
Chakana Provides Interim Update on Scout Drilling Program - Soledad Project, Peru

Chakana Provides Interim Update on Scout Drilling Program - Soledad Project, Peru

newsfile ·  07/02 18:20

Highlights from Mega-Gold Scout Drilling Include:

Mega-Gold Scout鑽探亮點包括:

  • Reporting three holes (1,041 m) from the eastern side of the Mega-Gold target area
  • Widespread alteration identified with quartz-sericite-pyrite overprinting chlorite alteration
  • Up to 15% pyrite encountered with traces of chalcopyrite and molybdenite in each hole
  • Narrow intervals of strong mineralization: 2 m of 1.8 gpt gold and 0.35% copper in MGDH24-002 from 89.0 m, and 1.5 m of 11.05 gpt gold in MGDH24-003 from 127.5 m
  • Persistent anomalous levels of gold noted in geochemical results
  • Abundant hydrothermal breccia encountered, cutting pre-mineral granodiorite
  • Late-mineral granodiorite identified with mineralized xenoliths
  • Assays pending for five additional holes completed in central and western parts of Mega-Gold target area and three holes at La Joya
  • Hyperspectral core scanning initiated on Mega-Gold and La Joya drill holes
  • 報道來自Mega-Gold靶區東側的三個洞穴(1,041米)
  • 廣泛的alteration被鑑定爲石英-白雲母-黃鐵礦覆蓋的綠泥石蝕變
  • 每個洞穴中都發現了高達15%的黃鐵礦,還有少量的黃銅礦和鉬
  • 強烈礦化的狹窄間隔:MGDH24-002中的2米爲89.0米處的1.8克每噸金和0.35%銅,在MGDH24-003中的127.5米處有1.5米的11.05克每噸金。
  • 地球化學結果中有持續的異常含量
  • 遇到豐富的水熱角礫岩,切割前礦物花崗岩
  • 確定含有礦化硅石體的晚期花崗岩
  • 對於Mega-Gold靶區中央和西部以及La Joya的3個洞穴的5個附加孔的檢測結果尚未公佈
  • 開始對Mega-Gold和La Joya鑽孔進行高光譜核心掃描

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 2, 2024) - Chakana Copper Corp. (TSXV: PERU) (OTCQB: CHKKF) (FSE: 1ZX) (the "Company" or "Chakana"), reports initial results from three scout drilling holes from the Mega-Gold target area within the southern half of the expanded Soledad project, Ancash, Peru. These results are part of the fully funded 3,000 m drill program that started April 5, 2024, to test three target types: 1) high-grade breccia-hosted mineralization at Estremadoyro (confirmed, see new release dated May 8, 2024); 2) porphyry-related mineralization in the Mega-Gold target area; and 3) precious metal mineralization at the La Joya high-sulfidation epithermal zone (Figure 1). In addition to the three holes reported here, five additional holes have been completed in the central and western part of the Mega-Gold target area for a total of 2,425.2 m drilled at Mega-Gold, and three holes have been completed at La Joya, totaling 465.5 m (assays pending). Results reported here are part of an option agreement with Minera Barrick Peru S.A. (see news release dated July 16, 2018).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月2日) - 加卡納銅業有限公司(TSXV:PERU)(OTCQB:CHKKF)(FSE:1ZX)(“Acquiror”)宣佈其以每個單位0.21美元的價格收購了4,761,905個發行人的單位(“Units”),總認購價格爲1,000,000.01美元。每個單位包括一股公司股本中的普通股(一個“Common Shares”)和半個普通股購股權證(每個完整的權證即爲“Warrant”),每個權證都使持有者有權以每股0.25美元的價格購買一股普通股,直到2026年5月30日。公司計劃議程Chakana“)報道了來自秘魯Ancash Soledad項目擴展南半部Mega-Gold靶區的三個Scout鑽孔的初步結果。 這些結果是完全資助的3,000​​米鑽井計劃的一部分,該計劃於2024年4月5日開始,以測試3種目標類型:1)在Estremadoyro的高品位角礫岩礦化(已確認,請參見2024年5月8日的新聞稿); 2)Mega-Gold靶區的斑岩相關礦化;和3)La Joya高硫化富鈀礦區的貴金屬礦化(圖1)。 除了這裏報告的三個孔外,中央和西部Mega-Gold靶區還完成了五個孔,總共鑽探了2425.2米,La Joya完成了三個孔,總計深度爲465.5米(結果尚未公佈)。報道的結果是與Minera Barrick Peru S.A.簽署的期權協議的一部分(請參閱2018年7月16日的新聞稿)。“

