
James Hardie Building Products Inc. Honored as a 2024 National Preferred Partner of David Weekley Homes

James Hardie Building Products Inc. Honored as a 2024 National Preferred Partner of David Weekley Homes

詹姆斯·哈迪建築產品公司榮膺David Weekley Homes的2024年度全國首選合作伙伴
PR Newswire ·  07/02 19:00

The National Recognition for Superior Product Quality and Customer Service Marks the 16th Time James Hardie has Received the Award

國家對卓越產品質量和客戶服務的認可標誌着 16th 詹姆斯·哈迪獲得該獎項的時候了

CHICAGO, July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- James Hardie Building Products Inc. (James Hardie), a North American leader in home building products, has been recognized as a 2024 National Preferred Partner of David Weekley Homes, one of the nation's largest privately held home builders. The award recognizes field and manufacturing partners who have consistently operated at world-class levels, as determined by the home builder's supplier evaluation platform. This marks the 16th time in 18 years James Hardie has been named as a National Preferred Partner of David Weekley Homes.

芝加哥,2024年7月2日 /PRNewswire/ — 北美家居建築產品的領導者詹姆斯·哈迪建築產品公司(詹姆斯·哈迪)被評爲美國最大的私人控股房屋建築商之一大衛·威克利家居的2024年全國優先合作伙伴。該獎項旨在表彰在房屋建築商的供應商評估平台上持續保持世界一流水平的現場和製造合作伙伴。這標誌着 16th 18年來,詹姆斯·哈迪被任命爲David Weekley Homes的全國首選合作伙伴。

James Hardie, known for its signature Hardie fiber cement siding and trim products designed to stand the test of time, has consistently set the industry standard for producing durable, affordable, and climate-resilient building solutions.

詹姆斯·哈迪,以其標誌性哈迪而聞名 經得起時間考驗的纖維水泥壁板和裝飾產品一直爲生產耐用、經濟實惠且具有氣候適應能力的建築解決方案設定了行業標準。

"We are honored to once again be recognized as a National Preferred Partner of David Weekley Homes," said Sean Gadd, president of North America for James Hardie Building Products, Inc. "This recognition demonstrates our dedication to delivering superior products and customer service. We remain committed to producing innovative quality products known for superior design and best-in-class durability that results in the most desirable homes for builders and homeowners alike."

詹姆斯·哈迪建築產品公司北美總裁肖恩·加德說:“我們很榮幸再次被評爲David Weekley Homes的全國首選合作伙伴,這一認可表明了我們致力於提供卓越的產品和客戶服務。我們仍然致力於生產創新的優質產品,這些產品以卓越的設計和一流的耐用性而聞名,爲建築商和房主提供最理想的住宅。”

As an industry leader, James Hardie paves the way in creating superior and enduring home exterior products, while empowering homeowners and builders alike to achieve the home of their dreams through personalized design options. Hardie products are world-renowned for their added benefit of trusted protection. Hardie fiber cement products are well-known for being noncombustible and helping provide protection against the elements, including severe weather.

作爲行業領導者,詹姆斯·哈迪爲創造卓越耐用的家居外飾產品鋪平了道路,同時使房主和建築商都能夠通過個性化設計選項實現他們夢想中的家。哈迪 產品因其可信保護的額外優勢而享譽全球。哈迪 衆所周知,纖維水泥產品具有不可燃性,有助於抵禦各種因素,包括惡劣天氣。

"James Hardie has earned the distinction of National Preferred Partner for exemplifying high standards of quality and service," said John Schiegg, VP of Supply Chain Services for David Weekley Homes. "By working together, we're creating the best home building experience possible for our customers."

David Weekley Homes供應鏈服務副總裁約翰·席格說:“詹姆斯·哈迪因體現了高標準的質量和服務而獲得了全國首選合作伙伴的榮譽。”“通過合作,我們正在爲客戶創造最佳的房屋建築體驗。”

James Hardie participates in the home builder's supplier evaluation annually that helps David Weekley Homes assess current partners. This process is anchored by the National Preferred Partner Survey, an evaluation involving a comprehensive system of feedback and discussion to measure excellence. A total of 123 companies were evaluated this year and 20% percent achieved the designation of National Preferred Partner.

詹姆斯·哈迪每年都會參與房屋建築商的供應商評估,這有助於David Weekley Homes評估當前的合作伙伴。該過程以全國首選合作伙伴調查爲基礎,該評估涉及全面的反饋和討論系統,以衡量卓越表現。今年共對123家公司進行了評估,20%的公司獲得了全國首選合作伙伴的稱號。

For more information on Hardie products, visit .

有關 Hardie 的更多信息 產品,訪問。

James Hardie Building Products Inc.
James Hardie is the North American leader in fiber cement exterior design solutions. Hardie products offer long lasting beauty and endless design possibilities with trusted protection and low maintenance. As the #1 producer of high-performance fiber cement building solutions in the United States, James Hardie offers siding and accessories for every style. Hardie products are non-combustible and stand up to weather and time while empowering homeowners and building professionals to achieve the home of their dreams. James Hardie operates with an inclusive company culture and an unwavering commitment to Zero Harm. The company proudly employs a diverse workforce of over 3,700 employees in North America.

詹姆斯·哈迪是北美纖維水泥外觀設計解決方案的領導者。Hardie 產品具有持久的美感和無限的設計可能性,具有值得信賴的保護和低維護成本。作爲美國高性能纖維水泥建築解決方案的 #1 生產商,詹姆斯·哈迪爲每種風格提供壁板和配件。Hardie 產品不可燃,經得起天氣和時間的考驗,同時讓房主和建築專業人士能夠實現他們夢想中的家。詹姆斯·哈迪秉承包容的公司文化和對零傷害的堅定承諾。該公司自豪地在北美擁有一支由3,700多名員工組成的多元化員工。

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欲了解更多信息和媒體資源,請訪問 和。有關投資者信息,請訪問。

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James Hardie
[email protected]


About David Weekley Homes
David Weekley Homes, founded in 1976, operates in 19 markets across the United States and is headquartered in Houston. David Weekley Homes was the first builder in the United States to be awarded the Triple Crown of American Home Building, an honor which includes "America's Best Builder," "National Housing Quality Award" and "National Builder of the Year." Weekley Homes has been recognized 18 times by Great Place to Work and Fortune magazine as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. Since inception, David Weekley Homes has closed more than 120,000 homes and had revenues in excess of $3 billion dollars last year. For more information about David Weekley Homes, visit the company's website at .

David Weekley Homes成立於1976年,在美國19個市場開展業務,總部位於休斯敦。David Weekley Homes是美國第一位獲得美國家居建築三冠王的建築商,該榮譽包括 “美國最佳建築商”、“全國住房質量獎” 和 “年度全國建築商”。Weekley Homes 已獲得 Great Place to Work 頒發的 18 次認可 財富 該雜誌被評爲100家最適合工作的公司之一。自成立以來,David Weekley Homes已經關閉了超過12萬套住房,去年的收入超過30億美元。有關David Weekley Homes的更多信息,請訪問該公司的網站,網址爲。

SOURCE James Hardie Building Products Inc.

來源 James Hardie 建築產品公司

