們的面試官快速無縫地提交填寫好的記分卡,使我們能夠獲得用於審計目的的反饋,並允許我們的招聘人員通過接收團隊對候選人的最新反饋來不斷改善他們的候選人渠道。此外,我們還利用了Greenhouse的日程安排,這極大地影響了我們的招聘人員安排面試所需的時間。”

- Mason C., Mid-Market Customer

- Mason C.,中端市場客戶

"What I like best about Greenhouse is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to navigate and manage the hiring process efficiently. The platform's robust analytics and reporting tools provide valuable insights, helping to optimize recruiting strategies. Additionally, its integration capabilities with other HR tools streamline the workflow, making it a comprehensive solution for recruitment needs."


- Catherine X., Enterprise Customer

- Catherine X.,企業客戶

As the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace, G2 is visited by 80 million software buyers each year. Its annual Best Software Awards rank the world's best software companies and products based on authentic, timely reviews from real users. Recognition on G2's reports is earned by software products and companies that provide their customers with best-in-class customer service products and experiences.


To learn more about these rankings and Greenhouse, view the G2 Grid Scores for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

要了解有關這些排名和 Greenhouse 的更多信息,請查看申請人跟蹤系統 (ATS) 的 G2 網格分數。

About G2
G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 80 million people annually — including employees at all Fortune 500 companies — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation, manage their software spend, and grow their business — including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

關於 G2
G2 是世界上最大、最值得信賴的軟件市場。每年有超過8000萬人(包括所有財富500強公司的員工)使用G2根據真實的同行評議做出更明智的軟件決策。成千上萬各種規模的軟件和服務公司與G2合作,以建立聲譽,管理軟件支出和發展業務,包括Salesforce、HubSpot、Zoom和Adobe。要詳細了解你在哪裏購買軟件,請在推特和領英上訪問並關注我們。

G2 Grid Methodology

G2 網格方法

About Greenhouse
Greenhouse is the leading hiring platform to help companies get measurably better at hiring.


With Greenhouse, organizations can ensure every hire is the right hire, taking candidates from talented prospects to top performers. Our industry-leading software brings a structured hiring approach to any company's process, helping to define the role, requirements and attributes a successful candidate should have before a job is posted, enabling internal alignment and confident decision-making. The result is more fair and equitable hiring practices combined with data-driven decisions.

藉助 Greenhouse,組織可以確保每位員工都是合適的員工,將候選人從有才華的潛在客戶轉變爲表現最佳的候選人。我們行業領先的軟件爲任何公司的流程帶來了結構化的招聘方法,有助於在發佈職位之前定義成功的候選人應具備的職位、要求和特質,從而實現內部協調和自信決策。結果是更加公平和公平的招聘做法,再加上數據驅動的決策。

We've helped over 7,500 companies across diverse industry verticals and scaling goals turn talent into a strategic advantage, so they can be ready to hire for what's next. Some of the smartest and most successful companies like HubSpot, Duolingo, Lucid Motors, Gong, J.D. Power and Scout24 use Greenhouse for data and guidance on the behaviors and capabilities they need to improve their overall hiring performance as they move up the Hiring Maturity curve.

我們已經幫助不同垂直行業和擴展目標的7,500多家公司將人才轉化爲戰略優勢,使他們可以爲下一步招聘做好準備。一些最聰明、最成功的公司,例如HubSpot、Duolingo、Lucid Motors、Gong、J.D. Power和Scout24,使用Greenhouse來提供數據和指導,說明他們在招聘成熟度曲線上升時改善整體招聘績效所需的行爲和能力。

Greenhouse has won numerous awards including Fortune Best Workplaces, Inc. Magazine Best Workplace, Glassdoor #1 Best Place to Work, Forbes Cloud 100, Deloitte Technology Fast 500, Inc. 5000, Crain's Best Places to Work NYC and Mogul's Top 100 Workplaces for Diverse Representation.

Greenhouse贏得了無數獎項,包括《財富》雜誌最佳工作場所、Glassdoor #1 最佳工作場所、福布斯雲100強、德勤高科技高成長500強公司、Crain的紐約最佳工作場所和Mogul的多元化代表性前100名工作場所。

2024, Greenhouse Software, Inc. All rights reserved. "Hire for what's next," "The/Your all-together hiring platform," "Talent Makers" and the G Logo are trademarks of Greenhouse Software, Inc.

2024,Greenhouse Software, Inc. 版權所有。“爲下一步招聘”、“The/Your 全方位招聘平台”、“人才創造者” 和 G 徽標是 Greenhouse Software, Inc. 的商標。

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SOURCE Greenhouse Software, Inc.

來源 Greenhouse 軟件有限公司