"We are encouraged to see the extent of alteration indicating a large hydrothermal system in the drilling thus far in the Mega-Gold area defined by strong quartz-sericite-pyrite overprinting early chlorite alteration with abundant pyrite mineralization and frequent occurrences of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. The results in the first three holes are also important in demonstrating the extent of tourmaline alteration in veins, breccias and replacements. We view this as indicating the same event related to the high-grade tourmaline breccia pipes that are part of the initial resource we published in 2022 (see news release dated February 23, 2022). In addition, for the first time, we have seen a late-mineral intrusion containing mineralized xenoliths with quartz-tourmaline-chalcopyrite. Although we have not seen long intersections in these first three holes, we are encouraged by the strengthening grades over narrow intervals. Application of hyperspectral core scanning technology to all of the drill core will help us identify mineral zoning patterns important in locating mineralizing intrusions," stated President and CEO David Kelley.

"目前在Mega-Gold區域的鑽探中,我們看到的變質程度的廣泛存在表明存在一個大型的熱液系統,其被強烈的石英-白雲母-黃鐵礦覆蓋早期綠泥石變質及含豐富黃鐵礦礦化和頻繁的黃銅礦和鉬魚。前三個孔的結果對於詮釋脈狀構造、角礫岩、可替換脈狀礦化中的高品位角礫岩管展現了重要的價值。而且,我們認爲,這表明我們所探明的恒馬恤巖雜破是相關的。我們第一次看到了含有礦化胞內的金屬滷石石英背長巖晚期侵入的現象。雖然在前三個孔中沒有長間斷區,但我們對狹窄的強化礦化域感到鼓舞。對所有鑽孔岩心進行高光譜核心掃描技術的應用可以幫助我們識別定位礦化侵入的重要礦化分區模式,”總裁兼首席執行官David Kelley說道。

Initial Mega-Gold Scout Drilling

初始的Mega-Gold Scout鑽探

Chakana's first three scout holes at Mega-Gold were drilled on the eastern side of the target area along a section trending north-south and northeast (Figure 2). MGDH24-001 was drilled to the northeast to a depth of 353.8 m. The hole targeted strong soil geochemistry responses up to 0.325 g/t gold and 54 ppm molybdenum. Volcanic rocks were intersected over the entire length, consisting of andesitic tuff and volcanic breccia, intruded by dikes of dacite porphyry. There is deep oxidation from the surface to 109.0 m depth, with development of supergene clay and the strong presence of iron oxides (goethite-limonite) in fractures and veinlets; partial oxidation is observed to 178.0 m depth. Fresh rocks below the zone of supergene alteration are sericite-quartz-pyrite (phyllic) altered that is overprinting earlier chlorite (propylitic) alteration to the end of the hole. The volcanic breccia hosts clasts of andesitic tuff with phyllic alteration and quartz fragments. In the phyllic alteration, pyrite occurs up to 15% as disseminations and veinlets and within pyrite-tourmaline, quartz-pyrite, and quartz-tourmaline-pyrite veins (Figure 4 A-C). Tourmaline is present up to 7% in structures as veinlets and replacement with quartz, pyrite and traces of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. Molybdenite occurs within sugary-textured quartz-pyrite veins from 180 m depth to the end of the hole interpreted as "B" veins, and chalcopyrite occurs within quartz-pyrite and quartz-tourmaline veins from 220 m depth to the end of the hole. Dikes of dacite porphyry show phyllic alteration with iron oxide veinlets in the oxidized zone, plus pyrite veinlets at depth with traces of molybdenite in fractures. Analytical results for this hole display anomalous low-level enrichment of gold, copper, and molybdenum, reaching values of 0.213 gpt, 411 ppm, and 74 ppm, respectively.

加卡納在Mega-Gold的前三個Scout孔是沿着一個朝向南北和東北的剖面鑽探的(圖2)。MGDH24-001向東北鑽探,深度爲353.8米。該孔針對的是強土壤地球化學反應高達0.325克每噸金和54 ppm鉬。整個長度都與火山岩有關,包括安山岩凝灰岩和火山角礫岩,被斑岩的巖英凝灰岩岩脈切割。從表面到109.0米深度有深層氧化,表現出存在超基岩變質和鐵氧化物的強烈存在(赤鐵礦,針鐵礦)在裂縫和脈中;到178.0米深度觀察到部分氧化。在亞相片岩(硅質-石英-黃鐵礦)上方的新鮮岩石上有早期綠泥岩(丙狀)交代。火山角礫岩承載着斑岩凝灰岩的角質部分與石英片狀物。在硅質岩化中,黃鐵礦以可散佈和脈狀形式存在,硅質-黃鐵礦,石英-黃鐵礦和石英-碧玉-黃鐵礦脈中存在。碧玉存在於構造中,脈狀和石英、黃鐵和少量黃銅礦的替代物中長達7%的程度。 從深度180米到孔的末端,綴糖狀石英-黃鐵礦脈中存在鉬魚,被解釋爲“B”脈;從深度220米到孔的末端,黃銅礦存在於石英-黃鐵礦和石英-碧玉脈中。 斑岩巖畫呈現出鐵氧化物裂縫中的亞相片岩態,並在深度處的黃鐵礦脈中表現出石英脈。此洞開採的分析結果顯示了金,銅和鉬的異常低水平富集,達到了0.213克每噸,411 ppm和74 ppm,分別達到最大值。

Hole MGDH24-002 was drilled to the south from the same platform as MGDH24-001 to a depth of 453.15 m. This hole targeted a magnetic body surrounded by strong induced polarization chargeability to the north and south. The hole cut a similar volcanic rock sequence as MGDH24-001, intruded by a narrow dacite porphyry dike at 62.45m depth, several hydrothermal breccias, and granodiorite at 225.8 depth. Oxidation from surface to 66 m depth is associated with moderate to intense argillic alteration with up to 20% iron oxides (goethite-limonite). The alteration transitions to quartz-sericite-pyrite beneath the zone of oxidation with pyrite reaching 10% as disseminations and in veins. Vein types include drusy quartz veins with pyrite and tourmaline, tourmaline-pyrite with traces of chalcopyrite and molybdenite, and magnetite veinlets. The dacite porphyry hosts pyrite up to 6% pyrite as disseminations and in veinlets, and iron oxides filling fractures when oxidized. The granodiorite exhibits chlorite alteration overprinted by quartz-sericite-tourmaline-pyrite in veins and zones of replacement with molybdenite and chalcopyrite. The granodiorite is cut by 105.1 m of tourmaline breccia with highly altered quartz-tourmaline-replaced granodiorite clasts with pyrite and traces of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. A late-mineral porphyritic granodiorite with mineralized xenoliths of quartz-tourmaline-chalcopyrite and disseminated chalcopyrite (up to 0.5%) intrudes the older granodiorite between 399.85 m and 409.05 m depth (Figure 3E). Trace chalcopyrite and molybdenite associated with quartz-tourmaline veinlets occurs to the end of the hole (Figure 3F). A 2.0 m interval from 89.0 m depth contains 1.8 gpt gold and 0.35% copper (Figure 3D). Excluding this zone, low-level enrichment of gold, copper, and molybdenum occurs, reaching values of 0.296 gpt, 1,480 ppm (0.148%), and 149.5 ppm, respectively.

MGDH24-002井從同一平台向南鑽探,深度爲453.15米。此井的目標是位於北部和南部的強感應極化電荷所包圍的磁性體,所鑽取的火山岩層與MGDH24-001相似,在62.45米深度時,被一條窄的英安長角斑岩巖體侵入,涉及幾個水熱角礫岩和225.8深度的花崗斑岩。從地表到66m深度的氧化與中至強親水性蒙脫石交替出現, 約20% 的鐵氧化物(鐵 鐵鏽 - 赤鐵礦),當氧化時,變化展示爲石英 - 白雲石 - 黃鐵礦。在氧化區域下方,交替顯示爲石英 - 雲母 - 黃鐵礦,其中黃鐵礦以彌散體和在脈中達到10%。脈狀包含帶有黃鐵礦和電氣石的流膠狀石英脈,電氣石黃鐵礦帶有少量的黃銅礦和鉬礦。岩漿英安長角斑岩中的黃鐵礦以彌散體和在脈中達到6%的黃鐵礦呈現,氧化時呈現鐵氧化物所填滿的破裂縫。花崗斑岩在貴安巖的受蝕部位上被氯化物蝕變、在石英 - 雲母 - 電氣石 - 黃鐵礦脈和替代帶中被覆蓋,與鉬礦和黃銅礦有關,被105.1米的電氣石破碎岩石突破,具有高度改變的石英 - 雲母 - 電氣石 - 黃鐵礦的修補區和黃鐵礦石的散狀物(在399.85 m和409.05 m深處),與石英 - 電氣石脈相伴的痕量含有黃銅礦和鉬礦到井底結束(圖3F)。89.0 m深度的2.0 m間距包含1.8 gpt金和0.35%銅(圖3D)。不包括此區域,低水平的金,銅和鉬富集發生,其值達到0.296 gpt,1,480 ppm(0.148%)和149.5 ppm。

Hole MGDH24-003 was drilled to the south from a platform 100 m south of MDGH24-001/002 where it was stopped prematurely at a depth of 234.1m in a fault zone. The hole was intended to drill beneath higher temperature advanced argillic alteration identified at surface by Terraspec analysis and a moderate strength chargeability response adjacent to a magnetic high. The surface alteration is characterized by silicified volcanic rocks with pyrophyllite, diaspore, zunyite, muscovite-sericite, and biotite (Figure 2). The hole intersected andesitic tuff and andesite from surface to 130.59 m depth. The andesitic tuff hosts iron oxides (goethite-limonite) up to 20% in fractures and veinlets whereas the andesite has rounded volcanic clasts with chlorite alteration overprinted by sericite-quartz-pyrite (phyllic) alteration and hosts pyrite up to 7% as disseminations and veinlets with quartz-tourmaline-anhydrite and traces of chalcopyrite. Pyrite veins with sericite halos are interpreted as "D" veins (Figure 3H). Three intervals of hydrothermal breccia were intersected between intervals of granodiorite. The breccias have quartz-tourmaline matrix and clasts of tuff and granodiorite. Magnetite occurs in clasts up to 3% and with quartz-tourmaline-pyrite veins with traces of chalcopyrite. A 1.5 m interval from 127.5 m depth contains 11.05 gpt gold that occurs at the contact between andesitic tuff, hydrothermal breccia and granodiorite associated with quartz-sericite-pyrite veining (Figure 3G). Sections of the breccia and granodiorite show evidence of acid leaching with cavities filled with tourmaline and pyrite. An interval of partially leached granodiorite from 185.45 m-197.75 m has elevated gold of 0.190 to 0.322 gpt. The hole was stopped prematurely at 234.1 m depth in hydrothermal breccia (Figure 3I) after cutting 40 m of broken rock with fault gauge, preventing the hole reaching its target depth of 400 m (Figure 2). It is possible this target is associated with proximal porphyry mineralization and is a high priority for the next phase of drilling.

MGDH24-003井從MDGH24-001/002南100米的平台向南鑽探,鑽至234.1m深度的斷層區。目的是鑽探地表由Terraspec分析確定的溫度較高的先進砂漿巖變質岩,並鄰接磁性高點的適度強度電荷率響應。地表蝕變特徵爲硅化火山岩石(陶瓷巖、地鐵礦、部分鑄銅鋅礦石、三雲硅石、雲母 - 絲石、黑雲母)(圖2)。自地表至130.59米深的安山岩凝灰岩和安山岩中有鐵灰石(鐵鏽礦氧化)達20%在石體和脈中,而安山岩岩石圓滑,遭受蒼石 - 石英 - 黃鐵礦及其脈夾,石體中黃鐵礦的僅7%的彌散體和脈狀石體,石英 - 透閃石和無水硫化鐵並含脈狀石體,紅銅礦脈內有絲石暈。在花崗斑岩區間之間,存在三個水熱角礫岩區間。這些巖礫有以石英 - 電氣石爲基質,夾雜着凝灰岩和花崗斑岩,部分巖礫內含有3%的磁鐵礦,具有石英 - 電氣石 - 黃鐵礦脈和痕量黃銅礦的石體。來自127.5m深度的1.5m區間包含11.05 gpt金,位於安山岩、水熱角礫岩和花崗斑岩之間,與石英 - 雲母 - 黃鐵礦的脈狀物有關(圖3G)。部分角礫岩和花崗斑岩的填充洞穴部分暴露了酸性浸出的證據,充滿了石英和黃鐵礦。185.45m-197.75 m的部分浸出花崗岩間隔具有0.190至0.322 gpt的高含金量。 234.1 m深處的水熱角礫岩區域內的岩石已斷裂(圖3I),裂隙內有斷層標誌,阻止了該井到達400m的預定深度(圖2)。可能這個目標與相鄰的斑岩礦化有關,是下一階段鑽探的重點。

The patterns of alteration and sulfide mineralization seen to date confirm a large hydrothermal system driven by intrusive activity. Key features include the extensive phyllic alteration, abundant disseminated pyrite and quartz-tourmaline-sulfide veins with subordinate chalcopyrite and molybdenite interpreted as pyrite halos, features that are common in porphyry systems. Strong copper-gold-silver mineralized tourmaline breccia pipes previously explored to the north, and those yet to be drilled at Compañero in the southwest, are believed to be part of the mineral system and also related to copper and gold-bearing porphyry intrusions. Understanding the low-level anomalous gold enrichment and alteration mineral assemblages at Mega-Gold are key to developing vectors to higher temperature zones where mineralized intrusions may occur.

到目前爲止所看到的變質和硫化礦物化模式證實,熱液系統由侵入活動推動。關鍵特徵包括廣泛的絲狀變質,大量的彌散黃鐵礦和石英 - 電氣石 - 硫化物脈及次要黃銅礦和鉬精礦被解釋爲黃鐵礦暈輪廓,這些特徵在斑岩系統中很常見。先前在北部探索的強銅 - 金 - 銀礦化透閃石角礫管,以及西南的Compañero中尚未鑽探的強銅和富含黃金的斑岩侵入體的礦化管被認爲是礦物系統的一部分。了解Mega-Gold中的低水平略帶異常的富含金的富集以及蝕變礦物組合對於開發礦化侵入體可能出現的高溫帶的矢量關鍵。

Contract with Hyperspectral Intelligence Inc (HII)


Chakana has entered into a contract with Hyperspectral Intelligence Inc. (HII), based in Gibsons, Canada, to utilize the geoLOGr hyperspectral core scanning system. This collaboration involves using the geoLOGr to scan core samples from the current drilling program, as well as select drill holes from previous drilling activities. The geoLOGr is a cost-effective, portable, high-resolution, continuous core scanning technology designed to identify alteration minerals associated with various mineral deposit types. When systematically applied, the interpretation of geoLOGr results can reveal mineral zoning patterns that are important for exploration drilling campaigns.


Rick Rule Investment Symposium

Rick Rule投資研討會

Chakana is an invited participant to The Rule Symposium, July 7-11, 2024, in Boca Raton, Florida. Investors are encouraged to visit with management in the exhibit hall to learn more about the Soledad project and recent drill results.


Condor Resources Option Agreement

Condor Resources(康道資源)期權協議

Chakana has an option agreement with Condor Resources on three claims (1,054 hectares) at the northern end of the expanded Soledad project, representing approximately 25% of the mineral rights Chakana controls. Under the terms of the agreement, Chakana was scheduled to complete a US$1,000,000 payment to Condor on June 23, 2024, to maintain its option, subject to a 90-day period to resolve any late payments. This payment has not yet been made and the companies are in active discussions on the matter.

Chakana與Condor Resources(康道資源)簽訂了一項期權協議,涉及Soledad項目擴展部分的三個權利要求(總計1,054公頃),代表了Chakana所控制的礦權的約25%。根據協議條款,Chakana原定於2024年6月23日向康道支付100萬美元,以保持其選項,受到90天期限解決任何延遲付款的限制。然而,該付款尚未進行,並且這些公司正在就此事進行積極討論。

About Chakana Copper

關於Chakana Copper

Chakana Copper Corp is a Canadian-based minerals exploration Company that is currently advancing the expanded Soledad Project located in the Ancash region of Peru, a highly favorable mining jurisdiction with supportive communities. The Soledad Project is notable for the high-grade copper-gold-silver mineralization that is hosted in tourmaline breccia pipes. An initial mineral resource estimate for seven breccia pipes was announced in Q1 2022 (see news release dated February 23, 2022), with an Inferred Resource of 4.8 million tonnes grading 0.72 g/t gold, 61 g/t silver and 0.97% copper assumed to be extractable by underground mining methods, plus an additional Inferred Resource of 1.9 million tonnes grading 1.29 g/t gold, 37.1 g/t silver and 0.65% copper assumed to be extractable by open pit mining methods. The total initial Inferred Resource contains 191,000 ounces of gold, 11.7 million ounces of silver, and 130 million pounds of copper.

Chakana Copper Corp是一家總部位於加拿大的礦物勘探公司,目前正在推進秘魯Ancash地區的擴展Soledad項目,這是一個處於有利地理位置,並得到了採礦社區支持的地方。Soledad項目因其富含文理石角礫管中的高品位銅 - 金 - 銀礦物化而備受矚目。在Q1 2022宣佈了針對七個角礫岩的初步礦產資源估計(詳見2022年2月23日的新聞發佈),推斷資源爲4.8百萬噸,品位爲0.72克/噸金,61克/噸銀 和0.97%銅,可以通過井下采礦方法開採,另外的推斷資源爲1.9百萬噸,品位爲1.29克/噸金,37.1克/噸銀和0.65%銅,可以通過露天採礦方法開採。總初步推斷資源包含金191,000盎司,銀1170萬盎司和銅1.3億磅。

In addition, extensive multidisciplinary exploration has defined 154 exploration targets, 28 of which have been tested to date (18%) by drilling, confirming that Soledad is a large, well-endowed mineral system with strong exploration upside. Chakana's investors are well positioned as the Soledad Project provides exposure to copper and precious metals. For more information on the Soledad project, please visit the website at .

此外,廣泛的多學科探索定義了154個勘探目標,迄今已測試了28個(18%)的鑽探孔,確認Soledad是一個具有強大勘探潛力的大型,富庶的礦產系統。Chakana的投資者擁有良好的位置,因爲Soledad項目提供了銅和貴金屬的投資機會。有關Soledad項目的更多信息,請訪問其網站 。

Results of an initial inferred mineral resource estimate and additional information concerning the Project, including a technical report prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101, are available on Chakana's profile at .


Sampling and Analytical Procedures


Chakana follows rigorous sampling and analytical protocols that meet or exceed industry standards. Core samples are stored in a secured area until transport in batches to the ALS facility in Callao, Lima, Peru. Sample batches include certified reference materials, blanks, and duplicate samples that are then processed under the control of ALS. All samples are analyzed using the ME-MS61 following a 4-acid digestion (ICP technique that provides a comprehensive multi-element overview of the rock geochemistry), while gold is analyzed by fire assay (AA24) on a 50g sample and GRA22 when values exceed 10 g/t by AA24. Over-limit silver, copper, lead and zinc are analyzed using the OG-46 procedure. Over-limit sulfur is determined by oxidation, induction furnace and infrared spectroscopy (S-IR08). Soil samples are analyzed by ME-MS61 following a 4-acid digestion and for gold by Fire Assay on a 30g sample (Au-ICP21).

Chakana採用符合或超過行業標準的嚴格取樣和分析協議。岩心樣品存放在安全區域,直到批量運輸到秘魯利馬Callao的ALS設施爲止。樣品批次包括認證參考材料、空白樣品和重複樣品,然後在ALS的控制下進行處理。所有樣品均使用ME-MS61進行分析,隨後進行4酸消解的ICP技術提供岩石地球化學的全面多元素概述,而金則通過50g樣品的火試金分析(AA24)和GRA22時分析,當AA24的值超過10 g/t時。 銀,銅,鉛和鋅在限制範圍以上時使用OG-46程序進行分析。過量的硫由氧化,感應爐和紅外光譜(S-IR08)確定。土壤樣品通過ME-MS61進行分析,隨後通過Fire Assay對30 g的樣品進行金分析(Au-ICP21)。

Qualified Person


David Kelley, an officer and a director of Chakana, and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

David Kelley是Chakana的高級官員和董事,並且是根據NI 43-101定義的合格人員,審查並批准了本新聞發佈中的技術信息。

(signed) "David Kelley"
David Kelley
President and CEO

Forte Minerals Corp.David Kelley"
David Kelley

For further information contact:
Phone: 720-233-2166


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務供應商(如該交易所的政策中所定義的)不接受本公告的充分性或準確性的責任。

Forward-looking Statement Advisory: This release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of Chakana to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements or information relates to, among other things, the interpretation of the nature of the mineralization at the Soledad copper-gold-silver project (the "Project"), the potential to expand the mineralization, and to develop and grow a resource within the Project, the planning for further exploration work, the ability to de-risk the potential exploration targets, and our belief in the potential for mineralization within unexplored parts of the Project. These forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs but given the uncertainties, assumptions and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward- looking statements or information. The Company disclaims any obligation to update, or to publicly announce, any such statements, events or developments except as required by law.

前瞻性聲明諮詢:本發佈可能包含前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明涉及已知和未知的風險,不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致Chakana的實際結果、業績或成就與前瞻性聲明中表述或暗示的任何未來結果、業績或成就在實質上不同。前瞻性陳述或信息涉及,但不限於,對礦化性質的解釋。 Soledad銅-黃金-白銀項目 在項目中,存在擴大礦化、開發和增長項目內的資源的潛力、進一步探索工作的規劃、減少潛在探險目標的風險以及我們對項目未經勘探部分的礦化潛力的信心。這些前瞻性聲明是基於管理層當前的期望和信念,但鑑於不確定性、假設和風險,讀者被告知不要過度依賴此類前瞻性聲明或信息。公司否認有任何更新或公開宣佈此類聲明、事件或發展的義務,除非有法律要求。

Figure 1 - Map showing defined targets by type for the expanded Soledad project. Principal target areas on the south side that are being drill tested in the current program include the Estremadoyro tourmaline breccia pipe, the Mega-Gold porphyry target area, and the La Joya high-sulfidation epithermal alteration zone. Breccia pipes included in the initial inferred resource estimate labeled in dark blue.

圖1 - 顯示擴展Soledad項目各種類型的定義目標的地圖。當前計劃正在測試南側的主要目標區域,包括Estremadoyro碎屑岩管、Mega-Gold斑岩目標區和La Joya高硫化蝕變帶。初始推導資源評估中包括的雜積巖管標爲深藍色。

Figure 2 - Plan view and section for Mega-Gold drilling to date. Plan view shows location of drill holes and section lines overlain on gold in soil. Section shows fence diagram for reported holes (MGHD24-001, MGDH24-002, and MGDH24-003) overlain on interpreted geology.

圖2 - 迄今爲止的Mega-Gold鑽探平面圖和剖面圖。平面圖顯示了鑽孔和斷層線的位置併疊加了金屬探測數據。剖面圖顯示了報告孔(MGDH24-001、MGDH24-002和MGDH24-003)疊加的地質解譯橫向斷層圖。

Figure 3 - Select core photos from initial Mega-Gold scout holes reported in this release: A) MGDH24-001 (118.56m): lithic tuff with strong quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration; B) MGDH24-001 (154.4m): lithic tuff with pyrite veinlets; C) MGDH24-001 (228.85m): lithic tuff with sheeted quartz-pyrite-molybdenite veins; D) MGDH24-002 (88.65m-91.35m): contact between volcanic breccia and lithic tuff; quartz-sericite-pyrite veins and disseminated pyrite overprinting chlorite alteration; interval from 89-91m contains 1.8 gpt gold and 0.35% copper; E) MGDH24-002 (400.25m): late-mineral granodiorite with xenolith of quartz-tourmaline-chalcopyrite; F) MGDH24-002 (446.65m): granodiorite replaced by quartz-tourmaline cut by tourmaline-chalcopyrite vein; G) MGDH24-003 (126.65m-129.40m): andesite with strong quartz-pyrite-tourmaline alteration; interval from 127.5-129.0m contains 11.05 gpt gold; H) MGDH24-003 (125.6m): andesite cut by pyrite-sericite vein (D vein); I) MGDH24-003 (234.05m): clast-supported hydrothermal breccia; strongly leached matrix. Core diameter is 6.35cm (HQ) in all instances.

圖3 - 這次發佈的初步Mega-Gold偵察孔的一些岩心照片:A)MGDH24-001(118.56m):石英-硬脆-黃鐵礦蝕變的岩屑凝灰岩;B)MGDH24-001(154.4m):有黃鐵礦脈的岩屑凝灰岩;C)MGDH24-001(228.85m):片麻岩帶有片麻狀石英-黃鐵礦-鉬礦脈;D)MGDH24-002(88.65m-91.35m):火山角礫岩和岩屑凝灰岩的接觸;石英-硬脆-黃鐵礦脈和強氯化物蝕變覆蓋的瀰漫性黃鐵礦,89-91米的間隔含有1.8克/噸的黃金和0.35%的銅;E)MGDH24-002(400.25m):晚期礦物的花崗岩,含有石英-電氣石-黃銅礦的巖塊;F)MGDH24-002(446.65m):花崗岩被石英-電氣石脈取代,被電氣石-黃銅礦脈切割;G)MGDH24-003(126.65m-129.40m):英安巖,帶有強石英-黃鐵礦-電氣石蝕變;127.5-129.0米的間隔含有11.05克/噸的黃金;H)MGDH24-003(125.6m):被黃鐵礦-硬脆蝕變脈切割的安山岩(D脈);I)MGDH24-003(234.05m):礫石支撐的熱液角礫岩,基質被強烈淋洗。所有的銅鑽孔直徑均爲6.35厘米(HQ)

